utf8: add unit test for g_utf8_make_valid
[glib.git] / gio / tests / Makefile.am
1 include $(top_srcdir)/glib-tap.mk
3 dist_uninstalled_test_data =
4 test_ltlibraries =
6 SUBDIRS = gdbus-object-manager-example services modules
8 LDADD = \
9         $(top_builddir)/gio/libgio-2.0.la               \
10         $(top_builddir)/gobject/libgobject-2.0.la       \
11         $(top_builddir)/gmodule/libgmodule-2.0.la       \
12         $(top_builddir)/glib/libglib-2.0.la             \
13         $(NULL)
15 AM_CPPFLAGS = $(gio_INCLUDES) $(GLIB_DEBUG_FLAGS) -I$(top_builddir)/gio -I$(top_srcdir)/gio
16 DEFS = -DG_LOG_DOMAIN=\"GLib-GIO\" -DTEST_SERVICES=\""$(abs_top_builddir)/gio/tests/services"\"
19 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
20 #  Test programs buildable on all platforms
22 test_programs = \
23         appmonitor                              \
24         async-close-output-stream               \
25         async-splice-output-stream              \
26         buffered-input-stream                   \
27         buffered-output-stream                  \
28         cancellable                             \
29         contexts                                \
30         contenttype                             \
31         converter-stream                        \
32         credentials                             \
33         data-input-stream                       \
34         data-output-stream                      \
35         fileattributematcher                    \
36         filter-streams                          \
37         giomodule                               \
38         gsubprocess                             \
39         g-file                                  \
40         g-file-info                             \
41         g-icon                                  \
42         gdbus-addresses                         \
43         gdbus-message                           \
44         inet-address                            \
45         io-stream                               \
46         memory-input-stream                     \
47         memory-output-stream                    \
48         monitor                                 \
49         network-address                         \
50         network-monitor                         \
51         permission                              \
52         pollable                                \
53         proxy-test                              \
54         readwrite                               \
55         simple-async-result                     \
56         simple-proxy                            \
57         sleepy-stream                           \
58         socket                                  \
59         socket-listener                         \
60         socket-service                          \
61         srvtarget                               \
62         task                                    \
63         tls-interaction                         \
64         vfs                                     \
65         volumemonitor                           \
66         glistmodel                              \
67         testfilemonitor                         \
68         $(NULL)
70 uninstalled_test_programs = \
71         $(NULL)
73 dist_test_data = \
74         contexts.c                              \
75         g-icon.c                                \
76         $(NULL)
78 test_data = \
79         $(NULL)
81 uninstalled_test_extra_programs = \
82         gio-du                                  \
83         echo-server                             \
84         filter-cat                              \
85         gapplication-example-actions            \
86         gapplication-example-cmdline            \
87         gapplication-example-cmdline2           \
88         gapplication-example-cmdline3           \
89         gapplication-example-dbushooks          \
90         gapplication-example-open               \
91         gdbus-example-export                    \
92         gdbus-example-own-name                  \
93         gdbus-example-peer                      \
94         gdbus-example-proxy-subclass            \
95         gdbus-example-server                    \
96         gdbus-example-subtree                   \
97         gdbus-example-watch-name                \
98         gdbus-example-watch-proxy               \
99         gsubprocess-testprog                    \
100         httpd                                   \
101         proxy                                   \
102         resolver                                \
103         send-data                               \
104         socket-server                           \
105         $(NULL)
107 test_extra_programs = \
108         gdbus-connection-flush-helper           \
109         gdbus-testserver                        \
110         $(NULL)
112 dist_uninstalled_test_data += $(addprefix schema-tests/,$(schema_tests))
113 schema_tests = \
114         array-default-not-in-choices.gschema.xml        \
115         bad-choice.gschema.xml                          \
116         bad-key.gschema.xml                             \
117         bad-key2.gschema.xml                            \
118         bad-key3.gschema.xml                            \
