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[haiku.git] / docs / userguide / ca / preferences / keymap.html
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24 <div><span>User guide</span></div>
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29 <ul class="lang-menu">
30 <li class="now"><img src="../../images/flags/ca.png" alt="" /> Català</li>
31 <li><a href="../../de/preferences/keymap.html"><img src="../../images/flags/de.png" alt="" />Deutsch</a></li>
32 <li><a href="../../en/preferences/keymap.html"><img src="../../images/flags/gb.png" alt="" />English</a></li>
33 <li><a href="../../es/preferences/keymap.html"><img src="../../images/flags/es.png" alt="" />Español</a></li>
34 <li><a href="../../fr/preferences/keymap.html"><img src="../../images/flags/fr.png" alt="" />Français</a></li>
35 <li><a href="../../it/preferences/keymap.html"><img src="../../images/flags/it.png" alt="" />Italiano</a></li>
36 <li><a href="../../hu/preferences/keymap.html"><img src="../../images/flags/hu.png" alt="" />Magyar</a></li>
37 <li><a href="../../pl/preferences/keymap.html"><img src="../../images/flags/pl.png" alt="" />Polski</a></li>
38 <li><a href="../../pt_PT/preferences/keymap.html"><img src="../../images/flags/pt_PT.png" alt="" />Português</a></li>
39 <li><a href="../../pt_BR/preferences/keymap.html"><img src="../../images/flags/pt_BR.png" alt="" />Português (Brazil)</a></li>
40 <li><a href="../../ro/preferences/keymap.html"><img src="../../images/flags/ro.png" alt="" />Română</a></li>
41 <li><a href="../../sk/preferences/keymap.html"><img src="../../images/flags/sk.png" alt="" />Slovenčina</a></li>
42 <li><a href="../../fi/preferences/keymap.html"><img src="../../images/flags/fi.png" alt="" />Suomi</a></li>
43 <li><a href="../../sv_SE/preferences/keymap.html"><img src="../../images/flags/sv_SE.png" alt="" />Svenska</a></li>
44 <li><a href="../../zh_CN/preferences/keymap.html"><img src="../../images/flags/zh_CN.png" alt="" /> 中文 [中文]</a></li>
45 <li><a href="../../ru/preferences/keymap.html"><img src="../../images/flags/ru.png" alt="" />Русский</a></li>
46 <li><a href="../../uk/preferences/keymap.html"><img src="../../images/flags/uk.png" alt="" />Українська</a></li>
47 <li><a href="../../jp/preferences/keymap.html"><img src="../../images/flags/jp.png" alt="" />日本語</a></li>
48 </ul>
49 <span>
50 « <a href="keyboard.html">Keyboard</a>
51 :: <a href="../preferences.html" class="uplink">Preferences</a>
52 :: <a href="locale.html">Locale</a> »
53 </span></div>
54 </div>
56 <div id="content">
57 <div>
58 <div class="box-info">The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.</div>
60 <h2><img src="../../images/prefs-images/keymap-icon_64.png" alt="keymap-icon_64.png" width="64" height="64" />Keymap</h2>
61 <table summary="quickinfo" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
62 <tr><td>Barra d'eines:</td><td style="width:15px;"></td><td><span class="menu">Preferències</span></td></tr>
63 <tr><td>Ubicació:</td><td></td><td><span class="path">/boot/system/preferences/Keymap</span></td></tr>
64 <tr><td>Preferències:</td><td></td><td><span class="path">~/config/settings/Keymap/*</span> - Location of user modified keymaps.<br />
65 <span class="path">~/config/settings/Key_map</span></td></tr>
66 </table>
67 <p><br /></p>
68 <img src="../images/prefs-images/keymap.png" alt="keymap.png" />
69 <p>To the right, the Keymap window shows a representation of your keyboard. When you press a key, the corresponding key is darkened and the assigned symbol is entered into the <i>Sample and Clipboard</i> text field at the bottom. From there you can also copy and paste it into a document.<br />
70 Thus, the Keymap preferences are not only for configuring your local keymap, but are also useful when looking for a special symbol used in other languages. For example, you can switch the keymap to "French", find the "ç" and copy it into your mail to François. (Though you'll find the "cedil" also in other keymaps...)</p>
71 <p>Pressing modifier keys like <span class="key">SHIFT</span>, <span class="key">CONTROL</span> or <span class="key">OPTION</span> changes the displayed keyboard accordingly.</p>
72 <p>Then there are the keys that are marked with a blue background. These keys are called <i>Dead Keys</i> that can change the key you press after that. If you click on such a blue key with your mouse, those changeable keys light up yellow. Click again and everything's back to normal. Examples are é, ñ, ó or ë.</p>
