BREAKING change trackrun record file format; improve trackrun
[hband-tools.git] / user-tools / dbus-call
1 #!/usr/bin/env perl
3 =pod
5 =head1 NAME
7 dbus-call - Browse DBus and call its methods
9 =head1 SYNOPSIS
15 May leave out any parameters from the right,
16 in which case possible values for the first left-out parameter are listed.
18 =head1 OPTIONS
20 =over 4
22 =item --system
24 Connect to the system DBus.
26 =item --session
28 Connect to the session DBus.
30 =back
32 =cut
34 use Net::DBus;
35 use JSON;
36 use Data::Dumper;
37 use Getopt::Long qw/:config no_ignore_case no_bundling no_getopt_compat no_auto_abbrev require_order/;
38 use Pod::Usage;
39 use XML::Hash::LX;
42 GetOptions(
43 'system' => sub{ $Bus = Net::DBus->system; },
44 'session' => sub{ $Bus = Net::DBus->session; },
45 'help' => sub{ pod2usage(-exitval=>0, -verbose=>99); },
46 ) or pod2usage(-exitval=>2, -verbose=>99);
49 $Bus = Net::DBus->find unless defined $Bus;
51 sub dbus_call
53 my ($servicename, $objpath, $interface, $methodname, @methodargs) = @_;
54 $interface = $servicename if not defined $interface;
55 my $service = $Bus->get_service($servicename);
56 my $object = $service->get_object($objpath, $interface);
57 # TODO: convert arguments in @methodargs to the appropriative data type
58 return $object->$methodname(@methodargs);
62 ($ServiceName, $ObjPath, $Interface, $MethodName, @MethodArgs) = @ARGV;
65 if(not defined $ServiceName)
67 my $services = dbus_call("org.freedesktop.DBus", "/org/freedesktop/DBus", undef, "ListNames");
68 $\ = "\n";
69 print $_ for @$services;
70 exit;
73 sub discover_service
75 my $servicename = shift;
76 my $basepath = shift;
77 my $thispath = $basepath || "/";
79 my @objs = ();
80 my $xmlstr = dbus_call($servicename, $thispath, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable", "Introspect");
81 my $xmlhash = xml2hash($xmlstr, attr=>'--', array=>1);
83 for my $node (@{$xmlhash->{'node'}})
85 for my $node (@{$node->{'node'}})
87 my $nodename = $node->{'--name'};
88 my $path = "$basepath/$nodename";
89 push @objs, {
90 '_type' => 'node',
91 'objpath' => $path,
93 push @objs, discover_service($servicename, $path);
95 for my $interface (@{$node->{'interface'}})
97 my $ifacename = $interface->{'--name'};
98 for my $callable (@{$interface->{'method'}}, @{$interface->{'signal'}})
100 my @args = @{$callable->{'arg'}};
101 push @objs, {
102 '_type' => 'method', # TODO: distinguish methods from signals
103 'objpath' => $thispath,
104 'interface' => $ifacename,
105 'method' => $callable->{'--name'},
106 'input' => [grep {$_->{'--direction'} ne 'out'} @args],
107 'output' => [grep {$_->{'--direction'} eq 'out'} @args],
112 return @objs;
115 sub describe_arguments
117 my $arglistref = shift;
118 return "(" . join(", ", map {sprintf "%s:%s", $_->{'--type'}, $_->{'--name'}} @$arglistref) . ")";
121 if(not defined $ObjPath or not defined $Interface or not defined $MethodName)
123 my $td_headers_shown = 0;
124 for my $obj (discover_service($ServiceName, $ObjPath || ""))
126 $\ = "\n";
127 #print Dumper $obj;
128 if($obj->{'_type'} eq 'method')
130 next if defined $Interface and $Interface ne $obj->{'interface'};
132 if(not $td_headers_shown) { print join "\t", qw/OBJECT INTERFACE METHOD INPUT OUTPUT/; $td_headers_shown = 1; }
133 my $methodargs_description = describe_arguments($obj->{'input'});
134 my $returnvalues_description = describe_arguments($obj->{'output'});
135 print join "\t", $obj->{'objpath'}, $obj->{'interface'}, $obj->{'method'}, $methodargs_description, $returnvalues_description;
138 exit;
141 $reply = dbus_call($ServiceName, $ObjPath, $Interface, $MethodName, @MethodArgs);
142 print encode_json($reply);