Merge branch 'master' of git://
[gromacs/adressmacs.git] / src / contrib / scripts / amber2gmxff
1 #!/bin/awk -f
3 # reads Amber forcefield definition file(s) and converts to Gromacs
4 # Version 1.1
5 # Copyright (c) 2002
6 # Anton Feenstra - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - The Netherlands
8 function abs(r) {
9 return sqrt(r^2);
12 # unit conversion functions:
14 # Angstrom (1e-10 m) to nanometers (1e-9 m)
15 function A2nm(a) {
16 return a/10;
19 # Angstrom^-1 to nanometers^-1
20 function pA2pnm(a) {
21 return a*10;
24 # kCalories to kJoules
25 function kcal2kj(e) {
26 return e * 4.1868;
29 # kCal mol^-1 A^-n to kJoule mol^-1 nm^-n
30 # 'n' is usually 2 (for bonds) or 6 or 12 (for LJ)
31 function kcalpmolpA2kjpmolpnm(k, n) {
32 kk=kcal2kj(k);
33 for(ki=0; ki<n; ki++)
34 kk=pA2pnm(kk);
35 return kk;
38 function warning(s) {
39 printf("WARNING: %s\n", s);
40 nwarn++;
43 function print_warn() {
44 if (nwarn)
45 printf("\nThere were %d warnings\n\n", nwarn);
48 function fatal_error(s) {
49 printf("FATAL ERROR: %s\n", s);
50 exit -1;
53 BEGIN {
54 if (ARGC < 2) {
55 print("Usage:");
56 print("amber2gmxff [ffname=<name>] [debug=1] parm##.dat");
57 print("");
58 print("Reads Amber forcefield definition file (parm##.dat) and writes");
59 print("Gromacs forcefield files:");
60 print("ff<name>.atp, ff<name>.itp, ff<name>nb.itp, ff<name>bon.itp");
61 print("Default for <name> is 'amber'.");
62 print("");
63 print("Use 'debug=1' for extremely verbose output.");
64 print("");
65 xxit=1;
66 exit;
68 if ( !ffname ) ffname="amber";
69 ffbon = "ff" ffname "bon.itp";
70 ffnb = "ff" ffname "nb.itp";
71 ffmain= "ff" ffname ".itp";
72 ffatp = "ff" ffname ".atp";
73 ffpdihs = ffname "-dihedrals.txt";
74 ffidihs = ffname "-impropers.txt";
75 printf("Sending output to: %s, %s and %s\n", ffmain, ffnb, ffbon);
76 printf("; Amber forcefield converted to Gromacs\n") > ffnb;
77 printf("; from file %s\n", ARGV[1]) > ffnb;
78 printf("; \n") > ffnb;
79 printf("; Amber forcefield converted to Gromacs\n") > ffbon;
80 printf("; from file %s\n", ARGV[1]) > ffbon;
81 printf("\n") > ffbon;
82 type=0;
83 nat=0; # atoms
84 nb=0; # bonds
85 na=0; # angles
86 np=0; # propers
87 ni=0; # impropers
88 nhb=0; # H-bonds (10-12)
89 neq=0; # equivalent 6-12
90 nlj=0; # LJ (6-12)
91 section[tp_TITL=0]="title";
92 section[tp_ATOM=1]="atom";
93 section[tp_HYDR=2]="hydro";
94 section[tp_BOND=3]="bond";
95 section[tp_ANGL=4]="angle";
96 section[tp_PDIH=5]="pdih";
97 section[tp_IDIH=6]="idih";
98 section[tp_HB =7]="HB";
99 section[tp_EQ =8]="eq";
100 section[tp_LJ =9]="LJ";
104 # keep track of what we are reading, sections are separated by empty line
105 NF==0 {
106 if (type==tp_HB) {
107 if (bAllZero) {
108 printf("; NOTE: all H-bond (10-12) parameters are Zero\n") > ffnb;
109 } else {
110 printf("; WARNIGN: Not all H-bond (10-12) parameters are Zero\n") > ffnb;
111 warning("Not all H-bond (10-12) parameters are Zero\n");
114 type++;
115 printf("Start reading section: %d = %s\n", type, section[type]);
116 next;
119 type==tp_TITL { # title
120 title = $0;
121 printf("; %s\n", title) > ffnb;
122 printf("; \n") > ffnb;
123 printf("; %s\n", title) > ffbon;
124 printf("; \n") > ffbon;
125 type++;
126 next;
129 type==tp_ATOM { # atoms
130 if (debug) printf("; %s\n", $0);
131 anm = substr($0, 1, 2) ; # 1- 2
132 anms[nat] = anm;
133 amass[anm] = substr($0, 4,10)+0; # 4-13
134 atpol[anm] = substr($0,15,10)+0; # 15-24
135 atcom[anm] = substr($0,38,length); # rest