73 <p>Below the keyboard representation are two more options:</p>
74 <table summary="layout" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
75 <tr><td><span class="menu">Select dead keys</span></td><td> </td><td>for setting the above mentioned blue keys.</td></tr>
76 <tr><td class="onelinetop"><span class="menu">Switch shortcut key...</span></td><td> </td><td>for using the shortcut key in Windows/Linux mode, i.e. <span class="key">CONTROL</span> (normally <span class="key">CTRL</span>) or Haiku mode, i.e. <span class="key">COMMAND</span> (normally <span class="key">ALT</span>).</td></tr>
77 </table>
78 <p>The lists on the left offer the available pre-configured keymaps of the system, and below that, if available, user-defined maps. You can change a keymap in the keyboard representation: drag &amp; drop one key on another and they switch places.</p>
79 <p>Alternatively to this drag &amp; dropping of keys, there's the menu <span class="menu">File | Set modifier keys...</span> that opens this window:</p>
80 <img src="../images/prefs-images/keymap-modifiers.png" alt="keymap-modifiers.png" />
81 <p>Here, you can assign keys to their respective roles or even completely disable the role of a key. You can even assign the same key to different roles, though that's not a good idea most of the time and you'll be warned by a small exclamation mark beside the pop-up menus if you do that.<br />
82 Pressing <span class="button">Set modifier keys</span> applies your changes and closes the window.</p>
83 <p>When you're done you can save the result from the menu <span class="menu">File | Save...</span>. Your modified map will only appear in the user-defined list if it's stored in <span class="path">~/config/settings/Keymap/</span>. Otherwise you'll have to manually load it via <span class="menu">File | Open...</span>.</p>
84 <p>To better match the Keymap panel to your physical keyboard, there are several different settings available from the <span class="menu">Layout</span> menu.</p>
85 <p>The font used in the keyboard representation is set from the <span class="menu">Font</span> menu. Note, that it may or may not contain all symbols for a specific keymap.</p>
86 <p>Finally, there's a <span class="button">Revert</span> button to bring back the settings that were active when you started the Keymap preferences.</p>
88 <h2>
89 <a href="#"><img src="../../images/up.png" style="border:none;float:right" alt="index" /></a>
90 <a id="advanced-keymapping" name="advanced-keymapping">Advanced keymap manipulation</a></h2>
91 <p>There's another method to customize your keymap besides the Keymap preference panel. It involves editing a text file containing loads of hex values, which may appear daunting on first sight, but isn't really that impossible to grasp.</p>
92 <p>You can dump the current keymap with a command in Terminal:</p>
93 <pre class="terminal">keymap -d &gt; MyKeymap</pre>
94 <p>The generated text file can then be opened in a text editor. Make sure to use a fixed font in that editor or you'll never grok that file...<br />
95 At the beginning of that file, you'll find a legend of a stylized keyboard with the hex value corresponding to each key. Below that are the actual assignments of every value. You can do all the customizing that's also available from the Keymap preference panel, and then some. If you happen to have some special keys on your keyboard, you may be able to activate them. That is, use them as ordinary keys or like an option or control key. You won't be able to, for example, have your multimedia keys de/increase the volume or start some application. For this you can use the <a href="shortcuts.html">Shortcuts</a> preferences.</p>
96 <p>When you're finished, you'll save the file and have your system load the modified keymap with this command:</p>
97 <pre class="terminal">keymap -s &lt; MyKeymap</pre>
98 <p>If you'd like to import this keymap into the Keymap panel, you have to compile it first to a binary format:</p>
99 <pre class="terminal">keymap -c &lt; MyKeymap</pre>
100 <p>This will produce a file <span class="cli">keymap.out</span> which you can load into Keymap via its <span class="menu">Open...</span> menu. By the way, the keymap command is able to load this binary format as well: <span class="cli">keymap -l &lt; keymap.out</span></p>
101 <p>This is the dumped file (the rightmost keys of the stylized keyboard are cut-off for a nicer display on this page):</p>
103 <pre>#!/bin/keymap -s
105 # Raw key numbering for 101 keyboard...
