Add some more cases to the app-id unit tests
[glib.git] / gio / makefile.msc
1 # autogenerated from with
2 TOP = ..\..
3 PRJ_TOP = ..
4 PACKAGE = gio
5 PKG_VER = 2.0
6 !INCLUDE $(TOP)\glib\build\win32\make.msc
8 SUBDIRS = win32
10 sub-all: 
11         for %d in ($(SUBDIRS)) do nmake -nologo -f makefile.msc sub-one THIS=%d
13 sub-one:
14         cd $(THIS)
15         nmake -nologo -f makefile.msc
16         cd ..
19         -FImsvc_recommended_pragmas.h \
20         -I .. -I ..\glib -I ..\gmodule -I . \
21         $(INTL_CFLAGS)
23 DEFINES = \
24         -DG_LOG_DOMAIN=\"GLib-GIO\" \
25         -DGIO_MODULE_DIR=\"$(libdir)/gio/modules\" \
28 appinfo_sources = \
29         gwin32appinfo.c gwin32appinfo.h
31 gio_headers =                   \
32         gappinfo.h              \
33         gasyncresult.h          \
34         gbufferedinputstream.h  \
35         gbufferedoutputstream.h \
36         gcancellable.h          \
37         gcontenttype.h          \
38         gdatainputstream.h      \
39         gdataoutputstream.h     \
40         gdrive.h                \
41         gemblem.h               \
42         gemblemedicon.h         \
43         gfile.h                 \
44         gfileattribute.h        \
45         gfileenumerator.h       \
46         gfileicon.h             \
47         gfileinfo.h             \
48         gfileinputstream.h      \
49         gfilemonitor.h          \
50         gfilenamecompleter.h    \
51         gfileoutputstream.h     \
52         gfilterinputstream.h    \
53         gfilteroutputstream.h   \
54         gicon.h                 \
55         ginputstream.h          \
56         gio.h                   \
57         giotypes.h              \
58         gioenums.h              \
59         gioerror.h              \
60         giomodule.h             \
61         gioscheduler.h          \
62         gloadableicon.h         \
63         gmount.h                \
64         gmemoryinputstream.h    \
65         gmemoryoutputstream.h   \
66         gmountoperation.h       \
67         gnativevolumemonitor.h  \
68         goutputstream.h         \
69         gseekable.h             \
70         gsimpleasyncresult.h    \
71         gthemedicon.h           \
72         gvfs.h                  \
73         gvolume.h               \
74         gvolumemonitor.h        \
75         $(NULL)
77 OBJECTS = \
78         gappinfo.obj \
79         gasynchelper.obj \
80         gasyncinitable.obj \
81         gasyncresult.obj \
82         gbufferedinputstream.obj \
83         gbufferedoutputstream.obj \
84         gcancellable.obj \
85         gcontenttype.obj \
86         gdatagrambased.obj \
87         gdatainputstream.obj \
88         gdataoutputstream.obj \
89 #       gdesktopappinfo.obj \
90         gdrive.obj \
91         gdummyfile.obj \
92         gemblem.obj \
93         gemblemedicon.obj \
94         gfile.obj \
95         gfileattribute.obj \
96         gfileenumerator.obj \
97         gfileicon.obj \
98         gfileinfo.obj \
99         gfileinputstream.obj \
100         gfileiostream.obj \
101         gfilemonitor.obj \
102         gfilenamecompleter.obj \
103         gfileoutputstream.obj \
104         gfilterinputstream.obj \
105         gfilteroutputstream.obj \
106         gicon.obj \
107         ginetaddress.obj \
108         ginetsocketaddress.obj \
109         ginitable.obj \
110         ginputstream.obj \
111         gioenumtypes.obj \
112         gioerror.obj \
113         giomodule.obj \
114         gioscheduler.obj \
115         giostream.obj \
116         gloadableicon.obj \
117         glocalfileiostream.obj \
118         gmemoryinputstream.obj \
119         gmemoryoutputstream.obj \
120         gmount.obj \
121         gmountoperation.obj \
122         gnativevolumemonitor.obj \
123         gnetworkaddress.obj \
124         gnetworkservice.obj \
125         goutputstream.obj \
126         gpollfilemonitor.obj \
127         gresolver.obj \
128         gseekable.obj \
129         gsimpleasyncresult.obj \
130         gsocket.obj \
131         gsocketaddress.obj \
132         gsocketaddressenumerator.obj \
133         gsocketclient.obj \
134         gsocketconnectable.obj \
135         gsocketconnection.obj \
