Update with current status
[gnash.git] / testsuite / actionscript.all / XMLNode.as
1 //
2 // Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010 Free Software
3 // Foundation, Inc
4 //
5 // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 // the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
8 // (at your option) any later version.
9 //
10 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 // GNU General Public License for more details.
15 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17 // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
20 // Test case for XML ActionScript class
21 // compile this test case with Ming makeswf, and then
22 // execute it like this gnash -1 -r 0 -v out.swf
25 rcsid="XMLNode.as";
26 #include "check.as"
29 // Test properties
32 XMLNode.prototype.hasOwnProperty = ASnative(101, 5);
33 #endif
35 check(XMLNode.prototype.hasOwnProperty("appendChild"));
36 check(XMLNode.prototype.hasOwnProperty("cloneNode"));
37 check(XMLNode.prototype.hasOwnProperty("hasChildNodes"));
38 check(XMLNode.prototype.hasOwnProperty("insertBefore"));
39 check(XMLNode.prototype.hasOwnProperty("removeNode"));
40 check(XMLNode.prototype.hasOwnProperty("toString"));
42 check(XMLNode.prototype.hasOwnProperty("getPrefixForNamespace"));
43 check(XMLNode.prototype.hasOwnProperty("getNamespaceForPrefix"));
45 check(XMLNode.prototype.hasOwnProperty("firstChild"));
46 check(XMLNode.prototype.hasOwnProperty("lastChild"));
47 check(XMLNode.prototype.hasOwnProperty("namespaceURI"));
48 check(XMLNode.prototype.hasOwnProperty("localName"));
49 check(XMLNode.prototype.hasOwnProperty("attributes"));
50 check(XMLNode.prototype.hasOwnProperty("childNodes"));
51 check(XMLNode.prototype.hasOwnProperty("nextSibling"));
52 check(XMLNode.prototype.hasOwnProperty("nodeName"));
53 check(XMLNode.prototype.hasOwnProperty("nodeType"));
54 check(XMLNode.prototype.hasOwnProperty("nodeValue"));
55 check(XMLNode.prototype.hasOwnProperty("parentNode"));
56 check(XMLNode.prototype.hasOwnProperty("prefix"));
57 check(XMLNode.prototype.hasOwnProperty("previousSibling"));
59 check_equals(typeof(XMLNode.prototype.attributes), "undefined");
61 var doc = new XML();
63 check(doc);
64 var textnode = doc.createTextNode("text content");
65 check_equals(typeOf(textnode), 'object');
67 check_equals(typeof(textnode.attributes), "object");
68 check_equals(textnode.attributes.toString(), undefined);
69 check(textnode.appendChild);
70 check(textnode.cloneNode);
71 check(textnode.hasChildNodes);
72 check(textnode.insertBefore);
73 check(textnode.removeNode);
74 check(textnode.toString);
76 // functionality of the properties
78 textnode.nodeName = "foo";
79 check_equals(textnode.nodeName, "foo");
81 check_equals (textnode.nodeValue, "text content");
82 textnode.nodeValue = "bar";
83 check_equals (textnode.nodeValue, "bar");
85 // The read only properties. These should all return NULL, because
86 // there are no children.
87 check_equals(textnode.hasChildNodes(), false);
88 check_equals(typeof(textnode.firstChild), 'null');
89 check_equals(typeof(textnode.lastChild), 'null');
90 check_equals(typeof(textnode.parentNode), 'null');
91 check_equals(typeof(textnode.nextSibling), 'null');
92 check_equals(typeof(textnode.previousSibling), 'null');
94 //note("Now test the functionality of the methods");
97 var node1 = doc.createElement("node1");
98 var node2 = doc.createElement("node2");
99 var textnode1 = doc.createTextNode("first text node");
100 var textnode2 = doc.createTextNode("second text node");
101 check_equals(textnode1.nodeType, 3);
102 node1.appendChild(textnode1);
103 node2.appendChild(textnode2);
104 node1.appendChild(node2);
105 check_equals(node1.hasChildNodes(), true);
107 check_equals(node1.firstChild.nodeValue, "first text node");
108 check_equals(typeof(node1.lastChild.nodeValue), 'null');
109 check_equals(node2.lastChild.toString(), "second text node");
111 var node3 = doc.createElement("node3");
112 var textnode3 = doc.createTextNode("third text node");
113 node3.appendChild(textnode3);
114 node1.appendChild(node3);
117 // Childnodes is an array.
