HBASE-19811 Fix findbugs and error-prone warnings in hbase-server (branch-2)
[hbase.git] / hbase-server / src / test / java / org / apache / hadoop / hbase / regionserver / TestHRegion.java
1 /*
3 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
4 * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
5 * distributed with this work for additional information
6 * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
7 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
8 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
9 * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
11 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
13 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
14 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
15 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
16 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
17 * limitations under the License.
19 package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver;
21 import static org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseTestingUtility.COLUMNS;
22 import static org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseTestingUtility.fam1;
23 import static org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseTestingUtility.fam2;
24 import static org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseTestingUtility.fam3;
25 import static org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals;
26 import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
27 import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
28 import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
29 import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
30 import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
31 import static org.junit.Assert.fail;
32 import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.any;
33 import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.anyBoolean;
34 import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.anyLong;
35 import static org.mockito.Mockito.doThrow;
36 import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
37 import static org.mockito.Mockito.never;
38 import static org.mockito.Mockito.spy;
39 import static org.mockito.Mockito.times;
40 import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify;
41 import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
43 import java.io.IOException;
44 import java.io.InterruptedIOException;
45 import java.math.BigDecimal;
46 import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
47 import java.security.PrivilegedExceptionAction;
48 import java.util.ArrayList;
49 import java.util.Arrays;
50 import java.util.Collection;
51 import java.util.Collections;
52 import java.util.List;
53 import java.util.Map;
54 import java.util.NavigableMap;
55 import java.util.Objects;
56 import java.util.TreeMap;
57 import java.util.UUID;
58 import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
59 import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
60 import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
61 import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
62 import java.util.concurrent.Future;
63 import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
64 import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
65 import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
66 import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
67 import org.apache.commons.lang3.RandomStringUtils;
68 import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
69 import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream;
70 import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus;
71 import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
72 import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
73 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ArrayBackedTag;
74 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.CategoryBasedTimeout;
75 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Cell;
76 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Cell.Type;
77 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.CellBuilderFactory;
78 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.CellBuilderType;
79 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.CellUtil;
80 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.CompareOperator;
81 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.CompatibilitySingletonFactory;
82 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.DroppedSnapshotException;
83 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseConfiguration;
84 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseTestingUtility;
85 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HColumnDescriptor;
86 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HConstants;
87 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HConstants.OperationStatusCode;
88 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HDFSBlocksDistribution;
89 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HRegionInfo;
90 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HTableDescriptor;
91 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValue;
92 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValueUtil;
93 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.MiniHBaseCluster;
94 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.MultithreadedTestUtil;
95 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.MultithreadedTestUtil.RepeatingTestThread;
96 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.MultithreadedTestUtil.TestThread;
97 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.NotServingRegionException;
98 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.PrivateCellUtil;
99 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.RegionTooBusyException;
100 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ServerName;
101 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableName;
102 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TagType;
103 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Waiter;
104 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Append;
105 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ColumnFamilyDescriptor;
106 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Delete;
107 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Durability;
108 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Get;
109 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Increment;
110 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Mutation;
111 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Put;
112 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.RegionInfo;
113 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.RegionInfoBuilder;
114 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Result;
115 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.RowMutations;
116 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Scan;
117 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Table;
118 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.TableDescriptor;
119 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.exceptions.FailedSanityCheckException;
120 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.BigDecimalComparator;
121 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.BinaryComparator;
122 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.ColumnCountGetFilter;
123 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.CompareFilter.CompareOp;
124 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.Filter;
125 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.FilterBase;
126 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.FilterList;
127 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.NullComparator;
128 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.PrefixFilter;
129 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.SingleColumnValueExcludeFilter;
130 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.SingleColumnValueFilter;
131 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.SubstringComparator;
132 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.ValueFilter;
133 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.HFile;
134 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.monitoring.MonitoredRPCHandler;
135 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.monitoring.MonitoredTask;
136 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.monitoring.TaskMonitor;
137 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.HRegion.MutationBatchOperation;
138 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.HRegion.RegionScannerImpl;
139 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.Region.RowLock;
140 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.TestHStore.FaultyFileSystem;
141 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.compactions.CompactionRequestImpl;
142 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.wal.FSHLog;
143 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.wal.MetricsWAL;
144 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.wal.MetricsWALSource;
145 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.wal.WALActionsListener;
146 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.wal.WALUtil;
147 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.security.User;
148 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.test.MetricsAssertHelper;
149 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.testclassification.LargeTests;
150 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.testclassification.VerySlowRegionServerTests;
151 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes;
152 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.EnvironmentEdgeManager;
153 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.EnvironmentEdgeManagerTestHelper;
154 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.FSUtils;
155 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.IncrementingEnvironmentEdge;
156 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.ManualEnvironmentEdge;
157 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Threads;
158 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.wal.AbstractFSWALProvider;
159 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.wal.FaultyFSLog;
160 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.wal.WAL;
161 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.wal.WALEdit;
162 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.wal.WALFactory;
163 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.wal.WALKeyImpl;
164 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.wal.WALProvider;
165 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.wal.WALProvider.Writer;
166 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.wal.WALSplitter;
167 import org.junit.After;
168 import org.junit.Assert;
169 import org.junit.Before;
170 import org.junit.ClassRule;
171 import org.junit.Rule;
172 import org.junit.Test;
173 import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category;
174 import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException;
175 import org.junit.rules.TestName;
176 import org.junit.rules.TestRule;
177 import org.mockito.ArgumentCaptor;
178 import org.mockito.ArgumentMatcher;
179 import org.mockito.Mockito;
180 import org.mockito.invocation.InvocationOnMock;
181 import org.mockito.stubbing.Answer;
182 import org.slf4j.Logger;
183 import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
185 import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.com.google.common.collect.Lists;
186 import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.com.google.protobuf.ByteString;
188 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.protobuf.ProtobufUtil;
189 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.protobuf.generated.WALProtos.CompactionDescriptor;
190 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.protobuf.generated.WALProtos.FlushDescriptor;
191 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.protobuf.generated.WALProtos.FlushDescriptor.FlushAction;
192 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.protobuf.generated.WALProtos.FlushDescriptor.StoreFlushDescriptor;
193 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.protobuf.generated.WALProtos.RegionEventDescriptor;
194 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.protobuf.generated.WALProtos.StoreDescriptor;
197 * Basic stand-alone testing of HRegion. No clusters!
