3 <a href=
"/~kssilveira/site/doku.php?do=export_s5&id=main:todo" title=
"View page as slide show"><img src=
"/~kssilveira/site/lib/plugins/s5/screen.gif" align=
"right" alt=
"View page as slide show" width=
"48" height=
"48" /></a>
8 <h1><a name=
"to_do" id=
"to_do">To Do
15 <div class=
16 <a href=
"#" title=
"Back to top">
17 <img src=
"lib/plugins/uparrow/images/tango-small.png" alt=
"Back to top"/>
22 <!-- SECTION "To Do" [16-51] --><div class=
24 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <input type=
"checkbox" onclick=
"todo(this, 'main:todo', 1)" checked=
"checked" /> <span class=
"todotext todohlght" onClick=
"clickSpan(this, 'main:todo')"><input type=
"hidden" value=
"terminar+de+copiar+meu+site" /><span><del>terminar de copiar meu site
</del></span></span> <span><img src=
"lib/plugins/skill/star.png" alt=
"." style=
"" /><img src=
"lib/plugins/skill/star.png" alt=
"." style=
"" /><img src=
"lib/plugins/skill/star.png" alt=
"." style=
"filter:alpha(opacity=40);-moz-opacity:0.4;opacity: 0.4;" /><img src=
"lib/plugins/skill/star.png" alt=
"." style=
"filter:alpha(opacity=40);-moz-opacity:0.4;opacity: 0.4;" /><img src=
"lib/plugins/skill/star.png" alt=
"." style=
"filter:alpha(opacity=40);-moz-opacity:0.4;opacity: 0.4;" /></span> </div>
26 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <input type=
"checkbox" onclick=
"todo(this, 'main:todo', 1)" checked=
"checked" /> <span class=
"todotext todohlght" onClick=
"clickSpan(this, 'main:todo')"><input type=
"hidden" value=
"mostrar+quotation+do+dia" /><span><del>mostrar quotation do dia
</del></span></span> <span><img src=
"lib/plugins/skill/star.png" alt=
"." style=
"" /><img src=
"lib/plugins/skill/star.png" alt=
"." style=
"" /><img src=
"lib/plugins/skill/star.png" alt=
"." style=
"" /><img src=
"lib/plugins/skill/star.png" alt=
"." style=
"" /><img src=
"lib/plugins/skill/star.png" alt=
"." style=
"" /></span></div>
28 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> tutorial
<span><img src=
"lib/plugins/skill/star.png" alt=
"." style=
"" /><img src=
"lib/plugins/skill/star.png" alt=
"." style=
"" /><img src=
"lib/plugins/skill/star.png" alt=
"." style=
"" /><img src=
"lib/plugins/skill/star.png" alt=
"." style=
"" /><img src=
"lib/plugins/skill/star.png" alt=
"." style=
"filter:alpha(opacity=40);-moz-opacity:0.4;opacity: 0.4;" /></span></div>
30 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
"li"> <input type=
"checkbox" onclick=
"todo(this, 'main:todo', 1)" checked=
"checked" /> <span class=
"todotext todohlght" onClick=
"clickSpan(this, 'main:todo')"><input type=
"hidden" value=
"vim" /><span><del>vim
32 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
"li"> <input type=
"checkbox" onclick=
"todo(this, 'main:todo', 1)" /> <span class=
"todotext todohlght" onClick=
"clickSpan(this, 'main:todo')"><input type=
"hidden" value=
"ctags" /><span>ctags
34 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
"li"> <input type=
"checkbox" onclick=
"todo(this, 'main:todo', 1)" checked=
"checked" /> <span class=
"todotext todohlght" onClick=
"clickSpan(this, 'main:todo')"><input type=
"hidden" value=
"git" /><span><del>git
36 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