136 nat++;
137 if (debug) printf("; '%s' %10g %10g '%s'\n",
138 anm, amass[anm], atpol[anm], atcom[anm]);
141 type==tp_HYDR { # hydrophylic atoms
142 if (debug) printf("; %s\n", $0);
143 hydrophylics = $0;
144 type++;
145 next;
148 type>=tp_BOND && type<=tp_IDIH { # bonded interaction
149 ai = substr($0, 1, 2) ; # 1- 2
150 aj = substr($0, 4, 2) ; # 4- 5
151 ak = substr($0, 7, 2) ; # 7- 8
152 al = substr($0,10, 2) ; # 10-11
155 type==tp_BOND { # bonds
156 if (nb==0) {
157 printf("\n") > ffbon;
158 printf("[ bondtypes ]\n") > ffbon;
159 printf(";%4s %5s %4s %8s %8s\n", "ai", "aj", "ft", "b0", "kb") > ffbon;
160 printf(";%4s %5s %4s %8s %8s\n","","","", "(nm)", "(kj/mol/nm2)") > ffbon;
161 ft=1;
163 if (debug) printf("; %s\n", $0);
164 ibt[nb] = ai;
165 jbt[nb] = aj;
166 rk[nb] = kcalpmolpA2kjpmolpnm(substr($0, 6,10), 2); # 6-15
167 req[nb] = A2nm(substr($0,16,10)); # 16-25
168 bcom[nb]= substr($0,29,length); # rest
169 printf("%5s %5s %4d %8g %8g ; %s\n",
170 ibt[nb], jbt[nb], ft, req[nb], rk[nb], bcom[nb]) > ffbon;
171 nb++;
174 type==tp_ANGL { # angles
175 if (na==0) {
176 printf("\n") > ffbon;
177 printf("[ angletypes ]\n") > ffbon;
178 printf(";%4s %5s %5s %4s %8s %8s\n",
179 "ai", "aj", "ak", "ft", "th0", "cth") > ffbon;
180 printf(";%4s %5s %5s %4s %8s %8s\n",
181 "", "", "", "", "(degr)", "(kj/mol/rad2)") > ffbon;
182 ft=1;
184 if (debug) printf("; %s\n", $0);
185 itt[na] = ai;
186 jtt[na] = aj;
187 ktt[na] = ak;
188 tk[na] = kcal2kj(substr($0, 9,10)); # 9-18
189 teq[na] = substr($0,19,10)+0; # 19-28
190 acom[na]= substr($0,33,length); # rest
191 printf("%5s %5s %5s %4d %8g %8g ; %s\n",
192 itt[na],jtt[na],ktt[na], ft, teq[na], tk[na], acom[na]) > ffbon;
193 na++;
196 type==tp_PDIH || type==tp_IDIH { # proper/improper dihedrals
197 if (type==tp_PDIH && np==0) {
198 ft=1;
199 bFirstPdihDefine=1;
200 printf("\n") > ffbon;
201 printf("[ dihedraltypes ]\n") > ffbon;
202 printf(";%4s %5s %5s %8s %8s %5s\n",
203 "aj","ak", "ft","phi0","cp","mult") > ffbon;
204 printf(";%4s %5s %5s %8s %8s %5s\n",
205 "","", "","(degr)","(kJ/mol/rad)","") > ffbon;
207 if (type==tp_IDIH && ni==0) {
208 ft=1; # we'll have to 'abuse' propers to correspond to Amber definition
209 printf("\n") > ffbon;
210 printf(";%4s %5s %5s %5s %5s %8s %8s %5s\n",
211 "ai","aj","ak","al", "ft","q0","cq","mult") > ffbon;
212 printf("; WARNING: using Gromacs propers to define Amber impropers\n") > ffbon;
213 printf("; defining improper parameters for improper types\n") > ffbon;
214 warning("using Gromacs propers to define Amber impropers\n");
216 if (debug) printf("; %s\n", $0);
217 idivf = substr($0,12, 4)+0; # 12-15
218 pk = kcal2kj(substr($0,16,15)); # 16-30
219 phase = substr($0,31,15)+0; # 31-45
220 pn = substr($0,46,15)+0; # 46-50
221 com = substr($0,61,length); # rest
222 if (type==tp_PDIH) {
223 ipt[np] = ai;
224 jpt[np] = aj;
225 kpt[np] = ak;
226 lpt[np] = al;
227 p_idivf[np] = idivf;
228 p_pk[np] = pk ;
229 p_phase[np] = phase;
230 p_pn[np] = pn ;
231 p_com[np] = com ;
232 np++;
233 if ( ai=="X " && al=="X " ) {
234 # this is the type of dihedral GROMACS can manage:
235 printf("%5s %5s %5d %8g %8g %5d ; %s\n",
236 aj,ak, ft, phase, pk/idivf, pn, com) > ffbon;
237 if (pn<0) {
238 printf(" ; WARNING: multiple dihedral types not supperted") > ffbon;
239 warning("multiple dihedral types not supperted");
241 } else {
242 # here we need a hack, since we cannot hava a dihedral type
243 # depend on all four atom types in GROMACS...