199 * A lot of the meta information for an HRegion now lives inside other HRegions
200 * or in the HBaseMaster, so only basic testing is possible.
202 @Category({VerySlowRegionServerTests.class, LargeTests.class})
203 @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
204 public class TestHRegion {
205 // Do not spin up clusters in here. If you need to spin up a cluster, do it
206 // over in TestHRegionOnCluster.
207 private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TestHRegion.class);
208 @Rule
209 public TestName name = new TestName();
210 @ClassRule
211 public static final TestRule timeout =
212 CategoryBasedTimeout.forClass(TestHRegion.class);
213 @Rule public final ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none();
215 private static final String COLUMN_FAMILY = "MyCF";
216 private static final byte [] COLUMN_FAMILY_BYTES = Bytes.toBytes(COLUMN_FAMILY);
218 HRegion region = null;
219 // Do not run unit tests in parallel (? Why not? It don't work? Why not? St.Ack)
220 protected static HBaseTestingUtility TEST_UTIL;
221 public static Configuration CONF ;
222 private String dir;
223 private static FileSystem FILESYSTEM;
224 private final int MAX_VERSIONS = 2;
226 // Test names
227 protected TableName tableName;
228 protected String method;
229 protected final byte[] qual = Bytes.toBytes("qual");
230 protected final byte[] qual1 = Bytes.toBytes("qual1");
231 protected final byte[] qual2 = Bytes.toBytes("qual2");
232 protected final byte[] qual3 = Bytes.toBytes("qual3");
233 protected final byte[] value = Bytes.toBytes("value");
234 protected final byte[] value1 = Bytes.toBytes("value1");
235 protected final byte[] value2 = Bytes.toBytes("value2");
236 protected final byte[] row = Bytes.toBytes("rowA");
237 protected final byte[] row2 = Bytes.toBytes("rowB");
239 protected final MetricsAssertHelper metricsAssertHelper = CompatibilitySingletonFactory
240 .getInstance(MetricsAssertHelper.class);
242 @Before
243 public void setup() throws IOException {
244 TEST_UTIL = HBaseTestingUtility.createLocalHTU();
245 FILESYSTEM = TEST_UTIL.getTestFileSystem();
246 CONF = TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration();
247 dir = TEST_UTIL.getDataTestDir("TestHRegion").toString();
248 method = name.getMethodName();
249 tableName = TableName.valueOf(method);
252 @After
253 public void tearDown() throws Exception {
254 EnvironmentEdgeManagerTestHelper.reset();
255 LOG.info("Cleaning test directory: " + TEST_UTIL.getDataTestDir());
256 TEST_UTIL.cleanupTestDir();
260 * Test that I can use the max flushed sequence id after the close.
261 * @throws IOException
263 @Test
264 public void testSequenceId() throws IOException {
265 HRegion region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, COLUMN_FAMILY_BYTES);
266 assertEquals(HConstants.NO_SEQNUM, region.getMaxFlushedSeqId());
267 // Weird. This returns 0 if no store files or no edits. Afraid to change it.
268 assertEquals(0, (long)region.getMaxStoreSeqId().get(COLUMN_FAMILY_BYTES));
269 region.close();
270 assertEquals(HConstants.NO_SEQNUM, region.getMaxFlushedSeqId());
271 assertEquals(0, (long)region.getMaxStoreSeqId().get(COLUMN_FAMILY_BYTES));
272 // Open region again.
273 region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, COLUMN_FAMILY_BYTES);
274 byte [] value = Bytes.toBytes(method);
275 // Make a random put against our cf.
276 Put put = new Put(value);
277 put.addColumn(COLUMN_FAMILY_BYTES, null, value);
278 region.put(put);
279 // No flush yet so init numbers should still be in place.
280 assertEquals(HConstants.NO_SEQNUM, region.getMaxFlushedSeqId());
281 assertEquals(0, (long)region.getMaxStoreSeqId().get(COLUMN_FAMILY_BYTES));
282 region.flush(true);
283 long max = region.getMaxFlushedSeqId();
284 region.close();
285 assertEquals(max, region.getMaxFlushedSeqId());
289 * Test for Bug 2 of HBASE-10466.
290 * "Bug 2: Conditions for the first flush of region close (so-called pre-flush) If memstoreSize
291 * is smaller than a certain value, or when region close starts a flush is ongoing, the first
292 * flush is skipped and only the second flush takes place. However, two flushes are required in
293 * case previous flush fails and leaves some data in snapshot. The bug could cause loss of data
294 * in current memstore. The fix is removing all conditions except abort check so we ensure 2
295 * flushes for region close."
