fix util.format_date() unit test
[gpodder.git] / tools /
1 #!/usr/bin/env python3
2 """Prepare release and upload Windows and macOS artifacts."""
3 import argparse
4 import hashlib
5 import os
6 import re
7 import sys
8 import zipfile
10 import magic # use python-magic (not compatible with filemagic)
11 import requests
12 from github3 import login
13 from jinja2 import Template
16 def debug_requests():
17 """Turn requests debug on."""
18 # These two lines enable debugging at httplib level (requests->urllib3->http.client)
19 # You will see the REQUEST, including HEADERS and DATA, and RESPONSE with HEADERS but without DATA.
20 # The only thing missing will be the response.body which is not logged.
21 import http.client as http_client
22 import logging
23 http_client.HTTPConnection.debuglevel = 1
25 # You must initialize logging, otherwise you'll not see debug output.
26 logging.basicConfig()
27 logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
28 requests_log = logging.getLogger("requests.packages.urllib3")
29 requests_log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
30 requests_log.propagate = True
33 def error_exit(msg, code=1):
34 """Print msg and exit with code."""
35 print(msg, file=sys.stderr)
36 sys.exit(code)
39 def download_items(urls, prefix):
40 print("D: downloading %s" % urls)
41 for url in urls:
42 print("I: downloading %s" % url)
43 filename = url.split('/')[-1]
44 output = os.path.join("_build", "{}-{}".format(prefix, filename))
45 with requests.get(url, stream=True) as r:
46 with open(output, "wb") as f:
47 for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=1000000):
48 f.write(chunk)
51 def download_mac_github(github_workflow, prefix, version):
52 """Download mac workflow artifacts from github and exit."""
53 headers = {'Accept': 'application/vnd.github+json', 'Authorization': 'token %s' % github_token}
55 print("I: downloading release artifacts for workflow %d" % github_workflow)
56 r = requests.get("", headers=headers)
57 if not r.ok:
58 error_exit('ERROR: API fetch failed %d %s' % (r.status_code, r.reason))
59 artifacts = r.json()
60 artifact = [(a['id'], a['archive_download_url']) for a in artifacts['artifacts'] if a['workflow_run']['id'] == github_workflow]
61 if len(artifact) != 1:
62 error_exit("Nothing found to download")
63 id, url = artifact[0]
64 print("I: found artifact %d" % id)
66 print("I: downloading %s" % url)
67 output = os.path.join("_build", "{}".format(prefix))
68 with requests.get(url, stream=True, headers=headers) as r:
69 if not r.ok:
70 error_exit('ERROR: artifact fetch failed %d %s' % (r.status_code, r.reason))
71 with open(output, "wb") as f:
72 for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=1000000):
73 f.write(chunk)
74 print("I: unzipping %s" % output)
75 with zipfile.ZipFile(output, 'r') as z:
76 z.extractall('_build')
77 os.remove(output)
78 os.remove(os.path.join("_build", "{}-gPodder-{}.zip.md5".format(prefix, version)))
79 os.remove(os.path.join("_build", "{}-gPodder-{}.zip.sha256".format(prefix, version)))
80 checksums()
83 def download_appveyor(appveyor_build, prefix):
84 """Download build artifacts from appveyor and exit."""
85 print("I: downloading release artifacts from appveyor")
86 build = requests.get("" % appveyor_build).json()
87 job_id = build.get("build", {}).get("jobs", [{}])[0].get("jobId")
88 if job_id:
89 job_url = "{}/artifacts".format(job_id)
90 artifacts = requests.get(job_url).json()
91 items = ["{}/{}".format(job_url, f["fileName"]) for f in artifacts if f["type"] == "File"]
92 if len(items) == 0:
93 error_exit("Nothing found to download")
94 download_items(items, prefix)
95 else:
96 error_exit("no jobId in {}".format(build))
99 def checksums():
100 """Compute artifact checksums."""
101 ret = {}
102 for f in os.listdir("_build"):
103 archive = os.path.join("_build", f)
104 m = hashlib.md5()
105 s = hashlib.sha256()
106 with open(archive, "rb") as f:
107 block =
108 while block:
109 m.update(block)
110 s.update(block)
111 block =
112 ret[os.path.basename(archive)] = {'md5': m.hexdigest(), 'sha256': s.hexdigest()}
113 return ret
116 def get_contributors(tag, previous_tag):
117 """List contributor logins '@...' for every commit in range."""
