HBASE-25573 release script generated vote template has incorrect staging area (#2952)
[hbase.git] / dev-support / create-release / release-build.sh
1 #!/usr/bin/env bash
4 # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
5 # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
6 # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
7 # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
8 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
9 # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
11 # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
13 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
14 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
15 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
16 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
17 # limitations under the License.
20 trap cleanup EXIT
22 # Source in utils.
23 SELF="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)"
24 # shellcheck source=SCRIPTDIR/release-util.sh
25 . "$SELF/release-util.sh"
27 # Print usage and exit.
28 function exit_with_usage {
29 cat <<'EOF'
30 Usage: release-build.sh <tag|publish-dist|publish-snapshot|publish-release>
31 Creates release deliverables from a tag or commit.
32 Argument: one of 'tag', 'publish-dist', 'publish-snapshot', or 'publish-release'
33 tag Prepares for release on specified git branch: Set release version,
34 update CHANGES and RELEASENOTES, create release tag,
35 increment version for ongoing dev, and publish to Apache git repo.
36 publish-dist Build and publish distribution packages (tarballs) to Apache dist repo
37 publish-snapshot Build and publish maven artifacts snapshot release to Apache snapshots repo
38 publish-release Build and publish maven artifacts release to Apache release repo, and
39 construct vote email from template
41 All other inputs are environment variables. Please use do-release-docker.sh or
42 do-release.sh to set up the needed environment variables. This script, release-build.sh,
43 is not intended to be called stand-alone, and such use is untested. The env variables used are:
45 Used for 'tag' and 'publish' stages:
46 PROJECT - The project to build. No default.
47 RELEASE_VERSION - Version used in pom files for release (e.g. 2.1.2)
48 Required for 'tag'; defaults for 'publish' to the version in pom at GIT_REF
49 RELEASE_TAG - Name of release tag (e.g. 2.1.2RC0), also used by
50 publish-dist as package version name in dist directory path
51 ASF_USERNAME - Username of ASF committer account
52 ASF_PASSWORD - Password of ASF committer account
53 DRY_RUN - 1:true (default), 0:false. If "1", does almost all the work, but doesn't actually
54 publish anything to upstream source or object repositories. It defaults to "1", so if you want
55 to actually publish you have to set '-f' (force) flag in do-release.sh or do-release-docker.sh.
57 Used only for 'tag':
58 YETUS_HOME - installation location for Apache Yetus
59 GIT_NAME - Name to use with git
60 GIT_EMAIL - E-mail address to use with git
61 GIT_BRANCH - Git branch on which to make release. Tag is always placed at HEAD of this branch.
62 NEXT_VERSION - Development version after release (e.g. 2.1.3-SNAPSHOT)
64 Used only for 'publish':
65 GIT_REF - Release tag or commit to build from (defaults to $RELEASE_TAG; only need to
66 separately define GIT_REF if RELEASE_TAG is not actually present as a tag at publish time)
67 If both RELEASE_TAG and GIT_REF are undefined it will default to HEAD of master.
68 GPG_KEY - GPG key id (usually email addr) used to sign release artifacts
69 REPO - Set to full path of a directory to use as maven local repo (dependencies cache)
70 to avoid re-downloading dependencies for each stage. It is automatically set if you
71 request full sequence of stages (tag, publish-dist, publish-release) in do-release.sh.
73 For example:
74 $ PROJECT="hbase-operator-tools" ASF_USERNAME=NAME ASF_PASSWORD=PASSWORD GPG_KEY=stack@apache.org ./release-build.sh publish-dist
75 EOF
76 exit 1
79 set -e
81 function cleanup {
82 # If REPO was set, then leave things be. Otherwise if we defined a repo clean it out.
