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[haskell-cryptsy-api.git] / src / Cryptsy / API / Public / Internal.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
2 -- |Implementations shared across two or more modules.
3 module Cryptsy.API.Public.Internal where
5 -- base
6 import Control.Exception (try)
7 import Data.Functor ((<$))
9 -- aeson
10 import Data.Aeson (Value(Object), withObject, json')
11 import Data.Aeson.Types (Parser, parseEither)
13 -- either
14 import Control.Monad.Trans.Either (EitherT(..), hoistEither)
15 import Data.Either.Combinators (mapLeft)
17 -- http-client
18 import Network.HTTP.Client
19 ( cookieJar, parseUrl, responseBody, responseCookieJar
22 -- pipes-attoparsec
23 import Pipes.Attoparsec (parse)
25 -- pipes-http
26 import Pipes.HTTP (withHTTP)
28 -- text
29 import Data.Text (Text, pack)
31 -- transformers
32 import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (ReaderT(..))
33 import Control.Monad.Trans.State (StateT(..))
34 import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict (evalStateT)
36 -- unordered-containers
37 import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM (lookup)
39 -- this package
40 import Cryptsy.API.Public.Types.Error
41 import Cryptsy.API.Public.Types.Monad
43 -- |generates public API URL
44 pubURL :: String -- ^ method value
45 -> String -- ^ complete URL
46 pubURL = ("" ++)
47 {-# INLINABLE pubURL #-}
49 -- |unpacked dataKey
50 dataStr :: String
51 dataStr = "return"
53 -- |key in JSON object for return data
54 dataKey :: Text
55 dataKey = pack dataStr
57 -- |key in JSON object for error message
58 errMsgKey :: Text
59 errMsgKey = pack "error"
61 -- |common request implementation
62 pubCryptsy :: String -- ^ URL
63 -> (Value -> Parser a)
64 -> PubCryptsy a
65 pubCryptsy apiurl parser = ReaderT $ \manager -> do
66 reqSansCookies <- hoistEither . mapLeft (BadURL apiurl) $ parseUrl apiurl
67 parseResult <- EitherT . StateT $ \beforeCookies -> do
68 let req = reqSansCookies { cookieJar = beforeCookies }
69 thttp <- try . withHTTP req manager $ \resp -> do
70 tpr <- try . evalStateT (parse json') $ responseBody resp -- discard lo
71 return (tpr, responseCookieJar resp <$ beforeCookies)
72 return $ case thttp of
73 Left he -> (Left $ FailReadResponse req he, beforeCookies)
74 Right (Left he, nc) -> (Left $ FailReadResponse req he, nc)
75 Right (Right pr, nc) -> (Right pr, nc)
76 hoistEither $ do
77 value <- mapLeft FailParseResponse parseResult
78 dat <- case value of
79 Object (HM.lookup dataKey -> Just d) -> Right d
80 Object (HM.lookup errMsgKey -> Just errMsg) ->
81 Left $ ErrorResponse errMsg
82 _ -> Left $ UnsuccessfulResponse value
83 mapLeft (FailParseReturn dat) $ parseEither parser dat
84 {-# INLINABLE pubCryptsy #-}
86 -- |unpacked 'marketsKey'
87 marketsStr :: String
88 marketsStr = "markets"
90 -- |failure message when 'marketsKey' is missing
91 missingMsg :: String
92 missingMsg = "Missing '" ++ marketsStr ++ "' key."
94 -- |key in JSON object for market data
95 marketsKey :: Text
96 marketsKey = pack marketsStr
98 -- |Apply a parser on the 'marketsKey' of an object. If not an object or the
99 -- key is missing, fail.
100 onMarkets :: (Value -> Parser a) -> Value -> Parser a
101 onMarkets parser = withObject marketsStr $
102 maybe (fail missingMsg) parser . HM.lookup marketsKey
103 {-# INLINABLE onMarkets #-}