"li"> <input type=
"checkbox" onclick=
"todo(this, 'main:todo', 1)" /> <span class=
"todotext todohlght" onClick=
"clickSpan(this, 'main:todo')"><input type=
"hidden" value=
"doxygen" /><span>doxygen
38 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
"li"> <input type=
"checkbox" onclick=
"todo(this, 'main:todo', 1)" checked=
"checked" /> <span class=
"todotext todohlght" onClick=
"clickSpan(this, 'main:todo')"><input type=
"hidden" value=
"make" /><span><del>make
40 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
"li"> <input type=
"checkbox" onclick=
"todo(this, 'main:todo', 1)" checked=
"checked" /> <span class=
"todotext todohlght" onClick=
"clickSpan(this, 'main:todo')"><input type=
"hidden" value=
"app+engine" /><span><del>app engine
42 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
"li"> <input type=
"checkbox" onclick=
"todo(this, 'main:todo', 1)" checked=
"checked" /> <span class=
"todotext todohlght" onClick=
"clickSpan(this, 'main:todo')"><input type=
"hidden" value=
"gnuplot" /><span><del>gnuplot
47 <div class=
48 <a href=
"#" title=
"Back to top">
49 <img src=
"lib/plugins/uparrow/images/tango-small.png" alt=
"Back to top"/>
54 <!-- SECTION "" [52-401] --><div class=
56 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> versionar a wiki
<span><img src=
"lib/plugins/skill/star.png" alt=
"." style=
"" /><img src=
"lib/plugins/skill/star.png" alt=
"." style=
"filter:alpha(opacity=40);-moz-opacity:0.4;opacity: 0.4;" /><img src=
"lib/plugins/skill/star.png" alt=
"." style=
"filter:alpha(opacity=40);-moz-opacity:0.4;opacity: 0.4;" /><img src=
"lib/plugins/skill/star.png" alt=
"." style=
"filter:alpha(opacity=40);-moz-opacity:0.4;opacity: 0.4;" /><img src=
"lib/plugins/skill/star.png" alt=
"." style=
"filter:alpha(opacity=40);-moz-opacity:0.4;opacity: 0.4;" /></span></div>
58 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
"li"> <input type=
"checkbox" onclick=
"todo(this, 'main:todo', 1)" checked=
"checked" /> <span class=
"todotext todohlght" onClick=
"clickSpan(this, 'main:todo')"><input type=
"hidden" value=
"git+%28maio%29+" /><span><del>git (maio)
62 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> usar plugins
<span><img src=
"lib/plugins/skill/star.png" alt=
"." style=
"" /><img src=
"lib/plugins/skill/star.png" alt=
"." style=
"" /><img src=
"lib/plugins/skill/star.png" alt=
"." style=
"" /><img src=
"lib/plugins/skill/star.png" alt=
"." style=
"filter:alpha(opacity=40);-moz-opacity:0.4;opacity: 0.4;" /><img src=
"lib/plugins/skill/star.png" alt=
"." style=
"filter:alpha(opacity=40);-moz-opacity:0.4;opacity: 0.4;" /></span></div>
64 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
"li"> <input type=
"checkbox" onclick=
"todo(this, 'main:todo', 1)" /> <span class=
"todotext todohlght" onClick=
"clickSpan(this, 'main:todo')"><input type=
"hidden" value=
"s5" /><span>s5
66 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
"li"> <input type=
"checkbox" onclick=
"todo(this, 'main:todo', 1)" /> <span class=
"todotext todohlght" onClick=
"clickSpan(this, 'main:todo')"><input type=
"hidden" value=
"skill" /><span>skill
68 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
"li"> <input type=
"checkbox" onclick=
