Minor otimizations and renamings
[glrepl.git] / glrepl-window.lisp
2 (in-package :glrepl)
5 ;; line in a window
6 (defclass glrepl-window-line ()
7 ((chain :initform (make-instance 'flexichain:standard-cursorchain) :accessor chain-of)
8 (cursor :initform nil :accessor cursor-of))
9 (:documentation "Line of text in a glrepl window"))
12 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((self glrepl-window-line) &rest args)
13 (declare (ignore args))
14 (setf (cursor-of self) (make-instance 'flexichain:right-sticky-flexicursor :position 0 :chain (chain-of self))))
17 (defclass command-history ()
18 ((history-entries :initform (make-array 0 :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0) :accessor history-entries-of)
19 (history-index :initform 0 :accessor history-index-of)))
22 ;; to do -- seperate doc view?
24 ;; window
25 (defclass glrepl-window ()
26 ((win-height :initarg :pixel-height :initform 768 :accessor win-height-of)
27 (win-width :initarg :pxiel-width :initform 1024 :accessor win-width-of)
28 (text-height :initarg :text-cell-height :initform 25 :reader text-height-of)
29 (text-width :initarg :text-cell-width :initform 80 :reader text-width-of)
30 (lines :initform (make-array 0 :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0) :accessor lines-of)
31 (top-line :initform 0 :accessor top-line-of)
32 (cursor-line :initform 0 :accessor cursor-line-of)
33 (font :initform nil :accessor font-of)
34 (mark :initform nil :accessor mark-of)
35 (history :initform (make-instance 'command-history) :accessor history-of)
36 (kills :initform (make-array 0 :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0) :accessor kills-of))
37 (:documentation "Holds the document and view of a glrepl window"))
41 ;; line access primitives
42 (defgeneric add-line (win))
44 (defmethod add-line ((win glrepl-window))
45 (vector-push-extend (make-instance 'glrepl-window-line) (lines-of win)))
47 (defgeneric line-as-string (win glrepl-window))
49 (defmethod line-as-string ((win glrepl-window) line-index)
50 "Return the line as a string"
51 (let* ((chain (chain-of (aref (lines-of win) line-index)))
52 (result (make-array (flexichain:nb-elements chain) :element-type 'base-char)))
53 (iterate
54 (for index from 0 below (flexichain:nb-elements chain))
55 (setf (aref result index) (flexichain:element* chain index)))
56 result))
58 (defgeneric (setf line-as-string) (str win linw-index))
60 (defmethod (setf line-as-string) (str (win glrepl-window) line-index)
61 "Set the contents of this line to reflect the string"
62 (let* ((result-line (chain-of (aref (lines-of win) line-index)))
63 (chain-length (flexichain:nb-elements result-line)))
64 ;; write the new ones
65 (iterate
66 (for index from 0 below (max (length str) chain-length))
67 (while (< index (length str)))
68 (if (< index chain-length)
69 ;; replace an existing char
70 (setf (flexichain:element* result-line index) (char str index))
71 ;; add a non-exsising one
72 (flexichain:push-end result-line (char str index)))
73 ;; chop bits off the end
74 (finally
75 (if (< (length str) chain-length)
76 (flexichain:delete* result-line (length str)))))))
79 ;; current edited line
80 (defgeneric current-line (win))
81 (defmethod current-line ((win glrepl-window))
82 "Return the chain that represents the current line"
83 (chain-of (aref (lines-of win) (cursor-line-of win))))
85 (defgeneric (setf current-line) (strr win))
87 (defmethod (setf current-line) (str (win glrepl-window))
88 (setf (line-as-string win (cursor-line-of win)) str))
90 (defgeneric current-line-as-string (win))
91 (defmethod current-line-as-string ((win glrepl-window))
92 "Return the current line as a string"
93 (line-as-string win (cursor-line-of win)))
95 ;; result
96 (defgeneric current-result-line (win))
97 (defmethod current-result-line (win)
98 (chain-of (aref (lines-of win) (1+ (cursor-line-of win)))))
100 (defmethod (setf current-result-line) (str (win glrepl-window))
101 (setf (line-as-string win (1+ (cursor-line-of win))) str))
104 ;; cursor
105 (defgeneric current-cursor (win))
106 (defmethod current-cursor ((win glrepl-window))
107 "Return the cusror of the chain that represents the current line"
108 (cursor-of (aref (lines-of win) (cursor-line-of win))))
112 ;; cursor motion
113 (defgeneric cursor-up (win))
115 ;; (defmethod cursor-up ((win glrepl-window))
116 ;; (when (not (zerop (cursor-line-of win)))
117 ;; (decf (cursor-line-of win) 2)
118 ;; (if (not (zerop (top-line-of win)))
