changed reading hint
[gromacs/adressmacs.git] / src / local / glasmd.c
1 /*
2 * $Id$
3 *
4 * This source code is part of
5 *
6 * G R O M A C S
7 *
8 * GROningen MAchine for Chemical Simulations
9 *
10 * VERSION 2.0
12 * Copyright (c) 1991-1999
13 * BIOSON Research Institute, Dept. of Biophysical Chemistry
14 * University of Groningen, The Netherlands
16 * Please refer to:
17 * GROMACS: A message-passing parallel molecular dynamics implementation
18 * H.J.C. Berendsen, D. van der Spoel and R. van Drunen
19 * Comp. Phys. Comm. 91, 43-56 (1995)
21 * Also check out our WWW page:
22 *
23 * or e-mail to:
24 *
26 * And Hey:
27 * Great Red Oystrich Makes All Chemists Sane
29 static char *SRCID_glasmd_c = "$Id$";
31 #include <stdio.h>
32 #include <string.h>
33 #include <time.h>
34 #include "sysstuff.h"
35 #include "string2.h"
36 #include "led.h"
37 #include "nrnb.h"
38 #include "network.h"
39 #include "confio.h"
40 #include "binio.h"
41 #include "copyrite.h"
42 #include "smalloc.h"
43 #include "main.h"
44 #include "pbc.h"
45 #include "force.h"
46 #include "macros.h"
47 #include "names.h"
48 #include "stat.h"
49 #include "fatal.h"
50 #include "txtdump.h"
51 #include "futil.h"
52 #include "typedefs.h"
53 #include "update.h"
54 #include "random.h"
55 #include "vec.h"
56 #include "filenm.h"
57 #include "statutil.h"
58 #include "tgroup.h"
59 #include "mdrun.h"
60 #include "vcm.h"
61 #include "ebin.h"
62 #include "mdebin.h"
63 #include "dummies.h"
64 #include "mdrun.h"
65 #include "physics.h"
66 #include "glaasje.h"
69 time_t do_md(FILE *log,t_commrec *cr,int nfile,t_filenm fnm[],
70 bool bVerbose,bool bCompact,int stepout,
71 t_parm *parm,t_groups *grps,
72 t_topology *top,real ener[],
73 rvec x[],rvec vold[],rvec v[],rvec vt[],rvec f[],
74 rvec buf[],t_mdatoms *mdatoms,
75 t_nsborder *nsb,t_nrnb nrnb[],
76 t_graph *graph)
78 t_forcerec *fr;
79 t_mdebin *mdebin;
80 FILE *ene;
81 int step;
82 time_t start_t;
83 real t,lambda,t0,lam0,SAfactor;
84 bool bNS,bStopCM,bTYZ,bLR,bBHAM,b14;
85 tensor force_vir,shake_vir;
86 t_nrnb mynrnb;
87 char *traj,*enerfile;
88 char *xtc_traj; /* compressed trajectory filename */
89 int i,m;
90 rvec vcm,box_size;
91 rvec *xx,*vv,*ff;
93 /* Initial values */
94 t0 = parm->ir.init_t;
95 if (parm->ir.bPert) {
96 lam0 = parm->ir.init_lambda;
97 lambda = lam0;
99 else {
100 lam0 = 0.0;
101 lambda = 0.0;
103 SAfactor = 1.0;
105 /* Check Environment variables */
106 bTYZ=getenv("TYZ") != NULL;
108 init_nrnb(&mynrnb);
110 fr=mk_forcerec();
111 init_forcerec(log,fr,&(parm->ir),&(top->blocks[ebMOLS]),cr,
112 &(top->blocks[ebCGS]),&(top->idef),mdatoms,parm->box,FALSE);
113 for(m=0; (m<DIM); m++)
114 box_size[m]=parm->box[m][m];