296 * @throws IOException
298 @Test
299 public void testCloseCarryingSnapshot() throws IOException {
300 HRegion region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, COLUMN_FAMILY_BYTES);
301 HStore store = region.getStore(COLUMN_FAMILY_BYTES);
302 // Get some random bytes.
303 byte [] value = Bytes.toBytes(method);
304 // Make a random put against our cf.
305 Put put = new Put(value);
306 put.addColumn(COLUMN_FAMILY_BYTES, null, value);
307 // First put something in current memstore, which will be in snapshot after flusher.prepare()
308 region.put(put);
309 StoreFlushContext storeFlushCtx = store.createFlushContext(12345, FlushLifeCycleTracker.DUMMY);
310 storeFlushCtx.prepare();
311 // Second put something in current memstore
312 put.addColumn(COLUMN_FAMILY_BYTES, Bytes.toBytes("abc"), value);
313 region.put(put);
314 // Close with something in memstore and something in the snapshot. Make sure all is cleared.
315 region.close();
316 assertEquals(0, region.getMemStoreSize());
317 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(region);
321 * This test is for verifying memstore snapshot size is correctly updated in case of rollback
322 * See HBASE-10845
324 @Test
325 public void testMemstoreSnapshotSize() throws IOException {
326 class MyFaultyFSLog extends FaultyFSLog {
327 StoreFlushContext storeFlushCtx;
328 public MyFaultyFSLog(FileSystem fs, Path rootDir, String logName, Configuration conf)
329 throws IOException {
330 super(fs, rootDir, logName, conf);
333 void setStoreFlushCtx(StoreFlushContext storeFlushCtx) {
334 this.storeFlushCtx = storeFlushCtx;
337 @Override
338 public void sync(long txid) throws IOException {
339 storeFlushCtx.prepare();
340 super.sync(txid);
344 FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(CONF);
345 Path rootDir = new Path(dir + "testMemstoreSnapshotSize");
346 MyFaultyFSLog faultyLog = new MyFaultyFSLog(fs, rootDir, "testMemstoreSnapshotSize", CONF);
347 HRegion region = initHRegion(tableName, null, null, false, Durability.SYNC_WAL, faultyLog,
350 HStore store = region.getStore(COLUMN_FAMILY_BYTES);
351 // Get some random bytes.
352 byte [] value = Bytes.toBytes(method);
353 faultyLog.setStoreFlushCtx(store.createFlushContext(12345, FlushLifeCycleTracker.DUMMY));
355 Put put = new Put(value);
356 put.addColumn(COLUMN_FAMILY_BYTES, Bytes.toBytes("abc"), value);
357 faultyLog.setFailureType(FaultyFSLog.FailureType.SYNC);
359 boolean threwIOE = false;
360 try {
361 region.put(put);
362 } catch (IOException ioe) {
363 threwIOE = true;
364 } finally {
365 assertTrue("The regionserver should have thrown an exception", threwIOE);
367 long sz = store.getFlushableSize().getDataSize();
368 assertTrue("flushable size should be zero, but it is " + sz, sz == 0);
369 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(region);
373 * Create a WAL outside of the usual helper in
374 * {@link HBaseTestingUtility#createWal(Configuration, Path, RegionInfo)} because that method
375 * doesn't play nicely with FaultyFileSystem. Call this method before overriding
376 * {@code fs.file.impl}.
377 * @param callingMethod a unique component for the path, probably the name of the test method.
379 private static WAL createWALCompatibleWithFaultyFileSystem(String callingMethod,
380 Configuration conf, TableName tableName) throws IOException {
381 final Path logDir = TEST_UTIL.getDataTestDirOnTestFS(callingMethod + ".log");
382 final Configuration walConf = new Configuration(conf);
383 FSUtils.setRootDir(walConf, logDir);
384 return new WALFactory(walConf, Collections.<WALActionsListener> singletonList(new MetricsWAL()),
385 callingMethod).getWAL(RegionInfoBuilder.newBuilder(tableName).build());
388 @Test
389 public void testMemstoreSizeAccountingWithFailedPostBatchMutate() throws IOException {
390 String testName = "testMemstoreSizeAccountingWithFailedPostBatchMutate";
391 FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(CONF);
392 Path rootDir = new Path(dir + testName);
393 FSHLog hLog = new FSHLog(fs, rootDir, testName, CONF);
394 HRegion region = initHRegion(tableName, null, null, false, Durability.SYNC_WAL, hLog,
396 HStore store = region.getStore(COLUMN_FAMILY_BYTES);
397 assertEquals(0, region.getMemStoreSize());
399 // Put one value
400 byte [] value = Bytes.toBytes(method);
401 Put put = new Put(value);
402 put.addColumn(COLUMN_FAMILY_BYTES, Bytes.toBytes("abc"), value);
403 region.put(put);
404 long onePutSize = region.getMemStoreSize();
405 assertTrue(onePutSize > 0);
407 RegionCoprocessorHost mockedCPHost = Mockito.mock(RegionCoprocessorHost.class);
408 doThrow(new IOException())
409 .when(mockedCPHost).postBatchMutate(Mockito.<MiniBatchOperationInProgress<Mutation>>any());
410 region.setCoprocessorHost(mockedCPHost);
412 put = new Put(value);
413 put.addColumn(COLUMN_FAMILY_BYTES, Bytes.toBytes("dfg"), value);
414 try {
415 region.put(put);
416 fail("Should have failed with IOException");
417 } catch (IOException expected) {
419 long expectedSize = onePutSize * 2;
420 assertEquals("memstoreSize should be incremented", expectedSize, region.getMemStoreSize());
421 assertEquals("flushable size should be incremented", expectedSize,
422 store.getFlushableSize().getDataSize());
424 region.setCoprocessorHost(null);
425 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(region);
429 * Test we do not lose data if we fail a flush and then close.