108 # [esc] [ f1] [ f2] [ f3] [ f4] [ f5] [ f6] [ f7] [ f8] [ f9] [f10] [f11] [f12]
109 # 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05 0x06 0x07 0x08 0x09 0x0a 0x0b 0x0c 0x0d
111 # [ ` ] [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ] [ 6 ] [ 7 ] [ 8 ] [ 9 ] [ 0 ] [ - ] [ = ] [bck]
112 # 0x11 0x12 0x13 0x14 0x15 0x16 0x17 0x18 0x19 0x1a 0x1b 0x1c 0x1d 0x1e
114 # [tab] [ q ] [ w ] [ e ] [ r ] [ t ] [ y ] [ u ] [ i ] [ o ] [ p ] [ [ ] [ ] ] [ \ ]
115 # 0x26 0x27 0x28 0x29 0x2a 0x2b 0x2c 0x2d 0x2e 0x2f 0x30 0x31 0x32 0x33
117 # [cap] [ a ] [ s ] [ d ] [ f ] [ g ] [ h ] [ j ] [ k ] [ l ] [ ; ] [ ' ] [ enter ]
118 # 0x3b 0x3c 0x3d 0x3e 0x3f 0x40 0x41 0x42 0x43 0x44 0x45 0x46 0x47
120 # [shift] [ z ] [ x ] [ c ] [ v ] [ b ] [ n ] [ m ] [ , ] [ . ] [ / ] [shift]
121 # 0x4b 0x4c 0x4d 0x4e 0x4f 0x50 0x51 0x52 0x53 0x54 0x55 0x56
123 # [ctr] [cmd] [ space ] [cmd] [ctr]
124 # 0x5c 0x5d 0x5e 0x5f 0x60
126 # NOTE: On a Microsoft Natural Keyboard:
127 # left option = 0x66
128 # right option = 0x67
129 # menu key = 0x68
130 # NOTE: On an Apple Extended Keyboard:
131 # left option = 0x66
132 # right option = 0x67
133 # keypad '=' = 0x6a
134 # power key = 0x6b
135 Version = 3
136 CapsLock = 0x3b
137 ScrollLock = 0x0f
138 NumLock = 0x22
139 LShift = 0x4b
140 RShift = 0x56
141 LCommand = 0x5d
142 RCommand = 0x60
143 LControl = 0x5c
144 RControl = 0x00
145 LOption = 0x66
146 ROption = 0x5f
147 Menu = 0x68
149 # Lock settings
150 # To set NumLock, do the following:
151 # LockSettings = NumLock
153 # To set everything, do the following:
154 # LockSettings = CapsLock NumLock ScrollLock
156 LockSettings =
157 # Legend:
158 # n = Normal
159 # s = Shift
160 # c = Control
161 # C = CapsLock
162 # o = Option
163 # Key n s c o os C Cs Co Cos
164 Key 0x00 = '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''
165 Key 0x01 = 0x1b 0x1b 0x1b 0x1b 0x1b 0x1b 0x1b 0x1b 0x1b
166 Key 0x02 = 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10
167 Key 0x03 = 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10
168 Key 0x04 = 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10
169 Key 0x05 = 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10
170 Key 0x06 = 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10
171 Key 0x07 = 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10
172 Key 0x08 = 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10
173 Key 0x09 = 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10
174 Key 0x0a = 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10
175 Key 0x0b = 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10
176 Key 0x0c = 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10
177 Key 0x0d = 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10
178 Key 0x0e = 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10
179 Key 0x0f = 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10
180 Key 0x10 = 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10
181 Key 0x11 = '^' 0xc2b0 '' ' ' '' '^' 0xc2b0 ' ' ''
