1 #==============================================================================
2 # GSS example: NPN Transistor Simulation
3 # On this step, we will do transient simulation when the base electrode
4 # stimulated by current source.
5 #==============================================================================
7 set Carrier = pn # specify carrier type
8 set Z.Width = 1 # device width in Z dimension.
9 set LatticeTemp = 3e2 # specify initial temperature of device.
10 set DopingScale = 1e16
12 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 # voltage source and current source is needed here.
14 vsource Type = VDC ID = GND Tdelay=0 Vconst=0
15 vsource Type = VDC ID = VCC Tdelay=0 Vconst=3.0
16 vsource Type = VDC ID = Vb Tdelay=0 Vconst=0.7
17 vsource Type = VSIN ID = Vs Tdelay=0 Vamp=1e-3 Freq=1e6 # 1MHz
19 isource Type = IDC ID = Ib Tdelay=0 Iconst=0.002
20 isource Type = ISIN ID = Is Tdelay=0 Iamp=1e-5 Freq=1e6 # 1MHz
22 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
23 # specify boundary condition.
24 boundary Type = OhmicContact ID=Base Res=0 Cap=0 Ind=0
25 boundary Type = OhmicContact ID=Emitter Res=0 Cap=0 Ind=0
26 boundary Type = OhmicContact ID=Collector Res=1000 Cap=0 Ind=0
28 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
29 # import result computed in step 2
30 IMPORT CoreFile=bias.cgns
31 METHOD Type = DDML1 Scheme = Newton NS=LineSearch LS=BCGS
32 ATTACH Electrode=Collector VApp=VCC
33 ATTACH Electrode=Emitter VApp=GND
34 # use current boundary condition.
35 ATTACH Electrode=Base Type=Current IApp=Ib IApp=Is
36 # compute STEADYSTATE to get a initial value
38 METHOD Type = DDML1 Scheme = Newton NS=Basic LS=GMRES
39 SOLVE Type = TRANSIENT IVRecord=Collector IVRecord=Base \
40 IVFile=iv.txt TStart=0 TStep=1e-8 TStop = 2e-6