changed reading hint
[gromacs/adressmacs.git] / src / tools / disco.c
1 /*
2 * $Id$
3 *
4 * This source code is part of
5 *
6 * G R O M A C S
7 *
8 * GROningen MAchine for Chemical Simulations
9 *
10 * VERSION 2.0
12 * Copyright (c) 1991-1999
13 * BIOSON Research Institute, Dept. of Biophysical Chemistry
14 * University of Groningen, The Netherlands
16 * Please refer to:
17 * GROMACS: A message-passing parallel molecular dynamics implementation
18 * H.J.C. Berendsen, D. van der Spoel and R. van Drunen
19 * Comp. Phys. Comm. 91, 43-56 (1995)
21 * Also check out our WWW page:
22 *
23 * or e-mail to:
24 *
26 * And Hey:
27 * GRowing Old MAkes el Chrono Sweat
29 static char *SRCID_disco_c = "$Id$";
31 #include "macros.h"
32 #include "statutil.h"
33 #include "pdbio.h"
34 #include "smalloc.h"
35 #include "random.h"
36 #include "vec.h"
37 #include "princ.h"
38 #include "confio.h"
39 #include "rdgroup.h"
40 #include "filenm.h"
41 #include "do_fit.h"
42 #include "tpxio.h"
43 #include "copyrite.h"
44 #include "disco.h"
45 #include "xvgr.h"
47 void rand_box(bool bUserBox,
48 matrix box,rvec boxsize,int nres,bool bCubic,int *seed)
50 int m;
51 real fac;
53 clear_mat(box);
55 if (bUserBox) {
56 for(m=0; (m<DIM); m++)
57 box[m][m] = boxsize[m];
59 else {
60 /* Generate a random box with size between 5*nres and 10*nres in nm */
61 fac = 0.5*nres; /* Ca-Ca distance is 0.35 nm */
62 box[XX][XX] = fac*(1+rando(seed));
63 if (bCubic)
64 box[YY][YY] = box[ZZ][ZZ] = box[XX][XX];
65 else {
66 box[YY][YY] = fac*(1+rando(seed));
67 box[ZZ][ZZ] = fac*(1+rando(seed));
69 for(m=0; (m<DIM); m++)
70 boxsize[m] = box[m][m];
74 void rand_coord(rvec x,int *seed,rvec box)
76 int m;
78 for(m=0; (m<DIM); m++)
79 x[m] = box[m]*rando(seed);
82 void rand_coords(int natom,rvec x[],rvec xref[],real weight[],
83 bool bCenter,rvec xcenter[],rvec box,int *seed)
85 int i;
87 for(i=0; (i<natom); i++) {
88 if (weight[i] == 0)
89 copy_rvec(xref[i],x[i]);
90 else {
91 rand_coord(x[i],seed,box);
92 if (bCenter)
93 rvec_inc(x[i],xcenter[i]);
98 static void pr_conv_stat(FILE *fp,int ntry,int nconv,double tnit)
100 fprintf(fp,"\n-------------------------\n");
101 fprintf(fp," Convergence statistics:\n");
102 fprintf(fp," # tries: %d\n",ntry);
103 fprintf(fp," # converged: %d\n",nconv);
104 fprintf(fp," # nit/ntry: %d\n",(int)(tnit/ntry));
105 if (nconv > 0)
106 fprintf(fp," # nit/nconv: %d\n",(int)(tnit/nconv));
107 fprintf(fp,"-------------------------\n");
111 void do_disco(FILE *log,char *outfn,char *keepfn,t_correct *c,
112 bool bVerbose,t_atoms *atoms,
113 rvec xref[],bool bCenter,rvec xcenter[],real weight[],
114 int nstruct,bool bCubic,int *seed,
115 bool bFit,int nfit,atom_id fit_ind[],
116 bool bPrintViol,char *violfn,
117 bool bBox,rvec boxsize)
119 FILE *fp,*gp;
120 int *nconvdist;
121 int i,k,kk,nconv,ntry,status,kstatus,natom,nres,nit,nvtest;
