Update instructions in containers.rst
[gromacs.git] / python_packaging / sample_restraint / src / cpp / ensemblepotential.cpp
1 /*! \file
2 * \brief Code to implement the potential declared in ensemblepotential.h
4 * This file currently contains boilerplate that will not be necessary in future gmxapi releases, as
5 * well as additional code used in implementing the restrained ensemble example workflow.
7 * A simpler restraint potential would only update the calculate() function. If a callback function is
8 * not needed or desired, remove the callback() code from this file and from ensemblepotential.h
10 * \author M. Eric Irrgang <ericirrgang@gmail.com>
13 #include "ensemblepotential.h"
15 #include <cassert>
16 #include <cmath>
18 #include <memory>
19 #include <vector>
21 #include "gmxapi/context.h"
22 #include "gmxapi/session.h"
23 #include "gmxapi/md/mdsignals.h"
25 #include "sessionresources.h"
27 namespace plugin
30 /*!
31 * \brief Discretize a density field on a grid.
33 * Apply a Gaussian blur when building a density grid for a list of values.
34 * Normalize such that the area under each sample is 1.0/num_samples.
36 class BlurToGrid
38 public:
39 /*!
40 * \brief Construct the blurring functor.
42 * \param low The coordinate value of the first grid point.
43 * \param gridSpacing Distance between grid points.
44 * \param sigma Gaussian parameter for blurring inputs onto the grid.
46 BlurToGrid(double low,
47 double gridSpacing,
48 double sigma) :
49 low_{low},
50 binWidth_{gridSpacing},
51 sigma_{sigma}
55 /*!
56 * \brief Callable for the functor.
58 * \param samples A list of values to be blurred onto the grid.
59 * \param grid Pointer to the container into which to accumulate a blurred histogram of samples.
61 * Example:
63 * # Acquire 3 samples to be discretized with blurring.
64 * std::vector<double> someData = {3.7, 8.1, 4.2};
66 * # Create an empty grid to store magnitudes for points 0.5, 1.0, ..., 10.0.
67 * std::vector<double> histogram(20, 0.);
69 * # Specify the above grid and a Gaussian parameter of 0.8.
70 * auto blur = BlurToGrid(0.5, 0.5, 0.8);
72 * # Collect the density grid for the samples.
73 * blur(someData, &histogram);
76 void operator()(const std::vector<double>& samples,
77 std::vector<double>* grid)
79 const auto nbins = grid->size();
80 const double& dx{binWidth_};
81 const auto num_samples = samples.size();
83 const double denominator = 1.0 / (2 * sigma_ * sigma_);
84 const double normalization = 1.0 / (num_samples * sqrt(2.0 * M_PI * sigma_ * sigma_));
85 // We aren't doing any filtering of values too far away to contribute meaningfully, which
86 // is admittedly wasteful for large sigma...
87 for (size_t i = 0;i < nbins;++i)
89 double bin_value{0};
90 const double bin_x{low_ + i * dx};
91 for (const auto distance : samples)
93 const double relative_distance{bin_x - distance};
94 const auto numerator = -relative_distance * relative_distance;
95 bin_value += normalization * exp(numerator * denominator);
97 grid->at(i) = bin_value;
101 private:
102 /// Minimum value of bin zero
103 const double low_;
105 /// Size of each bin
106 const double binWidth_;
108 /// Smoothing factor
109 const double sigma_;
112 EnsemblePotential::EnsemblePotential(size_t nbins,
113 double binWidth,
114 double minDist,
115 double maxDist,
116 PairHist experimental,
117 unsigned int nSamples,
118 double samplePeriod,
119 unsigned int nWindows,
120 double k,
121 double sigma) :
122 nBins_{nbins},
123 binWidth_{binWidth},
124 minDist_{minDist},
125 maxDist_{maxDist},
126 histogram_(nbins,
128 experimental_{std::move(experimental)},
129 nSamples_{nSamples},
130 currentSample_{0},
131 samplePeriod_{samplePeriod},
132 // In actuality, we have nsamples at (samplePeriod - dt), but we don't have access to dt.
133 nextSampleTime_{samplePeriod},
134 distanceSamples_(nSamples),
135 nWindows_{nWindows},
136 currentWindow_{0},
137 windowStartTime_{0},
138 nextWindowUpdateTime_{nSamples * samplePeriod},
139 windows_{},
140 k_{k},
141 sigma_{sigma}
144 EnsemblePotential::EnsemblePotential(const input_param_type& params) :
145 EnsemblePotential(params.nBins,
146 params.binWidth,
147 params.minDist,
148 params.maxDist,
149 params.experimental,
150 params.nSamples,
151 params.samplePeriod,
152 params.nWindows,
153 params.k,
154 params.sigma)
160 // HERE is the (optional) function that updates the state of the restraint periodically.
161 // It is called before calculate() once per timestep per simulation (on the master rank of
162 // a parallelized simulation).
165 void EnsemblePotential::callback(gmx::Vector v,
166 gmx::Vector v0,
167 double t,
168 const Resources& resources)
170 const auto rdiff = v - v0;
171 const auto Rsquared = dot(rdiff,
172 rdiff);
173 const auto R = sqrt(Rsquared);
175 // Store historical data every sample_period steps
176 if (t >= nextSampleTime_)
178 distanceSamples_[currentSample_++] = R;
179 nextSampleTime_ = (currentSample_ + 1) * samplePeriod_ + windowStartTime_;
182 // Every nsteps:
183 // 0. Drop oldest window
184 // 1. Reduce historical data for this restraint in this simulation.
185 // 2. Call out to the global reduction for this window.
