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7 * Copyright 2008-2017, Haiku, Inc. All rights reserved.
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11 * Humdinger <humdingerb@gmail.com>
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19 <title>Manual d'Usuari del Haiku - Continguts
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26 <div><span>User guide
31 <ul class=
32 <li class=
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58 <div class=
"box-info">The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
60 <h1>Benvingut al Manual d'Usuari del Haiku
62 <p>Below, you'll find the documentation of the most important aspects of Haiku. Naturally, completing and extending the documentation is a continuing process (see the
<a href=
"http://www.haiku-os.org/docs/userguide/en/contents.html">online version
</a> for updated pages and translations). If you find errors, would like to suggest topics or maybe even contribute yourself, please get in touch on the
<a href=
"http://www.freelists.org/list/haiku-doc">documentation mailing list
</a>. If you're interested in helping with translations, you'll find information on that at the
<a href=
"http://dev.haiku-os.org/wiki/i18n/UserGuide">i18n user guide wiki
64 <table summary=
"contents" border=
"1" rules=
"rows" frame=
"void" cellpadding=
"10" cellspacing=
"0" style=
"border: dotted thin #e0e0e0">
65 <!-- Excluded until it's further fleshed out
66 <tr><td valign="top"><a href="installation.html">Installation</a><ul>
67 <li><a href="installation.html#boot-process">The basic boot process</a></li>
68 <li><a href="installation.html#virtual-machine">Haiku in a virtual machine</a></li>
69 <li><a href="installation.html#raw">Installing from a RAW image</a></li>
70 <li><a href="installation.html#source">Compiling/Installing from source code</a></li>
71 <li><a href="installation.html#grub">Adding Haiku to your boot manager (GRUB)</a></li>
72 <li><a href="installation.html#transfer-data">Transfering data to/from a Haiku installation</a></li></ul></td>
73 <td valign="top">Step by step guides covering Haiku installation during the (pre-) alpha release phase.</td></tr>
75 <tr><td valign=
"top"><a href=
"bootloader.html">Boot Loader
76 <td valign=
"top">Opcions d'arrencada segures per resoldre problemes de configuració.
77 <tr><td valign=
"top"><a href=
"filesystem-layout.html">Filesystem layout
78 <li><a href=
"filesystem-layout.html#system">The system folder
79 <li><a href=
"filesystem-layout.html#home">The home folder
80 <td valign=
"top">Understand the filesystem hierarchy and get familiar with important file locations and folders.
81 <tr><td valign=
"top"><a href=
"gui.html">Haiku's GUI
82 <li><a href=
"gui.html#move-resize">Easy moving and resizing
83 <li><a href=
& Tile
84 <li><a href=
"gui.html#open-save-panel">Open and save panels
</a><br />
85 <a href=
"gui.html#open-save-shortcuts">- Keyboard shortcuts
</a><br />
86 <a href=
"gui.html#favorites-recent">- Favorites and recent folders
87 <li><a href=
88 <td valign=
"top">Conegueu els elements bàsics de l'entorn gràfic d'usuari.
89 <tr><td valign=
"top"><a href=
"keyboard-shortcuts.html">Shortcuts and key combinations
90 <li><a href=
"keyboard-shortcuts.html#general">General shortcuts
91 <li><a href=
"keyboard-shortcuts.html#tracker-navigation">Shortcuts for Tracker navigation
92 <li><a href=
"keyboard-shortcuts.html#terminal">Shortcuts in Terminal
93 <li><a href=
"keyboard-shortcuts.html#other-combos">Other key combinations
94 <td valign=
"top">Les dreceres més usuals per agilitar la vostra feina.
95 <tr><td valign=
"top"><a href=
96 <li><a href=
"workspaces.html#switching">Switching workspaces
97 <li><a href=
"desktop-applets/workspaces.html">The Workspaces Applet
98 <li><a href=
"desktop-applets/workspaces.html#moving">Moving windows between workspaces
99 <li><a href=
"desktop-applets/workspaces.html#special">Special functionality
100 <td valign=
"top">Feu servir els escriptoris virtuals per tenir un entorn de treball ben endreçat.
101 <tr><td valign=
"top"><a href=
102 <td valign=
"top">Switch between running applications.
103 <tr><td valign=
"top"><a href=
"teammonitor.html">Team Monitor
104 <td valign=
"top">Atureu les aplicacions o components del sistema que no responen.
105 <tr><td valign=
"top"><a href=
106 <li><a href=
"tracker.html#mounting-volumes">Mounting volumes
107 <li><a href=
108 <li><a href=
109 <li><a href=
"tracker.html#tracker-preferences">Tracker preferences
110 <li><a href=
"tracker.html#working-with-files">Working with files
111 <li><a href=
"tracker.html#transaction-status">Transaction status
112 <li><a href=
"tracker-add-ons.html">Tracker Add-Ons
113 <td valign=
"top">Learn all about navigating, working with files and folders and how to configure Haiku's file manager.
