descriptionDjango-template engine for PHP
last changeThu, 10 Feb 2011 07:38:31 +0000 (10 04:38 -0300)
content tags
This project was created* and sponsored by Menéame ( 

2011-02-10 César D. Rodas+ Moved variables resolution in the compiler Parser... master
2011-02-09 César D. Rodas+ Fixed variable resolution in the parser, this should...
2011-02-09 César D. RodasFixed issue with variables resolutions on loops
2011-02-09 César D. RodasFixed issue with variables resolutions on loops
2011-02-01 César D. Rodas+ Added support for filtered variables on loops
2011-01-23 César D. RodasObjects with implements ArrayAccess are treated like...
2011-01-22 César D. RodasObjects with implements Iterator are treated like array...
2010-10-31 César D. RodasAdded static exec support
2010-10-31 César D. RodasExperimental: Added references to static methods/proper...
2010-10-31 César D. RodasExperimental: Added references to static methods/proper...
2010-09-17 César D. RodasFixed warning issues in dynamic variables (ie: variable...
2010-09-15 César D. RodasFixed tiny issue with Tokenizer
2010-09-14 César D. Rodas- Fixed issue in the tokenizer
2010-09-14 César D. Rodas+ Added bitwise operations
2010-09-13 César D. Rodas+ Added test.
2010-09-13 César D. Rodas+ Variables created (or modified) with `set` affects...
14 years ago 1.0.4
14 years ago 1.0.3
13 years ago new-ast
13 years ago master
13 years ago docs
14 years ago ext_php
14 years ago devel
14 years ago cli
14 years ago concurrency
14 years ago devel-prototype