119         bad-key4.gschema.xml                            \
120         bad-type.gschema.xml                            \
121         bare-alias.gschema.xml                          \
122         choice-alias.gschema.xml                        \
123         choice-bad.gschema.xml                          \
124         choice-badtype.gschema.xml                      \
125         choice-invalid-alias.gschema.xml                \
126         choice-missing-value.gschema.xml                \
127         choice-shadowed-alias.gschema.xml               \
128         choice-upside-down.gschema.xml                  \
129         choice.gschema.xml                              \
130         choices-wrong-type.gschema.xml                  \
131         default-in-aliases.gschema.xml                  \
132         default-not-in-choices.gschema.xml              \
133         default-out-of-range.gschema.xml                \
134         description-xmllang.gschema.xml                 \
135         empty-key.gschema.xml                           \
136         enum-with-aliases.gschema.xml                   \
137         enum-with-bad-default.gschema.xml               \
138         enum-with-chained-alias.gschema.xml             \
139         enum-with-choice.gschema.xml                    \
140         enum-with-invalid-alias.gschema.xml             \
141         enum-with-repeated-alias.gschema.xml            \
142         enum-with-repeated-nick.gschema.xml             \
143         enum-with-repeated-value.gschema.xml            \
144         enum-with-shadow-alias.gschema.xml              \
145         enum.gschema.xml                                \
146         extend-and-shadow-indirect.gschema.xml          \
147         extend-and-shadow.gschema.xml                   \
148         extend-missing.gschema.xml                      \
149         extend-nonlist.gschema.xml                      \
150         extend-self.gschema.xml                         \
151         extend-wrong-list-indirect.gschema.xml          \
152         extend-wrong-list.gschema.xml                   \
153         extending.gschema.xml                           \
154         flags-aliased-default.gschema.xml               \
155         flags-bad-default.gschema.xml                   \
156         flags-more-than-one-bit.gschema.xml             \
157         flags-with-enum-attr.gschema.xml                \
158         flags-with-enum-tag.gschema.xml                 \
159         from-docs.gschema.xml                           \
160         incomplete-list.gschema.xml                     \
161         inherit-gettext-domain.gschema.xml              \
162         invalid-path.gschema.xml                        \
163         key-in-list-indirect.gschema.xml                \
164         key-in-list.gschema.xml                         \
165         list-of-missing.gschema.xml                     \
166         missing-quotes.gschema.xml                      \
167         no-default.gschema.xml                          \
168         overflow.gschema.xml                            \
169         override-missing.gschema.xml                    \
170         override-range-error.gschema.xml                \
171         override-then-key.gschema.xml                   \
172         override-twice.gschema.xml                      \
173         override-type-error.gschema.xml                 \
174         override.gschema.xml                            \
175         range-badtype.gschema.xml                       \
176         range-default-high.gschema.xml                  \
177         range-default-low.gschema.xml                   \
178         range-high-default.gschema.xml                  \
179         range-low-default.gschema.xml                   \
180         range-missing-max.gschema.xml                   \
181         range-missing-min.gschema.xml                   \
182         range-parse-error.gschema.xml                   \
183         range-wrong-type.gschema.xml                    \
184         range.gschema.xml                               \
185         summary-xmllang.gschema.xml                     \
186         summary-xmllang-and-attrs.gschema.xml           \
187         wrong-category.gschema.xml                      \
188         $(NULL)
190 test_programs += thumbnail-verification
191 dist_test_data += $(thumbnail_data_files)
192 thumbnail_data_files = $(addprefix thumbnails/,$(thumbnail_tests))
193 thumbnail_tests = \
194         bad-header.png \
195         empty-key.png \
196         header-and-chunk-size.png \
197         header-only.png \
198         huge-chunk-size.png \
199         mtime-zero.png \
200         no-text-data.png \
201         overlong-value.png \
202         uri-mismatch.png \
203         valid.png \
204         valid-no-size.png \
205         $(NULL)
207 test_programs += tls-certificate
208 tls_certificate_SOURCES = \
209         tls-certificate.c                       \
210         gtesttlsbackend.c                       \
211         gtesttlsbackend.h
212 dist_test_data += $(cert_data_files)
213 cert_data_files = $(addprefix cert-tests/,$(cert_tests))
214 cert_tests = \
215         cert1.pem       \
216         cert2.pem       \
217         cert3.pem       \
218         cert-key.pem    \
219         cert-list.pem   \
