HBASE-21443 [hbase-connectors] Purge hbase-* modules from core now they've been moved...
[hbase.git] / dev-support / submit-patch.py
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 ##
3 # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
4 # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
5 # distributed with this work for additional information
6 # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
7 # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
8 # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
9 # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
11 # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
13 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
14 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
15 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
16 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
17 # limitations under the License.
19 # Makes a patch for the current branch, creates/updates the review board request and uploads new
20 # patch to jira. Patch is named as (JIRA).(branch name).(patch number).patch as per Yetus' naming
21 # rules. If no jira is specified, patch will be named (branch name).patch and jira and review board
22 # are not updated. Review board id is retrieved from the remote link in the jira.
23 # Print help: submit-patch.py --h
24 import argparse
25 import getpass
26 import git
27 import json
28 import logging
29 import os
30 import re
31 import requests
32 import subprocess
33 import sys
35 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
36 epilog = "To avoid having to enter jira/review board username/password every time, setup an "
37 "encrypted ~/.apache-cred files as follows:\n"
38 "1) Create a file with following single "
39 "line: \n{\"jira_username\" : \"appy\", \"jira_password\":\"123\", "
40 "\"rb_username\":\"appy\", \"rb_password\" : \"@#$\"}\n"
41 "2) Encrypt it with openssl.\n"
42 "openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -in <file> -out ~/.apache-creds\n"
43 "3) Delete original file.\n"
44 "Now onwards, you'll need to enter this encryption key only once per run. If you "
45 "forget the key, simply regenerate ~/.apache-cred file again.",
46 formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter
48 parser.add_argument("-b", "--branch",
49 help = "Branch to use for generating diff. If not specified, tracking branch "
50 "is used. If there is no tracking branch, error will be thrown.")
52 # Arguments related to Jira.
53 parser.add_argument("-jid", "--jira-id",
54 help = "Jira id of the issue. If set, we deduce next patch version from "
55 "attachments in the jira and also upload the new patch. Script will "
56 "ask for jira username/password for authentication. If not set, "
57 "patch is named <branch>.patch.")
59 # Arguments related to Review Board.
60 parser.add_argument("-srb", "--skip-review-board",
61 help = "Don't create/update the review board.",
62 default = False, action = "store_true")
63 parser.add_argument("--reviewers",
64 help = "Comma separated list of users to add as reviewers.")
66 # Misc arguments
67 parser.add_argument("--patch-dir", default = "~/patches",
68 help = "Directory to store patch files. If it doesn't exist, it will be "
69 "created. Default: ~/patches")
70 parser.add_argument("--rb-repo", default = "hbase-git",
71 help = "Review board repository. Default: hbase-git")
72 args = parser.parse_args()
74 # Setup logger
75 logging.basicConfig()
76 logger = logging.getLogger("submit-patch")
77 logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
80 def log_fatal_and_exit(*arg):
81 logger.fatal(*arg)
82 sys.exit(1)
85 def assert_status_code(response, expected_status_code, description):
86 if response.status_code != expected_status_code:
87 log_fatal_and_exit(" Oops, something went wrong when %s. \nResponse: %s %s\nExiting..",
88 description, response.status_code, response.reason)
91 # Make repo instance to interact with git repo.
92 try:
93 repo = git.Repo(os.getcwd())
94 git = repo.git
95 except git.exc.InvalidGitRepositoryError as e:
96 log_fatal_and_exit(" '%s' is not valid git repo directory.\nRun from base directory of "
97 "HBase's git repo.", e)
99 logger.info(" Active branch: %s", repo.active_branch.name)
100 # Do not proceed if there are uncommitted changes.
101 if repo.is_dirty():
102 log_fatal_and_exit(" Git status is dirty. Commit locally first.")
105 # Returns base branch for creating diff.
106 def get_base_branch():
107 # if --branch is set, use it as base branch for computing diff. Also check that it's a valid branch.
108 if args.branch is not None:
109 base_branch = args.branch
110 # Check that given branch exists.
111 for ref in repo.refs:
112 if ref.name == base_branch:
113 return base_branch
114 log_fatal_and_exit(" Branch '%s' does not exist in refs.", base_branch)
115 else:
116 # if --branch is not set, use tracking branch as base branch for computing diff.
117 # If there is no tracking branch, log error and quit.
118 tracking_branch = repo.active_branch.tracking_branch()
119 if tracking_branch is None:
120 log_fatal_and_exit(" Active branch doesn't have a tracking_branch. Please specify base "
121 " branch for computing diff using --branch flag.")
