HBASE-26920 Fix missing braces warnings in TestProcedureMember (#4315)
[hbase.git] / dev-support / Jenkinsfile_GitHub
1 // Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
2 // or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
3 // distributed with this work for additional information
4 // regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
5 // to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
6 // "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
7 // with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
8 //
9 //   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
12 // software distributed under the License is distributed on an
14 // KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
15 // specific language governing permissions and limitations
16 // under the License.
18 pipeline {
20     agent {
21         label 'hbase'
22     }
24     options {
25         // N.B. this is per-branch, which means per PR
26         disableConcurrentBuilds()
27         buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: '15'))
28         timeout (time: 10, unit: 'HOURS')
29         timestamps()
30         skipDefaultCheckout()
31     }
33     environment {
34         SRC_REL = 'src'
35         PATCH_REL = 'output'
36         YETUS_REL = 'yetus'
37         DOCKERFILE_REL = "${SRC_REL}/dev-support/docker/Dockerfile"
38         YETUS_DRIVER_REL = "${SRC_REL}/dev-support/jenkins_precommit_github_yetus.sh"
39         // Branch or tag name.  Yetus release tags are 'rel/X.Y.Z'
40         YETUS_VERSION = 'rel/0.12.0'
41         GENERAL_CHECK_PLUGINS = 'all,-javadoc,-jira,-shadedjars,-unit'
42         JDK_SPECIFIC_PLUGINS = 'compile,github,htmlout,javac,javadoc,maven,mvninstall,shadedjars,unit'
43         // output from surefire; sadly the archive function in yetus only works on file names.
44         ARCHIVE_PATTERN_LIST = 'TEST-*.xml,org.apache.h*.txt,*.dumpstream,*.dump'
45         // These tests currently have known failures. Once they burn down to 0, remove from here so that new problems will cause a failure.
46         TESTS_FILTER = 'cc,checkstyle,javac,javadoc,pylint,shellcheck,whitespace,perlcritic,ruby-lint,rubocop,mvnsite'
47         EXCLUDE_TESTS_URL = "${JENKINS_URL}/job/HBase-Find-Flaky-Tests/job/${CHANGE_TARGET}/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/output/excludes"
48         // set build parallel
49         BUILD_THREAD = 4
52         // a global view of paths. parallel stages can land on the same host concurrently, so each
53         // stage works in its own subdirectory. there is an "output" under each of these
54         // directories, which we retrieve after the build is complete.
55         WORKDIR_REL_GENERAL_CHECK = 'yetus-general-check'
56         WORKDIR_REL_JDK8_HADOOP3_CHECK = 'yetus-jdk8-hadoop3-check'
57         WORKDIR_REL_JDK11_HADOOP3_CHECK = 'yetus-jdk11-hadoop3-check'
58         ASF_NIGHTLIES = 'https://nightlies.apache.org'
60         ASF_NIGHTLIES_BASE = "${ASF_NIGHTLIES_BASE_ORI.replaceAll(' ', '%20')}"
61     }
63     parameters {
64         booleanParam(name: 'DEBUG',
65                defaultValue: false,
66                description: 'Print extra outputs for debugging the jenkins job and yetus')
67     }
69     stages {
70         stage ('precommit checks') {
71             parallel {
72                 stage ('yetus general check') {
73                     agent {
74                         node {
75                             label 'hbase'
76                         }
77                     }
78                     environment {
79                         // customized per parallel stage
80                         PLUGINS = "${GENERAL_CHECK_PLUGINS}"
81                         SET_JAVA_HOME = '/usr/lib/jvm/java-8'
82                         WORKDIR_REL = "${WORKDIR_REL_GENERAL_CHECK}"
83                         // identical for all parallel stages
84                         WORKDIR = "${WORKSPACE}/${WORKDIR_REL}"
85                         YETUSDIR = "${WORKDIR}/${YETUS_REL}"
86                         SOURCEDIR = "${WORKDIR}/${SRC_REL}"
87                         PATCHDIR = "${WORKDIR}/${PATCH_REL}"
88                         BUILD_URL_ARTIFACTS = "artifact/${WORKDIR_REL}/${PATCH_REL}"
89                         DOCKERFILE = "${WORKDIR}/${DOCKERFILE_REL}"
90                         YETUS_DRIVER = "${WORKDIR}/${YETUS_DRIVER_REL}"
92                     }
93                     steps {
94                         dir("${SOURCEDIR}") {
95                             checkout scm
96                         }
97                         dir("${YETUSDIR}") {
98                             checkout([
99                               $class           : 'GitSCM',
100                               branches         : [[name: "${YETUS_VERSION}"]],
101                               userRemoteConfigs: [[url: 'https://github.com/apache/yetus.git']]]
102                             )
103                         }
104                         dir("${WORKDIR}") {
105                             withCredentials([
106                                 usernamePassword(
107                                   credentialsId: 'apache-hbase-at-github.com',
108                                   passwordVariable: 'GITHUB_PASSWORD',
109                                   usernameVariable: 'GITHUB_USER'
110                                 )]) {
111                                 script {
112                                   def ret = sh(
113                                     label: 'test-patch',
114                                     returnStatus: true,
115                                     script: '''#!/bin/bash -e
116                                       hostname -a ; pwd ; ls -la
117                                       printenv 2>&1 | sort
118                                       echo "[INFO] Launching Yetus via ${YETUS_DRIVER}"
119                                       "${YETUS_DRIVER}"
120                                     '''
121                                   )
122                                   if (ret != 0) {
123                                     // mark the build as UNSTABLE instead of FAILURE, to avoid skipping the later publish of
124                                     // test output. See HBASE-26339 for more details.
