1 a
2 ";}i
:2:": ";}i
:25:"How use BibTeX with LaTeX";i
3 See ";}i
:6:". See ";}i
:26:"Help on BibTeX Entry types";}i
:25:"How use BibTeX with LaTeX";}i
:59:"How to put utf8 characters on listings environment in LaTeX";i
4 \lstset{extendedchars=true,
6 basicstyle=\small\color{blue},
7 keywordstyle=\color{red}\bfseries,
8 keywordstyle= [2]\color{magenta}\bfseries,
9 identifierstyle=\color{blue},
10 commentstyle=\color{gray}\textit,
11 stringstyle=\color{darkGreen},
12 showstringspaces=false,
17 numbers=left, % Números na margem da esquerda
18 numberstyle=\tiny\color{darkGreen}, % Números pequenos
19 stepnumber=1, % De 1 em 1
20 numbersep=5pt % Separados por 5pt
23 \begin{lstlisting}[language=Shell, texcl=true, numbers=none, escapechar={\%}]
26 \lstinputlisting[firstline=11, lastline=17, language=Go, texcl=true, numbers=none, escapechar={\$}]{../pc_channel.go}
27 \lstinputlisting[firstline=18, lastline=22, language=Go, texcl=true, numbers=none, escapechar={\#}]{../pc_channel.go}
29 \begin{lstlisting}[language=Shell, texcl=true, numbers=none, breaklines, escapechar={\%}]
32 \lstinline[language=Go]|chan T|
34 ";i
:59:"How to put utf8 characters on listings environment in LaTeX";}i
:58:"How to make a multicolumn / multirow tabular cell in LaTeX";i
36 \begin{tabular}{|c|c|}
38 \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{Two Column} \\
40 \multirow{2}{*}{Two Row} & one \\
44 ";i
45 ";}i
:14:" Two Column ";}i
:11:" Two Row ";}i
:7:" one ";}i
:7:" two ";}i
:58:"How to make a multicolumn / multirow tabular cell in LaTeX";}i
:54:"How to fix "LaTeX Error
: Too many unprocessed floats.
47 ";i
:54:"How to fix "LaTeX Error
: Too many unprocessed floats.
:26:"How to use AbnTeX in LaTeX";i
49 \documentclass[a4paper,10pt]{abnt} %
50 \usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc}
51 \usepackage[brazil]{babel}
54 \usepackage[usenames,dvipsnames]{color}
55 \usepackage{verbatim, amssymb, latexsym, amsmath, mathrsfs}
57 \usepackage{subfigure}
62 \usepackage[section] {placeins}
63 \usepackage[table]{xcolor}
67 %\author{Kauê Silveira \\171671 \and Silveira Kauê \\ 671171}
69 \autor{Bruno Coswig Fiss \\ Felipe Augusto Chies \\ Kauê Soares da Silveira \\ Marcos Vinicius Cavinato} %\and
70 \instituicao{Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul}
71 \orientador[Professor:]{Sérgio Felipe Zirbes}
72 \titulo{Especificação de um Sistema de Integração On-line Empresa / Representações para Pilaplast Ind. e Com. de Plásticos Ltda.}
73 \comentario{Disciplina INF01127 – Engenharia de Software N}
74 \data{1 de julho de 2010}
92 ";i
:26:"How to use AbnTeX in LaTeX";}i
:42:"How to define a macro (a command) in LaTeX";i
93 \newcommand{\bll}{\begin{lstlisting}}
94 \newcommand{\bx}[1]{\begin{#1}}
95 \newcommand{\bfr}{\begin{frame}}
96 \newcommand{\fr}[2]{\begin{frame}{#1}#2\end{frame}}
97 \newcommand{\bl}[2]{\begin{block}{#1}#2\end{block}}
98 \newcommand{\bb}[1]{\begin{block}{#1}}
99 \newcommand{\eb}{\end{block}}
100 \newcommand{\bi}{\begin{itemize}}
101 \newcommand{\ei}{\end{itemize}}
102 \newcommand{\ii}{\item}
103 \newcommand{\bc}{\begin{comment}}
104 \newcommand{\ec}{\end{comment}}
105 ";i
:42:"How to define a macro (a command) in LaTeX";}i
:39:"How to make a table of figures in LaTeX";i
107 \begin{minipage}[b]{0.5\linewidth}
109 \includegraphics[width=50mm]{gui0.png}
114 \begin{minipage}[b]{0.5\linewidth}
116 \includegraphics[width=50mm]{gui1.png}
121 ";i
:39:"How to make a table of figures in LaTeX";}i
:29:"How to make appendix in LaTeX";i
122 \documentclass[a4paper,10pt]{report}
123 \usepackage{amssymb} %for math symbols in appendix.tex
128 %\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Appendix}
129 \addtocontents{toc}{\protect\contentsline{chapter}{Appendix:}{}}
130 \chapter{Questionnaire Requirement}
131 \chapter{Questionnaire Testing}
134 ";i
135 \section{Math font styles} % file "appendix.tex
137 Several extra font styles are available in math mode,
138 since there are so many typographical conventions
139 in various branches of mathematics.\footnote{By the way,
140 this is an appendix!}
142 In set theory (among other fields) one often uses
143 \emph{calligraphic} letters, e.g.,
144 \verb9$\mathcal{A}$9; \\
145 $$ \mathcal{A} ~ \mathcal{B} ~ \mathcal{C} ~ \mathcal{D} ~
146 \mathcal{E} ~ \mathcal{F} ~ \mathcal{G} ~ \mathcal{R} ~
147 \mathcal{S} ~ \mathcal{T} ~ \mathcal{Z} $$
149 In number theory, various number sets are often
151 \emph{blackboard capital} letters, e.g.,
152 \verb9$\mathbb{R}$9; \\
153 $$ \mathbb{N} ~ \mathbb{Z} ~ \mathbb{Z}_{17} ~
154 ~ \mathbb{R} ~ \mathbb{C} $$
156 Another style used now and then is
157 \emph{Fraktur} font letters, e.g.,
158 \verb9$\mathfrak{F}$9; \\
159 $$ \mathfrak{A} ~ \mathfrak{B} ~ \mathfrak{C} ~ \mathfrak{D} ~
160 \mathfrak{E} ~ \mathfrak{F} ~ \mathfrak{G} ~ \mathfrak{R} ~
161 \mathfrak{S} ~ \mathfrak{T} ~ \mathfrak{Z} $$
163 In vector algebra it is common to use \emph{boldface} letters
164 to indicate nonscalar values (vectors and matrices), e.g.,
165 \verb9$\mathbf{A}$9; \\
166 $$ \mathbf{A} ~ \mathbf{B} ~ \mathbf{C} ~ \mathbf{M} ~
167 \mathbf{v} ~ \mathbf{x} ~ \mathbf{y} ~ \mathbf{z} $$
169 One can get \emph{bold italic} letters for vector variables
171 \verb9$\textbf{\em x}$9; \\
172 $$ \textbf{\em A B C D E F G s t u v w x y z} $$
173 ";i
:29:"How to make appendix in LaTeX";}i