122 logger.info(" Using tracking branch as base branch")
123 return tracking_branch.name
126 # Returns patch name having format (JIRA).(branch name).(patch number).patch. If no jira is
127 # specified, patch is name (branch name).patch.
128 def get_patch_name(branch):
129 if args.jira_id is None:
130 return branch + ".patch"
132 patch_name_prefix = args.jira_id.upper() + "." + branch
133 return get_patch_name_with_version(patch_name_prefix)
136 # Fetches list of attachments from the jira, deduces next version for the patch and returns final
137 # patch name.
138 def get_patch_name_with_version(patch_name_prefix):
139 # JIRA's rest api is broken wrt to attachments. https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JRA-27637.
140 # Using crude way to get list of attachments.
141 url = "https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/" + args.jira_id
142 logger.info("Getting list of attachments for jira %s from %s", args.jira_id, url)
143 html = requests.get(url)
144 if html.status_code == 404:
145 log_fatal_and_exit(" Invalid jira id : %s", args.jira_id)
146 if html.status_code != 200:
147 log_fatal_and_exit(" Cannot fetch jira information. Status code %s", html.status_code)
148 # Iterate over patch names starting from version 1 and return when name is not already used.
149 content = unicode(html.content, 'utf-8')
150 for i in range(1, 1000):
151 name = patch_name_prefix + "." + ('{0:03d}'.format(i)) + ".patch"
152 if name not in content:
153 return name
156 # Validates that patch directory exists, if not, creates it.
157 def validate_patch_dir(patch_dir):
158 # Create patch_dir if it doesn't exist.
159 if not os.path.exists(patch_dir):
160 logger.warn(" Patch directory doesn't exist. Creating it.")
161 os.mkdir(patch_dir)
162 else:
163 # If patch_dir exists, make sure it's a directory.
164 if not os.path.isdir(patch_dir):
165 log_fatal_and_exit(" '%s' exists but is not a directory. Specify another directory.",
166 patch_dir)
169 # Make sure current branch is ahead of base_branch by exactly 1 commit. Quits if
170 # - base_branch has commits not in current branch
171 # - current branch is same as base branch
172 # - current branch is ahead of base_branch by more than 1 commits
173 def check_diff_between_branches(base_branch):
174 only_in_base_branch = list(repo.iter_commits("HEAD.." + base_branch))
175 only_in_active_branch = list(repo.iter_commits(base_branch + "..HEAD"))
176 if len(only_in_base_branch) != 0:
177 log_fatal_and_exit(" '%s' is ahead of current branch by %s commits. Rebase "
178 "and try again.", base_branch, len(only_in_base_branch))
179 if len(only_in_active_branch) == 0:
180 log_fatal_and_exit(" Current branch is same as '%s'. Exiting...", base_branch)
181 if len(only_in_active_branch) > 1:
182 log_fatal_and_exit(" Current branch is ahead of '%s' by %s commits. Squash into single "
183 "commit and try again.", base_branch, len(only_in_active_branch))
186 # If ~/.apache-creds is present, load credentials from it otherwise prompt user.
187 def get_credentials():
188 creds = dict()
189 creds_filepath = os.path.expanduser("~/.apache-creds")
190 if os.path.exists(creds_filepath):
191 try:
192 logger.info(" Reading ~/.apache-creds for Jira and ReviewBoard credentials")
193 content = subprocess.check_output("openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -d -in " + creds_filepath,
194 shell=True)
195 except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
196 log_fatal_and_exit(" Couldn't decrypt ~/.apache-creds file. Exiting..")
197 creds = json.loads(content)
198 else:
199 creds['jira_username'] = raw_input("Jira username:")
200 creds['jira_password'] = getpass.getpass("Jira password:")
201 if not args.skip_review_board:
202 creds['rb_username'] = raw_input("Review Board username:")
203 creds['rb_password'] = getpass.getpass("Review Board password:")
204 return creds
207 def attach_patch_to_jira(issue_url, patch_filepath, patch_filename, creds):
208 # Upload patch to jira using REST API.