125                                     currentBuild.result = 'UNSTABLE'
126                                   }
127                                 }
128                             }
129                         }
130                     }
131                     post {
132                         always {
133                             sshPublisher(publishers: [
134                               sshPublisherDesc(configName: 'Nightlies',
135                                 transfers: [
136                                   sshTransfer(remoteDirectory: "hbase/${JOB_NAME}/${BUILD_NUMBER}",
137                                     sourceFiles: "${env.WORKDIR_REL}/${env.PATCH_REL}/*-site/*,${env.WORKDIR_REL}/${env.PATCH_REL}/*-site/**/*"
138                                   )
139                                 ]
140                               )
141                             ])
142                             sh '''#!/bin/bash -e
143                             if [ -d "${PATCHDIR}/branch-site" ]; then
144                               echo "Remove ${PATCHDIR}/branch-site for saving space"
145                               rm -rf "${PATCHDIR}/branch-site"
146                               python2 ${SOURCEDIR}/dev-support/gen_redirect_html.py "${ASF_NIGHTLIES_GENERAL_CHECK_BASE}/branch-site" > "${PATCHDIR}/branch-site.html"
147                             else
148                               echo "No branch-site, skipping"
149                             fi
150                             if [ -d "${PATCHDIR}/patch-site" ]; then
151                               echo "Remove ${PATCHDIR}/patch-site for saving space"
152                               rm -rf "${PATCHDIR}/patch-site"
153                               python2 ${SOURCEDIR}/dev-support/gen_redirect_html.py "${ASF_NIGHTLIES_GENERAL_CHECK_BASE}/patch-site" > "${PATCHDIR}/patch-site.html"
154                             else
155                               echo "No patch-site, skipping"
156                             fi
157                             '''
158                             // Has to be relative to WORKSPACE.
159                             archiveArtifacts artifacts: "${WORKDIR_REL}/${PATCH_REL}/*"
160                             archiveArtifacts artifacts: "${WORKDIR_REL}/${PATCH_REL}/**/*"
161                             publishHTML target: [
162                               allowMissing: true,
163                               keepAll: true,
164                               alwaysLinkToLastBuild: true,
165                               // Has to be relative to WORKSPACE
166                               reportDir: "${WORKDIR_REL}/${PATCH_REL}",
167                               reportFiles: 'report.html',
168                               reportName: 'PR General Check Report'
169                             ]
170                         }
171                         // Jenkins pipeline jobs fill slaves on PRs without this :(
172                         cleanup() {
173                             script {
174                                 sh label: 'Cleanup workspace', script: '''#!/bin/bash -e
175                                     # See YETUS-764
176                                     if [ -f "${PATCHDIR}/pidfile.txt" ]; then
177                                       echo "test-patch process appears to still be running: killing"
178                                       kill `cat "${PATCHDIR}/pidfile.txt"` || true
179                                       sleep 10
180                                     fi
181                                     if [ -f "${PATCHDIR}/cidfile.txt" ]; then
182                                       echo "test-patch container appears to still be running: killing"
183                                       docker kill `cat "${PATCHDIR}/cidfile.txt"` || true
184                                     fi
185                                     # See HADOOP-13951
186                                     chmod -R u+rxw "${WORKSPACE}"
187                                 '''
188                                 dir ("${WORKDIR}") {
189                                     deleteDir()
190                                 }
191                             }
192                         }
193                     }
194                 }
195                 stage ('yetus jdk8 Hadoop3 checks') {
196                     agent {
197                         node {
198                             label 'hbase'
199                         }
200                     }
201                     environment {
202                         // customized per parallel stage
203                         PLUGINS = "${JDK_SPECIFIC_PLUGINS}"
204                         SET_JAVA_HOME = '/usr/lib/jvm/java-8'
205                         WORKDIR_REL = "${WORKDIR_REL_JDK8_HADOOP3_CHECK}"
206                         // identical for all parallel stages
207                         WORKDIR = "${WORKSPACE}/${WORKDIR_REL}"
208                         YETUSDIR = "${WORKDIR}/${YETUS_REL}"