115 calc_shifts(parm->box,box_size,fr->shift_vec,FALSE);
117 fprintf(log,"Removing pbc first time\n");
118 mk_mshift(log,graph,parm->box,x);
119 shift_self(graph,fr->shift_vec,x);
120 fprintf(log,"Done rmpbc\n");
122 traj=ftp2fn(efTRJ,nfile,fnm);
123 xtc_traj=ftp2fn(efXTC,nfile,fnm);
124 where();
126 if (MASTER(cr))
127 ene=ftp2FILE(efENE,nfile,fnm,"w");
128 else
129 ene=NULL;
130 where();
132 bLR=(parm->ir.rlong > parm->ir.rshort);
133 bBHAM=(top->idef.functype[0]==F_BHAM);
134 b14=(top->[F_LJ14].nr > 0);
135 mdebin=init_mdebin(ene,grps,&(top->atoms),bLR,bBHAM,b14);
136 where();
138 clear_rvec(vcm);
140 /* Set initial values for invmass etc. */
141 init_mdatoms(mdatoms,lambda,TRUE);
142 where();
144 if (parm->ir.bShakeFirst)
145 do_shakefirst(log,bTYZ,lambda,ener,parm,nsb,mdatoms,x,vold,buf,f,v,
146 graph,cr,nrnb,grps,fr,top);
147 where();
149 /* Compute initial EKin for all.. */
150 calc_ke_part(TRUE,0,top->,
151 vold,v,vt,&(parm->ir.opts),
152 mdatoms,grps,&mynrnb,
153 lambda,&ener[F_DVDLKIN]);
155 /* Calculate Temperature coupling parameters lambda */
156 ener[F_TEMP]=sum_ekin(&(parm->ir.opts),grps,parm->ekin,bTYZ);
157 tcoupl(parm->ir.btc,&(parm->ir.opts),grps,parm->ir.delta_t,SAfactor);
158 where();
160 /* Write start time and temperature */
161 start_t=print_date_and_time(log,cr->pid,"Started mdrun");
162 if (MASTER(cr)) {
163 fprintf(log,"Initial temperature: %g K\n",ener[F_TEMP]);
164 fprintf(stderr,"starting mdrun '%s'\n%d steps, %8.1f ps.\n\n",*(top->name),
165 parm->ir.nsteps,parm->ir.nsteps*parm->ir.delta_t);
167 /***********************************************************
169 * Loop over MD steps
171 ************************************************************/
172 for (step=0; (step<parm->ir.nsteps); step++) {
173 /* Stop Center of Mass motion */
174 bStopCM=do_per_step(step,parm->ir.nstcomm);
176 /* Determine whether or not to do Neighbour Searching */
177 bNS=((parm->ir.nstlist && ((step % parm->ir.nstlist)==0)) || (step==0));
179 /* Construct dummy particles */
180 construct_dummies(log,x,&mynrnb,parm->ir.delta_t,v,&top->idef);
182 /* Set values for invmass etc. */
183 init_mdatoms(mdatoms,lambda,FALSE);
185 /*init_forcerec(log,fr,&(parm->ir),&(top->blocks[ebMOLS]),cr,
186 &(top->blocks[ebCGS]),&(top->idef),mdatoms,parm->box,FALSE);
188 clear_mat(force_vir);
189 do_force(log,cr,parm,nsb,force_vir,step,&mynrnb,
190 top,grps,x,v,f,buf,mdatoms,ener,bVerbose && !PAR(cr),
191 lambda,graph,bNS,FALSE,fr);
193 do_glas(log,START(nsb),HOMENR(nsb),x,f,fr,mdatoms,top->idef.atnr,
194 &parm->ir);
196 /* Now we have the energies and forces corresponding to the
197 * coordinates at time t. We must output all of this before
198 * the update.
