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2 <TITLE>mdp options</TITLE>
3 <BODY>
5 <!--
13 -->
15 <h1>mdp options</h1>
17 <IMG SRC="../gif/rainbow.gif" WIDTH=100% HEIGHT=7>
18 <P>
20 <H3>Table of Contents:</H3>
22 <ul>
23 <li><A HREF="#general"><b>General remarks</b></A>
24 <P>
25 <li><A HREF="#pp"><b>preprocessing</b></A> (title, warnings, cpp, include, define)
26 <li><A HREF="#run"><b>run control</b></A> (integrator, tinit, dt, nsteps, nstcomm)
27 <li><A HREF="#ld"><b>langevin dynamics</b></A> (ld_temp, ld_fric, ld_seed)
28 <li><A HREF="#em"><b>energy minimization</b></A> (emtol, emstep, nstcgsteep)
29 <li><A HREF="#out"><b>output control</b></A> (nstxout, nstvout, nstfout, nstlog, nstenergy, nstxtcout, xtc_precision, xtc_grps, energygrps)
30 <li><A HREF="#nl"><b>neighbor searching</b></A> (nstlist, ns_type, deltagrid, box, rlist)
31 <li><A HREF="#el"><b>electrostatics and VdW</b></A> (coulombtype, rcoulomb_switch, rcoulomb, vdwtype, rvdw_switch, rvdw, epsilon_r, bDispCorr, fourierspacing, fourier_nx, fourier_ny, fourier_nz, pme_order, ewald_rtol, optimize_fft)
32 <li><A HREF="#tc"><b>Temperature coupling</b></A> (tcoupl, tc_grps, tau_t, ref_t)
33 <li><A HREF="#pc"><b>Pressure coupling</b></A> (pcoupl, tau_p, compressibility, ref_p)
34 <li><A HREF="#sa"><b>simulated annealing</b></A> (annealing, zero_temp_time)
35 <li><A HREF="#vel"><b>velocity generation</b></A> (gen_vel, gen_temp, gen_seed)
36 <li><A HREF="#sol"><b>solvent optimization</b></A> (solvent_optimization)
37 <li><A HREF="#bond"><b>bonds</b></A> (constraints, constraint_algorithm, unconstrained_start, shake_tol, lincs_order, lincs_warnangle, nstlincsout, morse)
38 <li><A HREF="#nmr"><b>NMR refinement</b></A> (disre, disre_weighting, disre_mixed, disre_fc, disre_tau, nstdisreout)
39 <li><A HREF="#free"><b>Free Energy Perturbation</b></A> (free_energy, init_lambda, delta_lambda)
40 <li><A HREF="#neq"><b>Non-equilibrium MD</b></A> (acc_grps, accelerate, freezegrps, freezedim )
41 <li><A HREF="#ef"><b>Electric fields</b></A> (E_x, E_xt, E_y, E_yt, E_z, E_zt )
42 <li><A HREF="#user"><b>User defined thingies</b></A> (user1_grps, user2_grps, user3_grps, userint1, userint2, userint3, userint4, userreal1, userreal2, userreal3, userreal4)
43 <li><A HREF="#idx">Index</b></A>
44 </ul>
45 </P>
47 <IMG SRC="../gif/rainbow.gif" WIDTH=100% HEIGHT=7>
49 <A NAME="general"><br>
50 <h3>General</h3>
52 <P>
53 Default values are given in parentheses. The first option is
54 always the default option. Units are given in square brackets The
55 difference between a dash and an underscore is ignored. </P>
57 <P>
58 A <a href="mdp.html">sample <TT>.mdp</TT> file</a> is
59 available. This should be appropriate to start a normal
60 simulation. Edit it to suit your specific needs and desires. </P>
62 <A NAME="pp"><br>
63 <hr>
64 <h3>Preprocessing</h3>
66 <dl>
67 <dt><h4>title:</h4>
68 <dd>this is redundant, so you can type anything you want
69 <dt><h4>cpp: </b>(/lib/cpp)</h4>
70 <dd>your preprocessor
71 <dt><h4>include:</h4>
72 <dd>directories to include in your topology. format:
73 <PRE>-I/home/john/my_lib -I../more_lib</PRE>
74 <dt><h4>define: </b>()</h4>
75 <dd>defines to pass to the preprocessor, default is no defines. You can use
76 any defines to control options in your customized topology files. Options
77 that are already available by default are:
78 <dd><dl compact>
79 <dt><b>-DFLEX_SPC</b>
80 <dd>Will tell grompp to include FLEX_SPC in stead of SPC into your
81 topology, this is necessary to make
82 <b><A HREF="#run">conjugate gradient</A></b> work and will allow
83 <b><A HREF="#run">steepest descent</A></b> to minimize further.
84 <dt><b>-DPOSRE</b>
85 <dd>Will tell grompp to include posre.itp into your topology, used for
86 <!--Idx-->position restraints<!--EIdx-->.
87 </dl>
88 </dl>
90 <A NAME="run"><br>
91 <hr>
92 <h3>Run control</h3>
94 <dl>
95 <dt><h4>integrator:</h4>
96 <dd><dl compact>
97 <dt><b>md</b>
98 <dd>A <!--Idx-->leap-frog<!--EIdx--> algorithm for integrating Newton's
99 equations.