"todo(this, 'main:todo', 1)" /> <span class=
"todotext todohlght" onClick=
"clickSpan(this, 'main:todo')"><input type=
"hidden" value=
"tag" /><span>tag
72 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <input type=
"checkbox" onclick=
"todo(this, 'main:todo', 1)" checked=
"checked" /> <span class=
"todotext todohlght" onClick=
"clickSpan(this, 'main:todo')"><input type=
"hidden" value=
"+gerar+estati%C2%B4sticas+%28maio%29+" /><span><del> gerar estati´sticas (maio)
75 <div class=
76 <a href=
"#" title=
"Back to top">
77 <img src=
"lib/plugins/uparrow/images/tango-small.png" alt=
"Back to top"/>
82 <!-- SECTION "" [402-633] --><div class=
84 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <input type=
"checkbox" onclick=
"todo(this, 'main:todo', 1)" /> <span class=
"todotext todohlght" onClick=
"clickSpan(this, 'main:todo')"><input type=
"hidden" value=
"+cursos+do+pet+no+S5+" /><span> cursos do pet no S5
86 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <input type=
"checkbox" onclick=
"todo(this, 'main:todo', 1)" /> <span class=
"todotext todohlght" onClick=
"clickSpan(this, 'main:todo')"><input type=
"hidden" value=
"+usar+links+para+%5B%5Bwp%3Ewikipedia%5D%5D+" /><span> usar links para [[wp
88 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <input type=
"checkbox" onclick=
"todo(this, 'main:todo', 1)" checked=
"checked" /> <span class=
"todotext todohlght" onClick=
"clickSpan(this, 'main:todo')"><input type=
"hidden" value=
"+http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dokuwiki.org%2Fplugin%3Axfortune+" /><span><del> http://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:xfortune
90 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <input type=
"checkbox" onclick=
"todo(this, 'main:todo', 1)" /> <span class=
"todotext todohlght" onClick=
"clickSpan(this, 'main:todo')"><input type=
"hidden" value=
"fazer+uma+p%C3%A1gina+para+cada+t%C3%B3pico" /><span>fazer uma página para cada tópico
92 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <input type=
"checkbox" onclick=
"todo(this, 'main:todo', 1)" /> <span class=
"todotext todohlght" onClick=
"clickSpan(this, 'main:todo')"><input type=
"hidden" value=
"atualizar+charts" /><span>atualizar charts
94 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <input type=
"checkbox" onclick=
"todo(this, 'main:todo', 1)" checked=
"checked" /> <span class=
"todotext todohlght" onClick=
"clickSpan(this, 'main:todo')"><input type=
"hidden" value=
"vim+quick+reference+" /><span><del>vim quick reference
97 <div class=
98 <a href=
"#" title=
"Back to top">
99 <img src=
"lib/plugins/uparrow/images/tango-small.png" alt=
"Back to top"/>
104 <!-- SECTION "" [634-926] --><div class=
106 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <input type=
"checkbox" onclick=
"todo(this, 'main:todo', 1)" checked=
"checked" /> <span class=
"todotext todohlght" onClick=
"clickSpan(this, 'main:todo')"><input type=
"hidden" value=
"restate+my+assumptions%3A+1.+Mathematics+is+the+language+of+nature.+2.+Everything+around+us+can+be+represented+and+understood+through+numbers.+3.+If+you+graph+these+numbers%2C+patterns+emerge.+Therefore%3A+There+are+patterns+everywhere+in+nature.+" /><span><del>restate my assumptions:
