1 ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
3 # Don't edit - this file is generated automatically from Makefile.am
5 topoldir = ${pkgdatadir}/top/gmx.ff
8 aminoacids.c.tdb atomtypes.atp ions.itp \
9 aminoacids.hdb ffbonded.itp spc.itp \
10 aminoacids.n.tdb ffnonbonded.itp spce.itp \
11 aminoacids.rtp forcefield.doc tip3p.itp \
12 aminoacids.vsd forcefield.itp tip4p.itp \
13 h2p4o13.itp h2p8o25.itp h2po4.itp \
14 1mlg.itp 2mlg.itp decane.itp \
15 dlg.itp fa.itp tfe.itp \
16 decane50.gro watermodels.dat ff_dum.itp
18 EXTRA_DIST = ${topol_DATA}