100 <dt><b>steep</b>
101 <dd>A <!--Idx-->steepest descent<!--EIdx--> algorithm for energy
102 minimization. The maximum step size is <b><A HREF="#em">emstep</A></b>
103 [nm], the tolerance is <b><A HREF="#em">emtol</A></b> [kJ
104 mol<sup>-1</sup> nm<sup>-1</sup>].
105 <dt><b>cg</b>
106 <dd> A <!--Idx-->conjugate gradient<!--EIdx--> algorithm for energy
107 minimization, the tolerance is <b>emtol</b> [kJ mol<sup>-1</sup>
108 nm<sup>-1</sup>]. CG is more efficient when a steepest descent step
109 is done every once in a while, this is determined by
110 <b><A HREF="#em">nstcgsteep</A></b>.
111 <dt><b>ld</b>
112 <dd> An Euler integrator for position Langevin dynamics, the
113 velocity is the force divided by a friction coefficient
114 (<b><A HREF="#ld">ld_fric</A></b> [amu ps<sup>-1</sup>])
115 plus random thermal noise (<b><A HREF="#ld">ld_temp</A></b> [K]).
116 The random generator is initialized with <b><A HREF="#ld">ld_seed</A></b>
117 </dl>
119 <dt><h4>tinit: </b>(0) [ps]</h4>
120 <dd>starting time for your run (only makes sense for integrators <b>md</b>
121 and <b>ld</b>)
122 <dt><h4>dt: </b>(0.001) [ps]</h4>
123 <dd>time step for integration (only makes sense for integrators <b>md</b>
124 and <b>ld</b>)
125 <dt><h4>nsteps: </b>(1)</h4>
126 <dd>maximum number of steps to integrate
127 <dt><h4>nstcomm: </b>(1) [steps]</h4>
128 <dd>if positive: frequency for center of mass motion removal
129 <dd>if negative: frequency for center of mass motion and rotational
130 motion removal (should only be used for vacuum simulations)
131 </dl>
133 <A NAME="ld"><br>
134 <hr>
135 <h3><!--Idx-->Langevin dynamics<!--EIdx--></h3>
137 <dl>
138 <dt><h4>ld_temp: </b>(300) [K]</h4>
139 <dd>temperature in ld run (controls thermal noise level)
140 <dt><h4>ld_fric: </b>(0) [amu ps<sup>-1</sup>]</h4>
141 <dd>ld friction coefficient
142 <dt><h4>ld_seed: </b>(1993) [integer]</h4>
143 <dd>used to initialize random generator for thermal noise
144 <dd>when <b>ld_seed</b> is set to -1, the seed is calculated as
145 <tt>(time() + getpid()) % 65536</tt>
146 </dl>
148 <A NAME="em"><br>
149 <hr>
150 <h3><!--Idx-->Energy minimization<!--EIdx--></h3>
151 <dl>
152 <dt><h4>emtol: </b>(100.0) [kJ mol<sup>-1</sup> nm<sup>-1</sup>]</h4>
153 <dd>the minimization is converged when the maximum force is smaller than
154 this value
155 <dt><h4>emstep: </b>(0.01) [nm]</h4>
156 <dd>initial step-size
157 <dt><h4>nstcgsteep: </b>(1000) [steps]</h4>
158 <dd>frequency of performing 1 steepest descent step while doing
159 conjugate gradient energy minimization.
160 </dl>
162 <A NAME="out"><br>
163 <hr>
164 <h3>Output control</h3>
165 <dl>
166 <dt><h4>nstxout: </b>(100) [steps]</h4>
167 <dd>frequency to write coordinates to output
168 <!--Idx-->trajectory file<!--EIdx-->, the last coordinates are always written
169 <dt><h4>nstvout: </b>(100) [steps]</h4>
170 <dd>frequency to write velocities to output trajectory,
171 the last velocities are always written
172 <dt><h4>nstfout: </b>(0) [steps]</h4>
173 <dd>frequency to write forces to output trajectory.
174 <dt><h4>nstlog: </b>(100) [steps]</h4>
175 <dd>frequency to write energies to <!--Idx-->log file<!--EIdx-->,
176 the last energies are always written
177 <dt><h4>nstenergy: </b>(100) [steps]</h4>
178 <dd>frequency to write energies to energy file,
179 the last energies are always written
180 <dt><h4>nstxtcout: </b>(0) [steps]</h4>
181 <dd>frequency to write coordinates to xtc trajectory
182 <dt><h4>xtc_precision: </b>(1000) [real]</h4>
183 <dd>precision to write to xtc trajectory
184 <dt><h4>xtc_grps:</h4>
185 <dd>group(s) to write to xtc trajectory, default the whole system is written
186 (if <b>nstxtcout</b> is larger than zero)
187 <dt><h4>energygrps:</h4>
188 <dd>group(s) to write to energy file
189 </dl>
191 <A NAME="nl"><br>
192 <hr>
193 <h3><!--Idx-->Neighbor searching<!--EIdx--></h3>
194 <dl>
195 <dt><h4>nstlist: </b>(10) [steps]</h4>
196 <dd>frequency to update <!--Idx-->neighborlist<!--EIdx-->
198 <dt><h4>ns_type:</h4>
199 <dd><dl compact>
200 <dt><b>grid</b>
201 <dd>Make a grid in the box and only check atoms in neighboring grid
202 cells when constructing a new neighbor list every <b>nstlist</b> steps.