119 ;; (decf (top-line-of win) 2)
120 ;; (if (not (zerop (cursor-y-of win)))
121 ;; (decf (cursor-y-of win))))))
123 (defgeneric cursor-down (win))
125 ;; (defmethod cursor-down ((win glrepl-window))
126 ;; (when (not (= (cursor-line-of win) (array-dimension (lines-of win) 0)))
127 ;; (incf (cursor-line-of win) 2)
128 ;; (if (> (- (cursor-line-of win) (top-line-of win)) (text-height-of win))
129 ;; (incf (top-line-of win) 2)
130 ;; (incf (cursor-y-of win)))))
132 (defgeneric cursor-column (win))
134 (defmethod cursor-column ((win glrepl-window))
135 ;; return column position of cusror
136 (flexichain:cursor-pos (current-cursor win)))
138 (defgeneric cursor-left (win))
140 (defmethod cursor-left ((win glrepl-window))
141 (when (not (flexichain:at-beginning-p (current-cursor win)))
142 (decf (flexichain:cursor-pos (current-cursor win)))))
144 (defgeneric cursor-right (win))
146 (defmethod cursor-right ((win glrepl-window))
147 (when (not (flexichain:at-end-p (current-cursor win)))
148 (incf (flexichain:cursor-pos (current-cursor win)))))
150 ;; inserting content
151 (defgeneric add-char (win c))
153 (defmethod add-char ((win glrepl-window) c)
154 (flexichain:insert (current-cursor win) c))
156 (defgeneric add-string (win s))
158 (defmethod add-string ((win glrepl-window) s)
159 (iterate
160 (for char in-string s)
161 (add-char win char)))
163 ;; deleting things
164 (defgeneric del-char-left (win))
166 (defmethod del-char-left ((win glrepl-window))
167 (when (not (flexichain:at-beginning-p (current-cursor win)))
168 (flexichain:delete< (current-cursor win))))
170 (defgeneric del-char-right (win))
172 (defmethod del-char-right ((win glrepl-window))
173 (when (not (flexichain:at-end-p (current-cursor win)))
174 (flexichain:delete> (current-cursor win))))
177 ;; mark in a window
178 (defclass glrepl-window-mark ()
179 ((line :initform 0 :initarg :line :accessor line-of)
180 (cursor :initform 0 :initarg :cursor :accessor cursor-of)))
182 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((mark glrepl-window-mark) &rest args)
183 (destructuring-bind
184 (&key window &allow-other-keys)
185 args
186 (setf (line-of mark) (cursor-line-of window))
187 (setf (cursor-of mark) (flexichain:clone-cursor (cursor-of (line-of mark))))))
190 ;; marking
191 (defgeneric set-mark (win))
193 (defmethod set-mark ((win glrepl-window))
194 (setf (mark-of win)
195 (make-instance 'glrepl-window-mark
196 :line (cursor-line-of win)
197 :cursor (flexichain:clone-cursor (current-cursor win)))))
200 ;; cutnpaste
201 (defmethod yank ((win glrepl-window))
204 (defmethod paste ((win glrepl-window))
207 ;; command history
208 (defgeneric add-to-history (history str)
209 (:method ((history command-history) str)
210 (vector-push-extend str (history-entries-of history))
211 (setf (history-index-of history) (1- (length (history-entries-of history)))))
212 (:method ((win glrepl-window) str)
213 (add-to-history (history-of win) str)))
216 (defgeneric previous-history (history)
217 (:method ((history command-history))
218 (decf (history-index-of history))
219 (if (minusp (history-index-of history))
220 (setf (history-index-of history) (1- (length (history-entries-of history)))))
221 (aref (history-entries-of history) (history-index-of history)))
222 (:method ((win glrepl-window))
223 (previous-history (history-of win))))
226 (defgeneric next-history (history)
227 (:method ((history command-history))
228 (incf (history-index-of history))
229 (if (>= (history-index-of history) (length (history-entries-of history)))
230 (setf (history-index-of history) 0))
231 (aref (history-entries-of history) (history-index-of history)))
232 (:method ((win glrepl-window))
233 (next-history (history-of win))))
235 ;; rendering
236 (defgeneric viewport (win))
238 (defmethod viewport ((win glrepl-window))
239 "Set a viewport that gives us 0,0 in the top left hand corner, raster style"
240 (gl:viewport (- (win-width-of win)) (- (win-height-of win)) (* 2 (win-width-of win)) (* 2 (win-height-of win))))
242 (defgeneric texture-width-of (self))
244 (defmethod texture-width-of ((self glrepl-window))
245 (/ 1.0 (text-width-of self)))
247 (defgeneric texture-height-of (self))
249 (defmethod texture-height-of ((self glrepl-window))
250 (/ 1.0 (text-height-of self)))
252 (defgeneric window-pixel-atxy (self x y))
254 (defmethod window-pixel-atxy ((win glrepl-window) x y)
255 (values (* x (texture-width-of win))
256 (- (* (1- (text-height-of win)) (texture-height-of win)) (* y (texture-height-of win)))))