1 README file for gzip on VMS
2 written by Klaus Reimann <kr@cip.physik.uni-stuttgart.de>
4 Here is a list of the files in [.vms]:
6 GZIP.HLP ! Help-file, how to use gzip
7 MAKEFILE.GCC ! Description for (vms-)make, using gcc
8 MAKEFILE.MMS ! Description for MMS-utility, using vaxc
9 MAKEFILE.VMS ! Description for (vms-)make, using vaxc
10 MAKEGZIP.COM ! simple and robust DCL-Script, using vaxc
11 README.VMS ! this file, how to install gzip
12 VMS.C ! VMS-specific functions in gzip
14 This file describe, how to compile and install the VMS-Port of gzip.
15 >>For restrictions or bugs due to the structure of the vms-filesystem
20 Since there are many makefiles there are many possibilities
21 compiling and installing gzip. For most of them, it is important,
22 that you start them from the SOURCE-Directory (that is where
23 gzip.c is), not from the [.vms]-directory. Otherwise the compiler
24 won't find the source-files.
26 Using gcc saves disk-space, but needs longer to compile
27 VAXC gzip.exe 95/96 Blocks
28 gcc2.3.3 gzip.exe 86/87 Blocks
30 To install gzip one has to perform the following steps:
31 1. compile sources (*.c, [.vms]*.c)
32 2. link executable gzip.exe
33 3. Make entries gunzip.exe and zcat.exe to gzip.exe.
34 These are similar to hardlinks in UNIX
35 >>If You wish to do this by hand, see for example makegzip.com.<<
36 The Entries can't be simply deleted, use 'set file /remove' .
38 4. Rename executables (*.exe) to Your prefered exe-directory. If it is on
39 another Device, then you should only copy gzip.exe and do the
40 entries gunzip.exe and zcat.exe by hand (3.).
42 5. Setting up Symbols for the executables:
43 Place the following lines in Your login.com
44 Change "disk:[directory]" as appropriate.
45 $ gzip == "$disk:[directory]gzip.exe"
46 $ gunzip == "$disk:[directory]gunzip.exe"
47 $ zcat == "$disk:[directory]zcat.exe"
48 6. insert help-file gzip.hlp in any Help-library,
49 for example in sys$help:helplib.
50 this can be done by $lib sys$help:helplib/help gzip
51 (I did not try this command)
53 Steps (4.)5. through 6 must be done by hand.
54 Steps 1 through 3(4.) may be done by one of the makefiles:
57 This was crated from MAKEFILE.VMS and later on edited. It uses the
58 VAXC-Compiler and does compiling, linking and making the entries.
60 - change to the Source-Directory
63 - start compiling, linking, entries
65 if everything is OK. then you get gzip.exe, gunzip.exe, zcat.exe
69 Makefile for a vms-make utility (NOT gnu-make).
70 Is uses the VAXC-Compiler and has the Advantage over MAKEGZIP.COM
71 that make checks dependencies. This is helpfull if You have to
72 recompile several times, for example after editing the sources.
73 - change to the Source-Directory
76 - start compiling, linking, entries
77 $make /input=[.vms]makefile.vms
78 if everything is OK. then you get gzip.exe, gunzip.exe, zcat.exe
82 Same as MAKEFILE.VMS, but uses gcc
83 - Use $make /input=[.vms]makefile.gcc instead of make ....
86 Makefile for the MMS-utility. Similar to MAKEFILE.VMS
87 - Use $mms /description=[.vms]makefile.mms instead of make ....