203 The number of grid cells per Coulomb cut-off
204 length is set with <b>deltagrid</b>, this number should be 2 or 3 for
205 optimal performance. In large systems grid search is much faster than
206 simple search.
207 <dt><b>simple</b>
208 <dd>Check every atom in the box when constructing a new neighbor list
209 every <b>nstlist</b> steps.
210 </dl>
211 <dt><h4>deltagrid: </b>(2)</h4>
212 <dd>number of grid cells per largest cut-off distance
214 <dt><h4>box:</h4>
215 <dd><dl compact>
216 <dt><b>rectangular</b>
217 <dd>Selects a rectangular box shape.
218 <dt><b>none</b>
219 <dd>Selects no box, for use in vacuum simulations.
220 </dl>
222 <dt><h4>rlist: </b>(1) [nm]</h4>
223 <dd>cut-off distance for making the neighbor list
224 </dl>
227 <A NAME="el"><br>
228 <hr>
229 <h3><!--Idx-->Electrostatics<!--EIdx--> and VdW</h3>
230 <dl>
231 <dt><h4>coulombtype:</h4>
232 <dd><dl compact>
234 <dt><b>Cut-off</b>
235 <dd>Twin range cut-off's with neighborlist cut-off <b>rlist</b> and
236 Coulomb cut-off <b>rcoulomb</b>,
237 where <b>rlist</b> <tt>&lt=</tt> <b>rvdw</b> <tt>&lt=</tt> <b>rcoulomb</b>.
238 The dielectric constant is set with <b>epsilon_r</b>.
240 <dt><b>Ewald</b>
241 <dd>Classical <!--Idx-->Ewald sum<!--EIdx--> electrostatics.
242 Use e.g. <b>rlist</b>=0.9,
243 <b>rvdw</b>=0.9, <b>rcoulomb</b>=0.9. The highest magnitude of
244 wave vectors used in reciprocal space is controlled by <b>fourierspacing</b>.
245 The relative accuracy of direct/reciprocal space
246 is controlled by <b>ewald_rtol</b>. NOTE: Ewald scales as O(N<sup>3/2</sup>)) and
247 is thus extremely slow for large systems. It is included mainly for
248 reference - in most cases PME will perform much better.
250 <dt><b><!--Idx-->PME<!--EIdx--></b>
251 <dd>Fast Particle-Mesh Ewald electrostatics. Direct space is similar
252 to the Ewald sum, while the reciprocal part is performed with
253 FFTs. Grid dimensions are controlled with <b>fourierspacing</b> and the
254 interpolation order with <b>pme_order</b>. With a grid spacing of 0.1
255 nm and cubic interpolation the electrostatic forces have an accuracy
256 of 2-3e-4. Since the error from the vdw-cutoff is larger than this you
257 might try 0.15 nm. When running in parallel the interpolation
258 parallelizes better than the FFT, so try decreasing grid dimensions
259 while increasing interpolation.
261 <dt><b><!--Idx-->PPPM<!--EIdx--></b>
262 <dd>Particle-Particle Particle-Mesh algorithm for long range
263 electrostatic interactions.
264 Use for example <b>rlist</b><tt>=1.0</tt>, <b>rcoulomb_switch</b><tt>=0.0</TT>,
265 <b>rcoulomb</b><tt>=0.85</TT>, <b>rvdw_switch</b><tt>=1.0</TT>
266 and <b>rvdw</b><tt>=1.0</TT>. The grid
267 dimensions are controlled by <b>fourierspacing</b>.
268 Reasonable grid spacing for PPPM is 0.05-0.1 nm.
269 See <tt>Shift</tt> for the details of the particle-particle potential.
270 NOTE: the pressure in incorrect when using PPPM.
272 <dt><b><!--Idx-->Reaction-Field<!--EIdx--></b>
273 <dd>Reaction field with Coulomb cut-off <b>rcoulomb</b>,
274 where <b>rcoulomb</b> <tt>&gt=</tt> <b>rvdw</b> <tt>&gt=</tt> <b>rlist</b>.
275 The dielectric constant beyond the cut-off is <b>epsilon_r</b>.
276 The dielectric constant can be set to infinity by setting <b>epsilon_r</b>=0.
278 <dt><b>Generalized-Reaction-Field</b>
279 <dd>Generalized reaction field with Coulomb cut-off <b>rcoulomb</b>,
280 where <b>rcoulomb</b> <tt>&gt=</tt> <b>rvdw</b> <tt>&gt=</tt> <b>rlist</b>.
281 The dielectric constant beyond the cut-off is <b>epsilon_r</b>.
282 The ionic strength is computed from the number of charged
283 (i.e. with non zero charge) <!--Idx-->charge group<!--EIdx-->s.
284 The temperature for the GRF potential is set with
285 <b><A HREF="#tc">ref_t</A></b> [K].
286 <dt><b>Shift</b>
287 <dd>The Coulomb
288 potential is decreased over the whole range and the forces decay smoothly
289 to zero between <b>rcoulomb_switch</b> and <b>rcoulomb</b>.