118 check_equals(typeOf(node1.childNodes), "object");
119 check(node1.childNodes.push);
120 check(node1.childNodes instanceOf Array);
122 // node1 has three children (textnode1, node2, node 3)
123 check_equals(node1.childNodes.length, 3);
125 // Now it has 4, but the latest element is not an XMLNode
126 node1.childNodes.push("not a node");
127 check_equals(node1.childNodes.length, 4);
128 check(!node1.childNodes[3] instanceOf XMLNode);
130 // Now 5. The latest element is an XMLNode, but it does not become
131 // lastChild
132 node1.childNodes.push(new XMLNode (1, "an XMLNode"));
133 check_equals(node1.childNodes.length, 5);
134 check(node1.childNodes[4] instanceOf XMLNode);
135 check_equals(node1.lastChild.toString(), "<node3>third text node</node3>");
137 // childNodes really is just an array: it can be sorted
138 check_equals(node1.childNodes[0].toString(), "first text node");
139 check_equals(node1.childNodes[2].toString(), "<node3>third text node</node3>");
140 check_equals(node1.childNodes[3].toString(), "not a node");
141 node1.childNodes.sort();
142 xcheck_equals(node1.childNodes[0].toString(), "<an XMLNode />");
143 check_equals(node1.childNodes[2].toString(), "<node3>third text node</node3>");
144 check_equals(node1.childNodes[3].toString(), "first text node");
146 // It can store anything
147 node1.childNodes.push(new Date());
148 check_equals(node1.childNodes.length, 6);
149 check(node1.childNodes[5] instanceOf Date);
150 check_equals(node1.childNodes.childNodes[5].hasChildNodes(), undefined);
152 node1.childNodes.lastChild.appendChild(new XMLNode(1, "datenode"));
153 check_equals(node1.childNodes.childNodes[5].hasChildNodes(), undefined);
155 o = {};
156 o.toString = function() {
157 return "o.toString()";
160 check_equals(node1.childNodes.length, 6);
161 node1.childNodes.push(o);
162 check_equals(node1.childNodes.length, 7);
163 check_equals(node1.childNodes[6].toString(), "o.toString()");
165 // The last child is still node3
166 check(node1.lastChild != node1.childNodes[6]);
167 check_equals(node1.lastChild.nodeName, "node3");
168 check_equals(node1.firstChild.toString(), "first text node");
170 // Only when a new valid element is added does the lastChild change, and the 'fake'
171 // items disappear.
172 var node4 = doc.createElement("4node");
173 node1.appendChild(node4);
174 check_equals(node1.lastChild.toString(), "<4node />");
175 check_equals(node1.childNodes.length, 4);
176 check_equals(node1.childNodes[node1.childNodes.length - 1].toString(), "<4node />")
178 // And sorting makes no difference to the lastChild, only to the last in the
179 // array of childNodes.
180 node1.childNodes.sort();
181 check_equals(node1.lastChild.toString(), "<4node />");
182 xcheck_equals(node1.childNodes[node1.childNodes.length - 1].toString(), "first text node")
187 check_equals(node1.firstChild.nodeValue, "first text node");
188 check_equals(typeof(node1.lastChild.nodeValue), 'null');
190 check_equals(typeof(node1.firstChild.nodeName), "null");
191 check_equals(node1.lastChild.nodeName, "4node");
193 check_equals(node2.previousSibling.nodeValue, "first text node");
195 // TODO: test removeNode, insertNode
197 // Test attributes. It's just a normal object.
199 // FIXME: This is how it is now.