83 if [[ -z "${REPO}" ]] && [[ -n "${MAVEN_LOCAL_REPO}" ]]; then
84 log "Cleaning up temp repo in '${MAVEN_LOCAL_REPO}'. Set REPO to reuse downloads." >&2
85 rm -f "${MAVEN_SETTINGS_FILE}" &> /dev/null || true
86 rm -rf "${MAVEN_LOCAL_REPO}" &> /dev/null || true
90 if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
91 exit_with_usage
94 if [[ "$1" == "-h" ]]; then
95 exit_with_usage
98 if [[ "$*" == *"help"* ]]; then
99 exit_with_usage
102 init_locale
103 init_java
104 init_mvn
105 init_python
106 # Print out subset of perl version (used in git hooks and japi-compliance-checker)
107 perl --version | grep 'This is'
109 rm -rf "${PROJECT}"
111 if is_debug; then
112 set -x # detailed logging during action
115 if [[ "$1" == "tag" ]]; then
116 init_yetus
117 # for 'tag' stage
118 set -o pipefail
119 check_get_passwords ASF_PASSWORD
121 if [ -z "${GIT_REPO}" ]; then
122 check_needed_vars ASF_USERNAME ASF_PASSWORD
124 git_clone_overwrite
126 # 'update_releasenotes' searches the project's Jira for issues where 'Fix Version' matches specified
127 # $jira_fix_version. For most projects this is same as ${RELEASE_VERSION}. However, all the 'hbase-*'
128 # projects share the same HBASE jira name. To make this work, by convention, the HBASE jira "Fix Version"
129 # field values have the sub-project name pre-pended, as in "hbase-operator-tools-1.0.0".
130 # So, here we prepend the project name to the version, but only for the hbase sub-projects.
131 jira_fix_version="${RELEASE_VERSION}"
132 shopt -s nocasematch
133 if [[ "${PROJECT}" =~ ^hbase- ]]; then
134 jira_fix_version="${PROJECT}-${RELEASE_VERSION}"
136 shopt -u nocasematch
137 update_releasenotes "$(pwd)/${PROJECT}" "${jira_fix_version}"
139 cd "${PROJECT}"
141 git config user.name "$GIT_NAME"
142 git config user.email "$GIT_EMAIL"
143 git config user.signingkey "${GPG_KEY}"
145 # Create release version
146 maven_set_version "$RELEASE_VERSION"
147 find . -name pom.xml -exec git add {} \;
148 git add RELEASENOTES.md CHANGES.md
150 git commit -s -m "Preparing ${PROJECT} release $RELEASE_TAG; tagging and updates to CHANGES.md and RELEASENOTES.md"
151 log "Creating tag $RELEASE_TAG at the head of $GIT_BRANCH"
152 git tag -s -m "Via create-release" "$RELEASE_TAG"
154 # Create next version
155 maven_set_version "$NEXT_VERSION"
156 find . -name pom.xml -exec git add {} \;
157 git commit -s -m "Preparing development version $NEXT_VERSION"
159 if ! is_dry_run; then
160 # Push changes
161 git push origin "$RELEASE_TAG"
162 git push origin "HEAD:$GIT_BRANCH"
163 cd ..
164 rm -rf "${PROJECT}"
165 else
166 cd ..
167 mv "${PROJECT}" "${PROJECT}.tag"
168 log "Dry run: Clone with version changes and tag available as ${PROJECT}.tag in the output directory."
170 exit 0
173 ### Below is for 'publish-*' stages ###
174 check_get_passwords ASF_PASSWORD
177 # Commit ref to checkout when building
178 BASE_DIR=$(pwd)
179 GIT_REF=${GIT_REF:-master}
180 if [[ "$PROJECT" =~ ^hbase ]]; then
181 RELEASE_STAGING_LOCATION="https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/hbase"
182 else
183 RELEASE_STAGING_LOCATION="https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/${PROJECT}"
186 # in case of dry run, enable publish steps to chain from tag step
187 if is_dry_run && [[ "${TAG_SAME_DRY_RUN:-}" == "true" && -d "${PROJECT}.tag" ]]; then
188 ln -s "${PROJECT}.tag" "${PROJECT}"
189 else
190 git_clone_overwrite
192 cd "${PROJECT}"
193 git checkout "$GIT_REF"
194 git_hash="$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)"
195 GIT_LONG_HASH="$(git rev-parse HEAD)"
196 log "Checked out ${PROJECT} at ${GIT_REF} commit $git_hash"
198 if [ -z "${RELEASE_VERSION}" ]; then
199 RELEASE_VERSION="$(maven_get_version)"
202 # This is a band-aid fix to avoid the failure of Maven nightly snapshot in some Jenkins
203 # machines by explicitly calling /usr/sbin/lsof. Please see SPARK-22377 and the discussion
204 # in its pull request.
205 LSOF=lsof
206 if ! hash $LSOF 2>/dev/null; then
207 LSOF=/usr/sbin/lsof
210 package_version_name="$RELEASE_TAG"
211 if [ -z "$package_version_name" ]; then
212 package_version_name="${RELEASE_VERSION}-$(date +%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M)-${git_hash}"
215 git clean -d -f -x
216 cd ..