290 The neighbor search cut-off <b>rlist</b> should be 0.1 to 0.3 nm larger than
291 <b>rcoulomb</b> to accommodate for the size of charge groups and diffusion
292 between neighbor list updates.
294 <dt><b>User</b>
295 <dd>Specify <b>rshort</b> and <b>rlong</b> to the same value, <tt>mdrun</tt>
296 will now expect to find a file <tt>ctab.xvg</tt> with user-defined functions.
297 This files should contain 5 columns:
298 the <tt>x</tt> value, and the function value with its 1<sup>st</sup>
299 to 3<sup>rd</sup> derivative. The <tt>x</tt> should run from 0 [nm] to
300 <b>rlist</b><tt>+0.5</tt> [nm], with a spacing of <tt>0.002</tt>
301 [nm] when you run in single precision, or <tt>0.0005</tt> [nm] when
302 you run in double precision. The function value at <tt>x=0</tt> is not
303 important.
305 </dl>
306 <A NAME="el2">
307 <dt><h4>rcoulomb_switch: </b>(0) [nm]</h4>
308 <dd>where to start switching the Coulomb potential
310 <dt><h4>rcoulomb: </b>(1) [nm]</h4>
311 <dd>distance for the Coulomb <!--Idx-->cut-off<!--EIdx-->
313 <dt><h4>epsilon_r: </b>(1)</h4>
314 <dd><!--Idx-->dielectric constant<!--EIdx-->
316 <dt><h4>vdwtype:</h4>
317 <dd><dl compact>
318 <dt><b>Cut-off</b>
319 <dd>Twin range cut-off's with neighbor list cut-off <b>rlist</b> and
320 VdW cut-off <b>rvdw</b>,
321 where <b>rvdw</b> <tt>&gt=</tt> <b>rlist</b>.
322 <dt><b>Shift</b>
323 <dd>The LJ (not Buckingham) potential is decreased over the whole
324 range and the forces decay smoothly to zero between <b>rvdw_switch</b>
325 and <b>rvdw</b>. The neighbor search cut-off <b>rlist</b> should be
326 0.1 to 0.3 nm larger than <b>rvdw</b> to accommodate for the size of
327 charge groups and diffusion between neighbor list
328 updates.
330 <dt><b>User</b>
331 <dd><tt>mdrun</tt> will now expect to find two files with user-defined
332 functions: <tt>rtab.xvg</tt> for Repulsion, <tt>dtab.xvg</tt> for
333 Dispersion. These files should contain 5 columns:
334 the <tt>x</tt> value, and the function value with its 1<sup>st</sup>
335 to 3<sup>rd</sup> derivative. The <tt>x</tt> should run from 0 [nm] to
336 <b>rvdw</b><tt>+0.5</tt> [nm], with a spacing of <tt>0.002</tt>
337 [nm] when you run in single precision, or <tt>0.0005</tt> [nm] when
338 you run in double precision. The function value at <tt>x=0</tt> is not
339 important. When you want to use LJ correction, make sure that <b>rvdw</b>
340 corresponds to the cut-off in the user-defined function.
341 </dl>
343 <dt><h4>rvdw_switch: </b>(0) [nm]</h4>
344 <dd>where to start switching the LJ potential
346 <dt><h4>rvdw: </b>(1) [nm]</h4>
347 <dd>distance for the LJ or Buckingham <!--Idx-->cut-off<!--EIdx-->
349 <dt><h4>bDispCorr:</h4>
350 <dd><dl compact>
351 <dt><b>no</b>
352 <dd>don't apply any correction
353 <dt><b>yes</b>
354 <dd>apply long range <!--Idx-->dispersion correction<!--EIdx-->s for Energy
355 and Pressure
356 </dl>
358 <dt><h4>fourierspacing: </b>(0.12) [nm]</h4>
359 <dd>The maximum grid spacing for the FFT grid when using PPPM or PME.
360 For ordinary Ewald the spacing times the box dimensions determines the
361 highest magnitude to use in each direction. In all cases
362 each direction can be overridden by entering a non-zero value for
363 <b>fourier_n*</b>.
365 <dt><h4>fourier_nx </b>(0)<b> ; fourier_ny </b>(0)<b> ; fourier_nz: </b>(0)</h4>
366 <dd>Highest magnitude of wave vectors in reciprocal space when using Ewald.
367 <dd>Grid size when using PPPM or PME. These values override
368 <b>fourierspacing</b> per direction. The best choice is powers of
369 2, 3, 5 and 7. Avoid large primes.
371 <dt><h4>pme_order </b>(4)<b></h4>
372 <dd>Interpolation order for PME. 4 equals cubic interpolation. You might try
373 6/8/10 when running in parallel and simultaneously decrease grid dimension.
375 <dt><h4>ewald_rtol </b>(1e-5)<b></h4>
376 <dd>The relative strength of the Ewald-shifted direct potential at the cutoff
377 is given by <b>ewald_rtol</b>. Decreasing this will give a more accurate
378 direct sum, but then you need more wave vectors for the reciprocal sum.
380 <dt><h4>optimize_fft:</h4>
381 <dd><dl compact>
382 <dt><b>no</b>
383 <dd>Don't calculate the optimal FFT plan for the grid at startup.
