9 There are many ways to prepare a simulation system to run with
10 |Gromacs|. These often vary with the kind of scientific question being
11 considered, or the model physics involved. A protein-ligand atomistic
12 free-energy simulation might need a multi-state topology, while a
13 coarse-grained simulation might need to manage defaults that suit
14 systems with higher density.
19 The following general guidance should help with planning successful
20 simulations. Some stages are optional for some kinds of simulations.
22 1. Clearly identify the property or phenomena of interest to be
23 studied by performing the simulation. Do not continue further until
24 you are clear on this! Do not run your simulation and then seek to
25 work out how to use it to test your hypothesis, because it may be
26 unsuitable, or the required information was not saved.
28 2. Select the appropriate tools to be able to perform the simulation
29 and observe the property or phenomena of interest. It is important
30 to read and familiarize yourself with publications by other
31 researchers on similar systems. Choices of tools include:
33 - software with which to perform the simulation (consideration of
34 force field may influence this decision)
36 - the force field, which describes how the particles within the
37 system interact with each other. Select one that is appropriate
38 for the system being studied and the property or phenomena of
39 interest. This is a very important and non-trivial step! Consider
40 now how you will analyze your simulation data to make your
43 3. Obtain or generate the initial coordinate file for each molecule to
44 be placed within the system. Many different software packages are
45 able to build molecular structures and assemble them into suitable
48 4. Generate the raw starting structure for the system by placing the
49 molecules within the coordinate file as appropriate. Molecules may
50 be specifically placed or arranged randomly. Several non-|Gromacs|
51 tools are useful here; within |Gromacs| :ref:`gmx solvate`,
52 :ref:`gmx insert-molecules` and :ref:`gmx genconf` solve frequent
55 5. Obtain or generate the topology file for the system, using (for
56 example) :ref:`gmx pdb2gmx`, :ref:`gmx x2top`, `SwissParam
57 <http://swissparam.ch/>`_ (for CHARMM forcefield), `PRODRG
58 <http://davapc1.bioch.dundee.ac.uk/cgi-bin/prodrg>`_ (for GROMOS96
59 43A1), `Automated Topology Builder
60 <http://compbio.biosci.uq.edu.au/atb/>`_ (for GROMOS96 53A6),
61 `MKTOP <http://www.aribeiro.net.br/mktop>`_ (for OPLS/AA) or your
62 favourite text editor in concert with chapter 5 of the |Gromacs|
63 `Reference Manual`_. For the AMBER force fields, `antechamber
64 <http://amber.scripps.edu/antechamber/antechamber.html>`__ or
65 `acpype <https://github.com/choderalab/mmtools/blob/master/converters/acpype.py>`__
68 6. Describe a simulation box (e.g. using :ref:`gmx editconf`) whose
69 size is appropriate for the eventual density you would like, fill
70 it with solvent (e.g. using :ref:`gmx solvate`), and add any
71 counter-ions needed to neutralize the system (e.g. using :ref:`gmx
72 grompp` and :ref:`gmx insert-molecules`). In these steps you may
73 need to edit your topology file to stay current with your
76 7. Run an energy minimization
77 on the system (using :ref:`gmx grompp`
78 and :ref:`gmx mdrun`). This is required to sort out any bad
79 starting structures caused during generation of the system, which
80 may cause the production simulation to crash. It may be necessary
81 also to minimize your solute structure in vacuo before introducing
82 solvent molecules (or your lipid bilayer or whatever else). You
83 should consider using flexible water models and not using bond
84 constraints or frozen groups. The use of position restraints and/or
85 distance restraints should be evaluated carefully.
87 8. Select the appropriate simulation parameters for the equilibration
88 simulation (defined in :ref:`mdp` file). You need to choose simulation
89 parameters that are consistent with how force field was
90 derived. You may need to simulate at NVT with position restraints
91 on your solvent and/or solute to get the temperature almost right,
92 then relax to NPT to fix the density (which should be done with
93 Berendsen until after the density is stabilized, before a further
94 switch to a barostat that produces the correct ensemble), then move
95 further (if needed) to reach your production simulation ensemble
96 (e.g. NVT, NVE). If you have problems here with the system :ref:`blowing
98 consider using the suggestions on that page, e.g. position
99 restraints on solutes, or not using bond constraints, or using
100 smaller integration timesteps, or several gentler heating stage(s).
102 9. Run the equilibration simulation for sufficient time so that the
103 system relaxes sufficiently in the target ensemble to allow the
104 production run to be commenced (using :ref:`gmx grompp` and
105 :ref:`gmx mdrun`, then :ref:`gmx energy` and `trajectory
107 <http://www.gromacs.org/Documentation/How-tos/Trajectory_Visualization>`_).
109 10. Select the appropriate simulation parameters for the production
110 simulation (defined in :ref:`mdp` file). In particular, be careful not
111 to re-generate the velocities. You still need to be consistent
112 with how the force field was derived and how to measure the
113 property or phenomena of interest.
115 .. _Reference Manual: `gmx-manual-parent-dir`_
123 The ``share/top`` directory of a |Gromacs| installation contains
124 numerous plain-text helper files with the ``.dat`` file extension.
125 Some of the command-line tools (see :doc:`cmdline`) refer to these,
126 and each tool documents which files it uses, and how they are used.
128 If you need to modify these files (e.g. to introduce new atom types
129 with VDW radii into ``vdwradii.dat``), you can copy the file from your
130 installation directory into your working directory, and the |Gromacs|
131 tools will automatically load the copy from your working directory
132 rather than the standard one. To suppress all the standard
133 definitions, use an empty file in the working directory.