200 t = t0 + step*parm->ir.delta_t;
201 if (parm->ir.bPert)
202 lambda = lam0 + step*parm->ir.delta_lambda;
203 SAfactor = 1.0 - step*parm->ir.delta_t*parm->ir.cooling_rate;
205 /* Spread the force on dummy particle to the other particles... */
206 spread_dummy_f(log,x,f,&mynrnb,&top->idef);
208 if (do_per_step(step,parm->ir.nstxout)) xx=x; else xx=NULL;
209 if (do_per_step(step,parm->ir.nstvout)) vv=v; else vv=NULL;
210 if (do_per_step(step,parm->ir.nstfout)) ff=f; else ff=NULL;
211 write_traj(log,cr,traj,
212 nsb,step,t,lambda,nrnb,nsb->natoms,xx,vv,ff,parm->box);
213 where();
215 if (do_per_step(step,parm->ir.nstxtcout)) {
216 write_xtc_traj(log,cr,xtc_traj,nsb,
217 step,t,nsb->natoms,x,parm->box,parm->ir.xtcprec);
218 where();
221 where();
222 clear_mat(shake_vir);
223 update(nsb->natoms,START(nsb),HOMENR(nsb),step,lambda,&ener[F_DVDL],
224 &(parm->ir),FALSE,mdatoms,x,graph,
225 fr->shift_vec,f,buf,vold,v,vt,parm->pres,parm->box,
226 top,grps,shake_vir,cr,&mynrnb,bTYZ,TRUE);
227 if (PAR(cr))
228 accumulate_u(cr,&(parm->ir.opts),grps);
230 where();
231 /* Calculate partial Kinetic Energy (for this processor)
232 * per group!
234 calc_ke_part(FALSE,START(nsb),HOMENR(nsb),
235 vold,v,vt,&(parm->ir.opts),
236 mdatoms,grps,&mynrnb,
237 lambda,&ener[F_DVDL]);
238 where();
239 if (bStopCM)
240 calc_vcm(log,HOMENR(nsb),START(nsb),mdatoms->massT,v,vcm);
242 if (PAR(cr)) {
243 global_stat(log,cr,ener,force_vir,shake_vir,
244 &(parm->ir.opts),grps,&mynrnb,nrnb,vcm);
245 if (!bNS)
246 for(i=0; (i<grps->estat.nn); i++)
247 grps->[egLR][i] /= cr->nprocs;
249 else
250 cp_nrnb(&(nrnb[0]),&mynrnb);
252 if (bStopCM) {
253 check_cm(log,vcm,mdatoms->tmass);
254 do_stopcm(log,HOMENR(nsb),START(nsb),v,vcm,mdatoms->tmass);
255 inc_nrnb(&mynrnb,eNR_STOPCM,HOMENR(nsb));
258 /* Add force and shake contribution to the virial */
259 m_add(force_vir,shake_vir,parm->vir);
261 /* Sum the potential energy terms from group contributions */
262 sum_epot(&(parm->ir.opts),grps,ener);
264 /* Sum the kinetic energies of the groups & calc temp */
265 ener[F_TEMP]=sum_ekin(&(parm->ir.opts),grps,parm->ekin,bTYZ);
266 ener[F_EKIN]=trace(parm->ekin);
267 ener[F_ETOT]=ener[F_EPOT]+ener[F_EKIN];
269 /* Calculate Temperature coupling parameters lambda */
270 tcoupl(parm->ir.btc,&(parm->ir.opts),grps,parm->ir.delta_t,SAfactor);
272 /* Calculate pressure ! */
273 calc_pres(parm->box,parm->ekin,parm->vir,parm->pres);
275 /* Calculate long range corrections to pressure and energy */
276 calc_ljcorr(log,parm->ir.userint1,
277 fr,mdatoms->nr,parm->box,parm->pres,ener);
279 upd_mdebin(mdebin,mdatoms->tmass,step,ener,parm->box,shake_vir,
280 force_vir,parm->vir,parm->pres,grps);
282 where();
283 if ((MASTER(cr) && do_per_step(step,parm->ir.nstprint))) {
284 print_ebin(ene,log,step,t,lambda,SAfactor,
285 eprNORMAL,bCompact,mdebin,grps,&(top->atoms));
287 if (bVerbose)
288 fflush(log);
290 if ((step % 10) == 0)
291 update_time();
292 if (MASTER(cr) && bVerbose && ((step % stepout)==0))
293 print_time(stderr,start_t,step,&parm->ir);
295 if (MASTER(cr)) {
296 if (parm->ir.nstprint > 1)
297 print_ebin(ene,log,step-1,t,lambda,SAfactor,
298 eprNORMAL,bCompact,mdebin,grps,&(top->atoms));
300 print_ebin(NULL,log,step,t,lambda,SAfactor,
301 eprAVER,FALSE,mdebin,grps,&(top->atoms));
302 print_ebin(NULL,log,step,t,lambda,SAfactor,
303 eprRMS,FALSE,mdebin,grps,&(top->atoms));
305 if (ene)
306 ffclose(ene);
308 /* Construct dummy particles, for last output frame */