384 <dt><b>yes</b>
385 <dd>Calculate the optimal FFT plan for the grid at startup. This saves a
386 few percent for long simulations, but takes a couple of minutes
387 at start.
388 </dl>
390 </dl>
392 <A NAME="tc"><br>
393 <hr>
394 <h3><!--Idx-->Temperature coupling<!--EIdx--></h3>
396 <dl>
397 <dt><h4>tcoupl:</h4>
398 <dd><dl compact>
399 <dt><b>no</b>
400 <dd>No temperature coupling.
401 <dt><b>yes</b>
402 <dd>Temperature coupling with a Berendsen-thermostat to a bath with
403 temperature <b>ref_t</b> [K], with time constant <b>tau_t</b> [ps].
404 Several groups can be coupled separately, these are specified in the
405 <b>tc_grps</b> field separated by spaces.
406 </dl>
408 <dt><h4>tc_grps:</h4>
409 <dd>groups to couple separately to temperature bath
410 <dt><h4>tau_t: </b>[ps]</h4>
411 <dd>time constant for coupling (one for each group in tc_grps)
412 <dt><h4>ref_t: </b>[K]</h4>
413 <dd>reference temperature for coupling (one for each group in tc_grps)
414 </dl>
416 <A NAME="pc"><br>
417 <hr>
418 <h3><!--Idx-->Pressure coupling<!--EIdx--></h3>
420 <dl>
421 <dt><h4>pcoupl:</h4>
422 <dd><dl compact>
423 <dt><b>no</b>
424 <dd>No pressure coupling. This means a fixed box size.
425 <dt><b>isotropic</b>
426 <dd>Pressure coupling with time constant <b>tau_p</b> [ps].
427 The compressibility and reference pressure are set with
428 <b>compressibility</b> [bar<sup>-1</sup>] and <b>ref_p</b> [bar], one
429 value is needed.
430 <dt><b>semiisotropic</b>
431 <dd>Pressure coupling which is isotropic in the x and y direction,
432 but different in the z direction.
433 This can be useful for membrane simulations.
434 2 values are needed for x/y and z directions respectively.
435 <dt><b>anisotropic</b>
436 <dd>Idem, but 3 values are needed for x, y and z directions respectively.
437 Beware that isotropic scaling can lead to extreme deformation
438 of the simulation box.
439 <dt><b>surface-tension</b>
440 <dd>Surface tension coupling for surfaces parallel to the xy-plane.
441 Uses normal pressure coupling for the z-direction, while the surface tension
442 is coupled to the x/y dimensions of the box.
443 The first <b>ref_p</b> value is the reference surface tension times
444 the number of surfaces [bar nm],
445 the second value is the reference z-pressure [bar].
446 The two <b>compressibility</b> [bar<sup>-1</sup>] values are the compressibility
447 in the x/y and z direction respectively.
448 The value for the z-compressibility should be reasonably accurate since it
449 influences the converge of the surface-tension, it can also be set to zero
450 to have a box with constant height.
451 <dt><b>triclinic</b>
452 <dd>Not supported yet.
453 </dl>
455 <dt><h4>tau_p: </b>(1) [ps]</h4>
456 <dd>time constant for coupling
457 <dt><h4>compressibility: </b>[bar<sup>-1</sup>]</h4>
458 <dd>compressibility (NOTE: this is now really in bar<sup>-1</sup>)
459 For water at 1 atm and 300 K the compressibility is 4.5e-5 [bar<sup>-1</sup>].
460 <dt><h4>ref_p: </b>[bar]</h4>
461 <dd>reference pressure for coupling
463 </dl>
465 <A NAME="sa"><br>
466 <hr>
467 <h3><!--Idx-->Simulated annealing<!--EIdx--></h3>
469 <dl>
470 <dt><h4>annealing:</h4>
471 <dd><dl compact>
472 <dt><b>no</b>
473 <dd>No simulated annealing.
474 <dt><b>yes</b>
475 <dd>Simulated annealing to 0 [K] at time <b>zero_temp_time</b> (ps).
476 Reference temperature for the Berendsen-thermostat is
477 <b><A HREF="#tc">ref_t</A></b> x (1 - time / <b>zero_temp_time</b>),
478 time constant is <b>tau_t</b> [ps]. Note that the reference temperature
479 will not go below 0 [K], i.e. after <b>zero_temp_time</b> (if it is positive)
480 the reference temperature will be 0 [K]. Negative <b>zero_temp_time</b>
481 results in heating, which will go on indefinitely.
482 </dl>
483 <dt><h4>zero_temp_time: </b>(0) [ps]</h4>
484 <dd>time at which temperature will be zero (can be negative). Temperature
485 during the run can be seen as a straight line going through
486 T=<b><A HREF="#tc">ref_t</A></b> [K] at t=0 [ps], and
487 T=0 [K] at t=<b>zero_temp_time</b> [ps]. Look in our
488 <A HREF="../gmxfaq.html#simann">FAQ</A> for a schematic
489 graph of temperature versus time.
490 </dl>
492 <A NAME="vel"><br>
493 <hr>
494 <h3>Velocity generation</h3>
496 <dl>
497 <dt><h4>gen_vel:</h4>
498 <dd><dl compact>
499 <dt><b>no</b>
500 <dd> Do not generate velocities at startup. The velocities are set to zero
501 when there are no velocities in the input structure file.
