new tool
[hband-tools.git] / user-tools / symlinks2dot
1 #!/usr/bin/env perl
3 =pod
5 =head1 NAME
7 symlinks2dot - Generate a graph in dot(1) format representing the symlink-target relations among the given files
9 =cut
12 use Cwd qw/getcwd realpath/;
13 use File::Basename;
14 use Pod::Usage;
15 use Data::Dumper;
16 $LF = "\n";
19 %shape_by_type = (qw/symlink diamond dir box missing none normal oval/);
22 sub normalize_path_1
24 my $path = shift;
25 # reduce multiple slashes
26 $path =~ s{/+}{/}g;
27 # strip trailing slash
28 $path =~ s{(.)/$}{$1}g;
29 return $path;
32 sub normalize_path_2
34 my $path = shift;
35 # reduce self-dir elements
36 $path =~ s{/\.(/|$)}{/}g;
37 # reduce root-parent elements
38 1 while $path =~ s{^/\.\.(/|$)}{/};
39 return $path;
42 sub normalize_path
44 return normalize_path_2(normalize_path_1(shift));
47 sub gettype
49 my $path = shift;
50 if(-l $path){ return "symlink" }
51 elsif(-d $path){ return "dir" }
52 elsif(!-e $path){ return "missing" }
53 else { return "normal" }
56 sub get_ancestors
58 my $path = shift;
59 my @ancestors;
60 my @elems = split /\//, $path;
61 for my $depth (1 .. ($#elems-1))
63 push @ancestors, join '/', @elems[0..$depth];
65 return @ancestors;
68 sub add_symlink_target
70 my $path = shift;
71 my $hashref = shift;
73 my $target = readlink $path;
74 my $target_abs;
75 if($target =~ /^\//)
77 $target_abs = $target;
79 else
81 $target_abs = dirname($path) . '/' . $target;
83 $target_abs = normalize_path($target_abs);
84 $hashref->{$target_abs} = 1 unless exists $hashref->{$target_abs};
88 for my $path (@ARGV)
90 if($path !~ /^\//) { $path = getcwd . '/' . $path; }
91 $path = normalize_path($path);
92 $paths_to_traverse{$path} = 1;
93 $paths_given_at_cli{$path} = 1;
97 $node{'/'} = {};
100 while(grep {$paths_to_traverse{$_}} keys %paths_to_traverse)
102 for my $path (grep {$paths_to_traverse{$_}} keys %paths_to_traverse)
104 for my $ancestor (get_ancestors($path))
106 my $basename = basename($ancestor);
107 if($basename eq '..')
109 # we don't get here via symlinked dirs, because we stop walking through the path when a symlink is found, see below.
110 # so it's safe to go back the same path where we got here.
111 $ancestor =~ s{/[^/]+/\.\.$}{};
114 $node{$ancestor} = {} unless exists $node{$ancestor};
116 if(-l $ancestor)
118 add_symlink_target($ancestor, \%paths_to_traverse);
119 $soft_links{$ancestor} = 1;
120 last;
124 if($paths_given_at_cli{$path})
126 $node{$path}->{'emphasis'} = 1;
129 if(-l $path)
131 add_symlink_target($path, \%paths_to_traverse);
134 $paths_to_traverse{$path} = 0;
140 $\ = $LF;
142 print "digraph \"symlinks\" {
143 rankdir=TB;
144 concentrate=true;
145 bgcolor=transparent;
146 node [fontsize=10,width=.1,height=.1];";
148 for my $path (keys %node)
150 $node{$path}->{'basename'} = basename($path);
153 for my $path (sort {$node{$a}->{'basename'} cmp $node{$b}->{'basename'}} keys %node)
155 my $basename = $node{$path}->{'basename'};
156 my $shape = $shape_by_type{gettype($path)};
157 my $attrs;
158 if($node{$path}->{'emphasis'}) { $attrs .= ",style=\"bold\""; }
159 print "\"$path\" [label=\"$basename\",shape=\"$shape\"$attrs];"
162 my $level = 2;
163 while(1)
165 my @same_rank_nodes = grep {scalar(split /\//, $_) == $level} keys %node;
166 last if scalar @same_rank_nodes == 0;
167 if(scalar @same_rank_nodes > 1)
169 print " { rank=\"same\";";
170 for my $path (@same_rank_nodes)
172 print " \"$path\";";
174 print " }";
176 $level++;
179 for my $child (keys %solid_edge)
181 my $parent = $solidedge{$child};
182 my $attrs;
183 if(!-l $child and !-e $child) { $attrs .= ",style=\"dashed\""; }
184 print "\"$parent\" -> \"$child\" [color=\"black\"$attrs]";
187 for my $symlink_node_path (keys %soft_links)
189 my $target_node_path = $soft_links{$symlink_node_path};
190 my $attrs;
191 #TODOif($target !~ /^\// or !$node{$target_abs_path}->{'is_physical'}) {
192 $attrs .= ",label=\"$target\"";
193 my $color = "blue";
194 if(!-e $symlink_node_path) { $color = "red"; }
195 print "\"$symlink_abs_path\" -> \"$target_node_path\" [color=\"$color\",fontcolor=\"$color\"$attrs]";
198 print "}";