Divide a module and try to re-export the right amount.
[haskell-cryptsy-api.git] / Main.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns, NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
2 module Main
3 ( main
5 where
7 -- base
8 import Control.Applicative (pure, (<*>))
9 import Control.Monad (Monad, fail, return)
10 import Data.Bool (Bool(False, True))
11 import Data.Fixed (HasResolution(..), Fixed)
12 import Data.Foldable (foldMap)
13 import Data.Function (const, id, on)
14 import Data.Functor (fmap, (<$>))
15 import Data.List (minimum, maximum)
16 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(Nothing, Just), catMaybes, mapMaybe)
17 import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..), Sum(..), (<>))
18 import Data.Ord (Ord(..), min, max)
19 import Data.Tuple (curry, uncurry)
20 import Numeric (readFloat)
21 import Prelude
22 ( Num, Show(show), Fractional(fromRational)
23 , Integer, String, IO
24 , print, putStr, putStrLn, read, take, undefined
25 , (.), ($)
29 -- bytestring
30 import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
31 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as CS
33 -- network
34 import Network.URI (URI, parseAbsoluteURI)
36 -- Crypto
37 import Codec.Utils (Octet)
38 import Data.HMAC (HashMethod(..), hmac)
39 import qualified Data.Digest.SHA512 as SHA512 (hash)
41 -- HTTP
42 import Network.HTTP.Base
43 ( Request(..), Response(..), RequestMethod(..)
44 , urlEncodeVars, httpPackageVersion
47 import Network.HTTP.Headers (Header(Header), HeaderName(HdrCustom))
49 import qualified Network.Browser as Browser (request)
50 import Network.Browser
51 ( Proxy(NoProxy), BrowserAction
52 , browse, setAllowRedirects, setMaxRedirects, setAuthorities
53 , setAllowBasicAuth, setMaxErrorRetries, setMaxPoolSize
54 , setMaxAuthAttempts, setProxy, setUserAgent
57 -- either
58 import Control.Monad.Trans.Either
59 ( EitherT(..), bimapEitherT, eitherT, runEitherT, hoistEither
62 -- errors
63 import Control.Error.Util (note)
65 -- text
66 import qualified Data.Text as T
68 -- unordered-containers
69 import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM (lookup)
71 -- this package
72 import Cryptsy.API.Public.MarketData.New
73 import qualified Cryptsy.API.Public.Market as Market (withText)
74 import qualified Cryptsy.API.Public.Trade as Trade
75 ( price, quantity, total )
77 url :: String
78 url = "https://www.cryptsy.com/api"
80 mUri :: Maybe URI
81 mUri = parseAbsoluteURI url
83 apiPubkey :: String
84 apiPubkey = "5a8808b25e3f59d8818d3fbc0ce993fbb82dcf90"
86 apiPrivkey :: String
87 apiPrivkey = ""
89 get_nonce :: IO Integer
90 get_nonce = do
91 return 1
93 method :: String
94 method = "getinfo"
96 sha512_hm :: HashMethod
97 sha512_hm = HashMethod
98 { digest = SHA512.hash
99 , input_blocksize = 1024
102 hexdump :: [Octet] -> String
103 hexdump = mconcat . fmap show2Hex
104 where
105 show2Hex = undefined
107 readHex :: String -> Maybe [Octet]
108 readHex = undefined
110 oldMain :: IO ()
111 oldMain = case (readHex apiPrivkey, mUri) of
112 (_, Nothing) -> do
113 putStr url
114 putStrLn " could not be parsed as an absolute URI."
115 (Nothing, _) ->
116 putStrLn "<apiPrivkey> could not be parsed as hex."