122 double tnit;
123 rvec *x,xcm;
124 matrix box,wrbox;
125 atom_id *wr_ind;
126 real *w_rls;
127 bool bConverged;
129 natom = atoms->nr;
130 nres = atoms->nres;
131 wrbox[XX][XX] = wrbox[YY][YY] = wrbox[ZZ][ZZ] = nres;
132 status = open_trx(outfn,"w");
133 if (keepfn)
134 kstatus = open_trx(keepfn,"w");
135 else
136 kstatus = -1;
137 snew(x,natom);
138 snew(wr_ind,natom);
139 for(k=0; (k<natom); k++)
140 wr_ind[k]=k;
141 snew(w_rls,natom);
142 for(k=0; (k<nfit); k++)
143 w_rls[fit_ind[k]] = 1;
145 snew(nconvdist,c->maxnit+1);
146 /* Now loop over structures */
147 tnit = 0;
148 for(k=nconv=ntry=0; (k<nstruct); ntry++) {
149 if (bVerbose)
150 fprintf(stderr,"\rTry: %d, Success: %d",ntry,nconv);
152 /* Generate random box*/
153 rand_box(bBox,box,boxsize,nres,bCubic,seed);
155 /* Generate random coords */
156 rand_coords(natom,x,xref,weight,bCenter,xcenter,boxsize,seed);
158 /* Now correct the random coords */
159 bConverged = shake_coords(log,bVerbose,k,natom,xref,x,seed,box,c,&nit);
160 tnit += nit;
162 if (bConverged)
163 nconvdist[nit]++;
165 nvtest = quick_check(bVerbose ? log : NULL,natom,x,box,c);
166 fprintf(stderr,"Double checking: %d violations\n",nvtest);
168 if (bConverged || keepfn) {
169 center_in_box(natom,x,wrbox,x);
170 if (bFit)
171 do_fit(natom,w_rls,xref,x);
172 write_trx(bConverged ? status : kstatus,
173 natom,wr_ind,atoms,k,(real) k,wrbox,x,NULL);
175 if (bConverged)
176 nconv++;
178 k++;
180 if (bPrintViol) {
181 /* Print structure coloured by the violations */
182 if (!atoms->pdbinfo)
183 snew(atoms->pdbinfo,natom);
184 for(kk=0; (kk<natom); kk++)
185 atoms->pdbinfo[kk].bfac = (real) c->bViol[kk];
186 gp=ffopen(violfn,"w");
187 write_pdbfile(gp,"Structure coloured by violation",
188 atoms,x,box,'A',TRUE);
189 ffclose(gp);
192 close_trx(status);
193 if (keepfn)
194 close_trx(kstatus);
195 gp = xvgropen("conv_stat.xvg","Iterations per converged structure",
196 "nit","N");
197 for(i=0; (i<c->maxnit); i++)
198 fprintf(gp,"%10d %10d\n",i,nconvdist[i]);
199 ffclose(gp);
200 sfree(x);
201 sfree(w_rls);
202 sfree(wr_ind);
203 sfree(nconvdist);
205 pr_conv_stat(log,ntry,nconv,tnit);
206 pr_conv_stat(stderr,ntry,nconv,tnit);
209 int main(int argc,char *argv[])
211 static char *desc[] = {
212 "disco reads a topology (tpr) file and runs distance geometry",
213 "calculations based on the distances defined in the",
214 "distance-restraints section of the topology. An appropriate tpr",
215 "file may be generated by the cdist program.[PAR]",
216 "The algorithm is the CONCOORD algorithm of De Groot et al.,",
217 "which in turn is derived from the SHAKE alogrithm"
219 FILE *fp,*dp;
220 char title[256];
221 bool bCenter;
222 t_atoms atoms,newatoms;
223 t_correct *corr;
224 rvec xcm,*xref,*xcenter=NULL;
225 matrix box;
226 real *weight,t,lambda,tot_weight;
