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12 Q_xbTwmwHxM
13 Pq9GuKTHFVw
14 O5QvXKAGZdg
15 VDcVp8PwMkY
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17 BlMBDYlNvVw
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44 HvHwzjZZ7i8
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60 w_1X9wOstAw>>>m 60      "40 years we walks《我们的四十年》"  list=PLRBClVey5BqyGxWs7kurcl-eUCpSreP6X @HuashiRomance
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62 kFpiUPh5p8o
63 mHnmoWuT6Eg
64 8ylaP32YMJo
65 St10ZlzFLeM
66 BaZg-F6sGL8
67 zHrOXmiba7o
68 -sqf0uGytgE
69 wBC51jxbtyM
70 1J1x_qAkwsU
71 sU7f3Ka58vQ
72 PH0d5ooZIZ0
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74 lj5uFvLhpxU
75 5ZbfyxGLNqk
76 wF4zV2OlQIU
77 F0uN-3MHFBA
78 aFeexe-L4fU
79 RvpYnn0MM1M
80 41MFcrkH_xQ
81 a4bhAOeVt6o
82 Wwvc3Cm29ds
83 _YqigiO8buw
84 XFA2shoUrSs>>>m 24      "mad house《疯人院》" list=PLRBClVey5BqwvkO-NECTex5TEO2cJW945 @HuashiRomance
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86 47D0hpjYfcU
87 Oo2ZavhZfbk
88 2twgc8MoILU
89 8ZDgQTUid0k
90 kvcMMPWJC1g
91 4atNAs8Kx64
92 hffGvMtcqmY
93 Et30F4yl9As
94 o_bf3vEO6KQ
95 K6Hh0IjL4Hw
96 b2EYrqCpvRc
97 f8U_-7A_ogE
98 UFug2G2Qc2g
99 Yk9QfcHqNoI
100 XQsrHv7sYwg
101 UXEsF9tTSKw
102 E2cYUtrx6f8
103 R490XYUoQV4
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105 ZCaaQ9p2WSA
106 7Y_9rU6AKi8
107 y4IXfI5bAxs
108 57pTOMX_f_Y
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113 fMaQkauBVGE
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115 R2lddRJr9yA
116 7NpucE7nEi0
117 B7jhHMOOxOg
118 oZ69knKI06c
119 L2VDQ3XrpTA
120 Z5nz8XSmNQ0
121 lVIcT5r5Qaw
122 8mgRRzW17qA
123 NDl50EJqQSU
124 LhRfKnM5LCE
125 3Ked2LM2FRE
126 pZe-zjvovNI
127 cvOjFxMcnAk
128 V3Cm9Y1sLNo>>>m 44      "lucid water lush mountain《绿水青山带笑颜》" list=PLRBClVey5BqzjeMt43fdm8t5tpL9_AG3B @HuashiRomance
129 __bukhfMgSc>>>m 12      "proof of silence《沉默的证明》"
131 Q9XthXsVP9U
132 3bNMAvvXwLA
133 --uviaxRT_8
134 qd_0VLWCe8g
136 3REpEfHxsR4
137 OmtqPFDoqC0
138 h_ZVuw1gFYA
139 YUcn1aPLYKs
140 oy5dvv0I5Sc>>>m 12      "proof of silence《沉默的证明》" list=PLRBClVey5BqwflOTICqE6yTyK3EeDc1IR @HuashiRomance
141 MbM-acMYA0M>>>c 12      "beyond prescriptions《灵丹妙药不及你》"
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143 2C2SR8PWXbs
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149 eZiKLPF0Zko
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153 FmbMZgitdbc>>>m 22      "sweet sweet《住我对面的小哥哥》"
154 jwfxp8lpDPQ
156 NrNYwy-_DGA
157 _OmD5-qYH9I
158 PX_ZRdAcmJE
159 eRpuSN7qdjE
160 Lrb6enxHVko
161 66i-TRRH7Ow
162 TdPsHEdZ4oE
163 ezSwwzHJt6c
164 du9QkhjixLg
165 4j98pwUdeYA
166 ilk1KzBQRRw
167 wmEor_3vSVE
168 iBrldZ3zahI
169 e_8sjiD2bK8
170 KtMeS-4KurY
171 yxip_czk22I
172 XeIyAUhc1eM
173 et8u3F5Y4AY
174 OI-uTbWEhFw>>>m 22      "sweet sweet《住我对面的小哥哥》" list=PLRBClVey5BqxfFSZWKSGekMCJJilMYddH @HuashiRomance
175 4QiKAJ2bFDg>>>m 47      "Mom's Waiting for You《对妈妈在等你》"
176 WSuAkGAaEsI
177 IkqJ2qOsUnQ
179 DTSVavRH4uY
180 zWRcfsAeQp0
181 zotd5uJbmXY
182 CSGP4iZsyF0
183 rOhjOPY79zQ
184 JraVdvMOYBQ
185 Kgs_MiXaqIU
186 c3mgVFNb8aQ
187 44lYlkkn9xQ
188 MRHXx304Qu4
189 zfRzgL6lFaE
190 IUMfLJiRJ2o
191 eFVbwW8Aqr8
192 ndlwSPlD348
193 Fht0v91Fs_Q
194 cDLxr9BMLGI
195 QBeW46uENCI
196 TykyRYyG7Xw
197 gRFm96dYaz0
198 7nmeNT5eMzI
199 XoyPMa5jQCY