182 Key 0x12 = '1' '!' '' ' ' '' '!' '1' ' ' ''
183 Key 0x13 = '2' '"' '' 0xc2b2 '' '"' '2' 0xc2b2 ''
184 Key 0x14 = '3' 0xc2a7 '' 0xc2b3 '' 0xc2a7 '3' 0xc2b3 ''
185 Key 0x15 = '4' '$' '' ' ' '' '$' '4' ' ' ''
186 Key 0x16 = '5' '%' '' ' ' '' '%' '5' ' ' ''
187 Key 0x17 = '6' '&amp;' '' ' ' '' '&amp;' '6' ' ' ''
188 Key 0x18 = '7' '/' '' '{' '' '/' '7' '{' ''
189 Key 0x19 = '8' '(' '' '[' '' '(' '8' '[' ''
190 Key 0x1a = '9' ')' '' ']' '' ')' '9' ']' ''
191 Key 0x1b = '0' '=' '' '}' '' '=' '0' '}' ''
192 Key 0x1c = 0xc39f '?' '' '\\' '' '?' 0xc39f '\\' ''
193 Key 0x1d = 0xc2b4 '`' '' ' ' '' 0xc2b4 '`' ' ' ''
194 Key 0x1e = 0x08 0x08 0x08 0x08 0x08 0x08 0x08 0x08 0x08
195 Key 0x1f = 0x05 0x05 0x05 0x05 0x05 0x05 0x05 0x05 0x05
196 Key 0x20 = 0x01 0x01 0x01 0x01 0x01 0x01 0x01 0x01 0x01
197 Key 0x21 = 0x0b 0x0b 0x0b 0x0b 0x0b 0x0b 0x0b 0x0b 0x0b
198 Key 0x22 = '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''
199 Key 0x23 = '/' '/' '/' '/' '/' '/' '/' '/' '/'
200 Key 0x24 = '*' '*' '*' '*' '*' '*' '*' '*' '*'
201 Key 0x25 = '-' '-' '-' '-' '-' '-' '-' '-' '-'
202 Key 0x26 = 0x09 0x09 0x09 0x09 0x09 0x09 0x09 0x09 0x09
203 Key 0x27 = 'q' 'Q' 0x11 '@' '' 'Q' 'q' '@' ''
204 Key 0x28 = 'w' 'W' 0x17 ' ' '' 'W' 'w' ' ' ''
205 Key 0x29 = 'e' 'E' 0x05 0xe282ac '' 'E' 'e' 0xe282ac ''
206 Key 0x2a = 'r' 'R' 0x12 ' ' '' 'R' 'r' ' ' ''
207 Key 0x2b = 't' 'T' 0x14 ' ' '' 'T' 't' ' ' ''
208 Key 0x2c = 'z' 'Z' 0x1a ' ' '' 'Z' 'z' ' ' ''
209 Key 0x2d = 'u' 'U' 0x15 ' ' '' 'U' 'u' ' ' ''
210 Key 0x2e = 'i' 'I' 0x09 ' ' '' 'I' 'i' ' ' ''
211 Key 0x2f = 'o' 'O' 0x0f ' ' '' 'O' 'o' ' ' ''
212 Key 0x30 = 'p' 'P' 0x10 ' ' '' 'P' 'p' ' ' ''
213 Key 0x31 = 0xc3bc 0xc39c 0x1b ' ' '' 0xc39c 0xc3bc ' ' ''
214 Key 0x32 = ' ' '*' 0x1d '~' '' '*' ' ' '~' ''
215 Key 0x33 = '#' '\'' 0x1c ' ' '' '\'' '#' ' ' ''
216 Key 0x34 = 0x7f 0x7f 0x7f 0x7f 0x7f 0x7f 0x7f 0x7f 0x7f
217 Key 0x35 = 0x04 0x04 0x04 0x04 0x04 0x04 0x04 0x04 0x04
218 Key 0x36 = 0x0c 0x0c 0x0c 0x0c 0x0c 0x0c 0x0c 0x0c 0x0c
219 Key 0x37 = 0x01 '7' 0x01 0x01 '7' 0x01 '7' 0x01 '7'
220 Key 0x38 = 0x1e '8' 0x1e 0x1e '8' 0x1e '8' 0x1e '8'
221 Key 0x39 = 0x0b '9' 0x0b 0x0b '9' 0x0b '9' 0x0b '9'
222 Key 0x3a = ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
223 Key 0x3b = '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''
224 Key 0x3c = 'a' 'A' 0x01 ' ' '' 'A' 'a' ' ' ''
225 Key 0x3d = 's' 'S' 0x13 ' ' '' 'S' 's' ' ' ''
226 Key 0x3e = 'd' 'D' 0x04 ' ' '' 'D' 'd' ' ' ''
227 Key 0x3f = 'f' 'F' 0x06 ' ' '' 'F' 'f' ' ' ''
228 Key 0x40 = 'g' 'G' 0x07 ' ' '' 'G' 'g' ' ' ''
229 Key 0x41 = 'h' 'H' 0x08 ' ' '' 'H' 'h' ' ' ''
230 Key 0x42 = 'j' 'J' 0x0a ' ' '' 'J' 'j' ' ' ''
231 Key 0x43 = 'k' 'K' 0x0b ' ' '' 'K' 'k' ' ' ''
232 Key 0x44 = 'l' 'L' 0x0c ' ' '' 'L' 'l' ' ' ''
233 Key 0x45 = 0xc3b6 0xc396 '' ' ' '' 0xc396 0xc3b6 ' ' ''
234 Key 0x46 = 0xc3a4 0xc384 '' ' ' '' 0xc384 0xc3a4 ' ' ''
235 Key 0x47 = 0x0a 0x0a 0x0a 0x0a 0x0a 0x0a 0x0a 0x0a 0x0a
236 Key 0x48 = 0x1c '4' 0x1c 0x1c '4' 0x1c '4' 0x1c '4'