244 if (bFirstPdihDefine) {
245 bFirstPdihDefine=0;
246 printf("\n") > ffbon;
247 printf("; defining dihedral parameters for four-atom dependent\n") > ffbon;
248 printf("; dihedral types, which Gromacs does not handle by default\n") > ffbon;
250 print ai, aj, ak, al > ffpdihs;
251 gsub(" ","_",ai); gsub(" ","_",aj); gsub(" ","_",ak); gsub(" ","_",al);
252 if (pn<0 && ninc=="")
253 ninc=1;
254 printf("#define ad_%2s_%2s_%2s_%2s%1s%1s %8g %8g %5d %8g %8g %5d %s%s\n",
255 ai,aj,ak,al, ninc?"_":" ", ninc,
256 phase, pk/idivf, abs(pn), phase, pk/idivf, abs(pn),
257 length(com)?"; ":"", com) > ffbon;
258 if (pn<0)
259 ninc++;
260 else
261 ninc="";
264 if (type==tp_IDIH) {
265 iit[ni] = ai;
266 jit[ni] = aj;
267 kit[ni] = ak;
268 lit[ni] = al;
269 i_idivf[ni] = idivf;
270 i_pk[ni] = pk ;
271 i_phase[ni] = phase;
272 i_pn[ni] = pn ;
273 i_com[ni] = com ;
274 ni++;
275 # here we need a hack, since we cannot hava a dihedral type
276 # depend on all four atom types in GROMACS...
277 print ai, aj, ak, al > ffidihs;
278 gsub(" ","_",ai); gsub(" ","_",aj); gsub(" ","_",ak); gsub(" ","_",al);
279 printf("#define ai_%2s_%2s_%2s_%2s %8g %8g %5d %8g %8g %5d %s%s\n",
280 ai,aj,ak,al, pk,phase,pn,pk,phase,pn,
281 length(com)?"; ":"",com) > ffbon;
285 type==tp_HB { # H-bond 10-12 parameters
286 if (nhb==0) {
287 printf("\n") > ffnb;
288 printf("; H-bond params not implemented\n") > ffnb;
289 warning("H-bond params not implemented\n");
290 bAllZero=1;
292 if (debug) printf("; %s\n", $0);
293 a=substr($0, 11, 10)+0; # 11-20
294 b=substr($0, 21, 10)+0; # 21-30
295 if (a!=0 || b!=0) {
296 printf("; WARNING: non-zero H-bond (10-12) parameters: %s %s %g %g\n",
297 ai, aj, a, b) > ffnb;
298 warning("non-zero H-bond (10-12) parameters:", ai, aj, a, b);
299 bAllZero=0;
301 nhb++;
304 type==tp_EQ { # equivalent atom symbols 6-12 parameters
305 if (neq==0) {
306 printf("\n") > ffnb;
307 printf("; LJ 6-12 equivalent atom symbols\n") > ffnb;
310 if (debug) printf("; %s\n", $0);
311 anm=substr($0, 1, 2);
312 for(i=1; i<length; i+=4) {
313 eqat[neq]++;
314 eqat[neq, int(i/4)]=substr($0, i, 2);
316 printf("; ") > ffnb;
317 for(i=0; i<eqat[neq]; i++) {
318 printf("%3s ", eqat[neq, i]) > ffnb;
320 printf("(%d)\n", eqat[neq]) > ffnb;
321 neq++;
324 type==tp_LJ { # 6-12 potential parameters
325 if ( !kindnb ) {
326 label = $1;
327 kindnb= $2;
328 next;
330 if (nlj==0) {
331 printf("\n") > ffnb;
332 printf("; Define LJ 6-12 parameter types:\n") > ffnb;
334 if (debug) printf("; %s\n", $0);
335 ljt[nlj] = substr($0, 3, 2) ; # 3- 4
336 p1 = substr($0,11,20)+0; # 11-20
337 p2 = substr($0,21,30)+0; # 21-30
338 if (kindnb=="AC") {
339 p = kcalpmolpA2kjpmolpnm(p2, 6);
340 p2 = kcalpmolpA2kjpmolpnm(p1, 12);
341 p1 = p;
343 if (kindnb=="RE") {
344 p1 = A2nm(p1);
345 p2 = kcal2kj(p2);
347 p3 = substr($0,31,40)+0; # 31-40
348 if (debug) printf("; '%s' %10g %10g %10g\n",
349 ljt[nlj], p1, p2, p3);
350 printf("#define alj_%s %10g %10g\n", ljt[nlj], p1,p2) > ffnb;
351 nlj++;
354 END {
355 if (xxit) exit;
357 # write forcefield main ff<name>.itp file
358 # we do that here so we have the title...