430 * Part of HBase-10466. Tests the following from the issue description:
431 * "Bug 1: Wrong calculation of HRegion.memstoreSize: When a flush fails, data to be flushed is
432 * kept in each MemStore's snapshot and wait for next flush attempt to continue on it. But when
433 * the next flush succeeds, the counter of total memstore size in HRegion is always deduced by
434 * the sum of current memstore sizes instead of snapshots left from previous failed flush. This
435 * calculation is problematic that almost every time there is failed flush, HRegion.memstoreSize
436 * gets reduced by a wrong value. If region flush could not proceed for a couple cycles, the size
437 * in current memstore could be much larger than the snapshot. It's likely to drift memstoreSize
438 * much smaller than expected. In extreme case, if the error accumulates to even bigger than
439 * HRegion's memstore size limit, any further flush is skipped because flush does not do anything
440 * if memstoreSize is not larger than 0."
441 * @throws Exception
443 @Test
444 public void testFlushSizeAccounting() throws Exception {
445 final Configuration conf = HBaseConfiguration.create(CONF);
446 final WAL wal = createWALCompatibleWithFaultyFileSystem(method, conf, tableName);
447 // Only retry once.
448 conf.setInt("hbase.hstore.flush.retries.number", 1);
449 final User user =
450 User.createUserForTesting(conf, method, new String[]{"foo"});
451 // Inject our faulty LocalFileSystem
452 conf.setClass("fs.file.impl", FaultyFileSystem.class, FileSystem.class);
453 user.runAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Object>() {
454 @Override
455 public Object run() throws Exception {
456 // Make sure it worked (above is sensitive to caching details in hadoop core)
457 FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf);
458 Assert.assertEquals(FaultyFileSystem.class, fs.getClass());
459 FaultyFileSystem ffs = (FaultyFileSystem)fs;
460 HRegion region = null;
461 try {
462 // Initialize region
463 region = initHRegion(tableName, null, null, false, Durability.SYNC_WAL, wal,
465 long size = region.getMemStoreSize();
466 Assert.assertEquals(0, size);
467 // Put one item into memstore. Measure the size of one item in memstore.
468 Put p1 = new Put(row);
469 p1.add(new KeyValue(row, COLUMN_FAMILY_BYTES, qual1, 1, (byte[]) null));
470 region.put(p1);
471 final long sizeOfOnePut = region.getMemStoreSize();
472 // Fail a flush which means the current memstore will hang out as memstore 'snapshot'.
473 try {
474 LOG.info("Flushing");
475 region.flush(true);
476 Assert.fail("Didn't bubble up IOE!");
477 } catch (DroppedSnapshotException dse) {
478 // What we are expecting
479 region.closing.set(false); // this is needed for the rest of the test to work
481 // Make it so all writes succeed from here on out
482 ffs.fault.set(false);
483 // Check sizes. Should still be the one entry.
484 Assert.assertEquals(sizeOfOnePut, region.getMemStoreSize());
485 // Now add two entries so that on this next flush that fails, we can see if we
486 // subtract the right amount, the snapshot size only.
487 Put p2 = new Put(row);
488 p2.add(new KeyValue(row, COLUMN_FAMILY_BYTES, qual2, 2, (byte[])null));
489 p2.add(new KeyValue(row, COLUMN_FAMILY_BYTES, qual3, 3, (byte[])null));
490 region.put(p2);
491 long expectedSize = sizeOfOnePut * 3;
492 Assert.assertEquals(expectedSize, region.getMemStoreSize());
493 // Do a successful flush. It will clear the snapshot only. Thats how flushes work.
494 // If already a snapshot, we clear it else we move the memstore to be snapshot and flush
495 // it
496 region.flush(true);
497 // Make sure our memory accounting is right.
498 Assert.assertEquals(sizeOfOnePut * 2, region.getMemStoreSize());
499 } finally {
500 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(region);
502 return null;
505 FileSystem.closeAllForUGI(user.getUGI());
508 @Test
509 public void testCloseWithFailingFlush() throws Exception {
510 final Configuration conf = HBaseConfiguration.create(CONF);
511 final WAL wal = createWALCompatibleWithFaultyFileSystem(method, conf, tableName);
512 // Only retry once.
513 conf.setInt("hbase.hstore.flush.retries.number", 1);
514 final User user =
515 User.createUserForTesting(conf, this.method, new String[]{"foo"});
516 // Inject our faulty LocalFileSystem
517 conf.setClass("fs.file.impl", FaultyFileSystem.class, FileSystem.class);
518 user.runAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Object>() {
519 @Override
520 public Object run() throws Exception {
521 // Make sure it worked (above is sensitive to caching details in hadoop core)
522 FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf);
523 Assert.assertEquals(FaultyFileSystem.class, fs.getClass());
524 FaultyFileSystem ffs = (FaultyFileSystem)fs;
525 HRegion region = null;
526 try {
527 // Initialize region
528 region = initHRegion(tableName, null, null, false,
529 Durability.SYNC_WAL, wal, COLUMN_FAMILY_BYTES);
530 long size = region.getMemStoreSize();
531 Assert.assertEquals(0, size);
532 // Put one item into memstore. Measure the size of one item in memstore.