114 <tr><td valign=
"top"><a href=
115 <li><a href=
"deskbar.html#deskbar-menu">The Deskbar Menu
116 <li><a href=
"deskbar.html#tray">The Tray
117 <li><a href=
"deskbar.html#list-of-apps">The list of running programs
118 <td valign=
"top">Use and configure Haiku's version of the
"Start" menu and taskbar.
119 <tr><td valign=
"top"><a href=
120 <li><a href=
"filetypes.html#filetype">The File Type
121 <li><a href=
"filetypes.html#preferred-app">The Preferred Application
122 <li><a href=
"filetypes.html#icon">The Icon
123 <li><a href=
"filetypes.html#settings-apps">Special settings for applications
124 <li><a href=
"filetypes.html#filetypes-preferences">Global settings with the Filetypes Preferences
125 <td valign=
"top">Indiqueu les aplicacions per omissió, canvieu els tipus de fitxers i afegiu els vostres.
126 <tr><td valign=
"top"><a href=
127 <li><a href=
"attributes.html#attributes-tracker">Attributes in Tracker
128 <li><a href=
"attributes.html#attributes-terminal">Attributes in Terminal
129 <td valign=
"top">One of Haiku's main features lets you manage and add any kind of data to any file.
130 <tr><td valign=
"top"><a href=
131 <td>Use indexing to be able to search for attributes.
132 <tr><td valign=
"top"><a href=
133 <li><a href=
"queries.html#find-window">The Find window
134 <li><a href=
"queries.html#basic-query">Basic queries -
"by Name"</a></li>
135 <li><a href=
"queries.html#adv-query">Advanced queries -
"by Attribute"</a></li>
136 <li><a href=
"queries.html#more-adv-query">Even more advanced queries -
"by Formula"</a></li>
137 <li><a href=
"queries.html#result-window">The result window
138 <li><a href=
"queries.html#query-template">Query Templates
140 <td valign=
"top">Use Haiku's lightning fast queries to quickly find what you're looking for.
141 <tr><td valign=
"top"><a href=
"workshop-filetypes+attributes.html">Workshop: Filetypes, Attributes, Index and Queries
142 <td valign=
"top">Learn to use some of Haiku's key features by organizing your DVDs.
143 <tr><td valign=
"top"><a href=
"workshop-email.html">Workshop: Managing Email
144 <td valign=
"top">Learn to use Haiku's mail system with custom statuses and queries.
145 <tr><td valign=
"top"><a href=
"workshop-wlan.html">Workshop: Wireless networking
146 <td valign=
"top">Set up your open or encrypted wireless network.
147 <tr><td valign=
"top"><a href=
148 <li><a href=
"applications.html#hpkg">Haiku packages (.hpkg)
149 <li><a href=
"applications.html#beos_apps">Old BeOS archives (.zip and .pkg)
150 <li><a href=
"applications.html#list-of-apps">Haiku's applications
152 <li><a href=
153 <li><a href=
154 <li><a href=
155 <li><a href=
156 <li><a href=
157 <li><a href=
158 <li><a href=
159 <li><a href=
160 <li><a href=
161 <li><a href=
162 <li><a href=
163 <li><a href=
164 <li><a href=
165 <li><a href=
166 <li><a href=
167 <li><a href=
168 <li><a href=
169 <li><a href=
170 <li><a href=
171 <li><a href=
172 <li><a href=
173 <li><a href=
174 <li><a href=
175 <li><a href=
176 <li><a href=
177 <li><a href=
178 <li><a href=
179 <li><a href=
180 <li><a href=
182 <li><a href=
"applications.html#cli-apps">Haiku's commandline applications
183 <li><a href=
"applications.html#list-of-bundled-apps">Bundled applications
185 <td>Learn how to un/install applications in general and how work with the ones that come with Haiku.
186 <tr><td valign=
"top"><a href=
"desktop-applets.html">Desktop Applets
188 <li><a href=
189 <li><a href=
190 <li><a href=
191 <li><a href=
192 <li><a href=
194 <td>Ginys senzills per instal·lar al vostre Escriptori i Barra de l'Escriptori.
195 <tr><td valign=
"top"><a href=
197 <li><a href=
198 <li><a href=
199 <li><a href=
200 <li><a href=
201 <li><a href=
202 <li><a href=
203 <li><a href=
204 <li><a href=
205 <li><a href=
206 <li><a href=
207 <li><a href=
208 <li><a href=
209 <li><a href=
210 <li><a href=
211 <li><a href=
212 <li><a href=
213 <li><a href=
214 <li><a href=
215 <li><a href=
216 <li><a href=
217 <li><a href=
218 <li><a href=
220 <td>Configurar i ajustar el vostre sistema.
222 <tr><td valign="top"><a href="demos.html">Demos</a></td>
223 <td>Games and demo applications.</td></tr>
225 <tr><td valign=
"top"><a href=
"bash-scripting.html">Bash and Scripting
226 <td>Learn of some interesting scripts used by the system and about online resources for working in the shell and scripting.