209                         SOURCEDIR = "${WORKDIR}/${SRC_REL}"
210                         PATCHDIR = "${WORKDIR}/${PATCH_REL}"
211                         BUILD_URL_ARTIFACTS = "artifact/${WORKDIR_REL}/${PATCH_REL}"
212                         DOCKERFILE = "${WORKDIR}/${DOCKERFILE_REL}"
213                         YETUS_DRIVER = "${WORKDIR}/${YETUS_DRIVER_REL}"
214                         SKIP_ERRORPRONE = true
215                     }
216                     steps {
217                         dir("${SOURCEDIR}") {
218                             checkout scm
219                         }
220                         dir("${YETUSDIR}") {
221                             checkout([
222                               $class           : 'GitSCM',
223                               branches         : [[name: "${YETUS_VERSION}"]],
224                               userRemoteConfigs: [[url: 'https://github.com/apache/yetus.git']]]
225                             )
226                         }
227                         dir("${WORKDIR}") {
228                             withCredentials([
229                               usernamePassword(
230                                 credentialsId: 'apache-hbase-at-github.com',
231                                 passwordVariable: 'GITHUB_PASSWORD',
232                                 usernameVariable: 'GITHUB_USER'
233                               )]) {
234                                 script {
235                                   def ret = sh(
236                                     label: 'test-patch',
237                                     returnStatus: true,
238                                     script: '''#!/bin/bash -e
239                                       hostname -a ; pwd ; ls -la
240                                       printenv 2>&1 | sort
241                                       echo "[INFO] Launching Yetus via ${YETUS_DRIVER}"
242                                       "${YETUS_DRIVER}"
243                                     '''
244                                   )
245                                   if (ret != 0) {
246                                     // mark the build as UNSTABLE instead of FAILURE, to avoid skipping the later publish of
247                                     // test output. See HBASE-26339 for more details.
248                                     currentBuild.result = 'UNSTABLE'
249                                   }
250                                 }
251                             }
252                         }
253                     }
254                     post {
255                         always {
256                             junit testResults: "${WORKDIR_REL}/${SRC_REL}/**/target/**/TEST-*.xml",
257                               allowEmptyResults: true, skipPublishingChecks: true
258                             sh label: 'zip surefire reports', script: '''#!/bin/bash -e
259                                 if [ -d "${PATCHDIR}/archiver" ]; then
260                                   count=$(find "${PATCHDIR}/archiver" -type f | wc -l)
261                                   if [[ 0 -ne ${count} ]]; then
262                                     echo "zipping ${count} archived files"
263                                     zip -q -m -r "${PATCHDIR}/test_logs.zip" "${PATCHDIR}/archiver"
264                                   else
265                                     echo "No archived files, skipping compressing."
266                                   fi
267                                 else
268                                   echo "No archiver directory, skipping compressing."
269                                 fi
270                             '''
271                             sshPublisher(publishers: [
272                               sshPublisherDesc(configName: 'Nightlies',
273                                 transfers: [
274                                   sshTransfer(remoteDirectory: "hbase/${JOB_NAME}/${BUILD_NUMBER}",
275                                     sourceFiles: "${env.WORKDIR_REL}/${env.PATCH_REL}/test_logs.zip"
276                                   )
277                                 ]
278                               )
279                             ])
280                             // remove the big test logs zip file, store the nightlies url in test_logs.txt
281                             sh '''#!/bin/bash -e
282                             if [ -f "${PATCHDIR}/test_logs.zip" ]; then
283                               echo "Remove ${PATCHDIR}/test_logs.zip for saving space"
284                               rm -rf "${PATCHDIR}/test_logs.zip"
285                               python2 ${SOURCEDIR}/dev-support/gen_redirect_html.py "${ASF_NIGHTLIES_BASE}/${WORKDIR_REL}/${PATCH_REL}" > "${PATCHDIR}/test_logs.html"
286                             else
287                               echo "No test_logs.zip, skipping"
288                             fi
289                             '''
290                             // Has to be relative to WORKSPACE.