200 nPTqW_rcknc
201 IHumkPwRvXk
202 CV4HVjSai4g
203 7Ev0apaXxZw
204 RLam1v-S2CM
205 ryriKrScCIQ
206 ig3TMOAFRzY
207 k19bHPPlMdc
208 FQjpqFFQQ0Q
209 4rvTKszSqro
210 Uf0CN9Ya-W0
211 sR_MzKzm3kE
212 D0RCdqWYrn0
213 mKg66lTXUqI
214 xpBI0Hjmd0E
215 nXIuKaLCls0
216 TvizD9jERjM
217 OULzg0aw4iE
220 RX-hyMPQtAc
221 9orZZifxjco>>>m 47      "Mom's Waiting for You《对妈妈在等你》" list=PLRBClVey5BqxY9q6VpG8QuzCmPebobP1G @HuashiRomance
223 https://www.youtube.com/@Peachey_Blossom
225 https://github.com/chen0040/lua-graph
226 https://github.com/aperezdc/lua-itertools
227 https://github.com/airstruck/knife
228 https://github.com/kxmn-archived/aurora
229 https://github.com/kxmn-archived/kosmo
230 https://github.com/moriyalb/lamda
231 https://github.com/afonso360/lua-llvm
232 https://github.com/rayaman/multi
233 https://github.com/rayaman/net
234 https://github.com/max1220/lua-getch
235 https://github.com/neoxic/lua-mbedtls
236 https://github.com/tjeb/lua-minittp
237 https://github.com/andremm/lua-parser
238 http://github.com/JakobGreen/lua-requests
239 https://github.com/TRIGONIM/lua-requests-async
240 http://github.com/zserge/luash
241 https://notabug.org/alimiracle/lua-sort
242 https://github.com/Luca96/lua-table
243 https://github.com/AHAOAHA/luautils
244 https://github.com/zwizwa/lure-lua
245 https://github.com/bakpakin/luamd
246 https://github.com/mb6ockatf/xml.lua
247 https://github.com/MiguelMJ/Milua
248 https://github.com/mattherman/munin
249 -https://github.com/raeon/parsel
250 https://github.com/civboot/pegl
251 https://zadzmo.org/code/perihelion/
252 https://github.com/odkr/properset.lua
253 https://github.com/kanrichan/rcnb.lua
254 -https://github.com/epicfilemcnulty/lua-deviant.git
255 -https://github.com/epicfilemcnulty/lua-web
256 -https://github.com/epicfilemcnulty/lua-tblr.git
257 https://gitlab.com/rychly/handler-helpers
258 https://github.com/hugeblank/semparse
259 https://github.com/luarocks/argparse
260 https://github.com/lunarmodules/luacheck
261 https://github.com/Frityet/LuaXMLGenerator
262 https://github.com/yue/yue
264 https://github.com/ImagicTheCat/Luaseq
265 https://github.com/sclu1034/async.lua
266 https://github.com/ImagicTheCat/ELScheduler
267 https://github.com/thislight/away
268 https://github.com/svermeulen/lusc
269 https://github.com/qrmoon/asyncio
271 https://github.com/M1que4s/Self
272 https://gitlab.com/ochaton/metaclass
273 https://github.com/nusov/lua-object
274 https://github.com/ImagicTheCat/Luaoop
275 https://github.com/YagoCrispim/lua-class
276 https://github.com/stein197/lua-class
277 https://github.com/Freziyt223/Lua-simple-classes
279 https://github.com/UrNightmaree/teml
280 https://github.com/weshoke/Lust
281 https://github.com/leafo/etlua
282 https://git.colberg.org/peter/lua-templet
283 https://gitlab.com/Alsankost/lua-tgen
284 https://github.com/ii8/tmpl
285 https://framagit.org/fperrad/lua-CodeGen
286 https://github.com/gilzoide/molde
287 https://github.com/gilzoide/wildcard_pattern-lua
288 https://github.com/ImagicTheCat/lua-metaplate
290 https://github.com/emartech/classic
291 https://github.com/ImagicTheCat/lua-shapi
292 https://github.com/hugeblank/raisin
294 inextricable destiny
295 song of the moon
297 the blooms at ruyi pavillion
298 till the end of the moon
