Update with current status
[gnash.git] / testsuite / actionscript.all / Number.as
1 //
2 // Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010 Free Software
3 // Foundation, Inc
4 //
5 // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 // the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
8 // (at your option) any later version.
9 //
10 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 // GNU General Public License for more details.
15 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17 // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
20 // Test case for Number ActionScript class
21 // compile this test case with Ming makeswf, and then
22 // execute it like this gnash -1 -r 0 -v out.swf
25 // TODO: have ming output ACTION_EQUAL
26 // it seems it will only do it for SWF4 output
28 // TODO: test with SWF target != 6 (the only one tested so far)
29 //
32 rcsid="Number.as";
33 #include "check.as"
35 Number.hasOwnProperty = ASnative(101, 5);
37 check(Number.hasOwnProperty('MAX_VALUE'));
38 check_equals(typeof(Number.MAX_VALUE), "number");
39 // gnash fails in rounding (ends in 2316, we round up to 232)
40 // TODO: check that we're close, if not extremely accurate
41 check_equals(Number.MAX_VALUE.toString(), "1.79769313486231e+308");
43 check(Number.hasOwnProperty('MIN_VALUE'));
44 check_equals(typeof(Number.MIN_VALUE), "number");
45 check_equals(Number.MIN_VALUE.toString(), "4.94065645841247e-324"); // LNX 10,0,12,10 gives 0 here, succeeds
47 check(Number.hasOwnProperty('NEGATIVE_INFINITY'));
48 check_equals(Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, -Infinity);
50 check(Number.hasOwnProperty('NaN'));
51 check_equals(Number.NaN, NaN);
53 check(Number.hasOwnProperty('POSITIVE_INFINITY'));
54 check_equals(Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Infinity);
56 var n1=new Number(268);
57 check_equals(typeof(n1), 'object');
58 var n1prim = Number(268);
59 check_equals(typeof(n1prim), 'number');
60 // gnash used to fail below because it compares 2 objects
61 // rather then an object and a primitive
62 check_equals(n1, n1prim);
64 // strict-equality operator was introduced in SWF6
66 check ( ! (n1 === 268) );
67 // They are not the same object !
68 check ( ! (n1 === Number(268)) );
69 #endif
71 // but they have the same numeric value
72 check_equals (n1 , 268 );
73 check_equals (268 , n1 );
75 //------------------------------------
76 // Test Number.toString
77 //------------------------------------
79 check_equals(typeof(n1.toString), "function");
80 check_equals(typeof(n1.toString()), "string");
81 check_equals(n1.toString(), "268");
83 var backup = Object.prototype.toString;
84 Object.prototype.toString = function() { return "fake_string"; };
85 check_equals(n1.toString(), "268"); // doesn't inherit from Object
86 Object.prototype.toString = backup;
88 #if OUTPUT_VERSION >= 6
89 check(Number.prototype.hasOwnProperty('toString'));
90 #endif
92 tmp = new Number(10);
93 check_equals(tmp.toString(2), '1010');
94 tmp = 6;
95 check_equals(tmp.toString(2), '110');
96 check_equals(tmp.toString(3), '20');
97 check_equals(tmp.toString(8), '6');
98 check_equals(tmp.toString(-2), '6'); // invalid, returns 10 ?
99 check_equals(tmp.toString(0), '6'); // invalid, returns 10 ?