220         key8.pem        \
221         key-cert.pem    \
222         key.pem         \
223         nothing.pem     \
224         $(NULL)
226 uninstalled_test_extra_programs += socket-client
227 socket_client_SOURCES = \
228         socket-client.c                         \
229         gtlsconsoleinteraction.c                \
230         gtlsconsoleinteraction.h
231 EXTRA_DIST += socket-common.c
233 uninstalled_test_extra_programs += gdbus-daemon
234 nodist_gdbus_daemon_SOURCES = \
235         $(top_builddir)/gio/gdbus-daemon-generated.c
236 gdbus_daemon_SOURCES = \
237         gdbus-daemon.c                          \
238         $(top_srcdir)/gio/gdbusdaemon.c
240 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
241 #  Test programs buildable on UNIX only
243 if OS_UNIX
244 test_programs += \
245         file                                    \
246         gdbus-peer-object-manager               \
247         live-g-file                             \
248         socket-address                          \
249         stream-rw_all                           \
250         unix-fd                                 \
251         unix-streams                            \
252         $(NULL)
254 test_extra_programs += \
255         basic-application                       \
256         dbus-launch                             \
257         $(NULL)
259 # Uninstalled because of the check-for-executable logic in DesktopAppInfo unable to find the installed executable
260 uninstalled_test_programs += \
261         appinfo                                 \
262         desktop-app-info                        \
263         $(NULL)
265 home_desktop_files = \
266         epiphany-weather-for-toronto-island-9c6a4e022b17686306243dada811d550d25eb1fb.desktop    \
267         eog.desktop
269 usr_desktop_files = \
270         baobab.desktop                          \
271         cheese.desktop                          \
272         dconf-editor.desktop                    \
273         eog.desktop                             \
274         evince-previewer.desktop                \
275         evince.desktop                          \
276         file-roller.desktop                     \
277         gcr-prompter.desktop                    \
278         gcr-viewer.desktop                      \
279         gedit.desktop                           \
280         glade.desktop                           \
281         gnome-clocks.desktop                    \
282         gnome-contacts.desktop                  \
283         gnome-font-viewer.desktop               \
284         gnome-music.desktop                     \
285         gnome-terminal.desktop                  \
286         gucharmap.desktop                       \
287         kde4/dolphin.desktop                    \
288         kde4/kate.desktop                       \
289         kde4/konqbrowser.desktop                \
290         kde4/okular.desktop                     \
291         mimeinfo.cache                          \
292         nautilus-autorun-software.desktop       \
293         nautilus-classic.desktop                \
294         nautilus-connect-server.desktop         \
295         nautilus.desktop                        \
296         totem.desktop                           \
297         yelp.desktop
299 dist_test_data += \
300         $(addprefix desktop-files/usr/applications/,$(usr_desktop_files))       \
301         $(addprefix desktop-files/home/applications/,$(home_desktop_files))
303 dist_test_data += \
304         appinfo-test-actions.desktop            \
305         appinfo-test-gnome.desktop              \
306         appinfo-test-notgnome.desktop           \
307         appinfo-test.desktop                    \
308         appinfo-test2.desktop                   \
309         file.c                                  \
310         org.gtk.test.dbusappinfo.desktop        \
311         x-content/image-dcf/DCIM/Camera/20130831_203925.jpg \
312         x-content/image-dcf/DCIM/Camera/20130831_203928.jpg \
313         x-content/unix-software/autorun.sh      \
314         x-content/win32-software/autorun.exe    \
315         $(NULL)
317 test_extra_programs += \
318         appinfo-test                            \
319         apps                                    \
320         $(NULL)
322 uninstalled_test_extra_programs += \
323         gdbus-example-unix-fd-client            \
324         $(NULL)
326 test_programs += mimeapps
327 clean-local: clean-mimeapps
328 clean-mimeapps:
329         rm -rf xdgdatadir xdgdatahome xdgconfighome
331 uninstalled_test_programs += gsettings gschema-compile
332 gsettings_DEPENDENCIES = test.mo
333 CLEANFILES += test.mo de/LC_MESSAGES/test.mo keyfile/gsettings.store
334 gsettings_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) -DSRCDIR=\"$(abs_srcdir)\"
335 test.mo: de.po
336         $(AM_V_GEN) $(MSGFMT) -o test.mo $(srcdir)/de.po; \
337         $(MKDIR_P) de/LC_MESSAGES; \
338         cp -f test.mo de/LC_MESSAGES
339 EXTRA_DIST += de.po
340 dist_uninstalled_test_data += \
341         org.gtk.test.gschema.xml.orig           \
342         org.gtk.schemasourcecheck.gschema.xml   \
343         testenum.h                              \
344         enums.xml.template
345 # Generated while running the testcase itself...
