Massive refactoring into smaller modules.
[haskell-cryptsy-api.git] / Main.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns, NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
2 module Main
3 ( main
5 where
7 -- base
8 import Control.Applicative (pure, (<*>))
9 import Control.Monad (Monad, fail, return)
10 import Data.Bool (Bool(False, True))
11 import Data.Fixed (HasResolution(..), Fixed)
12 import Data.Foldable (foldMap)
13 import Data.Function (const, id, on)
14 import Data.Functor (fmap, (<$>))
15 import Data.List (minimum, maximum)
16 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(Nothing, Just), catMaybes, mapMaybe)
17 import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..), Sum(..), (<>))
18 import Data.Ord (Ord(..), min, max)
19 import Data.Tuple (curry, uncurry)
20 import Numeric (readFloat)
21 import Prelude
22 ( Num, Show(show), Fractional(fromRational)
23 , Integer, String, IO
24 , print, putStr, putStrLn, read, take, undefined
25 , (.), ($)
29 -- bytestring
30 import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
31 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as CS
33 -- network
34 import Network.URI (URI, parseAbsoluteURI)
36 -- Crypto
37 import Codec.Utils (Octet)
38 import Data.HMAC (HashMethod(..), hmac)
39 import qualified Data.Digest.SHA512 as SHA512 (hash)
41 -- HTTP
42 import Network.HTTP.Base
43 ( Request(..), Response(..), RequestMethod(..)
44 , urlEncodeVars, httpPackageVersion
47 import Network.HTTP.Headers (Header(Header), HeaderName(HdrCustom))
49 import qualified Network.Browser as Browser (request)
50 import Network.Browser
51 ( Proxy(NoProxy), BrowserAction
52 , browse, setAllowRedirects, setMaxRedirects, setAuthorities
53 , setAllowBasicAuth, setMaxErrorRetries, setMaxPoolSize
54 , setMaxAuthAttempts, setProxy, setUserAgent
57 -- aeson
58 import Data.Aeson.Types (Parser)
60 -- either
61 import Control.Monad.Trans.Either
62 ( EitherT(..), bimapEitherT, eitherT, runEitherT, hoistEither
65 -- errors
66 import Control.Error.Util (note)
68 -- text
69 import Data.Text (Text)
70 import qualified Data.Text as T
72 -- unordered-containers
73 import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM (lookup)
75 -- this package
76 import Cryptsy.API.Public.MarketData.New (GMarketData(..), marketData)
77 import qualified Cryptsy.API.Public.MarketData.New as Markets (withMarket)
78 import Cryptsy.API.Public.SingleMarket (GSingleMarket(..))
79 import qualified Cryptsy.API.Public.SingleMarket as Market (withText)
80 import Cryptsy.API.Public.Trade (GTrade)
81 import qualified Cryptsy.API.Public.Trade as Trade
82 ( price, quantity, total )
84 url :: String
85 url = ""
87 mUri :: Maybe URI
88 mUri = parseAbsoluteURI url
90 apiPubkey :: String
91 apiPubkey = "5a8808b25e3f59d8818d3fbc0ce993fbb82dcf90"
93 apiPrivkey :: String
94 apiPrivkey = ""
96 get_nonce :: IO Integer
97 get_nonce = do
98 return 1
100 method :: String
101 method = "getinfo"
103 sha512_hm :: HashMethod
104 sha512_hm = HashMethod
105 { digest = SHA512.hash
106 , input_blocksize = 1024
109 hexdump :: [Octet] -> String
110 hexdump = mconcat . fmap show2Hex
111 where
112 show2Hex = undefined
114 readHex :: String -> Maybe [Octet]
115 readHex = undefined
117 oldMain :: IO ()
118 oldMain = case (readHex apiPrivkey, mUri) of
119 (_, Nothing) -> do
120 putStr url
121 putStrLn " could not be parsed as an absolute URI."
122 (Nothing, _) ->
123 putStrLn "<apiPrivkey> could not be parsed as hex."
