notashell passes control to the real shell only if NOTASHELL_INTERCEPT is 0, because...
[hband-tools.git] / crawler-bin /
1 #!/bin/bash
3 set -e
5 httrack -%v2 --continue --include-query-string=0 --purge-old=0 --keep-alive --can-go-down --can-go-up --stay-on-same-dir \
6 --depth=1 -%P --near --index=0 --path . \
7 -A10000000 -%c100 --update \
8 \
9 '-*' '+**' '*' '*'
11 perl -pe 's{^<html.*}{<html>}' -i index.html
13 cd
15 cat css/*.css | perl -ne 'for $m (m{url\("?(?!"?data:)(.+?)[?#")]}g){ print "$m\n" }' |\
16 sd '^\.\./+' '' |\
17 sd '^/+' '' |\
18 while read path
20 [ ! -s "$path" ] && echo "$path"
21 done |\
22 sort -u |\
23 rcmod any=0 wget --base= -i - --no-host-directories --force-directories
26 export banner_text_start='<!-- banner_text start -->'
27 export banner_text_end='<!-- banner_text end -->'
29 for htmlpath in idojaras/Makó.html elorejelzes/Makó.html
31 mtime_ts=`stat -c %Y "$htmlpath"`
32 mtime_dt=`date -d@$mtime_ts`
33 export banner_text="<div class=\"row\"><div class=\"col\" style=\"font-size: 20px; color: black;\">Frissítve ekkor: $mtime_dt</div></div>"
34 perl -pe 's{(id="menubarDesktop".*?)($ENV{banner_text_start}(.+)$ENV{banner_text_end}|)$}{$1$ENV{banner_text_start}$ENV{banner_text}$ENV{banner_text_end}}' -i "$htmlpath"
35 done