100 check_equals(tmp.toString(5), '11');
101 tmp = -5;
102 check_equals(tmp.toString(2), '-101');
103 check_equals(tmp.toString(16), '-5');
104 tmp = -11;
105 check_equals(tmp.toString(16), '-b');
107 //------------------------------------
108 // Test Number.valueOf
109 //------------------------------------
111 check_equals(typeof(n1.valueOf), "function");
112 check_equals(typeof(n1.__proto__.valueOf), "function");
113 check_equals(typeof(n1.__proto__.__proto__.valueOf), "function");
114 check_equals(typeof(n1.valueOf()), "number");
115 check_equals(n1.valueOf(), 268);
117 #if OUTPUT_VERSION >= 6
118 check(Number.prototype.hasOwnProperty('valueOf'));
119 check(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty('valueOf'));
120 #endif
122 var backup = Object.prototype.valueOf;
123 Object.prototype.valueOf = function() { return "fake_value"; };
124 check_equals(n1.valueOf(), 268); // doesn't inherit from Object
125 Object.prototype.valueOf = backup;
127 backup = Number.prototype.valueOf;
128 Number.prototype.valueOf = function() { return "fake_value"; };
129 check_equals(n1.valueOf(), "fake_value"); // does inherit from Number
130 Number.prototype.valueOf = backup;
132 // Check unary minus operator
133 n1 = -n1;
134 check_equals (-268 , n1);
135 check_equals (n1.toString(), "-268");
137 //---------------------------------------
138 // Check NaN
139 //---------------------------------------
141 check_equals( typeof(NaN), 'number' );
142 check_equals( typeof(isNaN), 'function' );
143 check_equals( typeof(isNaN(NaN)), 'boolean' );
144 check(NaN == NaN);
145 check((0/2) == (0/5));
146 check(! (NaN != NaN) );
147 check( isNaN(NaN) );
148 check_equals( typeof(isNaN(0/0)), 'boolean' );
149 check( isNaN(0/0) );
152 #if OUTPUT_VERSION >= 6
153 check_equals( typeof(_global.NaN), 'number' );
154 check_equals( typeof(isNaN(_global.NaN)), 'boolean' );
155 check( isNaN(_global.NaN) ); // NOTE: isNaN(undefined) is true for SWF7 up
156 #else // SWF5 or below
157 check_equals( typeof(_global), 'undefined' );
158 check_equals( typeof(Object), 'function' );
159 check_equals( typeof(Object.prototype), 'object' );
160 check_equals( typeof(Object.prototype.NaN), 'undefined' );
161 #endif
163 #if OUTPUT_VERSION >= 7
164 check( isNaN(undefined) );
165 check( isNaN(null) );
166 check( isNaN(Object.prototype.NaN) );
167 #else // SWF6 or below
168 check( ! isNaN(undefined) );
169 check( ! isNaN(null) );
170 check( ! isNaN(Object.prototype.NaN) );
171 #endif
173 check(! Object.hasOwnProperty('NaN'));
174 check(! Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty('NaN'));
175 check(! this.__proto__.hasOwnProperty('NaN'));
177 //---------------------------------------
178 // Check Infinity
179 //---------------------------------------
181 check_equals( typeof(Infinity), 'number' );
182 check_equals( typeof(isFinite), 'function' );
183 check_equals( typeof(isFinite(Infinity)), 'boolean' );
184 check_equals(Infinity, Infinity);
185 check( ! isFinite(Infinity) );
186 check_equals( typeof(isFinite(0/0)), 'boolean' );
187 check( ! isFinite(0/0) );
190 #if OUTPUT_VERSION >= 6
191 check_equals( typeof(_global.Infinity), 'number' );
192 check_equals( typeof(isFinite(_global.Infinity)), 'boolean' );
193 check( ! isFinite(_global.Infinity) ); // NOTE: isFinite(undefined) is false for SWF7 up
194 #else // SWF5 or below
195 check_equals( typeof(_global), 'undefined' );
196 check_equals( typeof(Object), 'function' );
197 check_equals( typeof(Object.prototype), 'object' );
198 check_equals( typeof(Object.prototype.Infinity), 'undefined' );
199 #endif
201 #if OUTPUT_VERSION >= 7
202 check( ! isFinite(undefined) );
203 check( ! isFinite(null) );
204 check( ! isFinite(Object.prototype.NaN) );
205 #else // SWF6 or below
206 check( isFinite(undefined) );
207 check( isFinite(null) );
208 check( isFinite(Object.prototype.NaN) );
209 #endif
211 check(! Object.hasOwnProperty('Infinity'));
212 check(! Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty('Infinity'));
213 check(! this.__proto__.hasOwnProperty('Infinity'));
215 //--------------------------------------------------------
216 // Test automatic conversion to number
217 //--------------------------------------------------------
219 check(isNaN(0+this));
220 check(isNaN(this));
