Explicitly convert an enum to an int (#19537)
[google-protobuf.git] / bazel / BUILD.bazel
1 # Copyright (c) 2009-2021, Google LLC
2 # All rights reserved.
4 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
5 # license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
6 # https://developers.google.com/open-source/licenses/bsd
8 load("@bazel_skylib//:bzl_library.bzl", "bzl_library")
10 licenses(["notice"])
12 bzl_library(
13     name = "proto_library_bzl",
14     srcs = ["proto_library.bzl"],
15     visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
16     deps = [
17         "//bazel/private:bazel_proto_library_rule_bzl",
18         "@proto_bazel_features//:features",
19     ],
22 bzl_library(
23     name = "cc_proto_library_bzl",
24     srcs = ["cc_proto_library.bzl"],
25     visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
26     deps = ["//bazel/private:bazel_cc_proto_library_bzl"],
29 bzl_library(
30     name = "java_proto_library_bzl",
31     srcs = ["java_proto_library.bzl"],
32     visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
33     deps = ["//bazel/private:bazel_java_proto_library_rule_bzl"],
36 bzl_library(
37     name = "java_lite_proto_library_bzl",
38     srcs = ["java_lite_proto_library.bzl"],
39     visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
40     deps = ["//bazel/private:java_lite_proto_library_bzl"],
43 bzl_library(
44     name = "py_proto_library_bzl",
45     srcs = ["py_proto_library.bzl"],
46     visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
47     deps = [
48         "//bazel/common:proto_common_bzl",
49         "//bazel/common:proto_info_bzl",
50         "//bazel/private:toolchain_helpers_bzl",
51         "@rules_python//python:py_info_bzl",
52     ],
55 bzl_library(
56     name = "upb_proto_library_bzl",
57     srcs = [
58         "upb_c_proto_library.bzl",
59         "upb_minitable_proto_library.bzl",
60         "upb_proto_library.bzl",
61         "upb_proto_reflection_library.bzl",
62     ],
63     visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
64     deps = ["//bazel/private:upb_proto_library_internal_bzl"],
67 # The data in this target is exposed in //bazel/private:for_bazel_tests
68 filegroup(
69     name = "for_bazel_tests",
70     testonly = True,
71     srcs = [
72         "BUILD.bazel",
73         ":cc_proto_library_bzl",
74         ":java_lite_proto_library_bzl",
75         ":proto_library_bzl",
76         ":py_proto_library_bzl",
77         "//bazel/common:for_bazel_tests",
78         "//bazel/toolchains:for_bazel_tests",
79     ],
80     visibility = ["//bazel/private:__pkg__"],