502 <dt><b>yes</b>
503 <dd>Generate velocities according to a Maxwell distribution at
504 temperature <b>gen_temp</b> [K], with random seed <b>gen_seed</b>.
505 This is only meaningful with integrator <b><A HREF="#run">md</A></b>.
506 </dl>
507 <dt><h4>gen_temp: </b>(300) [K]</h4>
508 <dd>temperature for Maxwell distribution
509 <dt><h4>gen_seed: </b>(173529) [integer]</h4>
510 <dd>used to initialize random generator for random velocities
511 </dl>
513 <A NAME="sol"><br>
514 <hr>
515 <h3>Solvent optimization</h3>
517 <dl>
518 <dt><h4>solvent_optimization:</h4>
519 <dd><dl compact>
520 <dt><b>&lt;empty&gt;</b>
521 <dd>Do not use water specific non-bonded optimizations
522 <dt><b>&lt;solvent molecule name&gt;</b>
523 <dd>Use water specific non-bonded optimizations. This string should match the
524 solvent molecule name in your topology. Check your run time to see
525 if it is faster.
526 </dl>
527 </dl>
529 <A NAME="bond"><br>
530 <hr>
531 <h3>Bonds</h3>
533 <dl>
534 <dt><h4><!--Idx-->constraints<!--EIdx-->:</h4>
535 <dd><dl compact>
536 <dt><b>none</b>
537 <dd>No constraints, i.e. bonds are represented by a harmonic or a
538 Morse potential (depending on the setting of <b>morse</b>) and angles
539 by a harmonic potential.
540 <dt><b>hbonds</b>
541 <dd>Only constrain the bonds with H-atoms.
542 <dt><b>all-bonds</b>
543 <dd>Constrain all bonds.
544 <dt><b>h-angles</b>
545 <dd>Constrain all bonds and constrain the angles that involve H-atoms
546 by adding bond-constraints.
547 <dt><b>all-angles</b>
548 <dd>Constrain all bonds and constrain all angles by adding bond-constraints.
549 </dl>
551 <dt><h4>constraint_alg:</h4>
552 <dd><dl compact>
553 <dt><b><!--Idx-->lincs<!--EIdx--></b>
554 <dd>LINear Constraint Solver. The accuracy in set with
555 <b>lincs_order</b>, which sets the number of matrices in the expansion
556 for the matrix inversion, 4 is enough for a "normal" MD simulation, 8 is
557 needed for LD with large time-steps. If a bond rotates more than
558 <b>lincs_warnangle</b> [degrees] in one step,
559 a warning will be printed both to the log file and to <TT>stderr</TT>.
560 Lincs should not be used with coupled angle constraints.
561 <dt><b><!--Idx-->shake<!--EIdx--></b>
562 <dd>Shake is slower and less stable than Lincs, but does work with
563 angle constraints.
564 The relative tolerance is set with <b>shake_tol</b>, 0.0001 is a good value
565 for "normal" MD.
566 </dl>
567 <dt><h4>unconstrained_start:</h4>
568 <dd><dl compact>
569 <dt><b>no</b>
570 <dd>apply constraints to the start configuration
571 <dt><b>yes</b>
572 <dd>do not apply constraints to the start configuration
573 </dl>
575 <A NAME="bond2">
576 <dt><h4>shake_tol: </b>(0.0001)</h4>
577 <dd>relative tolerance for shake
578 <dt><h4>lincs_order: </b>(4)</h4>
579 <dd>Highest order in the expansion of the constraint coupling matrix.
580 <b>lincs_order</b> is also used for the number of Lincs iterations
581 during energy minimization, only one iteration is used in MD.
582 <dt><h4>lincs_warnangle: </b>(30) [degrees]</h4>
583 <dd>maximum angle that a bond can rotate before Lincs will complain
584 <dt><h4>nstlincsout: </b>(1000) [steps]</h4>
585 <dd>frequency to output constraint accuracy in log file
587 <dt><h4>morse:</h4>
588 <dd><dl compact>
589 <dt><b>no</b>
590 <dd>bonds are represented by a harmonic potential
591 <dt><b>yes</b>
592 <dd>bonds are represented by a Morse potential
593 </dl>
594 </dl>
596 <A NAME="nmr"><br>
597 <hr>
598 <h3><!--Idx-->NMR refinement<!--EIdx--></h3>
599 <dl>
600 <dt><h4>disre:</h4>
601 <dd><dl compact>
602 <dt><b>none</b>
603 <dd>no <!--Idx-->distance restraints<!--EIdx--> (ignore distance
604 restraints information in topology file)
605 <dt><b>simple</b>
606 <dd>simple (per-molecule) distance restraints
607 <dt><b>ensemble</b>
608 <dd>distance restraints over an ensemble of molecules
609 </dl>
610 <dt><h4>disre_weighting:</h4>
611 <dd><dl compact>
612 <dt><b>equal</b>
613 <dd>divide the restraint force equally over all atom pairs in the restraint
614 <dt><b>conservative</b>
615 <dd>the forces are the derivative of the restraint potential,
616 this results in an r<sup>-7</sup> weighting of the atom pairs
617 </dl>
618 <dt><h4>disre_mixed:</h4>
619 <dd><dl compact>
620 <dt><b>no</b>
621 <dd>the violation used in the calculation of the restraint force is the
622 time averaged violation
623 <dt><b>yes</b>
624 <dd>the violation used in the calculation of the restraint force is the
625 square root of the time averaged violation times the instantaneous violation
626 </dl>
627 <dt><h4>disre_fc: </b>(1000) [kJ mol<sup>-1</sup> nm<sup>-2</sup>]</h4>
628 <dd>force constant for distance restraints, which is multiplied by a
629 (possibly) different factor for each restraint
630 <dt><h4>disre_tau: </b>(0) [ps]</h4>
631 <dd>time constant for distance restraints running average
633 <dt><h4>nstdisreout: </b>(100) [steps]</h4>
634 <dd>frequency to write the running time averaged and instantaneous distances
635 of all atom pairs involved in restraints to the energy file
636 (can make the energy file very large)
637 </dl>
639 <A NAME="free"><br>
640 <hr>
641 <h3><!--Idx-->Free Energy Perturbation<!--EIdx--></h3>
643 <dl>
644 <dt><h4>free_energy:</h4>
645 <dd><dl compact>
646 <dt><b>no</b>
647 <dd>Only use topology A.