227 int i,nfit,step,natom;
228 atom_id *fit_ind;
229 char *grpname;
231 static int nstruct=10,maxnit=1000,seed=1997,nbcheck=1;
232 static int nstprint=1,nstranlist=1,ngrow=0;
233 static bool bVerbose=TRUE,bCubic=FALSE,bWeight=FALSE,bLower=FALSE;
234 static real lowdev=0.05,cutoff=0;
235 static bool bExplicit=FALSE,bChiral=TRUE,bFit=FALSE,bDump=FALSE,bPep=TRUE;
236 static rvec boxsize={ 2, 2, 2 };
237 t_pargs pa[] = {
238 { "-nf", FALSE, etINT, &nstruct,
239 "Number of structures to generate" },
240 { "-nit", FALSE, etINT, &maxnit,
241 "Max number of iterations for a structure to converge" },
242 { "-v", FALSE, etBOOL, &bVerbose,
243 "Be verbosive" },
244 { "-chiral", FALSE, etBOOL, &bChiral,
245 "Check chirality during disco-ing" },
246 { "-pep", FALSE, etBOOL, &bPep,
247 "Flip all cis-peptide bonds automatically to trans" },
248 { "-lower", FALSE, etBOOL, &bLower,
249 "Use lower bounds only for nonbondeds." },
250 { "-weighted", FALSE, etBOOL, &bWeight,
251 "Use weighted disco. The STX file must be a pdb file in this case and weights are read from the occupancy field" },
252 { "-cutoff", FALSE, etREAL, &cutoff,
253 "Cut-off for taking pairs into account when measuring distance" },
254 { "-dump", FALSE, etBOOL, &bDump,
255 "Dump the trajectory of the shaking to testX.xtc file where X is the structure number." },
256 { "-cubic", FALSE, etBOOL, &bCubic,
257 "Generate coordinates in a cubic box, rather than rectangular" },
258 { "-explicit", FALSE, etBOOL, &bExplicit,
259 "Use explicit updating of positions if the sum of deviations is smaller than lowdev" },
260 { "-fit", FALSE, etBOOL, &bFit,
261 "Fit output structures to reference structure in tpx file" },
262 { "-nbcheck", FALSE, etINT, &nbcheck,
263 "Check non-bonded interactions every N steps" },
264 { "-nstprint", FALSE, etINT, &nstprint,
265 "Print number of violations every N steps" },
266 { "-ranlist", FALSE, etINT, &nstranlist,
267 "Update list order to avoid bias every n steps" },
268 { "-lowdev", FALSE, etREAL, &lowdev,
269 "Low deviation [Sum of distance deviation per atom in nm] beyond which nonbondeds are done every step" },
270 { "-seed", FALSE, etINT, &seed,
271 "Seed for the random number generator" },
272 { "-box", FALSE, etRVEC, boxsize,
273 "Boxsize (nm) for generating random coordinates" },
274 { "-grow", FALSE, etINT, &ngrow,
275 "Number of steps after which Van der Waals lower bounds grow from 0 to the real lower bounds. If this is 0 (default), the Van der Waals lower bounds are in effect from the beginning" }
278 #define NPA asize(pa)
280 t_filenm fnm[] = {
281 { efLOG, "-g", "disco", ffWRITE },
282 { efSTX, "-f", NULL, ffREAD },
283 { efDAT, "-d", "cdist", ffREAD },
284 { efDAT, "-do", "distout", ffOPTWR },
285 { efSTO, "-c", NULL, ffREAD },
286 { efSTO, "-center", NULL, ffOPTRD },