347         org.gtk.test.gschema.xml        \
348         org.gtk.test.enums.xml          \
349         gsettings.store                 \
350         gschemas.compiled               \
351         schema-source/gschemas.compiled
353 test_programs += gdbus-connection-flush
354 gdbus_connection_flush_SOURCES = \
355         gdbus-connection-flush.c                \
356         test-io-stream.c                        \
357         test-io-stream.h                        \
358         test-pipe-unix.c                        \
359         test-pipe-unix.h
361 test_programs += gdbus-non-socket
362 gdbus_non_socket_SOURCES = \
363         gdbus-non-socket.c                      \
364         gdbus-tests.c                           \
365         gdbus-tests.h                           \
366         test-io-stream.c                        \
367         test-io-stream.h                        \
368         test-pipe-unix.c                        \
369         test-pipe-unix.h
371 # These three are manual-run tests because they need a session bus but don't bring one up themselves
372 uninstalled_test_extra_programs += gdbus-example-objectmanager-client
373 gdbus_example_objectmanager_client_LDADD = gdbus-object-manager-example/libgdbus-example-objectmanager.la $(LDADD)
375 uninstalled_test_extra_programs += gdbus-example-objectmanager-server
376 gdbus_example_objectmanager_server_LDADD = gdbus-object-manager-example/libgdbus-example-objectmanager.la $(LDADD)
378 test_extra_programs += gsubprocess-testprog
380 uninstalled_test_extra_programs += gdbus-test-fixture
381 gdbus_test_fixture_LDADD = gdbus-object-manager-example/libgdbus-example-objectmanager.la $(LDADD)
383 # This is peer to peer so it doesn't need a session bus (so we can run it normally)
384 gdbus_peer_LDADD = gdbus-object-manager-example/libgdbus-example-objectmanager.la $(LDADD)
386 # This test is currently unreliable
387 test_extra_programs += gdbus-overflow
389 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
390 #  Test programs that need to bring up a session bus (requires dbus-daemon)
393 gdbus_sessionbus_sources = gdbus-sessionbus.c gdbus-sessionbus.h gdbus-tests.h gdbus-tests.c
395 test_programs += \
396         actions                                 \
397         dbus-appinfo                            \
398         defaultvalue                            \
399         gapplication                            \
400         gdbus-auth                              \
401         gdbus-bz627724                          \
402         gdbus-close-pending                     \
403         gdbus-connection                        \
404         gdbus-connection-loss                   \
405         gdbus-connection-slow                   \
406         gdbus-error                             \
407         gdbus-exit-on-close                     \
408         gdbus-export                            \
409         gdbus-introspection                     \
410         gdbus-names                             \
411         gdbus-peer                              \
412         gdbus-proxy                             \
413         gdbus-proxy-threads                     \
414         gdbus-proxy-well-known-name             \
415         gdbus-test-codegen                      \
416         gdbus-test-codegen-old                  \
417         gdbus-threading                         \
418         gmenumodel                              \
419         gnotification                           \
420         $(NULL)
422 if OS_UNIX
423 test_programs += gdbus-unix-addresses
424 endif
426 gdbus_proxy_threads_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) $(DBUS1_CFLAGS)
427 actions_SOURCES                          = $(gdbus_sessionbus_sources) actions.c
428 dbus_appinfo_SOURCES                     = $(gdbus_sessionbus_sources) dbus-appinfo.c
429 gapplication_SOURCES                     = $(gdbus_sessionbus_sources) gapplication.c
430 gdbus_auth_SOURCES                       = $(gdbus_sessionbus_sources) gdbus-auth.c
431 gdbus_bz627724_SOURCES                   = $(gdbus_sessionbus_sources) gdbus-bz627724.c
432 gdbus_close_pending_SOURCES              = $(gdbus_sessionbus_sources) gdbus-close-pending.c
433 gdbus_connection_SOURCES                 = $(gdbus_sessionbus_sources) gdbus-connection.c