209 headers = {'X-Atlassian-Token': 'no-check'}
210 files = {'file': (patch_filename, open(patch_filepath, 'rb'), 'text/plain')}
211 jira_auth = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(creds['jira_username'], creds['jira_password'])
212 attachment_url = issue_url + "/attachments"
213 r = requests.post(attachment_url, headers = headers, files = files, auth = jira_auth)
214 assert_status_code(r, 200, "uploading patch to jira")
217 def get_jira_summary(issue_url):
218 r = requests.get(issue_url + "?fields=summary")
219 assert_status_code(r, 200, "fetching jira summary")
220 return json.loads(r.content)["fields"]["summary"]
223 def get_review_board_id_if_present(issue_url, rb_link_title):
224 r = requests.get(issue_url + "/remotelink")
225 assert_status_code(r, 200, "fetching remote links")
226 links = json.loads(r.content)
227 for link in links:
228 if link["object"]["title"] == rb_link_title:
229 res = re.search("reviews.apache.org/r/([0-9]+)", link["object"]["url"])
230 return res.group(1)
231 return None
234 base_branch = get_base_branch()
235 # Remove remote repo name from branch name if present. This assumes that we don't use '/' in
236 # actual branch names.
237 base_branch_without_remote = base_branch.split('/')[-1]
238 logger.info(" Base branch: %s", base_branch)
240 check_diff_between_branches(base_branch)
242 patch_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(args.patch_dir))
243 logger.info(" Patch directory: %s", patch_dir)
244 validate_patch_dir(patch_dir)
246 patch_filename = get_patch_name(base_branch_without_remote)
247 logger.info(" Patch name: %s", patch_filename)
248 patch_filepath = os.path.join(patch_dir, patch_filename)
250 diff = git.format_patch(base_branch, stdout = True)
251 with open(patch_filepath, "wb") as f:
252 f.write(diff.encode('utf8'))
254 if args.jira_id is not None:
255 creds = get_credentials()
256 issue_url = "https://issues.apache.org/jira/rest/api/2/issue/" + args.jira_id
258 attach_patch_to_jira(issue_url, patch_filepath, patch_filename, creds)
260 if not args.skip_review_board:
261 rb_auth = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(creds['rb_username'], creds['rb_password'])
263 rb_link_title = "Review Board (" + base_branch_without_remote + ")"
264 rb_id = get_review_board_id_if_present(issue_url, rb_link_title)
266 # If no review board link found, create new review request and add its link to jira.
267 if rb_id is None:
268 reviews_url = "https://reviews.apache.org/api/review-requests/"
269 data = {"repository" : "hbase-git"}
270 r = requests.post(reviews_url, data = data, auth = rb_auth)
271 assert_status_code(r, 201, "creating new review request")
272 review_request = json.loads(r.content)["review_request"]
273 absolute_url = review_request["absolute_url"]
274 logger.info(" Created new review request: %s", absolute_url)
276 # Use jira summary as review's summary too.
277 summary = get_jira_summary(issue_url)
278 # Use commit message as description.
279 description = repo.head.commit.message
280 update_draft_data = {"bugs_closed" : [args.jira_id.upper()], "target_groups" : "hbase",
281 "target_people" : args.reviewers, "summary" : summary,
282 "description" : description }
283 draft_url = review_request["links"]["draft"]["href"]
284 r = requests.put(draft_url, data = update_draft_data, auth = rb_auth)
285 assert_status_code(r, 200, "updating review draft")
287 draft_request = json.loads(r.content)["draft"]
288 diff_url = draft_request["links"]["draft_diffs"]["href"]
289 files = {'path' : (patch_filename, open(patch_filepath, 'rb'))}
290 r = requests.post(diff_url, files = files, auth = rb_auth)
291 assert_status_code(r, 201, "uploading diff to review draft")
293 r = requests.put(draft_url, data = {"public" : True}, auth = rb_auth)
294 assert_status_code(r, 200, "publishing review request")
296 # Add link to review board in the jira.
297 remote_link = json.dumps({'object': {'url': absolute_url, 'title': rb_link_title}})
298 jira_auth = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(creds['jira_username'], creds['jira_password'])
299 r = requests.post(issue_url + "/remotelink", data = remote_link, auth = jira_auth,
300 headers={'Content-Type':'application/json'})
301 else:
302 logger.info(" Updating existing review board: https://reviews.apache.org/r/%s", rb_id)
303 draft_url = "https://reviews.apache.org/api/review-requests/" + rb_id + "/draft/"
304 diff_url = draft_url + "diffs/"
305 files = {'path' : (patch_filename, open(patch_filepath, 'rb'))}
306 r = requests.post(diff_url, files = files, auth = rb_auth)
307 assert_status_code(r, 201, "uploading diff to review draft")
309 r = requests.put(draft_url, data = {"public" : True}, auth = rb_auth)
310 assert_status_code(r, 200, "publishing review request")