2 ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
3 # Note: Makefile is automatically generated from Makefile.in by the configure
4 # script, and Makefile.in is generated from Makefile.am by automake.
8 BLAS_LIBOBJS = gmx_blas/libblas.la
12 LAPACK_DIR = gmx_lapack
13 LAPACK_LIBOBJS = gmx_lapack/liblapack.la
17 THREAD_MPI_LIBOBJS = thread_mpi/libthread_mpi.la
18 THREAD_MPI_DIR = thread_mpi
22 SUBDIRS = nonbonded selection statistics trajana $(THREAD_MPI_DIR) \
25 AM_CPPFLAGS= -I$(top_srcdir)/include -DGMXLIBDIR=\"$(datadir)/top\"
27 lib_LTLIBRARIES = libgmx@LIBSUFFIX@.la
30 # Use a utility library for all the nonbonded kernels and wrapper routines.
32 libgmx@LIBSUFFIX@_la_LIBADD = nonbonded/libnonbonded.la \
33 selection/libselection.la \
34 statistics/libstatistics.la \
35 trajana/libtrajana.la \
39 libgmx@LIBSUFFIX@_la_DEPENDENCIES = nonbonded/libnonbonded.la \
40 selection/libselection.la \
41 statistics/libstatistics.la \
42 trajana/libtrajana.la \
48 libgmx@LIBSUFFIX@_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info @SHARED_VERSION_INFO@
50 libgmx@LIBSUFFIX@_la_SOURCES = \
51 3dview.c atomprop.c bondfree.c \
52 calcgrid.c calch.c chargegroup.c checkpoint.c \
53 confio.c copyrite.c disre.c do_fit.c \
54 enxio.c ewald_util.c gmx_fatal.c ffscanf.c \
55 filenm.c futil.c gbutil.c gmxcpp.c \
56 gmxfio.c ifunc.c index.c cinvsqrtdata.c \
57 invblock.c macros.c orires.c sparsematrix.c \
58 main.c maths.c matio.c mshift.c \
59 mtop_util.c mtxio.c mvdata.c names.c \
60 network.c nrama.c nrjac.c nrnb.c \
61 pargs.c pbc.c pdbio.c princ.c \
62 rando.c random.c gmx_random.c rbin.c \
63 readinp.c replace.c rmpbc.c shift_util.c \
64 sortwater.c smalloc.c statutil.c sfactor.c \
65 strdb.c string2.c symtab.c \
67 trnio.c trxio.c txtdump.c typedefs.c \
69 wgms.c wman.c writeps.c \
70 xdrd.c xtcio.c xvgr.c replace.h \
71 libxdrf.c gmx_arpack.c gmx_matrix.c \
72 dihres.c gmx_random_gausstable.h \
73 tcontrol.c splitter.c gmx_cyclecounter.c \
74 gmx_system_xdr.c md5.c vmdio.c vmddlopen.c sighandler.c \
77 pkgconfigdir = ${libdir}/pkgconfig
78 pkgconfig_DATA = libgmx@LIBSUFFIX@.pc
80 # clean all libtool libraries, since the target names might have changed
81 CLEANFILES = *.la *~ \\\#* innerc.c innerf.f mkinl
84 #version.c contains generated git version information
85 libgmx@LIBSUFFIX@_la_SOURCES += version.c
86 CLEANFILES += version.c
87 #The empty target FORCE forces make to run the command every time. But
88 #version.c is only changed if the version actually has changed, and hence
89 #rebuilds are only triggered when they are needed.
91 $(top_srcdir)/src/gmxlib/genversion.sh @VERSION@ $(top_srcdir)