make getpeername() return the original socket address which before it was intercepted
[hband-tools.git] / user-tools / indent2graph
1 #!/usr/bin/env perl
3 =pod
5 =head1 NAME
7 indent2graph - Generate graph out of whitespace-indented hierarchical text
9 =head1 SYNOPSIS
11 indent2graph < tree.txt >
15 Take line-based input, and output a directed graph in a given format, eg. dot(1) (see graphviz(1)).
16 Each input line is a node.
17 How much the line is indented (by leading spaces or TABs) determines its relation to the nodes of the surrounding lines.
18 Lines which are indented to the same level, go to the same rank on the tree-like graph in the output.
19 The graph may contain loops:
20 lines with the same text (apart from the leading whitespace) are considered the same node
21 (except when B<--tree> option is set).
23 =head1 EXAMPLE
25 Input:
27 /usr/bin/ssh
28 libselinux
29 libpcre2-8
30 libgssapi_krb5
31 libkrb5
32 libkeyutils
33 libresolv
34 libk5crypto
35 libcom_err
36 libkrb5support
37 libcrypto
38 libz
39 libc
41 Command:
43 indent2graph -f clojure | vijual draw-tree -
45 Output:
47 +------------+
48 | /usr/bin/s |
49 | sh |
50 +-----+------+
52 +------------------------+----+---------+----------+--------+
53 | | | | |
54 +-----+------+ +-----+------+ +-----+-----+ +--+---+ +--+---+
55 | libselinux | | libgssapi_ | | libcrypto | | libz | | libc |
56 +-----+------+ | krb5 | +-----------+ +------+ +------+
57 | +-----+------+
58 | |
59 | +----------+-+--------------+--------------+
60 +-----+------+ | | | |
61 | libpcre2-8 | +----+----+ +-----+------+ +-----+------+ +-----+------+
62 +------------+ | libkrb5 | | libk5crypt | | libcom_err | | libkrb5sup |
63 +----+----+ | o | +------------+ | port |
64 | +------------+ +------------+
65 +--------+-----+
66 | |
67 +-----+------+ +-----+-----+
68 | libkeyutil | | libresolv |
69 | s | +-----------+
70 +------------+
72 =head1 OPTIONS
74 =over 4
76 =item -f, --format I<FORMAT>
78 Output format.
80 =over 8
82 =item B<dot> (default)
84 The graphviz(1) (dot(1)) format.
86 =item B<pairs>
88 Simple B<TAB>-separated node name pairs, each describes a graph edge, 1 per line.
90 =item B<clojure>
92 Clojure-style nested vectors (represented as string).
93 Useful for vijual(1).
95 =item B<grapheasy>
97 Graph::Easy(3pl)'s own "txt" format.
98 With graph-easy(1) you can transform further into other formats, like GDL, VCG, ...
100 =item B<mermaid>
102 TODO
104 =back
106 =item -a, --ascendent
108 Indentation in the input represents ascendents, not descendents.
109 Default is descendent chart.
110 This influences to where arrows point.
112 =item -t, --tree
114 Interpret input strictly as a tree with no cycles.
115 By default, without B<--tree>, lines with the same text represent the same node,
116 so you can build arbitrary graph.
117 With B<--tree>, you can build a tree-like graph in which different nodes may have the same text (label).
119 =item -d, --rankdir I<DIR>
121 This is the dot(1) graph's B<rankdir> parameter.
122 This option is although specific to dot(1) format,
123 but translated to B<grapheasy> if it is the chosen output format.