118 cmp = repo.compare_commits(previous_tag, tag)
119 logins = [ for c in cmp.commits() if] + [c.committer.login for c in cmp.commits()]
120 return sorted({"@{}".format(n) for n in logins})
123 def get_previous_tag():
124 latest_release = repo.latest_release()
125 return latest_release.tag_name
128 def release_text(tag, previous_tag, mac_github=None, appveyor=None):
129 t = Template("""
130 Linux, macOS and Windows are supported.
132 Thanks to {{contributors[0]}}{% for c in contributors[1:-1] %}, {{c}}{% endfor %} and {{contributors[-1]}} for contributing to this release!
134 [Changes]({{previous_tag}}...{{tag}}) since **{{previous_tag}}**:
137 ## New features
138 - ...
140 ## Improvements
141 - ...
143 ## Bug fixes
144 - ...
146 ## Translations
147 - ...
149 ## CI references
150 - macOS GitHub build [{{mac_github}}]({{mac_github}})
151 - Windows Appveyor build [{{appveyor}}]({{appveyor}})
153 ## Checksums
154 {% for f, c in checksums.items() %}
155 - {{f}}
156 md5:<i>{{c.md5}}</i>
157 sha256:<i>{{c.sha256}}</i>
158 {% endfor %}
159 """) # noqa: W291
160 args = {
161 'contributors': get_contributors(tag, previous_tag),
162 'tag': tag,
163 'previous_tag': previous_tag,
164 'mac_github': mac_github,
165 'appveyor': appveyor,
166 'checksums': checksums()
168 return t.render(args)
171 def upload(repo, tag, previous_tag, mac_github, appveyor):
172 """Create github release (draft) and upload assets."""
173 print("I: creating release %s" % tag)
174 items = os.listdir('_build')
175 if len(items) == 0:
176 error_exit("Nothing found to upload")
177 try:
178 release = repo.create_release(tag, name=tag, draft=True)
179 except Exception as e:
180 error_exit("Error creating release '%s' (%r)" % (tag, e))
181 print("I: updating release description from template")
182 text = release_text(tag, previous_tag, mac_github=mac_github, appveyor=appveyor)
183 print(text)
184 if release.edit(body=text):
185 print("I: updated release description")
186 else:
187 error_exit("E: updating release description")
188 print("D: uploading items\n - %s" % "\n - ".join(items))
189 m = magic.Magic(mime=True)
190 for itm in items:
191 filename = os.path.join("_build", itm)
192 content_type = m.from_file(filename)
193 print("I: uploading %s..." % itm)
194 with open(filename, "rb") as f:
195 try:
196 _ = release.upload_asset(content_type, itm, f)
197 except Exception as e:
198 error_exit("Error uploading asset '%s' (%r)" % (itm, e))
199 print("I: upload success")
202 if __name__ == "__main__":
203 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='upload gpodder-osx-bundle artifacts to a github release\n'
204 'Example usage: \n'
205 ' GITHUB_TOKEN=xxx python --download --mac-github-workflow 1234567890 --appveyor 1.0.104 3.10.4\n'
206 ' GITHUB_TOKEN=xxx python --mac-github-workflow 1234567890 --appveyor 1.0.104 3.10.4\n',
207 formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter)
208 parser.add_argument('tag', type=str, help='gPodder git tag to create a release from')
209 parser.add_argument('--download', action='store_true', help='download artifacts')
210 parser.add_argument('--mac-github-workflow', type=int, help='mac github workflow number')
211 parser.add_argument('--appveyor', type=str, help='appveyor build number')
212 parser.add_argument('--debug', '-d', action='store_true', help='debug requests')
214 args = parser.parse_args()
216 if args.debug:
217 debug_requests()
219 github_token = os.environ.get("GITHUB_TOKEN")
220 if not github_token:
221 error_exit("E: set GITHUB_TOKEN environment", -1)
223 gh = login(token=github_token)
224 repo = gh.repository('gpodder', 'gpodder')
226 if
227 if not args.mac_github_workflow:
228 error_exit("E: --download requires --mac-github-workflow number")
229 elif not args.appveyor:
230 error_exit("E: --download requires --appveyor number")
231 if os.path.isdir("_build"):
232 error_exit("E: _build directory exists", -1)
233 os.mkdir("_build")
234 download_mac_github(args.mac_github_workflow, "macOS", args.tag)
235 download_appveyor(args.appveyor, "windows")
236 print("I: download success.")
237 else:
238 if not os.path.exists("_build"):
239 error_exit("E: _build directory doesn't exist. You need to download build artifacts (see Usage)", -1)
241 previous_tag = get_previous_tag()
242 upload(repo, args.tag, previous_tag, args.mac_github_workflow, args.appveyor)