359 printf("#define _FF_%s\n", toupper(ffname)) > ffmain;
360 printf("; Amber forcefield converted to Gromacs\n") > ffmain;
361 printf("; from file %s\n", ARGV[1]) > ffmain;
362 printf("; \n") > ffmain;
363 printf("; %s\n", title) > ffmain;
364 printf("\n") > ffmain;
365 printf("[ defaults ]\n") > ffmain;
366 if (kindnb=="AC") cr=1;
367 if (kindnb=="RE") cr=2;
368 printf("; %8s %10s %10s %10s %10s\n",
369 "nbfunc", "comb-rule", "gen-pairs", "fudgeLJ", "fudgeQQ") > ffmain;
370 printf("%10d %10d %10s %10.3g %10.3g\n", 1, cr, "no", 1.0, 1.0) > ffmain;
371 printf("\n") > ffmain;
372 printf("#include \"%s\"\n", ffnb) > ffmain;
373 printf("#include \"%s\"\n", ffbon) > ffmain;
375 # expand LJ parameters (using 'equivalent atoms')
376 for(i=0; i<neq; i++) {
377 eqnm = eqat[i, 0];
378 if (debug) print i, eqnm, eqat[i];
379 for(j=1; j<eqat[i]; j++)
380 atlj[eqat[i, j]] = eqnm;
382 for(i=0; i<nat; i++) {
383 anm=anms[i];
384 if (!atlj[anm]) atlj[anm]=anm;
385 if (debug) print i, anm, atlj[anm];
387 printf("\n") > ffnb;
388 printf("[ atomtypes ]\n") > ffnb;
389 if (kindnb=="AC")
390 printf(";%4s%10s %4s %2s %-10s\n",
391 "name", "mass", "q", "tp", "c6/c12") > ffnb;
392 if (kindnb=="RE")
393 printf(";%4s%10s %4s %2s %-10s\n",
394 "name", "mass", "q", "tp", "sigma/epsilon") > ffnb;
395 q=0;
396 ptype="A";
397 for(i=0; i<nat; i++) {
398 anm=anms[i];
399 printf("%4s %10.6g %4.2g %2s alj_%-3s ; %s\n",
400 anm, amass[anm], q, ptype, atlj[anm], atcom[anm]) > ffnb;
401 # here we write .atp
402 printf("%4s %10.6g ; %s\n", anm, amass[anm], atcom[anm]) > ffatp;
404 printf("\n");
406 printf("Found:\n");
407 printf("# atoms: %s\n", nat);
408 printf("# bonds: %s\n", nb);
409 printf("# angles: %s\n", na);
410 printf("# propers: %s\n", np);
411 printf("# impropers: %s\n", ni);
412 printf("# H-bonds (10-12): %s\n", nhb);
413 printf("# equivalent 6-12: %s\n", neq);
414 printf("# LJ (6-12): %s\n", nlj);
416 printf("\n") > ffnb;
417 printf("; Found:\n") > ffnb;
418 printf("; # atoms: %s\n", nat) > ffnb;
419 printf("; # H-bonds (10-12): %s\n", nhb) > ffnb;
420 printf("; # equivalent 6-12: %s\n", neq) > ffnb;
421 printf("; # LJ (6-12): %s\n", nlj) > ffnb;
422 printf("\n") > ffbon;
423 printf("; Found:\n") > ffbon;
424 printf("; # bonds: %s\n", nb) > ffbon;
425 printf("; # angles: %s\n", na) > ffbon;
426 printf("; # propers: %s\n", np) > ffbon;
427 printf("; # impropers: %s\n", ni) > ffbon;
429 print_warn();
430 system("luck");
433 #last line