287 { efNDX, "-n", NULL, ffOPTRD },
288 { efTRX, "-o", "structs", ffWRITE },
289 { efTRX, "-keep", "unconverged", ffOPTWR },
290 { efPDB, "-viol", "vvv", ffOPTWR }
292 #define NFILE asize(fnm)
294 CopyRight(stdout,argv[0]);
296 parse_common_args(&argc,argv,0,TRUE,
297 NFILE,fnm,NPA,pa,asize(desc),desc,0,NULL);
298 /* Copy arguments to correct structure */
299 corr = init_corr(maxnit,nstprint,nbcheck,nstranlist,ngrow,bExplicit,
300 bChiral,bPep,bDump,lowdev,bLower);
302 /* Open the log file */
303 fp = ftp2FILE(efLOG,NFILE,fnm,"w");
305 please_cite(fp,"Ryckaert77a");
306 please_cite(fp,"DeGroot97a");
308 init_lookup_table(fp);
310 /* Get number of atoms etc. */
311 get_stx_coordnum(ftp2fn(efSTX,NFILE,fnm),&natom);
313 init_t_atoms(&atoms,natom,bWeight);
314 snew(xref,natom);
315 read_stx_conf(ftp2fn(efSTX,NFILE,fnm),title,&atoms, xref,NULL,box);
317 snew(weight,natom);
318 tot_weight = 0;
319 for(i=0; (i<natom); i++) {
320 weight[i] = bWeight ? atoms.pdbinfo[i].occup : 1;
321 tot_weight += weight[i];
324 fprintf(stderr,"Reading distances from %s\n",opt2fn("-d",NFILE,fnm));
325 read_dist(fp,opt2fn("-d",NFILE,fnm),natom,corr,weight);
327 /* Dump a distance file if necessary */
328 if (opt2bSet("-do",NFILE,fnm)) {
329 dp = fopen(opt2fn("-do",NFILE,fnm),"w");
330 pr_distances(dp,corr);
331 fclose(dp);
334 /* Check distances */
335 check_dist(fp,corr);
337 /* Make tags */
338 make_tags(corr,natom);
340 /* Translate reference and xcenter coords to C.O.M. */
341 sub_xcm(xref,natom,NULL,NULL,xcm,FALSE);
343 /* Read index if necessary */
344 if (bFit) {
345 fprintf(stderr,"Select group for fitting output structures:\n");
346 get_index(&atoms,ftp2fn_null(efNDX,NFILE,fnm),1,
347 &nfit,&fit_ind,&grpname);
349 else {
350 nfit = 0;
351 fit_ind = NULL;
354 /* Read centers for generating coordinates (optional) */
355 bCenter = opt2bSet("-center",NFILE,fnm);
356 if (bCenter) {
357 snew(xcenter,natom);
358 init_t_atoms(&newatoms,natom,TRUE);
359 read_stx_conf(opt2fn("-center",NFILE,fnm),title,
360 &newatoms,xcenter,NULL,box);
361 free_t_atoms(&newatoms);
363 for(i=0; (i<natom); i++)
364 rvec_dec(xcenter[i],xcm);
368 * define improper dihedrals that are not automatically correct
369 * when all distances are correct
371 define_impropers(fp,&atoms,corr);
373 /* define peptide-bonds, so we can correct cis to trans
374 * Adam Kirrander 990121
376 define_peptide_bonds(fp,&atoms,corr);
378 /* Print parameters */
379 pr_corr(fp,corr);
381 /* Now do my thing */
382 do_disco(fp,opt2fn("-o",NFILE,fnm),
383 opt2bSet("-keep",NFILE,fnm) ? opt2fn("-keep",NFILE,fnm) : NULL,
384 corr,bVerbose,&atoms,
385 xref,bCenter,xcenter,weight,nstruct,bCubic,&seed,bFit,nfit,fit_ind,
386 opt2bSet("-viol",NFILE,fnm),opt2fn("-viol",NFILE,fnm),
387 opt2parg_bSet("-box",asize(pa),pa),boxsize);
388 ffclose(fp);
390 thanx(stdout);
392 return 0;