533 Put p1 = new Put(row);
534 p1.add(new KeyValue(row, COLUMN_FAMILY_BYTES, qual1, 1, (byte[])null));
535 region.put(p1);
536 // Manufacture an outstanding snapshot -- fake a failed flush by doing prepare step only.
537 HStore store = region.getStore(COLUMN_FAMILY_BYTES);
538 StoreFlushContext storeFlushCtx =
539 store.createFlushContext(12345, FlushLifeCycleTracker.DUMMY);
540 storeFlushCtx.prepare();
541 // Now add two entries to the foreground memstore.
542 Put p2 = new Put(row);
543 p2.add(new KeyValue(row, COLUMN_FAMILY_BYTES, qual2, 2, (byte[])null));
544 p2.add(new KeyValue(row, COLUMN_FAMILY_BYTES, qual3, 3, (byte[])null));
545 region.put(p2);
546 // Now try close on top of a failing flush.
547 region.close();
548 fail();
549 } catch (DroppedSnapshotException dse) {
550 // Expected
551 LOG.info("Expected DroppedSnapshotException");
552 } finally {
553 // Make it so all writes succeed from here on out so can close clean
554 ffs.fault.set(false);
555 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(region);
557 return null;
560 FileSystem.closeAllForUGI(user.getUGI());
563 @Test
564 public void testCompactionAffectedByScanners() throws Exception {
565 byte[] family = Bytes.toBytes("family");
566 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, family);
568 Put put = new Put(Bytes.toBytes("r1"));
569 put.addColumn(family, Bytes.toBytes("q1"), Bytes.toBytes("v1"));
570 region.put(put);
571 region.flush(true);
573 Scan scan = new Scan();
574 scan.setMaxVersions(3);
575 // open the first scanner
576 RegionScanner scanner1 = region.getScanner(scan);
578 Delete delete = new Delete(Bytes.toBytes("r1"));
579 region.delete(delete);
580 region.flush(true);
582 // open the second scanner
583 RegionScanner scanner2 = region.getScanner(scan);
585 List<Cell> results = new ArrayList<>();
587 System.out.println("Smallest read point:" + region.getSmallestReadPoint());
589 // make a major compaction
590 region.compact(true);
592 // open the third scanner
593 RegionScanner scanner3 = region.getScanner(scan);
595 // get data from scanner 1, 2, 3 after major compaction
596 scanner1.next(results);
597 System.out.println(results);
598 assertEquals(1, results.size());
600 results.clear();
601 scanner2.next(results);
602 System.out.println(results);
603 assertEquals(0, results.size());
605 results.clear();
606 scanner3.next(results);
607 System.out.println(results);
608 assertEquals(0, results.size());
611 @Test
612 public void testToShowNPEOnRegionScannerReseek() throws Exception {
613 byte[] family = Bytes.toBytes("family");
614 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, family);
616 Put put = new Put(Bytes.toBytes("r1"));
617 put.addColumn(family, Bytes.toBytes("q1"), Bytes.toBytes("v1"));
618 region.put(put);
619 put = new Put(Bytes.toBytes("r2"));
620 put.addColumn(family, Bytes.toBytes("q1"), Bytes.toBytes("v1"));
621 region.put(put);
622 region.flush(true);
624 Scan scan = new Scan();
625 scan.setMaxVersions(3);
626 // open the first scanner
627 RegionScanner scanner1 = region.getScanner(scan);
629 System.out.println("Smallest read point:" + region.getSmallestReadPoint());
631 region.compact(true);
633 scanner1.reseek(Bytes.toBytes("r2"));
634 List<Cell> results = new ArrayList<>();
635 scanner1.next(results);
636 Cell keyValue = results.get(0);
637 Assert.assertTrue(Bytes.compareTo(CellUtil.cloneRow(keyValue), Bytes.toBytes("r2")) == 0);
638 scanner1.close();
641 @Test
642 public void testSkipRecoveredEditsReplay() throws Exception {
643 byte[] family = Bytes.toBytes("family");
644 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, family);
645 final WALFactory wals = new WALFactory(CONF, null, method);
646 try {
647 Path regiondir = region.getRegionFileSystem().getRegionDir();
648 FileSystem fs = region.getRegionFileSystem().getFileSystem();
649 byte[] regionName = region.getRegionInfo().getEncodedNameAsBytes();
651 Path recoveredEditsDir = WALSplitter.getRegionDirRecoveredEditsDir(regiondir);
653 long maxSeqId = 1050;
654 long minSeqId = 1000;
656 for (long i = minSeqId; i <= maxSeqId; i += 10) {
657 Path recoveredEdits = new Path(recoveredEditsDir, String.format("%019d", i));
658 fs.create(recoveredEdits);
659 WALProvider.Writer writer = wals.createRecoveredEditsWriter(fs, recoveredEdits);
661 long time = System.nanoTime();
662 WALEdit edit = new WALEdit();
663 edit.add(new KeyValue(row, family, Bytes.toBytes(i), time, KeyValue.Type.Put, Bytes
664 .toBytes(i)));
665 writer.append(new WAL.Entry(new WALKeyImpl(regionName, tableName, i, time,
666 HConstants.DEFAULT_CLUSTER_ID), edit));
668 writer.close();
670 MonitoredTask status = TaskMonitor.get().createStatus(method);