217 if [[ "$PROJECT" =~ ^hbase- ]]; then
218 DEST_DIR_NAME="${PROJECT}-${package_version_name}"
219 else
220 DEST_DIR_NAME="$package_version_name"
223 if [[ "$1" == "publish-dist" ]]; then
224 # Source and binary tarballs
225 log "Packaging release source tarballs"
226 make_src_release "${PROJECT}" "${RELEASE_VERSION}"
228 # we do not have binary tarballs for hbase-thirdparty
229 if [[ "${PROJECT}" != "hbase-thirdparty" ]]; then
230 make_binary_release "${PROJECT}" "${RELEASE_VERSION}"
233 svn_target="svn-${PROJECT}"
234 svn co --depth=empty "$RELEASE_STAGING_LOCATION" "$svn_target"
235 rm -rf "${svn_target:?}/${DEST_DIR_NAME}"
236 mkdir -p "$svn_target/${DEST_DIR_NAME}"
238 log "Copying release tarballs"
239 cp "${PROJECT}"-*.tar.* "$svn_target/${DEST_DIR_NAME}/"
240 cp "${PROJECT}/CHANGES.md" "$svn_target/${DEST_DIR_NAME}/"
241 cp "${PROJECT}/RELEASENOTES.md" "$svn_target/${DEST_DIR_NAME}/"
242 shopt -s nocasematch
243 # Generate api report only if project is hbase for now.
244 if [ "${PROJECT}" == "hbase" ]; then
245 # This script usually reports an errcode along w/ the report.
246 generate_api_report "./${PROJECT}" "${API_DIFF_TAG}" "${GIT_REF}" || true
247 cp api*.html "$svn_target/${DEST_DIR_NAME}/"
249 shopt -u nocasematch
251 log "svn add"
252 svn add "$svn_target/${DEST_DIR_NAME}"
254 if ! is_dry_run; then
255 cd "$svn_target"
256 svn ci --username "$ASF_USERNAME" --password "$ASF_PASSWORD" -m"Apache ${PROJECT} $package_version_name" --no-auth-cache
257 cd ..
258 rm -rf "$svn_target"
259 else
260 mv "$svn_target/${DEST_DIR_NAME}" "${svn_target}_${DEST_DIR_NAME}.dist"
261 log "Dry run: svn-managed 'dist' directory with release tarballs, CHANGES.md and RELEASENOTES.md available as $(pwd)/${svn_target}_${DEST_DIR_NAME}.dist"
262 rm -rf "$svn_target"
264 log "svn ci done"
266 exit 0
269 if [[ "$1" == "publish-snapshot" ]]; then
271 cd "${PROJECT}"
272 mvn_log="${BASE_DIR}/mvn_deploy_snapshot.log"
273 log "Publishing snapshot to nexus"
274 maven_deploy snapshot "$mvn_log"
275 if ! is_dry_run; then
276 log "Snapshot artifacts successfully published to repo."
277 rm "$mvn_log"
278 else
279 log "Dry run: Snapshot artifacts successfully built, but not published due to dry run."
282 exit $?
285 if [[ "$1" == "publish-release" ]]; then
287 cd "${PROJECT}"
288 mvn_log="${BASE_DIR}/mvn_deploy_release.log"
289 log "Staging release in nexus"
290 maven_deploy release "$mvn_log"
291 declare staged_repo_id="dryrun-no-repo"
292 if ! is_dry_run; then
293 staged_repo_id=$(grep -o "Closing staging repository with ID .*" "$mvn_log" \
294 | sed -e 's/Closing staging repository with ID "\([^"]*\)"./\1/')
295 log "Release artifacts successfully published to repo ${staged_repo_id}"
296 rm "$mvn_log"
297 else
298 log "Dry run: Release artifacts successfully built, but not published due to dry run."
300 # Dump out email to send. Where we find vote.tmpl depends
301 # on where this script is run from
302 PROJECT_TEXT="${PROJECT//-/ }" #substitute like 's/-/ /g'
303 export PROJECT_TEXT
304 eval "echo \"$(< "${SELF}/vote.tmpl")\"" |tee "${BASE_DIR}/vote.txt"
306 exit $?
309 set +x # done with detailed logging
310 cd ..
311 rm -rf "${PROJECT}"
312 log "ERROR: expects to be called with 'tag', 'publish-dist', 'publish-release', or 'publish-snapshot'" >&2
313 exit_with_usage