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1 <title>rtp file format</title>
2 <H3>Description</H3>
3 The rtp file extension stands for residue toplogy.
4 Such a file is needed by <a href="../programs/gmx-pdb2gmx.html">gmx pdb2gmx</a>
5 to make a GROMACS topology for a protein contained in a <tt>.pdb</tt>
6 file. The file contains the default interaction type for the 4 bonded
7 interactions and residue entries, which consist of atoms and
8 optionally bonds, angles dihedrals and impropers.
9 Parameters can be added to bonds, angles, dihedrals and impropers,
10 these parameters override the standard parameters
11 in the <a href="itp.html"><tt>.itp</tt></a> files.
12 This should only be used in special cases.
13 Instead of parameters a string can be added for each bonded interaction,
14 the string is copied to the <a href="top.html"><tt>.top</tt></a> file,
15 this is used for the GROMOS96 forcefield.
16 <p>
17 <a href="../programs/gmx-pdb2gmx.html">gmx pdb2gmx</a>
18 automatically generates all angles,
19 this means that the <tt>[angles]</tt> field is only
20 useful for overriding <a href="itp.html"><tt>.itp</tt></a> parameters.
21 <p>
22 <a href="../programs/gmx-pdb2gmx.html">gmx pdb2gmx</a>
23 automatically generates one proper
24 dihedral for every rotatable bond, preferably on heavy atoms.
25 When the <tt>[dihedrals]</tt> field is used, no other dihedrals will
26 be generated for the bonds corresponding to the specified dihedrals.
27 It is possible to put more than one dihedral on a rotatable bond.
28 <p>
29 <a href="../programs/gmx-pdb2gmx.html">gmx pdb2gmx</a>
30 sets the number exclusions to 3, which
31 means that interactions between atoms connected by at most 3 bonds are
32 excluded. Pair interactions are generated for all pairs of atoms which are
33 seperated by 3 bonds (except pairs of hydrogens).
34 When more interactions need to be excluded, or some pair interactions should
35 not be generated, an <tt>[exclusions]</tt> field can be added, followed by
36 pairs of atom names on seperate lines. All non-bonded and pair interactions
37 between these atoms will be excluded.
38 <p>
39 A sample is included below.
42 <PRE>
43 [ bondedtypes ] ; mandatory
44 ; bonds angles dihedrals impropers
45 1 1 1 2 ; mandatory
47 [ GLY ] ; mandatory
49 [ atoms ] ; mandatory
50 ; name type charge chargegroup
51 N N -0.280 0
52 H H 0.280 0
53 CA CH2 0.000 1
54 C C 0.380 2
55 O O -0.380 2
57 [ bonds ] ; optional
58 ;atom1 atom2 b0 kb
59 N H
60 N CA
61 CA C
62 C O
63 -C N
65 [ exclusions ] ; optional
66 ;atom1 atom2
68 [ angles ] ; optional
69 ;atom1 atom2 atom3 th0 cth
71 [ dihedrals ] ; optional
72 ;atom1 atom2 atom3 atom4 phi0 cp mult
74 [ impropers ] ; optional
75 ;atom1 atom2 atom3 atom4 q0 cq
76 N -C CA H
77 -C -CA N -O
80 [ ZN ]
81 [ atoms ]
82 ZN ZN 2.000 0
83 </PRE>