671 Map<byte[], Long> maxSeqIdInStores = new TreeMap<>(Bytes.BYTES_COMPARATOR);
672 for (HStore store : region.getStores()) {
673 maxSeqIdInStores.put(Bytes.toBytes(store.getColumnFamilyName()), minSeqId - 1);
675 long seqId = region.replayRecoveredEditsIfAny(regiondir, maxSeqIdInStores, null, status);
676 assertEquals(maxSeqId, seqId);
677 region.getMVCC().advanceTo(seqId);
678 Get get = new Get(row);
679 Result result = region.get(get);
680 for (long i = minSeqId; i <= maxSeqId; i += 10) {
681 List<Cell> kvs = result.getColumnCells(family, Bytes.toBytes(i));
682 assertEquals(1, kvs.size());
683 assertArrayEquals(Bytes.toBytes(i), CellUtil.cloneValue(kvs.get(0)));
685 } finally {
686 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
687 this.region = null;
688 wals.close();
692 @Test
693 public void testSkipRecoveredEditsReplaySomeIgnored() throws Exception {
694 byte[] family = Bytes.toBytes("family");
695 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, family);
696 final WALFactory wals = new WALFactory(CONF, null, method);
697 try {
698 Path regiondir = region.getRegionFileSystem().getRegionDir();
699 FileSystem fs = region.getRegionFileSystem().getFileSystem();
700 byte[] regionName = region.getRegionInfo().getEncodedNameAsBytes();
702 Path recoveredEditsDir = WALSplitter.getRegionDirRecoveredEditsDir(regiondir);
704 long maxSeqId = 1050;
705 long minSeqId = 1000;
707 for (long i = minSeqId; i <= maxSeqId; i += 10) {
708 Path recoveredEdits = new Path(recoveredEditsDir, String.format("%019d", i));
709 fs.create(recoveredEdits);
710 WALProvider.Writer writer = wals.createRecoveredEditsWriter(fs, recoveredEdits);
712 long time = System.nanoTime();
713 WALEdit edit = new WALEdit();
714 edit.add(new KeyValue(row, family, Bytes.toBytes(i), time, KeyValue.Type.Put, Bytes
715 .toBytes(i)));
716 writer.append(new WAL.Entry(new WALKeyImpl(regionName, tableName, i, time,
717 HConstants.DEFAULT_CLUSTER_ID), edit));
719 writer.close();
721 long recoverSeqId = 1030;
722 MonitoredTask status = TaskMonitor.get().createStatus(method);
723 Map<byte[], Long> maxSeqIdInStores = new TreeMap<>(Bytes.BYTES_COMPARATOR);
724 for (HStore store : region.getStores()) {
725 maxSeqIdInStores.put(Bytes.toBytes(store.getColumnFamilyName()), recoverSeqId - 1);
727 long seqId = region.replayRecoveredEditsIfAny(regiondir, maxSeqIdInStores, null, status);
728 assertEquals(maxSeqId, seqId);
729 region.getMVCC().advanceTo(seqId);
730 Get get = new Get(row);
731 Result result = region.get(get);
732 for (long i = minSeqId; i <= maxSeqId; i += 10) {
733 List<Cell> kvs = result.getColumnCells(family, Bytes.toBytes(i));
734 if (i < recoverSeqId) {
735 assertEquals(0, kvs.size());
736 } else {
737 assertEquals(1, kvs.size());
738 assertArrayEquals(Bytes.toBytes(i), CellUtil.cloneValue(kvs.get(0)));
741 } finally {
742 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
743 this.region = null;
744 wals.close();
748 @Test
749 public void testSkipRecoveredEditsReplayAllIgnored() throws Exception {
750 byte[] family = Bytes.toBytes("family");
751 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, family);
752 try {
753 Path regiondir = region.getRegionFileSystem().getRegionDir();
754 FileSystem fs = region.getRegionFileSystem().getFileSystem();
756 Path recoveredEditsDir = WALSplitter.getRegionDirRecoveredEditsDir(regiondir);
757 for (int i = 1000; i < 1050; i += 10) {
758 Path recoveredEdits = new Path(recoveredEditsDir, String.format("%019d", i));
759 FSDataOutputStream dos = fs.create(recoveredEdits);
760 dos.writeInt(i);
761 dos.close();
763 long minSeqId = 2000;
764 Path recoveredEdits = new Path(recoveredEditsDir, String.format("%019d", minSeqId - 1));
765 FSDataOutputStream dos = fs.create(recoveredEdits);
766 dos.close();
768 Map<byte[], Long> maxSeqIdInStores = new TreeMap<>(Bytes.BYTES_COMPARATOR);
769 for (HStore store : region.getStores()) {
770 maxSeqIdInStores.put(Bytes.toBytes(store.getColumnFamilyName()), minSeqId);
772 long seqId = region.replayRecoveredEditsIfAny(regiondir, maxSeqIdInStores, null, null);
773 assertEquals(minSeqId, seqId);
774 } finally {
775 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
776 this.region = null;
780 @Test
781 public void testSkipRecoveredEditsReplayTheLastFileIgnored() throws Exception {
782 byte[] family = Bytes.toBytes("family");
783 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, family);
784 final WALFactory wals = new WALFactory(CONF, null, method);
785 try {
786 Path regiondir = region.getRegionFileSystem().getRegionDir();
787 FileSystem fs = region.getRegionFileSystem().getFileSystem();