124 I<DIR> is one of B<TB>, B<BT>, B<LR>, B<RL>.
125 Default is B<LR> ie. left-to-right.
126 See graphviz(1) documentation for details.
128 =back
130 =head1 SEE ALSO
132 indent2tree(1), graphviz(1), dot(1), vijual(1), Graph::Easy(3pl)
134 =cut
137 use Data::Dumper;
138 use Switch;
139 use Getopt::Long qw/:config no_ignore_case no_bundling no_getopt_compat no_auto_abbrev require_order/;
140 use Pod::Usage;
143 sub esc
145 $_[0] =~ s/[\\\Q$_[1]\E]/\\$&/gr;
148 sub esc_dquo
150 esc($_[0], '"');
153 sub output_node_rec
155 my %p = @_;
156 my $node_id = $p{id};
157 my $node_text = $NodeText{$node_id};
159 switch ($OptFormat)
161 case('clojure')
163 print '[';
164 print node_repr(text=>$node_text);
165 for my $child_node_id (@{$SubTree{$node_id}->{'children'}})
167 print ' ';
168 output_node_rec(id => $child_node_id);
170 print ']';
172 case(['dot', 'pairs', 'grapheasy'])
174 for my $child_node_id (@{$SubTree{$node_id}->{'children'}})
176 print edge_repr({id=>$node_id, text=>$node_text}, {id=>$child_node_id, text=>$NodeText{$child_node_id}});
178 for my $child_node_id (@{$SubTree{$node_id}->{'children'}})
180 output_node_rec(id=>$child_node_id);
186 sub node_repr
188 my %p = @_;
189 switch ($OptFormat)
191 case('dot')
193 if(defined $p{id}) { return $p{id}; }
194 else { return '"'.esc_dquo($p{text}).'"'; }
196 case('pairs') { return $p{text} =~ s/\t/\\t/gr; }
197 case('clojure')
199 if(defined $p{id}) { return ':'.$p{id}; }
200 else { return '"'.esc_dquo($p{text}).'"'; }
202 case('grapheasy')
204 if(defined $p{id}) { return '[ '.esc($p{id}, ']|').' ]'; }
205 else { return '[ '.esc($p{text}, ']|').' ]'; }
210 sub edge_repr
212 my ($n1, $n2) = @_;
213 switch($OptFormat)
215 case('dot') { return sprintf '%s -> %s;', node_repr(%$n1), node_repr(%$n2); }
216 case('pairs') { return sprintf '%s\t%s', node_repr(%$n1), node_repr(%$n2); }
217 case('clojure') { return sprintf '[%s %s]', node_repr(%$n1), node_repr(%$n2); }
218 case('grapheasy') { return sprintf '%s --> %s', node_repr(%$n1), node_repr(%$n2); }
223 $OptFormat = 'dot';
224 $OptAscendent = 0;
225 $OptTree = 0;
226 $OptRankdir = 'LR';
228 GetOptions(
229 'a|ascendent!' => \$OptAscendent,
230 'd|rankdir=s' => \$OptRankdir,
231 'f|format=s' => \$OptFormat,
232 't|tree!' => \$OptTree,
233 'help' => sub { pod2usage(-exitval=>0, -verbose=>99); },
234 ) or pod2usage(-exitval=>2, -verbose=>99);
237 die "Output format 'pairs' and strict tree input is not supported.\n" if $OptFormat eq 'pairs' and $OptTree;
239 $GraphEasyGraphFlow = {qw/TB south LR east RL west BT north/}->{$OptRankdir};
241 while(<STDIN>)
243 /^(\s*)(.*)$/;
244 my $indent_level = length $1;
245 my $node = $2;
246 my $node_id = $.;
247 $NodeText{$node_id} = $node;
248 my $related_node;
250 if($indent_level > $prev_indent_level)
252 $parent_of_level{$indent_level} = $prev_node;
253 $parent_id_of_level{$indent_level} = $prev_node_id;
256 $related_node = $parent_of_level{$indent_level};
257 $related_node_id = $parent_id_of_level{$indent_level};
259 if(defined $related_node)
261 if($OptTree)
263 push @{$SubTree{$related_node_id}->{'children'}}, $node_id;
265 else
267 $Relation{$node}->{$related_node} = 1;
268 push @Relation, [$node, $related_node];
272 $prev_indent_level = $indent_level;
273 $prev_node = $node;
274 $prev_node_id = $node_id;
278 $\ = "\n";
280 switch ($OptFormat)
282 case('dot')
284 print "digraph {";
285 print "rankdir=$OptRankdir;";
286 print "node [shape=box];";
288 case('clojure')
290 $\ = undef;
291 print "[";
293 case('grapheasy')
295 printf 'graph { flow: %s; }'.$\, $GraphEasyGraphFlow;
299 if($OptTree)
301 for my $id (keys %NodeText)
303 my $text = $NodeText{$id};
304 switch($OptFormat)
306 case('dot') { print node_repr(id=>$id) . ' [label=' . node_repr(text=>$text) . '];'; }
307 case('grapheasy') { print node_repr(id=>$id) . ' { label: ' . esc($text, ';}') . ' }'; }
311 output_node_rec(id => 1);
313 else
315 if($OptFormat eq 'clojure')
317 for my $relation (@Relation)
319 my ($node, $related_node) = @$relation;
320 ($node, $related_node) = ($related_node, $node) if not $OptAscendent;
321 print edge_repr({text=>$node}, {text=>$related_node});
324 else
326 for my $node (sort keys %Relation)
328 for my $related_node (sort keys %{$Relation{$node}})
330 ($node, $related_node) = ($related_node, $node) if not $OptAscendent;
331 print edge_repr({text=>$node}, {text=>$related_node});
337 switch ($OptFormat)
339 case('dot')
341 print "}";
343 case('clojure')
345 print "]";
346 #if($OptTree)
348 # print ', {';
349 # for my $id (keys %NodeText)
351 # print node_repr(id=>$id).' '.node_repr(text=>$NodeText{$id}).' ';
353 # print '}';