136         gsocketcontrolmessage.obj \
137         gsocketlistener.obj \
138         gsocketservice.obj \
139         gsocketinputstream.obj \
140         gsocketoutputstream.obj \
141         gsrvtarget.obj \
142         gtcpconnection.obj \
143         gthreadedresolver.obj \
144         gthreadedsocketservice.obj \
145         gthemedicon.obj \
146         gunionvolumemonitor.obj \
147         gvfs.obj \
148         gvolume.obj \
149         gvolumemonitor.obj \
150         \
151         glocalvfs.obj \
152         glocalfile.obj \
153         glocalfileenumerator.obj \
154         glocalfileinfo.obj \
155         glocalfileinputstream.obj \
156         glocalfileoutputstream.obj \
157         glocalfilemonitor.obj \
158         glocaldirectorymonitor.obj \
159         gwin32appinfo.obj \
160         \
161         gio-marshal.obj \
162         gwin32mount.obj \
163         gwin32volumemonitor.obj \
164         gwin32resolver.obj 
166 libgio_2_0_la_LIBADD = \
167         $(top_builddir)/glib/ \
168         $(top_builddir)/gobject/ \
169         $(top_builddir)/gmodule/ \
170         $(platform_libadd) \
171         $(SELINUX_LIBS) \
172         $(GLIB_LIBS) \
173         $(XATTR_LIBS) \
174         $(NULL)
176 unix_sources = \
177         gunixdrive.c \
178         gunixdrive.h \
179         gunixmounts.c \
180         gunixmounts.h \
181         gunixvolume.c \
182         gunixvolume.h \
183         gunixvolumemonitor.c \
184         gunixvolumemonitor.h \
185         $(NULL)
187 marshal_sources = \
188         gio-marshal.h gio-marshal.c $(NULL)
190 GLIB_GEN_MARSHAL = ..\gobject\glib-genmarshal.exe 
192 gio-marshal.h: gio-marshal.list
193         $(GLIB_GEN_MARSHAL) --prefix=_gio_marshal gio-marshal.list --header >> xgen-gwmh \
194         && copy /y xgen-gwmh gio-marshal.h \
195         && del xgen-gwmh xgen-gwmh~
197 gio-marshal.c: gio-marshal.h
198         echo #include "gio-marshal.h" >> xgen-gwmc \
199         && $(GLIB_GEN_MARSHAL) --prefix=_gio_marshal gio-marshal.list --body >> xgen-gwmc \
200         && copy xgen-gwmc gio-marshal.c \
201         && del xgen-gwmc xgen-gwmc~
203 local_sources = \
204         glocaldirectorymonitor.c \
205         glocaldirectorymonitor.h \
206         glocalfile.c \
207         glocalfile.h \
208         glocalfileenumerator.c \
209         glocalfileenumerator.h \
210         glocalfileinfo.c \
211         glocalfileinfo.h \
212         glocalfileinputstream.c \
213         glocalfileinputstream.h \
214         glocalfilemonitor.c \
215         glocalfilemonitor.h \
216         glocalfileoutputstream.c \
217         glocalfileoutputstream.h \
218         glocalvfs.c \
219         glocalvfs.h \
220         $(NULL)
222 all : \
223         $(PRJ_TOP)\config.h \
224         sub-all \
225         gio-marshal.c \
226         gioenumtypes.h          \
227         gioenumtypes.c          \
228         libgio-$(PKG_VER)-0.dll
231 $(PRJ_TOP)\config.h: $(PRJ_TOP)\config.h.win32
232         copy $(PRJ_TOP)\config.h.win32 $(PRJ_TOP)\config.h
234 gioenumtypes.h: $(gio_headers) gioenumtypes.h.template
235         $(PERL) ..\gobject\glib-mkenums --template gioenumtypes.h.template $(gio_headers) > gioenumtypes.h
237 gioenumtypes.c: $(gio_headers) gioenumtypes.c.template
238         $(PERL) ..\gobject\glib-mkenums --template gioenumtypes.c.template $(gio_headers) > gioenumtypes.c
240 gio.def: gio.symbols
241         echo EXPORTS > gio.def
244                 -DG_GNUC_PRINTF=;G_GNUC_PRINTF gio.symbols >> gio.def
248 $(PACKAGE).res : $(PACKAGE).rc
249         rc -DBUILDNUMBER=0 -r -fo $(PACKAGE).res $(PACKAGE).rc
251 libgio-$(PKG_VER)-0.dll : $(OBJECTS) win32\giowin32.lib $(PACKAGE).def $(RESOURCE)
252         $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -LD -Felibgio-$(PKG_VER)-0.dll $(OBJECTS) $(RESOURCE) \
253         ..\glib\glib-2.0.lib ..\gobject\gobject-2.0.lib ..\gmodule\gmodule-2.0.lib \
254         win32\giowin32.lib \
255         $(INTL_LIBS) \
256         kernel32.lib user32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib wsock32.lib ws2_32.lib dnsapi.lib mpr.lib $(LDFLAGS) \
257         /implib:gio-2.0.lib /def:$(PACKAGE).def
259 .c.obj :
260         $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $(PKG_CFLAGS) $<