291                             archiveArtifacts artifacts: "${WORKDIR_REL}/${PATCH_REL}/*", excludes: "${WORKDIR_REL}/${PATCH_REL}/precommit"
292                             archiveArtifacts artifacts: "${WORKDIR_REL}/${PATCH_REL}/**/*", excludes: "${WORKDIR_REL}/${PATCH_REL}/precommit/**/*"
293                             publishHTML target: [
294                               allowMissing: true,
295                               keepAll: true,
296                               alwaysLinkToLastBuild: true,
297                               // Has to be relative to WORKSPACE
298                               reportDir: "${WORKDIR_REL}/${PATCH_REL}",
299                               reportFiles: 'report.html',
300                               reportName: 'PR JDK8 Hadoop3 Check Report'
301                             ]
302                         }
303                         // Jenkins pipeline jobs fill slaves on PRs without this :(
304                         cleanup() {
305                             script {
306                                 sh label: 'Cleanup workspace', script: '''#!/bin/bash -e
307                                     # See YETUS-764
308                                     if [ -f "${PATCHDIR}/pidfile.txt" ]; then
309                                       echo "test-patch process appears to still be running: killing"
310                                       kill `cat "${PATCHDIR}/pidfile.txt"` || true
311                                       sleep 10
312                                     fi
313                                     if [ -f "${PATCHDIR}/cidfile.txt" ]; then
314                                       echo "test-patch container appears to still be running: killing"
315                                       docker kill `cat "${PATCHDIR}/cidfile.txt"` || true
316                                     fi
317                                     # See HADOOP-13951
318                                     chmod -R u+rxw "${WORKSPACE}"
319                                 '''
320                                 dir ("${WORKDIR}") {
321                                     deleteDir()
322                                 }
323                             }
324                         }
325                     }
326                 }
327                 stage ('yetus jdk11 hadoop3 checks') {
328                     agent {
329                         node {
330                             label 'hbase'
331                         }
332                     }
333                     environment {
334                         // customized per parallel stage
335                         PLUGINS = "${JDK_SPECIFIC_PLUGINS}"
336                         SET_JAVA_HOME = '/usr/lib/jvm/java-11'
337                         WORKDIR_REL = "${WORKDIR_REL_JDK11_HADOOP3_CHECK}"
338                         // identical for all parallel stages
339                         WORKDIR = "${WORKSPACE}/${WORKDIR_REL}"
340                         YETUSDIR = "${WORKDIR}/${YETUS_REL}"
341                         SOURCEDIR = "${WORKDIR}/${SRC_REL}"
342                         PATCHDIR = "${WORKDIR}/${PATCH_REL}"
343                         BUILD_URL_ARTIFACTS = "artifact/${WORKDIR_REL}/${PATCH_REL}"
344                         DOCKERFILE = "${WORKDIR}/${DOCKERFILE_REL}"
345                         YETUS_DRIVER = "${WORKDIR}/${YETUS_DRIVER_REL}"
346                         SKIP_ERRORPRONE = true
347                     }
348                     steps {
349                         dir("${SOURCEDIR}") {
350                             checkout scm
351                         }
352                         dir("${YETUSDIR}") {
353                             checkout([
354                               $class           : 'GitSCM',
355                               branches         : [[name: "${YETUS_VERSION}"]],
356                               userRemoteConfigs: [[url: 'https://github.com/apache/yetus.git']]]
357                             )
358                         }
359                         dir("${WORKDIR}") {
360                             withCredentials([
361                               usernamePassword(
362                                 credentialsId: 'apache-hbase-at-github.com',
363                                 passwordVariable: 'GITHUB_PASSWORD',
364                                 usernameVariable: 'GITHUB_USER'
365                               )]) {
366                                 script {
367                                   def ret = sh(
368                                     label: 'test-patch',
369                                     returnStatus: true,
370                                     script: '''#!/bin/bash -e
371                                       hostname -a ; pwd ; ls -la
372                                       printenv 2>&1 | sort
373                                       echo "[INFO] Launching Yetus via ${YETUS_DRIVER}"
374                                       "${YETUS_DRIVER}"
375                                     '''
376                                   )
377                                   if (ret != 0) {
378                                     // mark the build as UNSTABLE instead of FAILURE, to avoid skipping the later publish of
379                                     // test output. See HBASE-26339 for more details.
