go with 16x16 for the base size
[gnome-osd-icons.git] / create-icon-theme.sh
1 #! /bin/bash
3 if [ "x$1" = "x" ]
4 then
5 echo "Usage: $0 [icon theme directory]"
6 exit 1
7 fi
9 THEME_NAME=`echo "$1" | sed -e 's,/$,,'`
12 OUTPUT=$(echo "output/$1" | sed 's/ //')
15 rm -rf "$OUTPUT"
17 mkdir -p "$OUTPUT"
19 CWD=`pwd`
20 cd "$1"
21 cp -r * $OUTPUT
22 cd $CWD
25 echo "Creating icon theme in '$OUTPUT'"
27 echo "Copying build files.."
29 cp build/* "$OUTPUT"
31 cd "$OUTPUT"
33 echo "Creating index.theme"
35 echo -e "[Icon Theme]\nName=$THEME_NAME\nComment=$THEME_COMMENT\n" > index.theme
36 echo -n "Directories=" >> index.theme
38 DIRS=`find * -type d | grep -v git | grep -v scalable | grep "/" | sort -r`
40 for foo in $DIRS
42 echo -n "$foo," >> index.theme
43 done
45 for foo in $DIRS
47 size=`echo $foo | sed 's/\x.*//'`
48 type="Scalable"
49 maxsize="MaxSize=512"
50 echo -en "\n\n[$foo]\nSize=$size\nContext=`basename $foo`\nType=$type\n$maxsize" >> index.theme
51 done
54 echo "Creating Makefiles"
56 SIZES=$(find * -maxdepth 0 -type d -not -name 'scalable' -printf '%f ')
58 MAKEFILES='Makefile\n'
59 for dir in $SIZES
61 subdirs=$(find $dir/* -maxdepth 0 -type d -printf '%f ')
62 echo "SUBDIRS=$subdirs" > $dir/Makefile.am
63 MAKEFILES="$MAKEFILES\n$dir/Makefile"
64 for context in $subdirs
67 MAKEFILES="$MAKEFILES\n$dir/$context/Makefile"
68 files=`echo $dir/$context/*.{svg,icon,png}|sed "s/$dir\/$context\///g"| sed 's/\*\.\(icon\|png\|svg\)//g'`
69 echo "themedir = \$(datadir)/icons/$THEME_NAME/$dir/$context" > $dir/$context/Makefile.am
70 echo "theme_DATA = $files" >> $dir/$context/Makefile.am
71 echo "EXTRA_DIST = \$(theme_DATA)" >> $dir/$context/Makefile.am
72 echo "install-data-local: install-themeDATA" >> $dir/$context/Makefile.am
73 echo " (cd \"\$(DESTDIR)\$(themedir)\" && \$(ICONMAP) -c $context )" >> $dir/$context/Makefile.am
74 echo "MAINTAINERCLEANFILES = Makefile.in" >> $dir/$context/Makefile.am
75 done
76 done
78 echo "Updating configure.ac"
79 M=`echo "$MAKEFILES" | sed 's/\//\\\\\//g'`
80 sed -i -e "s/MAKEFILES/$M/" configure.ac
82 echo "Updating Makefile.am"
83 sed -i -e "s/REAL_SUB_DIRS/$SIZES/" Makefile.am
84 sed -i -e "s/THEME_NAME/$THEME_NAME/" Makefile.am
86 echo "Done"