3 $0 =~ s/^.*\/([^\/]+)$/$1/;
5 # Note: review escape_tabdata subroutine before you think about changing $FS and $RS fundamental variables.
6 # Note: review "split $FS" calls if you ever change $FS to a single space char. "split ' '" is handled specially by Perl.
12 no if ($] >= 5.018), 'warnings' => 'experimental::smartmatch';
13 use Getopt
::Long qw
/:config no_ignore_case bundling pass_through require_order no_getopt_compat no_auto_abbrev/;
17 binmode STDIN
, ':utf8';
18 binmode STDOUT
, ':utf8';
19 @ARGV = map {Encode
($_); $_} @ARGV;
22 if(not $TabdataCommonSkipGetopt)
25 'help|?' => sub{ pod2usage
=>0, -verbose
=>99); },
27 ) or pod2usage
=>2, -verbose
29 if('--' ~~ @ARGV and $ARGV[0] ne '--')
31 # at least 1 unknown option remained in @ARGV
32 pod2usage
=>2, -verbose
=>99, -msg
=>"$0: unknown parameter: $ARGV[0]");
35 # when pass_through option is set:
36 # Note that the options terminator (default "--"), if present, will also be passed through in @ARGV.
37 shift @ARGV if $ARGV[0] eq '--';
45 @Header = split $FS, $HeaderLine;
47 for my $idx (0..$#Header)
49 $Header{$Header[$idx]} = $idx;
55 # read data from STDIN until $RS (usually newline) or EOF, whichever comes first.
56 # and return with data.
57 # $RS is consumed but not returned.
58 # useful to avoid libc io-buffering in situations when the rest of STDIN will not be processed by the current process.
62 binmode STDIN
, ':bytes';
63 $line .= $c while sysread(STDIN
, $c, 1) and $c ne $RS;
64 binmode STDIN
, ':utf8';
73 my @record = split $FS, $line;
79 my $arbitrary_data = shift;
80 # Note, may be wrong if $FS or $RS are changed.
81 my $tabdata = $arbitrary_data =~ s/[\t\n\r\e\\]/'\\'.{"\t"=>'t', "\n"=>'n', "\r"=>'r', "\e"=>'e', "\\"=>'\\'}->{$&}/ger;
88 my $raw = $tabdata =~ s/\\[tnre\\]/eval "\"$&\""/ger;
97 $s =~ s/[\x00-\x1F\x7F""\\]/sprintf '\\x%02X', ord $&/eg;
106 if($s =~ /^(?'quote'[""''])(?'value'.*?)\g{quote}$/)
108 $s = $+{'value'} =~ s/\\x([[:xdigit:]]{2})/chr hex $1/egir;