434 gdbus_connection_loss_SOURCES            = $(gdbus_sessionbus_sources) gdbus-connection-loss.c
435 gdbus_connection_slow_SOURCES            = $(gdbus_sessionbus_sources) gdbus-connection-slow.c
436 gdbus_error_SOURCES                      = $(gdbus_sessionbus_sources) gdbus-error.c
437 gdbus_exit_on_close_SOURCES              = $(gdbus_sessionbus_sources) gdbus-exit-on-close.c
438 gdbus_export_SOURCES                     = $(gdbus_sessionbus_sources) gdbus-export.c
439 gdbus_introspection_SOURCES              = $(gdbus_sessionbus_sources) gdbus-introspection.c
440 gdbus_names_SOURCES                      = $(gdbus_sessionbus_sources) gdbus-names.c
441 gdbus_proxy_SOURCES                      = $(gdbus_sessionbus_sources) gdbus-proxy.c
442 gdbus_proxy_threads_SOURCES              = $(gdbus_sessionbus_sources) gdbus-proxy-threads.c
443 gdbus_proxy_well_known_name_SOURCES      = $(gdbus_sessionbus_sources) gdbus-proxy-well-known-name.c
444 gdbus_test_codegen_SOURCES               = $(gdbus_sessionbus_sources) gdbus-test-codegen.c
445 nodist_gdbus_test_codegen_SOURCES        = gdbus-test-codegen-generated.c gdbus-test-codegen-generated.h
446 gdbus_test_codegen_old_SOURCES           = $(gdbus_sessionbus_sources) gdbus-test-codegen.c
447 nodist_gdbus_test_codegen_old_SOURCES    = gdbus-test-codegen-generated.c gdbus-test-codegen-generated.h
449 gdbus_threading_SOURCES                  = $(gdbus_sessionbus_sources) gdbus-threading.c
450 gmenumodel_SOURCES                       = $(gdbus_sessionbus_sources) gmenumodel.c
451 gnotification_SOURCES                    = $(gdbus_sessionbus_sources) gnotification.c gnotification-server.h gnotification-server.c
453 BUILT_SOURCES += gdbus-test-codegen-generated.c gdbus-test-codegen-generated.h
454 gdbus-test-codegen.o: gdbus-test-codegen-generated.h
455 gdbus-test-codegen-generated.h: test-codegen.xml Makefile $(top_builddir)/gio/gdbus-2.0/codegen/gdbus-codegen
456         $(AM_V_GEN) UNINSTALLED_GLIB_SRCDIR=$(top_srcdir) \
457                 UNINSTALLED_GLIB_BUILDDIR=$(top_builddir) \
458                 $(PYTHON) $(top_builddir)/gio/gdbus-2.0/codegen/gdbus-codegen \
459                 --interface-prefix org.project. \
460                 --generate-c-code gdbus-test-codegen-generated \
461                 --c-generate-object-manager \
462                 --c-namespace Foo_iGen \
463                 --generate-docbook gdbus-test-codegen-generated-doc \
464                 --annotate "org.project.Bar" Key1 Value1 \
465                 --annotate "org.project.Bar" org.gtk.GDBus.Internal Value2 \
466                 --annotate "org.project.Bar.HelloWorld()" Key3 Value3 \
467                 --annotate "org.project.Bar::TestSignal" Key4 Value4 \
468                 --annotate "org.project.Bar:ay" Key5 Value5 \
469                 --annotate "org.project.Bar.TestPrimitiveTypes()[val_int32]" Key6 Value6 \
470                 --annotate "org.project.Bar.TestPrimitiveTypes()[ret_uint32]" Key7 Value7 \
471                 --annotate "org.project.Bar::TestSignal[array_of_strings]" Key8 Value8 \
472                 $(srcdir)/test-codegen.xml \
473                 $(NULL)
474 gdbus-test-codegen-generated.c: gdbus-test-codegen-generated.h
475         @: # Generated as side-effect of .h
477 EXTRA_DIST += test-codegen.xml
478 CLEANFILES += gdbus-test-codegen-generated.[ch] gdbus-test-codegen-generated-doc-*.xml
479 endif # OS_UNIX
480 endif # HAVE_DBUS_DAEMON
482 tls_interaction_SOURCES = tls-interaction.c gtesttlsbackend.c gtesttlsbackend.h
484 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
486 if OS_WIN32
487 test_programs += win32-streams
488 endif
491 no_undefined = -no-undefined
492 endif
494 if HAVE_DBUS1
495 test_programs += gdbus-serialization
496 gdbus_serialization_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) $(DBUS1_CFLAGS)
497 gdbus_serialization_LDADD = $(LDADD) $(DBUS1_LIBS)
498 gdbus_serialization_SOURCES = \
499         gdbus-serialization.c                   \
500         gdbus-tests.h                           \
501         gdbus-tests.c
502 endif
504 if HAVE_GCC
505 test_programs += \
506         autoptr                         \
507         $(NULL)
508 endif
510 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
511 #  The resources test is a bit more complicated, and we cannot build it when
512 #  cross-compiling GIO because it requires running a binary...
