upload pod file
[hband-tools.git] / tabdata / td-trans-fixcol
1 #!/usr/bin/env perl
4 =pod
6 =head1 NAME
8 td-trans-fixcol - Transform a table-looking text, aligned to fixed columns by spaces, into tabular data.
12 First line is the header consisting of the column names.
13 Each field's text must start in the same terminal column as the column name.
15 =head1 OPTIONS
17 =over 4
19 =item -m, --min-column-spacing I<NUM>
21 Minimum spacing between columns.
22 Default is 2.
23 This allows the input data to have column names with single spaces.
25 =back
27 =head1 EXAMPLE
29 arp -n | td-trans-fixcol
31 =cut
34 $OptShowHeader = 1;
35 $OptMinColumnSpacing = 2;
36 %OptionDefs = (
37 'h|header' => sub { $OptShowHeader = 1; },
38 'H|no-header' => sub { $OptShowHeader = 0; },
39 'm|min-column-spacing=i' => \$OptMinColumnSpacing,
42 no if ($] >= 5.018), 'warnings' => 'experimental::smartmatch';
43 do '/usr/lib/tool/perl5/tabdata/common.pl' or die "$@";
46 @Column = ();
47 $chars_eaten = 0;
49 $headline = <STDIN>;
50 chomp $headline;
51 $headline =~ s/\s*$//;
52 while($headline =~ /^(.+?)([ ]{$OptMinColumnSpacing,}|$)/)
54 my ($colname, $spaces) = ($1, $2);
55 my $width = length($colname.$spaces);
56 push @Column, {
57 name => $colname,
58 start => $chars_eaten,
59 width => $width,
61 $chars_eaten += $width;
62 $headline = $';
65 # last column is undefinitely wide
66 $Column[$#Column]->{width} = undef if scalar @Column;
69 if($OptShowHeader and @Column)
71 print join($FS, map {$_->{name}} @Column).$RS;
74 while(my $line = <STDIN>)
76 chomp $line;
77 my @Fields = ();
79 for my $idx (0..$#Column)
81 my $field = substr $line, $Column[$idx]->{start}, $Column[$idx]->{width} || length $line;
82 $field =~ s/\s*$//;
83 push @Fields, $field;
86 print join($FS, @Fields).$RS;