1 Test for remoting trough NetConnection and http.
6 The server part of the test is a PHP file.
7 There's one copy available at
8 http://www.gnashdev.org/testcases/remoting.php
10 If you want to test offline you can copy remoting.php
11 somewhere in your web server directories and specify
12 the base url at configure time, for example:
14 $ ./configure --enable-http-testsuite=http://localhost/gnashtests/
15 $ cp remoting.php /var/www/gnashtests/
17 Note that in order for the php file to work you might need to
18 add the following line to your .htaccess file:
20 php_flag always_populate_raw_post_data on in place
22 Also, if you run the client (remote.swf) from a different domain
23 then the one the server is on, you'll need a crossdomain.xml file
24 on the web root of the server.
26 The most open version of a crossdomain.xml only contains this line:
28 <cross-domain-policy> <allow-access-from domain="*" /> </cross-domain-policy>
33 The client part is an SWF, compiled by Ming from remoting.as.
34 The SWF will embed the url to the remoting.php file.
35 This is for convenience to allow testing it with the proprietary
36 player to verify it expects the correct behaviour.
38 The embedded url is set at configure time (--enable-http-testsuite)
39 but can be overridden by a query string, for example:
41 $ gnash -v remoting.swf?url=remoting.php # relative url
43 The generated remoting.swf is set to have "network" sandbox so
44 you'll be able to run it from the filesystem and have it access
45 network resources (as long as crossdomain.xml file is in place).
47 Note that the proprietary player doesn't let you specify a query
48 string for a filesystem-loaded file, so use --enable-http-testsuite
49 to specify the embedded (default) url.