221 this.valueOf = function() { return 5; };
222 check(isNaN(this));
223 o = new Object;
224 check(isNaN(o));
225 check(isNaN(0+o));
226 o.valueOf = function() { return 3; };
227 check_equals(0+o, 3);
228 check_equals(0+"string", "0string");
230 #if OUTPUT_VERSION < 6
231 check(!isNaN(2+Number));
232 #else
233 check(isNaN(2+Number));
234 #endif
236 #if OUTPUT_VERSION >= 7
237 check(isNaN(2/undefined));
238 check(isNaN(undefined/2));
239 check(!isFinite(undefined/2));
240 check(2/undefined != Infinity);
241 #else
242 check(!isNaN(2/undefined));
243 check(!isNaN(undefined/2));
244 check(isFinite(undefined/2));
245 check_equals(2/undefined, Infinity);
246 #endif
248 check(!isFinite(Infinity));
249 check(!isFinite(2/undefined));
251 check_equals(typeof(("string"<7)), 'undefined');
252 check_equals(typeof((7<"string")), 'undefined');
253 check_equals(typeof(("18"<7)), 'boolean');
254 check_equals(typeof((7<"18")), 'boolean');
255 check_equals(("18"<"7"), true); // string comparison
256 check_equals(("18"<7), false); // numeric comparison
257 check_equals((7<"18"), true); // numeric comparison
258 check_equals(typeof(_root<"18"), 'undefined'); // _root is ensured to be NAN for SWF6 too
260 #if OUTPUT_VERSION > 6
261 check_equals(typeof(undefined<7), 'undefined');
262 check_equals(typeof(undefined>7), 'undefined');
263 check_equals(typeof(undefined<-7), 'undefined');
264 check_equals(typeof(undefined>-7), 'undefined');
265 check_equals(typeof(7<undefined), 'undefined');
266 check_equals(typeof(7>undefined), 'undefined');
267 check_equals(typeof(-7<undefined), 'undefined');
268 check_equals(typeof(-7>undefined), 'undefined');
269 check_equals(typeof(null<7), 'undefined');
270 check_equals(typeof(null>7), 'undefined');
271 check_equals(typeof(null<-7), 'undefined');
272 check_equals(typeof(null>-7), 'undefined');
273 check_equals(typeof(7<null), 'undefined');
274 check_equals(typeof(7>null), 'undefined');
275 check_equals(typeof(-7<null), 'undefined');
276 check_equals(typeof(-7>null), 'undefined');
277 #else
278 check_equals(typeof(undefined<7), 'boolean');
279 check_equals(typeof(undefined>7), 'boolean');
280 check_equals(typeof(undefined<-7), 'boolean');
281 check_equals(typeof(undefined>-7), 'boolean');
282 check_equals(typeof(7<undefined), 'boolean');
283 check_equals(typeof(7>undefined), 'boolean');
284 check_equals(typeof(-7<undefined), 'boolean');
285 check_equals(typeof(-7>undefined), 'boolean');
287 check_equals((undefined<7), true);
288 check_equals((undefined>7), false);
289 check_equals((undefined<-7), false);
290 check_equals((undefined>-7), true);
291 check_equals((7<undefined), false);
292 check_equals((7>undefined), true);
293 check_equals((-7<undefined), true);
294 check_equals((-7>undefined), false);
295 #endif
297 // ActionNewAdd
298 check_equals('0' + -1, '0-1');
300 // string:00 number:0 equality
301 check_equals('00', 0);
303 // string:0xFF0000 number:0xFF0000 equality
304 #if OUTPUT_VERSION > 5
305 check_equals("0xFF0000", 0xFF0000);
306 check_equals("0XFF0000", 0xFF0000);
307 check_equals("0Xff0000", 0xFF0000);
308 check("0Xff000000" != 0xFF000000);
309 check_equals("07700000000", 07700000000);
310 check("077000000000" != 077000000000);
311 #else
312 check("0xFF0000" != 0xFF0000);
313 check("0XFF0000" != 0xFF0000);
314 #endif
316 check(isNaN("0xff000z"));
318 check_equals(typeof(Number.prototype.valueOf), 'function');
319 check_equals(typeof(Number.prototype.toString), 'function');
320 #if OUTPUT_VERSION > 5
321 check(isNaN(Number.valueOf()));
322 #else
323 check(!isNaN(Number.valueOf()) );
324 #endif
326 check_equals(typeof(Number), 'function');
327 check(Number.hasOwnProperty('prototype'));
328 check(Number.hasOwnProperty('__proto__'));
329 check(Number.hasOwnProperty('constructor'));
330 check_equals(typeof(Number.prototype), 'object');
331 #if OUTPUT_VERSION == 5
332 check_equals(Number.prototype, Object);
333 check_equals(Number.prototype, Function);
334 check_equals(Number.prototype, Object.__proto__);
335 check_equals(Number.prototype, null);
336 check_equals(Number.prototype, undefined);
337 check(Number.prototype != 0);
338 check(Number.prototype != "string");
339 #else
340 check(Number.prototype != Object);
341 #endif
343 #if OUTPUT_VERSION == 5
344 // not visible in swf5 by default.
