[contrib] Allow Network Protocol header to display in rom-o-matic
[gpxe.git] / src / tests / comboot / shuffle-simple.asm
1 bits 16
2 org 100h
4 jmp start
6 shuffle_start:
7 push 0xB800
8 pop es
9 mov cx, 80*24*2
10 mov ax, 'AA'
11 xor di, di
12 rep stosw
13 .lbl: jmp .lbl
14 shuffle_end:
15 nop
16 shuffle_len equ (shuffle_end - shuffle_start + 1)
18 start:
19 ; calculate physical address of shuffled part
20 xor eax, eax
21 push ds
22 pop ax
23 shl eax, 4
24 add ax, shuffle_start
25 mov dword [source], eax
27 mov ax, 0012h
28 mov di, shuffle_descriptors
29 mov cx, num_shuffle_descriptors
30 mov ebp, 0x7c00
31 int 22h
32 int3
34 shuffle_descriptors:
35 dd 0x7C00
36 source: dd 0
37 dd shuffle_len
39 num_shuffle_descriptors equ 1