237 Key 0x49 = '' '5' '' '' '5' '' '5' '' '5'
238 Key 0x4a = 0x1d '6' 0x1d 0x1d '6' 0x1d '6' 0x1d '6'
239 Key 0x4b = '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''
240 Key 0x4c = 'y' 'Y' 0x19 ' ' '' 'Y' 'y' ' ' ''
241 Key 0x4d = 'x' 'X' 0x18 ' ' '' 'X' 'x' ' ' ''
242 Key 0x4e = 'c' 'C' 0x03 ' ' '' 'C' 'c' ' ' ''
243 Key 0x4f = 'v' 'V' 0x16 ' ' '' 'V' 'v' ' ' ''
244 Key 0x50 = 'b' 'B' 0x02 ' ' '' 'B' 'b' ' ' ''
245 Key 0x51 = 'n' 'N' 0x0e ' ' '' 'N' 'n' ' ' ''
246 Key 0x52 = 'm' 'M' 0x0d 0xc2b5 '' 'M' 'm' 0xc2b5 ''
247 Key 0x53 = ',' ';' ',' ' ' '' ';' ',' ' ' ''
248 Key 0x54 = '.' ':' '.' ' ' '' ':' '.' ' ' ''
249 Key 0x55 = '-' '_' '' ' ' '' '-' '_' ' ' ''
250 Key 0x56 = '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''
251 Key 0x57 = 0x1e 0x1e 0x1e 0x1e 0x1e 0x1e 0x1e 0x1e 0x1e
252 Key 0x58 = 0x04 '1' 0x04 0x04 '1' 0x04 '1' 0x04 '1'
253 Key 0x59 = 0x1f '2' 0x1f 0x1f '2' 0x1f '2' 0x1f '2'
254 Key 0x5a = 0x0c '3' 0x0c 0x0c '3' 0x0c '3' 0x0c '3'
255 Key 0x5b = 0x0a 0x0a 0x0a 0x0a 0x0a 0x0a 0x0a 0x0a 0x0a
256 Key 0x5c = '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''
257 Key 0x5d = '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''
258 Key 0x5e = ' ' ' ' 0x00 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
259 Key 0x5f = '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''
260 Key 0x60 = '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''
261 Key 0x61 = 0x1c 0x1c 0x1c 0x1c 0x1c 0x1c 0x1c 0x1c 0x1c
262 Key 0x62 = 0x1f 0x1f 0x1f 0x1f 0x1f 0x1f 0x1f 0x1f 0x1f
263 Key 0x63 = 0x1d 0x1d 0x1d 0x1d 0x1d 0x1d 0x1d 0x1d 0x1d
264 Key 0x64 = 0x05 '0' 0x05 0x05 '0' 0x05 '0' 0x05 '0'
265 Key 0x65 = 0x7f ',' 0x7f 0x7f ',' 0x7f ',' 0x7f ','
266 Key 0x66 = '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''
267 Key 0x67 = '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''
268 Key 0x68 = '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''
269 Key 0x69 = '&lt;' '&gt;' '' '|' '' '&lt;' '&gt;' '|' ''
270 Key 0x6a = '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''
271 Key 0x6b = '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''
272 Key 0x6c = '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''
273 Key 0x6d = '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''
274 Key 0x6e = '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''
275 Key 0x6f = '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''
276 Key 0x70 = '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''
277 Key 0x71 = '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''
278 Key 0x72 = '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''
279 Key 0x73 = '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''
280 Key 0x74 = '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''
281 Key 0x75 = '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''
282 Key 0x76 = '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''
283 Key 0x77 = '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''
284 Key 0x78 = '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''