345 check_equals(typeof(Number.valueOf), 'undefined');
346 check_equals(typeof(Number.toString), 'undefined');
347 check_equals(typeof(Number.__proto__), 'undefined');
348 // make properties visible.
349 ASSetPropFlags(Number, null, 0, 128 + 1);
350 ASSetPropFlags(Object, null, 0, 128 + 1);
351 #endif
352 check_equals(typeof(Number.__proto__), 'object');
353 check_equals(Number.prototype.__proto__, Object.prototype);
355 check_equals(typeof(Number.toString), 'function');
356 check_equals(typeof(Number.valueOf), 'function');
357 check(!Number.hasOwnProperty('valueOf'));
358 check(!Number.hasOwnProperty('toString'));
359 check(!Number.__proto__.hasOwnProperty('valueOf'));
360 check(!Number.__proto__.hasOwnProperty('toString'));
361 check(Number.__proto__.__proto__ == Object.prototype);
363 check_equals(typeof(Number.valueOf()), 'function'); // this is odd
365 a = 1;
366 check_equals(typeof(a.toString), 'function');
367 check_equals(typeof(a.valueOf), 'function');
368 check(!a.hasOwnProperty('valueOf'));
369 #if OUTPUT_VERSION == 5
370 // make properties visible.
371 ASSetPropFlags(Number.prototype, null, 0, 128 + 1);
372 ASSetPropFlags(Object.prototype, null, 0, 128 + 1);
373 #endif
374 check(a.__proto__.hasOwnProperty('valueOf'));
375 check(!a.hasOwnProperty('toString'));
378 anum = new Number(1);
379 check_equals(typeof(anum.toString), 'function');
380 check_equals(typeof(anum.valueOf), 'function');
381 check(!anum.hasOwnProperty('valueOf'));
382 check(anum.__proto__.hasOwnProperty('valueOf'));
383 check(!anum.hasOwnProperty('toString'));
386 //-----------------------------------------------------------
387 // Check conversion to number
388 //-----------------------------------------------------------
392 asm { push 'val',4 tonumber setvariable };
393 check_equals(val, 4);
395 asm { push 'val',null tonumber setvariable };
396 #if OUTPUT_VERSION < 7
397 check_equals(val, 0);
398 check(!isNaN(val));
399 #else
400 check(isNaN(val));
401 #endif
403 asm { push 'val',undefined tonumber setvariable };
404 #if OUTPUT_VERSION < 7
405 check_equals(val, 0);
406 check(!isNaN(val));
407 #else
408 check(isNaN(val));
409 #endif
411 asm { push 'val','10' tonumber setvariable };
412 check_equals(val, 10);
414 asm { push 'val','3e2' tonumber setvariable };
415 check_equals(val, 300);
417 asm { push 'val','2E1' tonumber setvariable };
418 check_equals(val, 20);
420 asm { push 'val','2p' tonumber setvariable };
421 check(isNaN(val));
423 asm { push 'val','2.6' tonumber setvariable };
424 check_equals(val, 2.6);
426 asm { push 'val','string' tonumber setvariable };
427 check(isNaN(val));
429 asm { push 'val','NaN' tonumber setvariable };
430 check(isNaN(val));
432 asm { push 'val','Infinity' tonumber setvariable };
433 check(val != Infinity);
434 check(isNaN(val));
436 asm { push 'val','-Infinity' tonumber setvariable };
437 check(val != Infinity);
438 check(isNaN(val));
440 obj = new Object();
441 asm { push 'val','obj' getvariable tonumber setvariable };
442 check(isNaN(val));
444 obj = new Object(); obj.valueOf = function() { return 7; };
445 asm { push 'val','obj' getvariable tonumber setvariable };
446 check_equals(val, 7);
448 obj = function() {};
449 asm { push 'val','obj' getvariable tonumber setvariable };
450 #if OUTPUT_VERSION > 5
451 check(isNaN(val));
452 #else
453 check(!isNaN(val));
454 check_equals(typeof(val), 'number');
455 check_equals(val, 0);
456 check_equals(0, val);
457 #endif
459 obj = function() {}; obj.valueOf = function() { return 9; };
460 asm { push 'val','obj' getvariable tonumber setvariable };
461 check_equals(val, 9);
462 check_equals(9, val);
464 #endif // defined(MING_SUPPORTS_ASM)
466 //-----------------------------------------------------------
467 // Check subtraction operator TODO: create an ops.as file
468 // for testing operators in general ?