648 <dt><b>yes</b>
649 <dd>Change the system from topology A (lambda=0) to topology B (lambda=1)
650 and calculate the free energy difference.
651 The starting value of lambda is <b>init_lambda</b> the increase
652 per time step is <b>delta_lambda</b>.
653 </dl>
654 <dt><h4>init_lambda: </b>(0)</h4>
655 <dd>starting value for lambda
656 <dt><h4>delta_lambda: </b>(0)</h4>
657 <dd>increase per time step for lambda
658 </dl>
660 <A NAME="neq"><br>
661 <hr>
662 <h3><!--Idx-->Non-equilibrium MD<!--EIdx--></h3>
664 <dl>
665 <dt><h4>acc_grps: </b></h4>
666 <dd>groups for constant acceleration (e.g.: <tt>Protein Sol</tt>)
667 all atoms in groups Protein and Sol will experience constant acceleration
668 as specified in the <b>accelerate</b> line
669 <dt><h4>accelerate: </b>(0) [nm ps<sup>-2</sup>]</h4>
670 <dd>acceleration for <b>acc_grps</b>; x, y and z for each group
671 (e.g. <tt>0.1 0.0 0.0 -0.1 0.0 0.0</tt> means that first group has constant
672 acceleration of 0.1 nm ps<sup>-2</sup> in X direction, second group the
673 opposite).
674 <dt><h4>freezegrps: </b></h4>
675 <dd>Groups that are to be frozen (i.e. their X, Y, and/or Z position will
676 not be updated; e.g. <tt>Lipid SOL</tt>). <b>freezedim</b> specifies for
677 which dimension the freezing applies.
678 <dt><h4>freezedim: </b></h4>
679 <dd>dimensions for which groups in <b>freezegrps</b> should be frozen,
680 specify <tt>Y</tt> or <tt>N</tt> for X, Y and Z and for each group
681 (e.g. <tt>Y Y N N N N</tt> means that particles in the first group
682 can move only in Z direction. The particles in the second group can
683 move in any direction).
684 </dl>
686 <A NAME="ef"><br>
687 <hr>
688 <h3><!--Idx-->Electric field<!--EIdx-->s</h3>
690 <dl>
691 <dt><h4>E_x ; E_y ; E_z:</h4>
692 <dd>If you want to use an electric field in a direction, enter 3 numbers
693 after the appropriate E_*, the first number: the number of cosines,
694 only 1 is implemented (with frequency 0) so enter 1,
695 the second number: the strength of the electric field in
696 <b>V nm<sup>-1</sup></b>,
697 the third number: the phase of the cosine, you can enter any number here
698 since a cosine of frequency zero has no phase.