285 Key 0x79 = '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''
286 Key 0x7a = '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''
287 Key 0x7b = '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''
288 Key 0x7c = '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''
289 Key 0x7d = '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''
290 Key 0x7e = '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''
291 Key 0x7f = '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''
292 Acute ' ' = 0xc2b4
293 Acute 'A' = 0xc381
294 Acute 'E' = 0xc389
295 Acute 'I' = 0xc38d
296 Acute 'O' = 0xc393
297 Acute 'U' = 0xc39a
298 Acute 'Y' = 0xc39d
299 Acute 'a' = 0xc3a1
300 Acute 'e' = 0xc3a9
301 Acute 'i' = 0xc3ad
302 Acute 'o' = 0xc3b3
303 Acute 'u' = 0xc3ba
304 Acute 'y' = 0xc3bd
305 Acute '' = ''
306 Acute '' = ''
307 Acute '' = ''
308 AcuteTab = Normal Shift Option Option-Shift CapsLock CapsLock-Shift CapsLock-Option CapsLock-Option-Shift
309 Grave ' ' = '`'
310 Grave 'A' = 0xc380
311 Grave 'E' = 0xc388
312 Grave 'I' = 0xc38c
313 Grave 'O' = 0xc392
314 Grave 'U' = 0xc399
315 Grave 'a' = 0xc3a0
316 Grave 'e' = 0xc3a8
317 Grave 'i' = 0xc3ac
318 Grave 'o' = 0xc3b2
319 Grave 'u' = 0xc3b9
320 Grave '' = ''
321 Grave '' = ''
322 Grave '' = ''
323 Grave '' = ''
324 Grave '' = ''
325 GraveTab = Normal Shift Option Option-Shift CapsLock CapsLock-Shift CapsLock-Option CapsLock-Option-Shift
326 Circumflex ' ' = '^'
327 Circumflex 'A' = 0xc382
328 Circumflex 'E' = 0xc38a
329 Circumflex 'I' = 0xc38e
330 Circumflex 'O' = 0xc394
331 Circumflex 'U' = 0xc39b
332 Circumflex 'a' = 0xc3a2
333 Circumflex 'e' = 0xc3aa
334 Circumflex 'i' = 0xc3ae
335 Circumflex 'o' = 0xc3b4
336 Circumflex 'u' = 0xc3bb
337 Circumflex '' = ''
338 Circumflex '' = ''
339 Circumflex '' = ''
340 Circumflex '' = ''
341 Circumflex '' = ''
342 CircumflexTab = Normal Shift Option Option-Shift CapsLock CapsLock-Shift CapsLock-Option CapsLock-Option-Shift
343 Diaeresis ' ' = 0xc2a8
344 Diaeresis 'A' = 0xc384
345 Diaeresis 'E' = 0xc38b
346 Diaeresis 'I' = 0xc38f
347 Diaeresis 'O' = 0xc396
348 Diaeresis 'U' = 0xc39c
349 Diaeresis 'Y' = 0xc5b8
350 Diaeresis 'a' = 0xc3a4
351 Diaeresis 'e' = 0xc3ab
352 Diaeresis 'i' = 0xc3af
353 Diaeresis 'o' = 0xc3b6
354 Diaeresis 'u' = 0xc3bc
355 Diaeresis 'y' = 0xc3bf
356 Diaeresis '' = ''
357 Diaeresis '' = ''
358 Diaeresis '' = ''
359 DiaeresisTab = Normal Shift Option Option-Shift CapsLock CapsLock-Shift CapsLock-Option CapsLock-Option-Shift
360 Tilde ' ' = '~'
361 Tilde 'A' = 0xc383
362 Tilde 'O' = 0xc395
363 Tilde 'N' = 0xc391
364 Tilde 'a' = 0xc3a3
365 Tilde 'o' = 0xc3b5
366 Tilde 'n' = 0xc3b1
367 Tilde '' = ''
368 Tilde '' = ''
369 Tilde '' = ''
370 Tilde '' = ''
371 Tilde '' = ''
372 Tilde '' = ''
373 Tilde '' = ''
374 Tilde '' = ''
375 Tilde '' = ''
376 TildeTab = Normal Shift Option Option-Shift CapsLock CapsLock-Shift CapsLock-Option CapsLock-Option-Shift </pre>
378 </div>
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