1 .. _deprecation-policy:
3 Policy for deprecating |Gromacs| functionality
4 ==============================================
6 Occasionally functionality ceases being useful, is unable to be fixed
7 or maintained, or its user interface needs to be improved. The
8 development team does this sparingly. Broken functionality might be
9 removed without notice if nobody willing to fix it can be found.
10 Working functionality will be changed only after announcing in the
11 previous major release the intent to remove and/or change the form of
12 such functionality. Thus there is typically a year for users and
13 external tool providers to prepare for such changes, and contact the
14 |Gromacs| developers to see how they might be affected and how best to
15 adapt. There is a :ref:`current list <deprecated-functionality>`
16 of deprecated functionality.
18 When environment variables are deprecated, it is up to the user to make
19 sure that their scripts are updated accordingly for the new release. In
20 cases where it is sensible, the development team should do the effort to
21 keep the old environment variables working for one extra release cycle,
22 before fully removing them. The user should be informed about this future
23 deprecation with a warning. If keeping the old environment variable is
24 not possible or highly problematic, setting the removed environment
25 variable should be triggering a warning during one release cycle.