7 td-ls - ls(1)-like file list but more machine-parseable
11 td-ls [I<OPTIONS>] [I<PATHS>] [-- I<FIND-OPTIONS>]
13 =head1 OPTIONS, ls(1)-compatible
17 =item -A, --almost-all
27 =item -n, --numeric-uid-gid
31 =item --time=[atime, access, use, ctime, status, birth, creation, mtime, modification]
35 =item -U (implied, pipe to sort(1) if you want)
39 =head1 OPTIONS, not ls(1)-compatible
47 =item --no-symlink-target
49 =item --add-field I<FIELD-NAME>
51 Add extra fields by name.
52 See field names by B<--help-field-names> option.
53 May be added multiple times.
55 =item --add-field-macro I<FORMAT>
57 Add extra fields by find(1)-style format specification.
58 For valid I<FORMAT>s, see B<-printf> section in find(1).
59 May be added multiple times.
60 Putting C<\\0> (backslash-zero) in I<FORMAT> screws up the output; don't do that.
62 =item --help-field-names
64 Show valid field names to be used for B<--add-field> option.
70 Columns are similar to good old ls(1):
71 PERMS (symbolic representation),
73 USERNAME (USERID if B<-n> option is given),
74 GROUPNAME (GROUPID if B<-n> option is given),
76 time field is either ATIME, CTIME, or default MTIME (in full-iso format),
77 BASENAME (or RELPATH in B<--recursive> mode),
78 and SYMLINKTARGET (unless B<--no-symlink-target> option is given).
80 Column names are a bit different than td-trans-ls(1) produces, but this is intentional,
81 because fields by these 2 tools have slightly different meaning.
82 td-trans-ls(1) is less smart because it just transforms ls(1)'s output and
83 does not always know what is in the input exactly; while td-ls(1) itself controls
84 what data goes to the output.
90 Output format is tabular data: a table, in which fields are delimited by TAB
91 and records by newline (LF).
93 Meta chars may occur in some fields (path, filename, symlink target, etc),
94 these are escaped this (perl-compatible) way:
96 | Raw char | Substituted to |
97 |-----------|----------------|
104 Other control chars (charcode below 32 in ASCII)
105 including NUL, vertical-tab, and form-feed are left as-is.
113 B<TIME_STYLE> is ignored as well as I<--time-style> option.
114 Always show date-time in C<%F %T %z> strftime(3) format!
115 It's simply the most superior.
116 Equivalent to B<TIME_STYLE=full-iso>.
122 td-select(1), td-filter(1), td-trans-ls(1), L<lr|https://github.com/leahneukirchen/lr>
127 use Getopt
::Long qw
/:config no_ignore_case bundling no_getopt_compat/;
130 no if ($] >= 5.018), 'warnings' => 'experimental::smartmatch';
131 $TabdataCommonSkipGetopt = 1;
132 do '/usr/lib/tool/perl5/tabdata/common.pl' or die "$@";
135 %field_macro = (qw
%D inode
%i perms
%M links
%n username
%u userid
%U groupname
%g groupid
%G size
136 basename
%f relpath
%p dirpath
%h symlinktarget
137 depth
%d fstype
%F perms
%m ftype
%y ltype
138 'atime', '%AF %AT %Az',
139 'btime', '%BF %BT %Bz',
140 'ctime', '%CF %CT %Cz',
141 'mtime', '%TF %TT %Tz');
143 %time_types = qw
/atime a access a use a ctime c status c birth b creation b mtime m modification m/;
146 @depthopts = qw
/-mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1/;
153 $show_symlink_target = 1;
158 %ignore_name = ('dotfiles'=>'.*',);
161 'A|almost-all' => sub{ delete $ignore_name{'dotfiles'}; },
163 'i|inode' => \
164 'devnum' => \
165 'n|numeric-uid-gid' => \
166 'G|no-group' => \
169 'symlink-target!' => \
170 'R|recursive' => \
171 'header!' => \
172 'c' => sub{ $time_type = 'c'; },
173 'u' => sub{ $time_type = 'a'; },
174 'time=s' => sub{ $time_type = $time_types{$_[1]} or die "$0: unknown time type: $_[0]\n"; },
175 'add-field=s@' => \
176 'add-field-macro=s@' => \
177 'help|?' => sub{ pod2usage
=>0, -verbose
=>99); },
178 'help-field-names' => sub{ print "$_\n" for sort keys %field_macro; exit 0; },
179 ) or pod2usage
=>2, -verbose
182 @depthopts = () if $recursive;
185 push @fields, 'devnum' if $show_devnum;
186 push @fields, 'inode' if $show_inode;
187 push @fields, 'perms', 'links';
188 push @fields, ($uidgid_numeric ?
'uid' : 'username') if not $hide_user;
189 push @fields, ($uidgid_numeric ?
'gid' : 'groupname') if not $hide_group;
190 push @fields, 'size';
191 push @fields, $time_type.'time';
192 push @fields, ($recursive ?
'relpath' : 'basename');
193 push @fields, 'symlinktarget' if $show_symlink_target;
194 push @fields, @extra_fields;
197 push @field_macros, map {$field_macro{$_}} @fields;
198 push @field_macros, @extra_macros;
206 push @header, map {uc} @fields;
207 push @header, @extra_macros;
208 print join($FS, @header).$RS;
211 # since we can't ask find(1) to escape meta chars properly
212 # (replaces all LF/TAB/ESC/… uniformly to "?" if output is a terminal, and
213 # does not escapes anything if output is pipe or file),
214 # and there probably will be data fields which may contain arbitrary bytes,
215 # eg. paths, file names, link targets, etc,
216 # we delimit fields by NUL
217 # (NUL hopefully won't be in them).
218 # Then escape them properly
219 # and output in tabular data format to the user.
221 open $fh, '-|:utf8', 'find', @ARGV, @depthopts,
222 (map {('!', '-name', $_)} values %ignore_name),
223 '-printf', join("\\0", @field_macros)."\\0"
232 for my $colnum (0..$#field_macros)
234 my $arbitrary_data = <$fh>;
235 last RECORD
if $arbitrary_data eq '';
236 chomp $arbitrary_data;
237 my $tabular_data = escape_tabdata
238 print $FS if $colnum > 0;