200 #if OUTPUT_VERSION > 5
201 check_equals(node2.attributes, undefined);
202 #else
203 check_equals(node2.attributes, undefined);
204 #endif
206 check_equals(typeof(node2.attributes), "object");
207 node2.attributes[3] = "a3";
208 check_equals(node2.attributes[3], "a3");
209 check_equals(node2.attributes["3"], "a3");
210 node2.attributes.a = "aa";
211 check_equals(node2.attributes.a, "aa");
212 check_equals(node2.attributes["a"], "aa");
213 check_equals(node2.toString(), '<node2 a="aa" 3="a3">second text node</node2>');
215 // Seems not to be overwritable
216 node2.attributes = 3;
217 check_equals(node2.toString(), '<node2 a="aa" 3="a3">second text node</node2>');
219 ASSetPropFlags(XMLNode.prototype, "attributes", 0, 1);
220 node77 = doc.createElement("tag");
221 node77.attributes.a1 = "at1";
222 check_equals(node77.toString(), '<tag a1="at1" />');
223 node77.attributes = 5;
224 check_equals(node77.toString(), '<tag a1="at1" />');
226 // Check order of attributes:
228 node77.attributes.z = "z";
229 node77.attributes.x = "x";
230 node77.attributes.c = "c";
231 node77.attributes.y = "y";
232 node77.attributes.f = "f";
233 node77.attributes[5] = "5";
234 node77.attributes["$"] = "$";
235 node77.attributes.x = "x2";
236 check_equals(node77.toString(), '<tag $="$" 5="5" f="f" y="y" c="c" x="x2" z="z" a1="at1" />');
238 // Check namespace functions.
240 // Standard namespace
241 x = new XML('<tag xmlns="standard" att="u">text</tag>');
242 ns = x.firstChild;
243 check_equals(ns.nodeName, "tag");
244 check_equals(ns.attributes["att"], "u");
245 check_equals(ns.attributes["xmlns"], "standard");
246 check_equals(ns.namespaceURI, "standard");
247 check_equals(ns.getNamespaceForPrefix(), undefined);
248 check_equals(ns.getNamespaceForPrefix(""), "standard");
249 check_equals(ns.getPrefixForNamespace("standard"), "");
251 ns.attributes["xmlns"] = "standard2";
252 check_equals(ns.namespaceURI, "standard");
253 check_equals(ns.getNamespaceForPrefix(""), "standard2");
255 ns = ns.firstChild;
256 check_equals(ns.nodeName, null);
257 check_equals(ns.nodeValue, "text");
258 check_equals(ns.namespaceURI, null);
259 check_equals(ns.prefix, null);
261 x = new XML('<tag xmlns:t="standard"></tag>');
262 ns = x.firstChild;
263 check_equals(ns.namespaceURI, "");
264 check_equals(ns.getNamespaceForPrefix(), undefined);
265 check_equals(ns.getNamespaceForPrefix("t"), "standard");
266 check_equals(ns.getPrefixForNamespace("standard"), "t");
268 x = new XML('<tag xmlns:t="nst"><tag2 xmlns="nss"><tag3 xmlns:r="nsr"></tag3></tag2></tag>');
270 n = x.firstChild;
271 check_equals(n.nodeName, "tag");
272 check_equals(n.namespaceURI, "");
273 check_equals(n.getNamespaceForPrefix("r"), undefined);
274 check_equals(n.getPrefixForNamespace("nsr"), undefined);
275 check_equals(n.getNamespaceForPrefix(), undefined);
276 check_equals(n.getNamespaceForPrefix("t"), "nst");
277 check_equals(n.getPrefixForNamespace("nst"), "t");
279 n = n.firstChild;
280 check_equals(n.nodeName, "tag2");
281 check_equals(n.namespaceURI, "nss");
282 check_equals(n.getNamespaceForPrefix(), undefined);
283 check_equals(n.getNamespaceForPrefix("r"), undefined);
284 check_equals(n.getPrefixForNamespace("nsr"), undefined);
285 check_equals(n.getNamespaceForPrefix("t"), "nst");
286 check_equals(n.getPrefixForNamespace("nst"), "t");
288 n = n.firstChild;
289 check_equals(n.nodeName, "tag3");
290 check_equals(n.namespaceURI, "nss");
291 check_equals(n.getNamespaceForPrefix(), undefined);
292 check_equals(n.getNamespaceForPrefix("r"), "nsr");
293 check_equals(n.getPrefixForNamespace("nsr"), "r");
294 check_equals(n.getNamespaceForPrefix("t"), "nst");
295 check_equals(n.getPrefixForNamespace("nst"), "t");
297 // Poorly formed prefix namespaces: become standard namespaces
298 x = new XML('<tag xmlns:="nst"><tag2 xmlns="nss"><tag3 xmlns:="nsr"></tag3></tag2></tag>');
300 n = x.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild;
301 check_equals(n.nodeName, "tag3");
302 check_equals(n.namespaceURI, "nsr");
303 check_equals(n.getPrefixForNamespace("nsr"), "");
304 check_equals(n.getNamespaceForPrefix(), undefined);
305 check_equals(n.getPrefixForNamespace("nst"), "");
308 // Multiple definition of standard namespace (first one counts, second never
309 // defined).