469 //-----------------------------------------------------------
471 #if OUTPUT_VERSION > 6
472 check( isNaN(450 - undefined) );
473 #else
474 check_equals(450 - undefined, 450);
475 #endif
477 //-----------------------------------------------------------
478 // Check number formatting as documented in as_value.cpp.
479 // Rules are:
480 // Numbers should be rounded to 15 significant digits.
481 // Numbers above 10e+15 are expressed with exponent.
482 // Numbers below 0 with more than 4 leading zeros expressed
483 // with exponent.
484 // Exponent has no leading zero.
485 // Trailing zeros are always trimmed.
486 //-----------------------------------------------------------
488 a=new Number(11111111111111.11111111);
489 check_equals(a.toString(), "11111111111111.1");
491 a=new Number(111111111111111.1111111);
492 check_equals(a.toString(), "111111111111111");
494 a=new Number(1111111111111111.1111111);
495 check_equals(a.toString(), "1.11111111111111e+15");
497 a=new Number(0.000123456789012346);
498 check_equals(a.toString(), "0.000123456789012346");
500 a=new Number(0.0000123456789012346);
501 check_equals(a.toString(), "0.0000123456789012346");
503 a=new Number(0.00000123456789012346);
504 check_equals(a.toString(), "1.23456789012346e-6");
506 a=new Number(0.000000123456789012346);
507 check_equals(a.toString(), "1.23456789012346e-7");
509 a=new Number(0.0999999999999999);
510 check_equals(a.toString(), "0.0999999999999999");
512 a=new Number(0.99999999999999938);
513 check_equals(a.toString(), "0.999999999999999");
515 a=new Number(9.9999999999999939 / 10);
516 check_equals(a.toString(), "0.999999999999999");
518 a=new Number(5.4 / 100000);
519 check_equals(a.toString(), "0.000054");
521 a=new Number(5.4 / 1000000);
522 check_equals(a.toString(), "5.4e-6");
523 check_equals(a.toString(10), "5.4e-6");
525 a=new Number(2.123456789123455);
526 check_equals(a.toString(), "2.12345678912346"); // rounds abs up
528 a=new Number(-2.123456789123455);
529 check_equals(a.toString(), "-2.12345678912346"); // rounds abs up
531 a=new Number(0.1234567891234565);
532 check_equals(a.toString(), "0.123456789123457"); // rounds abs up
534 a=new Number(-0.1234567891234565);
535 check_equals(a.toString(), "-0.123456789123457"); // round abs up
537 a=new Number(1.234567891234565e+308);
538 check_equals(a.toString(), "1.23456789123456e+308"); // round abs down
540 a=new Number(-1.234567891234565e+308);
541 check_equals(a.toString(), "-1.23456789123456e+308"); // round abs down
543 a=new Number(1.234567891234565e-308); // gnash rounds this down, pp up
544 xcheck_equals(a.toString(), "1.23456789123457e-308"); // round abs up
546 a=new Number(-1.234567891234565e-308); // gnash rounds this down, pp up
547 xcheck_equals(a.toString(), "-1.23456789123457e-308"); // round abs up
549 a=new Number(1.234567891234565e-6); // gnash rounds this down, pp up
550 xcheck_equals(a.toString(), "1.23456789123457e-6"); // round abs up
552 a=new Number(-1.234567891234565e-6); // gnash rounds this down, pp up
553 xcheck_equals(a.toString(), "-1.23456789123457e-6"); // round abs up
555 a=new Number(-1.244567891234565e-6); // gnash rounds this down, pp up
556 check_equals(a.toString(), "-1.24456789123457e-6"); // round abs up
558 a=new Number(-1.244667891234565e-6); // gnash rounds this down, pp up
559 check_equals(a.toString(), "-1.24466789123457e-6"); // round abs up
561 a=new Number(-0.001234567891234565); // gnash succeeds in rounding this up
562 check_equals(a.toString(), "-0.00123456789123457"); // round abs up
564 a=new Number(-0.001244567891234565); // gnash succeeds in rounding this down
565 check_equals(a.toString(), "-0.00124456789123456");
567 a=new Number(-0.001234567891234564);
568 check_equals(a.toString(), "-0.00123456789123456"); // round abs down (obvious?)