380                                     currentBuild.result = 'UNSTABLE'
381                                   }
382                                 }
383                             }
384                         }
385                     }
386                     post {
387                         always {
388                             junit testResults: "${WORKDIR_REL}/${SRC_REL}/**/target/**/TEST-*.xml",
389                               allowEmptyResults: true, skipPublishingChecks: true
390                             sh label: 'zip surefire reports', script: '''#!/bin/bash -e
391                                 if [ -d "${PATCHDIR}/archiver" ]; then
392                                   count=$(find "${PATCHDIR}/archiver" -type f | wc -l)
393                                   if [[ 0 -ne ${count} ]]; then
394                                     echo "zipping ${count} archived files"
395                                     zip -q -m -r "${PATCHDIR}/test_logs.zip" "${PATCHDIR}/archiver"
396                                   else
397                                     echo "No archived files, skipping compressing."
398                                   fi
399                                 else
400                                   echo "No archiver directory, skipping compressing."
401                                 fi
402                             '''
403                             sshPublisher(publishers: [
404                               sshPublisherDesc(configName: 'Nightlies',
405                                 transfers: [
406                                   sshTransfer(remoteDirectory: "hbase/${JOB_NAME}/${BUILD_NUMBER}",
407                                     sourceFiles: "${env.WORKDIR_REL}/${env.PATCH_REL}/test_logs.zip"
408                                   )
409                                 ]
410                               )
411                             ])
412                             // remove the big test logs zip file, store the nightlies url in test_logs.txt
413                             sh '''#!/bin/bash -e
414                             if [ -f "${PATCHDIR}/test_logs.zip" ]; then
415                               echo "Remove ${PATCHDIR}/test_logs.zip for saving space"
416                               rm -rf "${PATCHDIR}/test_logs.zip"
417                               python2 ${SOURCEDIR}/dev-support/gen_redirect_html.py "${ASF_NIGHTLIES_BASE}/${WORKDIR_REL}/${PATCH_REL}" > "${PATCHDIR}/test_logs.html"
418                             else
419                               echo "No test_logs.zip, skipping"
420                             fi
421                             '''
422                             // Has to be relative to WORKSPACE.
423                             archiveArtifacts artifacts: "${WORKDIR_REL}/${PATCH_REL}/*", excludes: "${WORKDIR_REL}/${PATCH_REL}/precommit"
424                             archiveArtifacts artifacts: "${WORKDIR_REL}/${PATCH_REL}/**/*", excludes: "${WORKDIR_REL}/${PATCH_REL}/precommit/**/*"
425                             publishHTML target: [
426                               allowMissing: true,
427                               keepAll: true,
428                               alwaysLinkToLastBuild: true,
429                               // Has to be relative to WORKSPACE
430                               reportDir: "${WORKDIR_REL}/${PATCH_REL}",
431                               reportFiles: 'report.html',
432                               reportName: 'PR JDK11 Hadoop3 Check Report'
433                             ]
434                         }
435                         // Jenkins pipeline jobs fill slaves on PRs without this :(
436                         cleanup() {
437                             script {
438                                 sh label: 'Cleanup workspace', script: '''#!/bin/bash -e
439                                     # See YETUS-764
440                                     if [ -f "${PATCHDIR}/pidfile.txt" ]; then
441                                       echo "test-patch process appears to still be running: killing"
442                                       kill `cat "${PATCHDIR}/pidfile.txt"` || true
443                                       sleep 10
444                                     fi
445                                     if [ -f "${PATCHDIR}/cidfile.txt" ]; then
446                                       echo "test-patch container appears to still be running: killing"
447                                       docker kill `cat "${PATCHDIR}/cidfile.txt"` || true
448                                     fi
449                                     # See HADOOP-13951
450                                     chmod -R u+rxw "${WORKSPACE}"
451                                 '''
452                                 dir ("${WORKDIR}") {
453                                     deleteDir()
454                                 }
455                             }
456                         }
457                     }
458                 }
459             }
460         }
461     }
463     post {
464         // Jenkins pipeline jobs fill slaves on PRs without this :(
465         cleanup() {
466             script {
467                 sh label: 'Cleanup workspace', script: '''#!/bin/bash -e
468                     # See HADOOP-13951
469                     chmod -R u+rxw "${WORKSPACE}"
470                     '''
471                 deleteDir()
472             }
473         }
474     }