1 include $(top_srcdir)/glib.mk
3 LDADD = $(top_builddir)/gobject/libgobject-2.0.la $(top_builddir)/glib/libglib-2.0.la
8 # So far, only two gtester-ified cases
14 # These are not yet gtester-ified, so mark them as for 'installed' only so we
15 # don't run them under the framework. We will handle them manually below.
16 installed_test_programs = \
28 # Don't install these ones, and keep them out of 'make check' because they take too long...
31 performance-threaded \
34 # Run the 'installed' tests manually in-tree.
35 # This will cause them to be built even if installed tests are disabled.
36 check_PROGRAMS += $(installed_test_programs) $(installed_test_extra_programs)
37 TESTS += $(installed_test_programs)
39 LIBCHARSET_ALIAS_DIR=$(top_builddir)/glib/libcharset \
41 MALLOC_PERTURB_=$$(($${RANDOM:-256} % 256))
43 accumulator_SOURCES = accumulator.c
44 nodist_accumulator_SOURCES = testmarshal.c testmarshal.h
45 signals_SOURCES = signals.c
46 defaultiface_SOURCES = defaultiface.c testmodule.c testmodule.h
47 dynamictype_SOURCES = dynamictype.c testmodule.c testmodule.h
48 testgobject_SOURCES = testgobject.c
51 installed_test_programs += timeloop-closure
54 # The marshal test requires running a binary, which means we cannot
55 # build it when cross-compiling
57 glib_genmarshal=$(top_builddir)/gobject/glib-genmarshal
59 testmarshal.h: stamp-testmarshal.h
61 stamp-testmarshal.h: testmarshal.list $(glib_genmarshal)
62 $(AM_V_GEN) $(glib_genmarshal) --prefix=test_marshal $(srcdir)/testmarshal.list --header >> xgen-gmh \
63 && (cmp -s xgen-gmh testmarshal.h 2>/dev/null || cp xgen-gmh testmarshal.h) \
64 && rm -f xgen-gmh xgen-gmh~ \
65 && echo timestamp > $@
66 testmarshal.c: testmarshal.h testmarshal.list $(glib_genmarshal)
67 $(AM_V_GEN) (echo "#include \"testmarshal.h\""; $(glib_genmarshal) --prefix=test_marshal $(srcdir)/testmarshal.list --body) >> xgen-gmc \
68 && cp xgen-gmc testmarshal.c \
69 && rm -f xgen-gmc xgen-gmc~
71 BUILT_SOURCES += testmarshal.h testmarshal.c
72 CLEANFILES += stamp-testmarshal.h testmarshal.h testmarshal.c
73 EXTRA_DIST += testcommon.h testmarshal.list