788 byte[] regionName = region.getRegionInfo().getEncodedNameAsBytes();
789 byte[][] columns = region.getTableDescriptor().getColumnFamilyNames().toArray(new byte[0][]);
791 assertEquals(0, region.getStoreFileList(columns).size());
793 Path recoveredEditsDir = WALSplitter.getRegionDirRecoveredEditsDir(regiondir);
795 long maxSeqId = 1050;
796 long minSeqId = 1000;
798 for (long i = minSeqId; i <= maxSeqId; i += 10) {
799 Path recoveredEdits = new Path(recoveredEditsDir, String.format("%019d", i));
800 fs.create(recoveredEdits);
801 WALProvider.Writer writer = wals.createRecoveredEditsWriter(fs, recoveredEdits);
803 long time = System.nanoTime();
804 WALEdit edit = null;
805 if (i == maxSeqId) {
806 edit = WALEdit.createCompaction(region.getRegionInfo(),
807 CompactionDescriptor.newBuilder()
808 .setTableName(ByteString.copyFrom(tableName.getName()))
809 .setFamilyName(ByteString.copyFrom(regionName))
810 .setEncodedRegionName(ByteString.copyFrom(regionName))
811 .setStoreHomeDirBytes(ByteString.copyFrom(Bytes.toBytes(regiondir.toString())))
812 .setRegionName(ByteString.copyFrom(region.getRegionInfo().getRegionName()))
813 .build());
814 } else {
815 edit = new WALEdit();
816 edit.add(new KeyValue(row, family, Bytes.toBytes(i), time, KeyValue.Type.Put, Bytes
817 .toBytes(i)));
819 writer.append(new WAL.Entry(new WALKeyImpl(regionName, tableName, i, time,
820 HConstants.DEFAULT_CLUSTER_ID), edit));
821 writer.close();
824 long recoverSeqId = 1030;
825 Map<byte[], Long> maxSeqIdInStores = new TreeMap<>(Bytes.BYTES_COMPARATOR);
826 MonitoredTask status = TaskMonitor.get().createStatus(method);
827 for (HStore store : region.getStores()) {
828 maxSeqIdInStores.put(Bytes.toBytes(store.getColumnFamilyName()), recoverSeqId - 1);
830 long seqId = region.replayRecoveredEditsIfAny(regiondir, maxSeqIdInStores, null, status);
831 assertEquals(maxSeqId, seqId);
833 // assert that the files are flushed
834 assertEquals(1, region.getStoreFileList(columns).size());
836 } finally {
837 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
838 this.region = null;
839 wals.close();
843 @Test
844 public void testRecoveredEditsReplayCompaction() throws Exception {
845 testRecoveredEditsReplayCompaction(false);
846 testRecoveredEditsReplayCompaction(true);
849 public void testRecoveredEditsReplayCompaction(boolean mismatchedRegionName) throws Exception {
850 CONF.setClass(HConstants.REGION_IMPL, HRegionForTesting.class, Region.class);
851 byte[] family = Bytes.toBytes("family");
852 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, family);
853 final WALFactory wals = new WALFactory(CONF, null, method);
854 try {
855 Path regiondir = region.getRegionFileSystem().getRegionDir();
856 FileSystem fs = region.getRegionFileSystem().getFileSystem();
857 byte[] regionName = region.getRegionInfo().getEncodedNameAsBytes();
859 long maxSeqId = 3;
860 long minSeqId = 0;
862 for (long i = minSeqId; i < maxSeqId; i++) {
863 Put put = new Put(Bytes.toBytes(i));
864 put.addColumn(family, Bytes.toBytes(i), Bytes.toBytes(i));
865 region.put(put);
866 region.flush(true);
869 // this will create a region with 3 files
870 assertEquals(3, region.getStore(family).getStorefilesCount());
871 List<Path> storeFiles = new ArrayList<>(3);
872 for (HStoreFile sf : region.getStore(family).getStorefiles()) {
873 storeFiles.add(sf.getPath());
876 // disable compaction completion
877 CONF.setBoolean("hbase.hstore.compaction.complete", false);
878 region.compactStores();
880 // ensure that nothing changed
881 assertEquals(3, region.getStore(family).getStorefilesCount());
883 // now find the compacted file, and manually add it to the recovered edits
884 Path tmpDir = new Path(region.getRegionFileSystem().getTempDir(), Bytes.toString(family));
885 FileStatus[] files = FSUtils.listStatus(fs, tmpDir);
886 String errorMsg = "Expected to find 1 file in the region temp directory "
887 + "from the compaction, could not find any";
888 assertNotNull(errorMsg, files);
889 assertEquals(errorMsg, 1, files.length);
890 // move the file inside region dir
891 Path newFile = region.getRegionFileSystem().commitStoreFile(Bytes.toString(family),
892 files[0].getPath());
894 byte[] encodedNameAsBytes = this.region.getRegionInfo().getEncodedNameAsBytes();
895 byte[] fakeEncodedNameAsBytes = new byte [encodedNameAsBytes.length];
896 for (int i=0; i < encodedNameAsBytes.length; i++) {
897 // Mix the byte array to have a new encodedName
898 fakeEncodedNameAsBytes[i] = (byte) (encodedNameAsBytes[i] + 1);
901 CompactionDescriptor compactionDescriptor = ProtobufUtil.toCompactionDescriptor(this.region
902 .getRegionInfo(), mismatchedRegionName ? fakeEncodedNameAsBytes : null, family,