310 x = new XML('<tag xmlns="standard" xmlns="standard2"></tag>');
311 ns = x.firstChild;
312 check_equals(ns.nodeName, "tag");
313 check_equals(ns.attributes["xmlns"], "standard");
314 check_equals(ns.namespaceURI, "standard");
315 check_equals(ns.getNamespaceForPrefix(""), "standard");
317 check_equals(ns.getPrefixForNamespace("standard"), "");
318 check_equals(ns.getPrefixForNamespace("standard2"), undefined);
320 // Multiple definition of prefix during parsing (first one counts,
321 // second never defined). Can be changed later using attributes.
322 x = new XML('<tag xmlns:n1="ns1" xmlns:n1="ns2"></tag>');
323 ns = x.firstChild;
324 check_equals(ns.nodeName, "tag");
325 check_equals(ns.attributes["xmlns"], undefined);
326 check_equals(ns.attributes["xmlns:n1"], "ns1");
327 check_equals(ns.namespaceURI, "");
328 check_equals(ns.getNamespaceForPrefix("n1"), "ns1");
329 check_equals(ns.getPrefixForNamespace("ns1"), "n1");
330 check_equals(ns.getPrefixForNamespace("ns2"), undefined);
332 ns.attributes["xmlns:n1"] = "ns2";
333 check_equals(ns.attributes["xmlns:n1"], "ns2");
334 check_equals(ns.getNamespaceForPrefix("n1"), "ns2");
335 check_equals(ns.getPrefixForNamespace("ns1"), undefined);
336 check_equals(ns.getPrefixForNamespace("ns2"), "n1");
338 // Setting via attributes
339 x = new XML('<tag></tag>');
340 ns = x.firstChild;
341 check_equals(ns.nodeName, "tag");
342 check_equals(ns.attributes["xmlns"], undefined);
343 check_equals(ns.namespaceURI, "");
344 ns.attributes["xmlns"] = "nss";
345 check_equals(ns.attributes["xmlns"], "nss");
346 check_equals(ns.namespaceURI, "");
348 /// Prefix, localName
349 x = new XML('<fr:tag/>');
350 ns = x.firstChild;
351 check_equals(ns.nodeName, "fr:tag");
352 check_equals(ns.localName, "tag");
353 check_equals(ns.prefix, "fr");
355 x = new XML('<fr:pr:tag/>');
356 ns = x.firstChild;
357 check_equals(ns.nodeName, "fr:pr:tag");
358 check_equals(ns.localName, "pr:tag");
359 check_equals(ns.prefix, "fr");
361 x = new XML('<:fr:tag/>');
362 ns = x.firstChild;
363 check_equals(ns.nodeName, ":fr:tag");
364 check_equals(ns.localName, "fr:tag");
365 check_equals(ns.prefix, "");
367 x = new XML('<:tag/>');
368 ns = x.firstChild;
369 check_equals(ns.nodeName, ":tag");
370 check_equals(ns.localName, "tag");
371 check_equals(ns.prefix, "");
373 x = new XML('<tag:/>');
374 ns = x.firstChild;
375 check_equals(ns.nodeName, "tag:");
376 check_equals(ns.localName, "tag:");
377 check_equals(ns.prefix, "");
379 x = new XML('<tag/>');
380 ns = x.firstChild;
381 check_equals(ns.nodeName, "tag");
382 check_equals(ns.localName, "tag");
383 check_equals(ns.prefix, "");
385 // xmlDecl and docTypeDecl don't work for XMLNode
386 xn = new XMLNode(1, "");
387 xn.xmlDecl = "hello";
388 xn.docTypeDecl = "dtd";
389 check_equals(xn.toString(), "< />");
391 xn = new XMLNode(2, "");
392 check_equals(xn.toString(), "");
394 xn = new XMLNode(3, "");
395 check_equals(xn.toString(), "");
397 xn = new XMLNode(4, "");
398 check_equals(xn.toString(), "");
400 xn = new XMLNode(5, "");
401 check_equals(xn.toString(), "");
403 xn = new XMLNode(6, "");
404 check_equals(xn.toString(), "");
406 xn = new XMLNode(7, "");
407 check_equals(xn.toString(), "");
409 // Test for https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/index.php?39404
410 // NOTE: you need to run under valgrind to determine
411 // if the test was successful or not...