300 lost you forever
301 my dear brother
302 legend of xun yi
303 young blood
304 sun zhen ni
305 lu xiao yu吕小雨 -0yzhyNTS8U I4i7QT0EYl8 IOYCiLPvNcY 1vsGoqaBHKs 5vvQ-Z_doUs MI42ltGy1Sg h_Fi-VujUiI RDQGNCtyr3g 0pdWgvOsSWA 8hpQ-SPeSI8
306 starry love
307 feng yue bian
309 butterflied lover《风月变》
311 k_v9thjzcP0 EngSub【Shuttle Love Millennium】 ▶EP01 Wei Daxun Proposal to Puff Kuo💒Janice Man Flirts Xiao Zhan💕 華劇場精選 MQ Chinese Drama
312 TwSG8sgc7O8 【SPECIAL】EP01 The Last Immortal | Zhao Lusi, Wang Anyu | FRESH DRAMA+
315 lua5.3 -l polipokit
316 Polipo = require 'polipokit' d = '/run/pool/rm/pcln' DEF_ACT='overwrite'
317 pat1 = 'https://thepiratebay.party/user/GalaXXXy/' patn = 'https://thepiratebay.party/user/GalaXXXy/%d/3'
318 pat1 = 'https://thepiratebay.party/user/Mesoglea/' patn = 'https://thepiratebay.party/user/Mesoglea/%d/3'
319 Polipo.fetch(d,pat1) for n = 2,35 do Polipo.fetch(d,patn:format(n)) io.write('[q]uit ',tostring(n),' ? ') local r = io.read() if r == 'q' then break end end
321 https://makoserver.net/
322 https://github.com/Neopallium/lua-handlers
323 https://github.com/Neopallium/nixio
325 《暖暖遇见你》EP1: 游戏少女.沦为公司保洁?电梯间大胆围堵总裁!Warm Meet You | MangoTV
326  《不一样的美男子2 Special Beautiful Man》第1集 阚清子失去记忆身份成谜【芒果TV青春剧场】
328 l8cww-rJMlQ ENGSUB【Boss Meet Love Again】▶EP01 | Li Yitong,Zhang Binbin 💌CDrama Recommender
329 -px-xMa7UWQ EngSub《云中谁寄锦https://disway.id/read/771426/air-emas书来》▶EP 01 贫穷孤女嫁入豪门冲喜,新婚夜被迫跟大公鸡拜堂🐓一次意外,她发现夫君竟是“女儿身”!👧这个深宅大院后面还隐藏着更大的秘密...㊙️#假结婚 | MangoTV
330 q1Jq8jQXglc 【EngSub】你如星光美丽 EP01|许凯卷入家族商战遇险,灰姑娘谭松韵勇救落魄少爷大胆追爱,太甜了! 好剧喵探 Meow TV
332 https://www.youtube.com/@Peachey_Blossom
334 https://aur.archlinux.org/terra.git
335 https://github.com/terralang/terra/archive/refs/tags/release-1.1.1.tar.gz
336 https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/releases/download/llvmorg-16.0.6/llvm-project-16.0.6.src.tar.xz 118_013_488
338 https://thepiratebay.party/search/irka%20zaplya/1/99/0
341 4XWP50KDDoE g9cMQXt-c5U bjCKnJDRpEY 
342 The New Rules of Aging Well by Frank Lipman EPUB
344 https://thepiratebay.party/user/GalaXXXy/30/3 29/4
345 https://thepiratebay.party/user/Mesoglea/30/3 28/6
347 n = 3 ; function p() print(n) end ; n = 0 ; p()
348 function f() g() end function g() print 'yes' end f()
352 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRCuBNKfie0
353 【ENG SUB】真爱惹麻烦01 Love Trouble丨心机少女为复仇而接近霸道总裁,谁料竟付出真心爱上仇家少爷!#吕一 #孙骁骁 #袁弘
354 NewTV热播剧场 Hit Drama
355 82K views 1 month ago
357 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-S1jrFh8F74
358 【ENG SUB】我的爱情不简单01 Love You Never Too Late丨霸道总裁对前期深情依旧,却遇高富帅情敌和年轻貌美的红颜知己,四角情感纠葛中两人能否旧爱重修? #LSSP
359 好剧家年华
360 134K views 1 month ago
362 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSKweq2d-cE
363 ENG SUB【FULL】EP01 王丽坤上演爱情保卫战!华丽上位“败犬女王”!王丽坤、保剑锋 💖盛女的黄金时代 The Golden Age of the Leftover Ladies
364 优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
365 59K views 4 weeks ago
367 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASRhIGKCJpE
368 【ENG SUB】EP01 Hope All Is Well With Us 我们都要好好的 | MangoTV English
369 MangoTV English
370 1.6M views 3 years ago
372 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gf9MnhsV2O8
373 【Multi SUB】Bai Baihe can't open the toilet door on her first flight and the man make fun of her!丨EP1
374 SMG尚世五岸梦想剧场