570 a=new Number(0.001234567891234565);
571 check_equals(a.toString(), "0.00123456789123457"); // round abs up
573 a=new Number(0.001234567891234564);
574 check_equals(a.toString(), "0.00123456789123456"); // round abs down (obvious?)
576 a=new Number(" 2");
577 check_equals(a, 2);
579 a=new Number(" 2");
580 check_equals(a, 2);
582 a=new Number("2 ");
583 check(isNaN(a));
585 a=new Number("2a");
586 check(isNaN(a));
588 a=new Number("2e");
589 check_equals(a, 2);
591 a=new Number("2E");
592 check_equals(a, 2);
594 a=new Number(new String(" 2"));
595 check_equals(a, 2);
597 a=new Number(new String(" -2"));
598 check_equals(a, -2);
600 a=new Number(new String(" -2e-5"));
601 check_equals(a, -0.00002);
603 a=new Number(new String(" -2e5"));
604 check_equals(a, -200000);
606 a=new Number(new String("-56e"));
607 check_equals(a, -56);
609 a=new Number(new String("-56eu"));
610 check_equals(a.toString(), "NaN");
612 a=new Number(new String("-56e-"));
613 check_equals(a, -56);
615 a=new Number(new String("-56e+"));
616 check_equals(a, -56);
619 a=new Number("0x2");
620 #if OUTPUT_VERSION < 6
621 check(isNaN(a));
622 #else
623 check_equals(a, 2);
624 #endif
626 a=Number("0x2");
627 #if OUTPUT_VERSION < 6
628 check(isNaN(a));
629 #else
630 check_equals(a, 2);
631 #endif
633 a=new Number(" 0x2");
634 check(isNaN(a));
636 a=Number("-0x2");
637 check(isNaN(a));
639 a=Number("0x-2");
640 #if OUTPUT_VERSION < 6
641 check(isNaN(a));
642 #else
643 check_equals(a, -2);
644 #endif
646 a=Number("0x-ffffffff");
647 #if OUTPUT_VERSION < 6
648 check(isNaN(a));
649 #else
650 check_equals(a, 1);
651 #endif
653 a=Number("077");
654 #if OUTPUT_VERSION < 6
655 check_equals(a, 77);
656 #else
657 check_equals(a, 63);
658 #endif
660 a=Number("-077");
661 #if OUTPUT_VERSION < 6
662 check_equals(a, -77);
663 #else
664 check_equals(a, -63);
665 #endif
667 a=Number("+077");
668 #if OUTPUT_VERSION < 6
669 check_equals(a, 77);
670 #else
671 check_equals(a, 63);
672 #endif
674 a=Number(" 077");
675 check_equals(a, 77);
677 check( isNaN(0/0) );
679 a=16711680; // 1.67117e+07;
680 as=a.toString(16);
681 check_equals(as, 'ff0000');
683 // END OF TEST
685 #if OUTPUT_VERSION < 6
686 check_totals(238);
687 #else
688 #if OUTPUT_VERSION < 7
689 check_totals(233);
690 #else
691 check_totals(231);
692 #endif
693 #endif