412 x = new XML('<t></t>'); x.appendChild(new XML('<t></t>'));
413 var x2 = new XML('<t></t>'); x2.appendChild(x); delete x2;
415 // many allocations force GC run
416 for (var i=0; i<256; ++i) x = {};
418 // Test infinite loop: https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/index.php?40440
419 // will crash when affected
420 xl1 = new XML('<t></t>');
421 xl2 = new XML('<t></t>');
422 xl1.appendChild(xl2);
423 xl2.appendChild(xl1);
425 check_equals(xl2.parentNode, xl1);
426 check_equals(xl1.parentNode, null); // Nothing happened.
428 doc = new XML('<t></t>');
429 parent = doc.createElement("parent");
430 child = doc.createElement("child");
431 parent.appendChild(child);
432 doc.appendChild(parent);
434 check_equals(doc.toString(), "<t /><parent><child /></parent>");
436 child.appendChild(parent);
437 check_equals(doc.toString(), "<t /><parent><child /></parent>");
438 check_equals(child.hasChildNodes(), false);
440 sibling = doc.createElement("sibling");
441 parent.insertBefore(sibling, child);
442 check_equals(doc.toString(), "<t /><parent><sibling /><child /></parent>");
443 doc.insertBefore(sibling, parent); // Should move sibling
444 check_equals(doc.toString(), "<t /><sibling /><parent><child /></parent>");
445 parent.appendChild(sibling);
446 check_equals(doc.toString(), "<t /><parent><child /><sibling /></parent>");
447 parent.appendChild(parent);
448 check_equals(doc.toString(), "<t /><parent><child /><sibling /></parent>");
449 child.appendChild(parent);
450 check_equals(doc.toString(), "<t /><parent><child /><sibling /></parent>");
451 grandchild = doc.createElement("grandchild");
452 child.appendChild(grandchild);
453 check_equals(doc.toString(), "<t /><parent><child><grandchild /></child><sibling /></parent>");
454 child.appendChild(parent);
455 check_equals(doc.toString(), "<t /><parent><child><grandchild /></child><sibling /></parent>");
456 child.insertBefore(child, parent);
457 check_equals(doc.toString(), "<t /><parent><child><grandchild /></child><sibling /></parent>");
458 grandchild.appendChild(parent);
459 check_equals(doc.toString(), "<t /><parent><child><grandchild /></child><sibling /></parent>");
460 grandchild.insertBefore(grandchild, parent);
461 check_equals(doc.toString(), "<t /><parent><child><grandchild /></child><sibling /></parent>");
462 grandchild.insertBefore(grandchild, child);
463 check_equals(doc.toString(), "<t /><parent><child><grandchild /></child><sibling /></parent>");
465 doc1 = new XML("<t />");
466 doc1.appendChild(parent);
467 check_equals(doc1.toString(), "<t /><parent><child><grandchild /></child><sibling /></parent>");
468 check_equals(doc.toString(), "<t />");
469 doc1.appendChild(child);
470 check_equals(doc1.toString(), "<t /><parent><sibling /></parent><child><grandchild /></child>");
472 check_totals(201);