375 3M views 3 years ago
377 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffTmMPlndUs
378 ENGSUB【FULL】手术直播间 Live Surgery Room EP01 | 张彬彬代旭守护生命,温暖人心 | 张彬彬/代旭/刘敏涛/袁姗姗 | 都市剧情片 | 优酷华语剧场
379 优酷华语剧场-APP抢先看
380 122K views 2 weeks ago
382 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psZK3WnY2kU
383 ENG【FULL】EP01 小满生活Happy Life(秦昊/蒋欣/王鸥)💖As long as we are together #小满生活
384 优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
385 170K views 3 months ago
387 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-S1jrFh8F74
388 【ENG SUB】我的爱情不简单01 Love You Never Too Late丨霸道总裁对前期深情依旧,却遇高富帅情敌和年轻貌美的红颜知己,四角情感纠葛中两人能否旧爱重修? #LSSP
389 好剧家年华
390 134K views 1 month ago
392 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHUGC7dMK-k
393 【最新電視劇】六宮風華 第1集:大明新帝#朱一龍 登基,後宮嬪妃為爭鳳位勾心鬥角,不擇手段
394 破壳影视 Chinese Drama
395 54K views 2 weeks ago
397 ---https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBiDnloMKtc
398 “Legend of Empress”EP1 After five emperors and six dynasties, it became Legend of Empress.
399 劇好看
400 1.2M views 1 year ago
402 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aDOLFs6GA4&list=PLgq4DT_-uFCyMbQDDrddNZQII8z4Sin9d&pp=iAQB
403 [EngSub] 将门毒后 01|白鹿挟恨重生,步步为营势报前世之仇,却集帝君的恩宠于一身,以江山为聘赠她无上荣宠
404 甜宠追剧社
405 169K views 2 months ago
407 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eiM7_s_Oa70
408 【FULL】 The Legend of Shen Li ▶EP01| Love My Sweetie 💕
409 蜜糖追劇社 Cdrama Sweet Heart 💕
410 389K views 1 month ago
412 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzOyLYAdJZU
413 《The Legend Of Phoenix》01 Cinderella forced to marry a eunuch👰Mysterious pregnancy🤡#zhaolusi #wulei
414 華語青春劇場DramaLove
415 246K views 1 month ago
417 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qoQ76xSAIs
418 【年代/言情】马伊琍携手邵兵演绎一代名酒江阳老窖的传承故事《酒巷深深》第1集【CCTV电视剧】
419 CCTV电视剧
420 113K views 4 weeks ago
422 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ud9RGdOBay8
423 [The Starry Love] EP01 | "Good and Evil" Twin Sisters Switch Husbands | Chen Xingxu/Landy Li | YOUKU
424 YOUKU English-Get APP now
425 2.4M views 1 year ago
427 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xu5RZWAodzI
428 【EP01】Whoever Becomes The Crown Prince Will Die Young, So The Eldest Prince Pretends To Be a Fool🤴
429 芒果TV古装剧场 MangoTV Costume
430 222K views 3 weeks ago
432 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSmySt7eZg4
433 The Song | Episode 1 | Lee Seung Hyun | Action, Thriller, Historical, Romance
434 捷成华视—偶像剧场 Idol & Romance
435 98K views 1 month ago
437 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-OFMP_ac2s
438 War-torn Era | Episode 1 | Peter Ho, Mabel, Yuan Eric Huang | Historical, Romance
439 捷成华视—偶像剧场 Idol & Romance
440 27K views 3 weeks ago
442 Shuowen Jiezi
443 Mahkota Dewa ( phaleria marcocarpa )
445 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFUoSZZfwY0&pp=ygUa44CK5aSn5a6L5bCR5bm05b-XMuOAiyBvc3Q%3D
447 https://www.youtube.com/@DIYGardenIdeas
449 4UFiy6OkgN0
450 54:23
451 Now playing
452 Ahok soal Jokowi, Prabowo, dan Jakarta Hari Ini | Mata Najwa
453 Najwa Shihab
454 2.9M views 3 days ago
456 jqxnKQmhnJc
457 45:02
458 [ENG SUB]《Stay with Me 放弃我,抓紧我》EP1 Starring: Joe Chen | Wang Kai
459 China Zone 剧乐部
460 1M views 2 years ago
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