117 (Just pk, Just uri) -> do
118 nonce <- get_nonce
120 postString = urlEncodeVars [ ("nonce", show nonce) ]
121 postSig = hexdump . hmac sha512_hm pk . BS.unpack $ CS.pack postString
122 request = Request
123 { rqURI = uri
124 , rqMethod = POST
125 , rqHeaders =
126 [ Header (HdrCustom "Key" ) apiPubkey
127 , Header (HdrCustom "Sign") postSig
129 , rqBody = postString
131 body <- browse $ do
132 initBrowser
133 (_, response) <- Browser.request request
134 return $ rspBody response
135 putStrLn body
137 initBrowser :: BrowserAction t ()
138 initBrowser = do
139 setAllowRedirects True
140 setMaxRedirects $ Just 10
141 setAuthorities []
142 setAllowBasicAuth False
143 setMaxErrorRetries $ Just 0
144 setMaxPoolSize $ Just 2
145 setMaxAuthAttempts $ Just 0
146 setProxy NoProxy
147 setUserAgent $ "Network.Browser/" <> httpPackageVersion
149 data E8
151 instance HasResolution E8 where
152 resolution = const 100000000
154 type CryptsyNum = Fixed E8
156 parseCryptsyNum :: Text -> Parser CryptsyNum
157 parseCryptsyNum (readFloat . T.unpack -> reads) = case reads of
158 [] -> fail "No parse."
159 [(r, "")] -> return r
160 [(_, _ )] -> fail "Incomplete parse."
161 _ -> fail "Ambiguous parse."
163 newtype Min n = Min { getMin :: Maybe n } deriving Show
164 instance Ord n => Monoid (Min n) where
165 mempty = Min Nothing
166 mappend (Min Nothing) m = m
167 mappend m (Min Nothing) = m
168 mappend (Min (Just m)) (Min (Just n)) = Min . Just $ min m n
169 mconcat [] = Min Nothing
170 mconcat mins = Min . Just . minimum . catMaybes $ fmap getMin mins
172 newtype Max n = Max { getMax :: Maybe n } deriving Show
173 instance Ord n => Monoid (Max n) where
174 mempty = Max Nothing
175 mappend (Max Nothing) m = m
176 mappend m (Max Nothing) = m
177 mappend (Max (Just m)) (Max (Just n)) = Max . Just $ max m n
178 mconcat [] = Max Nothing
179 mconcat maxs = Max . Just . maximum $ mapMaybe getMax maxs
181 data MarketSummary p q t = MarketSummary
182 { minPrice :: Min p
183 , maxPrice :: Max p
184 , count :: Sum Integer
185 , primaryVolume :: Sum q
186 , secondaryVolume :: Sum t
187 } deriving Show
188 instance (Ord p, Num q, Num t) => Monoid (MarketSummary p q t) where
189 mempty = MarketSummary
190 mempty
191 mempty
192 mempty
193 mempty
194 mempty
195 mappend = curry $ MarketSummary <$>
196 uncurry (mappend `on` minPrice) <*>
197 uncurry (mappend `on` maxPrice) <*>
198 uncurry (mappend `on` count) <*>
199 uncurry (mappend `on` primaryVolume) <*>
200 uncurry (mappend `on` secondaryVolume)
201 mconcat = MarketSummary <$>
202 (mconcat . fmap minPrice) <*>
203 (mconcat . fmap maxPrice) <*>
204 (mconcat . fmap count) <*>
205 (mconcat . fmap primaryVolume) <*>
206 (mconcat . fmap secondaryVolume)
208 tradeSummary :: GTrade dt p q t -> MarketSummary p q t
209 tradeSummary trade = MarketSummary
210 { minPrice = Min . Just $ Trade.price trade
211 , maxPrice = Max . Just $ Trade.price trade
212 , count = Sum 1
213 , primaryVolume = Sum $ Trade.quantity trade
214 , secondaryVolume = Sum $ Trade.total trade
217 main :: IO ()
218 main = eitherT putStrLn print $ do
219 MarketData mkts <- bimapEitherT show id . EitherT . browse $ do
220 initBrowser
221 runEitherT $ marketData parseMarkets
222 mkt <- hoistEither . note "No 'LTC/BTC' market."
223 $ HM.lookup (T.pack "LTC/BTC") mkts
224 return . foldMap tradeSummary $ recenttrades mkt
225 where
226 parseMarkets = withMarket parseMarket
227 parseMarket = Market.withText
228 parseCryptsyNum
229 parseCryptsyNum
230 pure
231 parseCryptsyNum