309 construct_dummies(log,x,&mynrnb,parm->ir.delta_t,v,&top->idef);
311 /*free_nslist(log);*/
313 return start_t;
316 int main(int argc,char *argv[])
318 static char *desc[] = {
319 "The mdrun program performs Molecular Dynamics simulations.",
320 "It reads the binary topology (.tpb) file and distributes the",
321 "topology over processors if needed. The coordinates are passed",
322 "around, so that computations can begin.",
323 "First a neighbourlist is made, then the forces are computed.",
324 "The forces are globally summed, and the velocities and",
325 "positions are updated. If necessary shake is performed to constrain",
326 "bond lengths and/or bond angles.",
327 "Temperature and Pressure can be controlled using weak coupling to a",
328 "bath.[PAR]",
329 "A number of environment variables can be set to influence the behaviour",
330 "of the mdrun program. Most of these are for debugging purposes, but they",
331 "sometimes come in handy when porting the software to an",
332 "unsupported platform as well. These environment variables",
333 "are listed elsewhere in the manual.[PAR]",
334 "The mdrun produces three output file, plus one log file per processor.",
335 "The first file is the trajectory, containing coordinates, velocities",
336 "etc. The second file contains the coordinates and velocities at the end",
337 "of the run plus the computational box. The third file contains energies.",
338 "In the log file from processor 0 the energies, temperature, etc. are printed.[PAR]",
339 "When run on a parallel computer or with PVM on a cluster of workstations",
340 "the [BB]-np[bb] option must be given to indicate the number of",
341 "processors. Note that at current PVM does work, but it may launch",
342 "multiple processes on a single processor, which is not very sensible."
344 char *lognm=NULL;
345 t_commrec *cr;
346 static t_filenm fnm[] = {
347 { efTPB, NULL, NULL, ffREAD },
348 { efTRJ, "-o", NULL, ffWRITE },
349 { efXTC, "-x", NULL, ffOPTWR },
350 { efGRO, "-c", "confout", ffWRITE },
351 { efENE, "-e", "ener", ffWRITE },
352 { efLOG, "-g", "md", ffWRITE },
354 #define NFILE asize(fnm)
356 /* Command line options ! */
357 static bool bVerbose=FALSE,bCompact=TRUE;
358 static int nprocs=1,nDLB=0,nstepout=10;
359 static t_pargs pa[] = {
360 { "-np", FALSE, etINT, &nprocs,
361 "Number of processors, must be the same as used for grompp. THIS SHOULD BE THE FIRST ARGUMENT ON THE COMMAND LINE FOR MPI" },
362 { "-v", FALSE, etBOOL,&bVerbose, "Verbose mode" },
363 { "-compact", FALSE, etBOOL,&bCompact,
364 "Write a compact log file, i.e. do not write full virial and energy group matrix (these are also in the energy file, so this is redundant) " },
365 { "-dlb", FALSE, etINT, &nDLB,
366 "Use dynamic load balancing every ... step. BUGGY do not use" },
367 { "-stepout", FALSE, etINT, &nstepout,
368 "Frequency of writing the remaining runtime" }
371 get_pargs(argc,argv,asize(pa),pa);
372 cr = init_par(nprocs,argv);
373 bVerbose = bVerbose && MASTER(cr);
375 if (MASTER(cr)) {
376 CopyRight(stderr,argv[0]);
377 parse_common_args(&argc,argv,PCA_KEEP_ARGS,TRUE,
378 NFILE,fnm,0,NULL,asize(desc),desc,0,NULL);
379 print_pargs(stderr,asize(pa),pa);
381 open_log(ftp2fn(efLOG,NFILE,fnm),cr);
383 if (MASTER(cr)) {
384 CopyRight(stdlog,argv[0]);
385 please_cite(stdlog,eCITEGMX);
388 mdrunner(cr,NFILE,fnm,bVerbose,bCompact,nDLB,FALSE,nstepout);
390 exit(0);
392 return 0;