515 test_programs += resources
516 resources_SOURCES = resources.c
517 nodist_resources_SOURCES = test_resources.c test_resources2.c test_resources2.h
518 resources_DEPENDENCIES = test.gresource
520 test_ltlibraries += libresourceplugin.la
521 libresourceplugin_la_SOURCES = resourceplugin.c plugin_resources.c
522 libresourceplugin_la_LDFLAGS = -avoid-version -module -export-dynamic $(no_undefined)
523 libresourceplugin_la_LIBADD = $(LDADD)
525 test_data += test.gresource
527 # libtool contains a bug whereby the created .la file doesn't contain the correct dlname='' in the case that
528 # you're building a library but not installing it.  This is apparently because the only considered use for an
529 # uninstalled library is as a convenience library for linking (despite the fact that we give -module).  The lack
530 # of dlname='' in the .la trips up libltdl and GModule as well.  We can trick libtool into believing that we
531 # will install the module by giving it a bogus -rpath for the uninstalled cases.
533 # See http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-libtool/2013-05/msg00009.html
535 libresourceplugin_la_LDFLAGS += -rpath /
536 endif
538 glib_compile_resources=$(top_builddir)/gio/glib-compile-resources
540 test-generated.txt: test1.txt
541         $(AM_V_GEN) echo "Generated" > $@ && \
542           cat $< >> $@
544 resources.o: test_resources2.h
545 test_resources.c: test2.gresource.xml Makefile $(shell $(glib_compile_resources) --sourcedir=$(srcdir) --generate-dependencies $(srcdir)/test2.gresource.xml)
546         $(AM_V_GEN) $(glib_compile_resources) --target=$@ --sourcedir=$(srcdir) --generate-source --c-name _g_test1 $<
548 test_resources2.h test_resources2.c: test3.gresource.xml Makefile $(shell $(glib_compile_resources) --sourcedir=$(srcdir) --generate-dependencies $(srcdir)/test3.gresource.xml)
549         $(AM_V_GEN) $(glib_compile_resources) --target=$@ --sourcedir=$(srcdir) --generate --c-name _g_test2 --manual-register $<
551 plugin_resources.c: test4.gresource.xml Makefile $(shell $(glib_compile_resources) --sourcedir=$(srcdir) --generate-dependencies $(srcdir)/test4.gresource.xml)
552         $(AM_V_GEN) $(glib_compile_resources) --target=$@ --sourcedir=$(srcdir) --generate-source --c-name _g_plugin $<
554 test.gresource: test.gresource.xml Makefile $(shell $(glib_compile_resources) --sourcedir=. --sourcedir=$(srcdir) --generate-dependencies $(srcdir)/test.gresource.xml)
555         $(AM_V_GEN) $(glib_compile_resources) --target=$@ --sourcedir=. --sourcedir=$(srcdir) $<
557 EXTRA_DIST += test.gresource.xml test1.txt test2.gresource.xml test2.txt test3.gresource.xml test3.txt test4.gresource.xml
558 CLEANFILES += test-generated.txt test_resources.c test_resources2.[ch] plugin_resources.c test.gresource
559 endif # !CROSS_COMPILING
561 BUILT_SOURCES += giotypefuncs.c
563 giotypefuncs.c: Makefile
564         $(AM_V_GEN) echo '#include <gio/gio.h>' > xgen-giosrc.c && \
565           echo "G_GNUC_BEGIN_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS" > xgen-gio && \
566           ${CPP} $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) xgen-giosrc.c | \
567           $(GREP) -o '\bg_[A-Za-z0-9_]*_get_type\b' | \
568           $(GREP) -v 'g_io_extension_get_type\|g_variant_get_type' | \
569           LC_ALL=C sort | uniq | \
570           $(SED) -e 's/^/*tp++ = /' -e 's/$$/ ();/' >> xgen-gio && \
571           cp xgen-gio $@ # && rm -f xgen-gio xgen-giosrc.c
573 CLEANFILES += xgen-giosrc.c xgen-gio giotypefuncs.c
576 if OS_UNIX
577 install-data-hook:
578         $(AM_V_at) chmod a+x $(DESTDIR)$(installed_testdir)/x-content/win32-software/autorun.exe
579 endif
580 endif