124 (Just pk, Just uri) -> do
125 nonce <- get_nonce
127 postString = urlEncodeVars [ ("nonce", show nonce) ]
128 postSig = hexdump . hmac sha512_hm pk . BS.unpack $ CS.pack postString
129 request = Request
130 { rqURI = uri
131 , rqMethod = POST
132 , rqHeaders =
133 [ Header (HdrCustom "Key" ) apiPubkey
134 , Header (HdrCustom "Sign") postSig
136 , rqBody = postString
138 body <- browse $ do
139 initBrowser
140 (_, response) <- Browser.request request
141 return $ rspBody response
142 putStrLn body
144 initBrowser :: BrowserAction t ()
145 initBrowser = do
146 setAllowRedirects True
147 setMaxRedirects $ Just 10
148 setAuthorities []
149 setAllowBasicAuth False
150 setMaxErrorRetries $ Just 0
151 setMaxPoolSize $ Just 2
152 setMaxAuthAttempts $ Just 0
153 setProxy NoProxy
154 setUserAgent $ "Network.Browser/" <> httpPackageVersion
156 data E8
158 instance HasResolution E8 where
159 resolution = const 100000000
161 type CryptsyNum = Fixed E8
163 parseCryptsyNum :: Text -> Parser CryptsyNum
164 parseCryptsyNum (readFloat . T.unpack -> reads) = case reads of
165 [] -> fail "No parse."
166 [(r, "")] -> return r
167 [(_, _ )] -> fail "Incomplete parse."
168 _ -> fail "Ambiguous parse."
170 newtype Min n = Min { getMin :: Maybe n } deriving Show
171 instance Ord n => Monoid (Min n) where
172 mempty = Min Nothing
173 mappend (Min Nothing) m = m
174 mappend m (Min Nothing) = m
175 mappend (Min (Just m)) (Min (Just n)) = Min . Just $ min m n
176 mconcat [] = Min Nothing
177 mconcat mins = Min . Just . minimum . catMaybes $ fmap getMin mins
179 newtype Max n = Max { getMax :: Maybe n } deriving Show
180 instance Ord n => Monoid (Max n) where
181 mempty = Max Nothing
182 mappend (Max Nothing) m = m
183 mappend m (Max Nothing) = m
184 mappend (Max (Just m)) (Max (Just n)) = Max . Just $ max m n
185 mconcat [] = Max Nothing
186 mconcat maxs = Max . Just . maximum $ mapMaybe getMax maxs
188 data MarketSummary p q t = MarketSummary
189 { minPrice :: Min p
190 , maxPrice :: Max p
191 , count :: Sum Integer
192 , primaryVolume :: Sum q
193 , secondaryVolume :: Sum t
194 } deriving Show
195 instance (Ord p, Num q, Num t) => Monoid (MarketSummary p q t) where
196 mempty = MarketSummary
197 mempty
198 mempty
199 mempty
200 mempty
201 mempty
202 mappend = curry $ MarketSummary <$>
203 uncurry (mappend `on` minPrice) <*>
204 uncurry (mappend `on` maxPrice) <*>
205 uncurry (mappend `on` count) <*>
206 uncurry (mappend `on` primaryVolume) <*>
207 uncurry (mappend `on` secondaryVolume)
208 mconcat = MarketSummary <$>
209 (mconcat . fmap minPrice) <*>
210 (mconcat . fmap maxPrice) <*>
211 (mconcat . fmap count) <*>
212 (mconcat . fmap primaryVolume) <*>
213 (mconcat . fmap secondaryVolume)
215 tradeSummary :: GTrade dt p q t -> MarketSummary p q t
216 tradeSummary trade = MarketSummary
217 { minPrice = Min . Just $ Trade.price trade
218 , maxPrice = Max . Just $ Trade.price trade
219 , count = Sum 1
220 , primaryVolume = Sum $ Trade.quantity trade
221 , secondaryVolume = Sum $ trade
224 main :: IO ()
225 main = eitherT putStrLn print $ do
226 MarketData mkts <- bimapEitherT show id . EitherT . browse $ do
227 initBrowser
228 runEitherT $ marketData parseMarkets
229 mkt <- hoistEither . note "No 'LTC/BTC' market."
230 $ HM.lookup (T.pack "LTC/BTC") mkts
231 return . foldMap tradeSummary $ recenttrades mkt
232 where
233 parseMarkets = Markets.withMarket parseMarket
234 parseMarket = Market.withText
235 parseCryptsyNum
236 parseCryptsyNum
237 pure
238 parseCryptsyNum