1. Mathematics is the language of nature.
2. Everything around us can be represented and understood through numbers.
3. If you graph these numbers, patterns emerge. Therefore: There are patterns everywhere in nature.
108 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <input type=
"checkbox" onclick=
"todo(this, 'main:todo', 1)" checked=
"checked" /> <span class=
"todotext todohlght" onClick=
"clickSpan(this, 'main:todo')"><input type=
"hidden" value=
"p%C3%A1gina+com+python+do+appengine" /><span><del>página com python do appengine
110 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <input type=
"checkbox" onclick=
"todo(this, 'main:todo', 1)" /> <span class=
"todotext todohlght" onClick=
"clickSpan(this, 'main:todo')"><input type=
"hidden" value=
"+come%C3%A7ar+os+t%C3%ADtulos+das+se%C3%A7%C3%B5es+com+%27How+to%27+" /><span> começar os títulos das seções com 'How to'
112 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <input type=
"checkbox" onclick=
"todo(this, 'main:todo', 1)" /> <span class=
"todotext todohlght" onClick=
"clickSpan(this, 'main:todo')"><input type=
"hidden" value=
"http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dokuwiki.org%2Fseo+url+rewriting" /><span>http://www.dokuwiki.org/seo url rewriting
114 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <input type=
"checkbox" onclick=
"todo(this, 'main:todo', 1)" /> <span class=
"todotext todohlght" onClick=
"clickSpan(this, 'main:todo')"><input type=
"hidden" value=
"colocar+estrelas+nas+comics+e+olhar+mais+algumas" /><span>colocar estrelas nas comics e olhar mais algumas
116 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <input type=
"checkbox" onclick=
"todo(this, 'main:todo', 1)" /> <span class=
"todotext todohlght" onClick=
"clickSpan(this, 'main:todo')"><input type=
"hidden" value=
"corrigir+links+quebrados+%28%3Amain%29" /><span>corrigir links quebrados (:main)
118 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <input type=
"checkbox" onclick=
"todo(this, 'main:todo', 1)" /> <span class=
"todotext todohlght" onClick=
"clickSpan(this, 'main:todo')"><input type=
"hidden" value=
"fazer+um+plugin+para+mostrar+o+twitter" /><span>fazer um plugin para mostrar o twitter
121 <div class=
122 <a href=
"#" title=
"Back to top">
123 <img src=
"lib/plugins/uparrow/images/tango-small.png" alt=
"Back to top"/>
128 <!-- SECTION "" [927-1549] --><div class=
130 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <input type=
"checkbox" onclick=
"todo(this, 'main:todo', 1)" checked=
"checked" /> <span class=
"todotext todohlght" onClick=
"clickSpan(this, 'main:todo')"><input type=
"hidden" value=
"trabalho+2+de+sisop+aqui" /><span><del>trabalho
2 de sisop aqui
132 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <input type=
"checkbox" onclick=
"todo(this, 'main:todo', 1)" /> <span class=
"todotext todohlght" onClick=
"clickSpan(this, 'main:todo')"><input type=
"hidden" value=
"http%3A%2F%2F0xfe.blogspot.com%2F2009%2F09%2Feverybody-loves-colors.html" /><span>http://
134 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <input type=
"checkbox" onclick=
"todo(this, 'main:todo', 1)" checked=
"checked" /> <span class=
"todotext todohlght" onClick=
"clickSpan(this, 'main:todo')"><input type=
"hidden" value=
"renomear+s%C3%A9quences" /><span><del>renomear séquences
136 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <input type=
"checkbox" onclick=
"todo(this, 'main:todo', 1)" checked=
"checked" /> <span class=
"todotext todohlght" onClick=
"clickSpan(this, 'main:todo')"><input type=
"hidden" value=
"git+cheat+sheet" /><span><del>git cheat sheet
138 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <input type=
"checkbox" onclick=
"todo(this, 'main:todo', 1)" /> <span class=
"todotext todohlght" onClick=
"clickSpan(this, 'main:todo')"><input type=
"hidden" value=
"escrever+breve+descri%C3%A7%C3%A3o+de+cada+p%C3%A1gina" /><span>escrever breve descrição de cada página
140 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <input type=
"checkbox" onclick=
"todo(this, 'main:todo', 1)" /> <span class=
"todotext todohlght" onClick=
"clickSpan(this, 'main:todo')"><input type=
"hidden" value=
"terminar+de+organizar+%28come%C3%A7ando+por+main%3Alibraries%29" /><span>terminar de organizar (começando por main:libraries)
142 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <input type=
"checkbox" onclick=
"todo(this, 'main:todo', 1)" /> <span class=
"todotext todohlght" onClick=
"clickSpan(this, 'main:todo')"><input type=
"hidden" value=
"publicar+meus+trabalhos+da+faculdade" /><span>publicar meus trabalhos da faculdade
145 <div class=
146 <a href=
"#" title=
"Back to top">
147 <img src=
"lib/plugins/uparrow/images/tango-small.png" alt=
"Back to top"/>
152 <!-- SECTION "" [1550-] -->