1 static void anonymous_destroy(struct vm_store *store)
2 Free's the memory associated with store
4 static off_t anonymous_commit(struct vm_store *store, off_t size)
7 static int anonymous_has_page(struct vm_store *store, off_t offset)
10 static ssize_t anonymous_read(struct vm_store *store, off_t offset, iovecs *vecs)
13 static ssize_t anonymous_write(struct vm_store *store, off_t offset, iovecs *vecs)
16 static int anonymous_fault(struct vm_store *backing_store, struct vm_address_space *aspace, off_t offset)
20 vm_store *vm_store_create_anonymous_noswap()
21 Allocates space for a vm_store. Populates its ops with the above, sets its cache and data to none.