699 <dt><h4>E_xt </b><b> ; E_yt </b><b> ; E_zt: </b></h4>
700 <dd>not implemented yet
701 </dl>
703 <A NAME="user"><br>
704 <hr>
705 <h3>User defined thingies</h3>
707 <dl>
708 <dt><h4>user1_grps </b><b> ; user2_grps </b><b> ; user3_grps: </b></h4>
709 <dt><h4>userint1 </b>(0)<b> ; userint2 </b>(0)<b> ; userint3 </b>(0)<b> ; userint4: </b>(0)</h4>
710 <dt><h4>userreal1 </b>(0)<b> ; userreal2 </b>(0)<b> ; userreal3 </b>(0)<b> ; userreal4: </b>(0)</h4>
711 <dd>These you can use if you hack out code. You can pass integers and
712 reals to your subroutine. Check the inputrec definition in
713 <tt>src/include/types/inputrec.h</tt>
715 </dl>
717 <A NAME="idx"><br>
718 <hr>
719 <h3>Index</h3>
723 <multicol cols=4>
724 <A HREF="#neq">acc_grps</A><br>
725 <A HREF="#neq">accelerate</A><br>
726 <A HREF="#sa">annealing</A><br>
727 <A HREF="#el2">bDispCorr</A><br>
728 <A HREF="#nl">box</A><br>
729 <A HREF="#pc">compressibility</A><br>
730 <A HREF="#bond">constraint_algorithm</A><br>
731 <A HREF="#bond">constraints</A><br>
732 <A HREF="#el">coulombtype</A><br>
733 <A HREF="#pp">cpp</A><br>
734 <A HREF="#pp">define</A><br>
735 <A HREF="#free">delta_lambda</A><br>
736 <A HREF="#nl">deltagrid</A><br>
737 <A HREF="#nmr">disre</A><br>
738 <A HREF="#nmr">disre_weighting</A><br>
739 <A HREF="#nmr">disre_mixed</A><br>
740 <A HREF="#nmr">disre_fc</A><br>
741 <A HREF="#nmr">disre_tau</A><br>
742 <A HREF="#run">dt</A><br>
743 <A HREF="#em">emstep</A><br>
744 <A HREF="#em">emtol</A><br>
745 <A HREF="#out">energygrps</A><br>
746 <A HREF="#el2">epsilon_r</A><br>
747 <A HREF="#el2">ewald_rtol</A><br>
748 <A HREF="#ef">E_x</A><br>
749 <A HREF="#ef">E_xt</A><br>
750 <A HREF="#ef">E_y</A><br>
751 <A HREF="#ef">E_yt</A><br>
752 <A HREF="#ef">E_z</A><br>
753 <A HREF="#ef">E_zt </A><br>
754 <A HREF="#el2">fourier_nx</A><br>
755 <A HREF="#el2">fourier_ny</A><br>
756 <A HREF="#el2">fourier_nz</A><br>
757 <A HREF="#el2">fourierspacing</A><br>
758 <A HREF="#free">free_energy</A><br>
759 <A HREF="#neq">freezedim </A><br>
760 <A HREF="#neq">freezegrps</A><br>
761 <A HREF="#vel">gen_seed</A><br>
762 <A HREF="#vel">gen_temp</A><br>
763 <A HREF="#vel">gen_vel</A><br>
764 <A HREF="#pp">include</A><br>
765 <A HREF="#free">init_lambda</A><br>
766 <A HREF="#run">integrator</A><br>
767 <A HREF="#ld">ld_fric</A><br>
768 <A HREF="#ld">ld_seed</A><br>
769 <A HREF="#ld">ld_temp</A><br>
770 <A HREF="#bond2">lincs_order</A><br>
771 <A HREF="#bond2">lincs_warnangle</A><br>
772 <A HREF="#bond2">morse</A><br>
773 <A HREF="#em">nstcgsteep</A><br>
774 <A HREF="#run">nstcomm</A><br>
775 <A HREF="#nmr">nstdisreout</A><br>
776 <A HREF="#out">nstenergy</A><br>
777 <A HREF="#run">nsteps</A><br>
778 <A HREF="#out">nstfout</A><br>
779 <A HREF="#bond2">nstlincsout</A><br>
780 <A HREF="#nl">nstlist</A><br>
781 <A HREF="#out">nstlog</A><br>
782 <A HREF="#out">nstvout</A><br>
783 <A HREF="#out">nstxout</A><br>
784 <A HREF="#out">nstxtcout</A><br>
785 <A HREF="#nl">ns_type</A><br>
786 <A HREF="#el2">optimize_fft</A><br>
787 <A HREF="#pc">pcoupl</A><br>
788 <A HREF="#el2">pme_order</A><br>
789 <A HREF="#pc">ref_p</A><br>
790 <A HREF="#tc">ref_t</A><br>
791 <A HREF="#el2">rlist</A><br>
792 <A HREF="#el2">rcoulomb_switch</A><br>
793 <A HREF="#el2">rcoulomb</A><br>
794 <A HREF="#el2">rvdw_switch</A><br>
795 <A HREF="#el2">rvdw</A><br>
796 <A HREF="#bond2">shake_tol</A><br>
797 <A HREF="#sol">solvent_optimization</A><br>
798 <A HREF="#pc">tau_p</A><br>
799 <A HREF="#tc">tau_t</A><br>
800 <A HREF="#tc">tc_grps</A><br>
801 <A HREF="#tc">tcoupl</A><br>
802 <A HREF="#run">tinit</A><br>
803 <A HREF="#pp">title</A><br>
804 <A HREF="#bond">unconstrained_start</A><br>
805 <A HREF="#user">user1_grps</A><br>
806 <A HREF="#user">user2_grps</A><br>
807 <A HREF="#user">user3_grps</A><br>
808 <A HREF="#user">userint1</A><br>
809 <A HREF="#user">userint2</A><br>
810 <A HREF="#user">userint3</A><br>
811 <A HREF="#user">userint4</A><br>
812 <A HREF="#user">userreal1</A><br>
813 <A HREF="#user">userreal2</A><br>
814 <A HREF="#user">userreal3</A><br>
815 <A HREF="#user">userreal4</A><br>
816 <A HREF="#el">vdwtype</A><br>
817 <A HREF="#pp">warnings</A><br>
818 <A HREF="#out">xtc_grps</A><br>
819 <A HREF="#out">xtc_precision</A><br>
820 <A HREF="#sa">zero_temp_time</A><br>
821 </multicol>
823 <IMG SRC="../gif/rainbow.gif" WIDTH=100% HEIGHT=7>
826 </BODY>
827 </HTML>