186 // 3. On update, checkpoint the historical data source.
187 // 4. Update historic windows.
188 // 5. Use handles retained from previous windows to reconstruct the smoothed working histogram
189 if (t >= nextWindowUpdateTime_)
191 // Get next histogram array, recycling old one if available.
192 std::unique_ptr<Matrix<double>> new_window = std::make_unique<Matrix<double>>(1,
193 nBins_);
194 std::unique_ptr<Matrix<double>> temp_window;
195 if (windows_.size() == nWindows_)
197 // Recycle the oldest window.
198 // \todo wrap this in a helper class that manages a buffer we can shuffle through.
199 windows_[0].swap(temp_window);
200 windows_.erase(windows_.begin());
202 else
204 auto new_temp_window = std::make_unique<Matrix<double>>(1,
205 nBins_);
206 assert(new_temp_window);
207 temp_window.swap(new_temp_window);
210 // Reduce sampled data for this restraint in this simulation, applying a Gaussian blur to fill a grid.
211 auto blur = BlurToGrid(0.0,
212 binWidth_,
213 sigma_);
214 assert(new_window != nullptr);
215 assert(distanceSamples_.size() == nSamples_);
216 assert(currentSample_ == nSamples_);
217 blur(distanceSamples_,
218 new_window->vector());
219 // We can just do the blur locally since there aren't many bins. Bundling these operations for
220 // all restraints could give us a chance at some parallelism. We should at least use some
221 // threading if we can.
223 // We request a handle each time before using resources to make error handling easier if there is a failure in
224 // one of the ensemble member processes and to give more freedom to how resources are managed from step to step.
225 auto ensemble = resources.getHandle();
226 // Get global reduction (sum) and checkpoint.
227 assert(temp_window != nullptr);
228 // Todo: in reduce function, give us a mean instead of a sum.
229 ensemble.reduce(*new_window,
230 temp_window.get());
232 // Update window list with smoothed data.
233 windows_.emplace_back(std::move(new_window));
235 // Get new histogram difference. Subtract the experimental distribution to get the values to use in our potential.
236 for (auto& bin : histogram_)
238 bin = 0;
240 for (const auto& window : windows_)
242 for (size_t i = 0;i < window->cols();++i)
244 histogram_.at(i) += (window->vector()->at(i) - experimental_.at(i)) / windows_.size();
249 // Note we do not have the integer timestep available here. Therefore, we can't guarantee that updates occur
250 // with the same number of MD steps in each interval, and the interval will effectively lose digits as the
251 // simulation progresses, so _update_period should be cleanly representable in binary. When we extract this
252 // to a facility, we can look for a part of the code with access to the current timestep.
253 windowStartTime_ = t;
254 nextWindowUpdateTime_ = nSamples_ * samplePeriod_ + windowStartTime_;
255 ++currentWindow_; // This is currently never used. I'm not sure it will be, either...
257 // Reset sample bufering.
258 currentSample_ = 0;
259 // Reset sample times.
260 nextSampleTime_ = t + samplePeriod_;
268 // HERE is the function that does the calculation of the restraint force.
271 gmx::PotentialPointData EnsemblePotential::calculate(gmx::Vector v,
272 gmx::Vector v0,
273 double /* t */)
275 // This is not the vector from v to v0. It is the position of a site
276 // at v, relative to the origin v0. This is a potentially confusing convention...
277 const auto rdiff = v - v0;
278 const auto Rsquared = dot(rdiff,
279 rdiff);
280 const auto R = sqrt(Rsquared);
283 // Compute output
284 gmx::PotentialPointData output;
285 // Energy not needed right now.
286 // output.energy = 0;
288 if (R != 0) // Direction of force is ill-defined when v == v0
291 double f{0};
293 if (R > maxDist_)
295 // apply a force to reduce R
296 f = k_ * (maxDist_ - R);
298 else if (R < minDist_)
300 // apply a force to increase R
301 f = k_ * (minDist_ - R);
303 else
305 double f_scal{0};
307 const size_t numBins = histogram_.size();
308 double normConst = sqrt(2 * M_PI) * sigma_ * sigma_ * sigma_;
310 for (size_t n = 0;n < numBins;n++)
312 const double x{n * binWidth_ - R};
313 const double argExp{-0.5 * x * x / (sigma_ * sigma_)};
314 f_scal += histogram_.at(n) * exp(argExp) * x / normConst;
316 f = -k_ * f_scal;
319 const auto magnitude = f / norm(rdiff);
320 output.force = rdiff * static_cast<decltype(rdiff[0])>(magnitude);
322 return output;
325 std::unique_ptr<ensemble_input_param_type>
326 makeEnsembleParams(size_t nbins,
327 double binWidth,
328 double minDist,
329 double maxDist,
330 const std::vector<double>& experimental,
331 unsigned int nSamples,
332 double samplePeriod,
333 unsigned int nWindows,
334 double k,
335 double sigma)
337 using std::make_unique;
338 auto params = make_unique<ensemble_input_param_type>();
339 params->nBins = nbins;
340 params->binWidth = binWidth;
341 params->minDist = minDist;
342 params->maxDist = maxDist;
343 params->experimental = experimental;
344 params->nSamples = nSamples;
345 params->samplePeriod = samplePeriod;
346 params->nWindows = nWindows;
347 params->k = k;
348 params->sigma = sigma;
350 return params;
353 // Important: Explicitly instantiate a definition for the templated class declared in ensemblepotential.h.
354 // Failing to do this will cause a linker error.
355 template
356 class ::plugin::RestraintModule<EnsembleRestraint>;
358 } // end namespace plugin