903 storeFiles, Lists.newArrayList(newFile),
904 region.getRegionFileSystem().getStoreDir(Bytes.toString(family)));
906 WALUtil.writeCompactionMarker(region.getWAL(), this.region.getReplicationScope(),
907 this.region.getRegionInfo(), compactionDescriptor, region.getMVCC());
909 Path recoveredEditsDir = WALSplitter.getRegionDirRecoveredEditsDir(regiondir);
911 Path recoveredEdits = new Path(recoveredEditsDir, String.format("%019d", 1000));
912 fs.create(recoveredEdits);
913 WALProvider.Writer writer = wals.createRecoveredEditsWriter(fs, recoveredEdits);
915 long time = System.nanoTime();
917 writer.append(new WAL.Entry(new WALKeyImpl(regionName, tableName, 10, time,
918 HConstants.DEFAULT_CLUSTER_ID), WALEdit.createCompaction(region.getRegionInfo(),
919 compactionDescriptor)));
920 writer.close();
922 // close the region now, and reopen again
923 region.getTableDescriptor();
924 region.getRegionInfo();
925 region.close();
926 try {
927 region = HRegion.openHRegion(region, null);
928 } catch (WrongRegionException wre) {
929 fail("Matching encoded region name should not have produced WrongRegionException");
932 // now check whether we have only one store file, the compacted one
933 Collection<HStoreFile> sfs = region.getStore(family).getStorefiles();
934 for (HStoreFile sf : sfs) {
935 LOG.info(Objects.toString(sf.getPath()));
937 if (!mismatchedRegionName) {
938 assertEquals(1, region.getStore(family).getStorefilesCount());
940 files = FSUtils.listStatus(fs, tmpDir);
941 assertTrue("Expected to find 0 files inside " + tmpDir, files == null || files.length == 0);
943 for (long i = minSeqId; i < maxSeqId; i++) {
944 Get get = new Get(Bytes.toBytes(i));
945 Result result = region.get(get);
946 byte[] value = result.getValue(family, Bytes.toBytes(i));
947 assertArrayEquals(Bytes.toBytes(i), value);
949 } finally {
950 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
951 this.region = null;
952 wals.close();
953 CONF.setClass(HConstants.REGION_IMPL, HRegion.class, Region.class);
957 @Test
958 public void testFlushMarkers() throws Exception {
959 // tests that flush markers are written to WAL and handled at recovered edits
960 byte[] family = Bytes.toBytes("family");
961 Path logDir = TEST_UTIL.getDataTestDirOnTestFS(method + ".log");
962 final Configuration walConf = new Configuration(TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration());
963 FSUtils.setRootDir(walConf, logDir);
964 final WALFactory wals = new WALFactory(walConf, null, method);
965 final WAL wal = wals.getWAL(RegionInfoBuilder.newBuilder(tableName).build());
967 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, HConstants.EMPTY_START_ROW,
968 HConstants.EMPTY_END_ROW, false, Durability.USE_DEFAULT, wal, family);
969 try {
970 Path regiondir = region.getRegionFileSystem().getRegionDir();
971 FileSystem fs = region.getRegionFileSystem().getFileSystem();
972 byte[] regionName = region.getRegionInfo().getEncodedNameAsBytes();
974 long maxSeqId = 3;
975 long minSeqId = 0;
977 for (long i = minSeqId; i < maxSeqId; i++) {
978 Put put = new Put(Bytes.toBytes(i));
979 put.addColumn(family, Bytes.toBytes(i), Bytes.toBytes(i));
980 region.put(put);
981 region.flush(true);
984 // this will create a region with 3 files from flush
985 assertEquals(3, region.getStore(family).getStorefilesCount());
986 List<String> storeFiles = new ArrayList<>(3);
987 for (HStoreFile sf : region.getStore(family).getStorefiles()) {
988 storeFiles.add(sf.getPath().getName());
991 // now verify that the flush markers are written
992 wal.shutdown();
993 WAL.Reader reader = WALFactory.createReader(fs, AbstractFSWALProvider.getCurrentFileName(wal),
994 TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration());
995 try {
996 List<WAL.Entry> flushDescriptors = new ArrayList<>();
997 long lastFlushSeqId = -1;
998 while (true) {
999 WAL.Entry entry = reader.next();
1000 if (entry == null) {
1001 break;
1003 Cell cell = entry.getEdit().getCells().get(0);
1004 if (WALEdit.isMetaEditFamily(cell)) {
1005 FlushDescriptor flushDesc = WALEdit.getFlushDescriptor(cell);
1006 assertNotNull(flushDesc);
1007 assertArrayEquals(tableName.getName(), flushDesc.getTableName().toByteArray());
1008 if (flushDesc.getAction() == FlushAction.START_FLUSH) {
1009 assertTrue(flushDesc.getFlushSequenceNumber() > lastFlushSeqId);
1010 } else if (flushDesc.getAction() == FlushAction.COMMIT_FLUSH) {
1011 assertTrue(flushDesc.getFlushSequenceNumber() == lastFlushSeqId);
1013 lastFlushSeqId = flushDesc.getFlushSequenceNumber();
1014 assertArrayEquals(regionName, flushDesc.getEncodedRegionName().toByteArray());
1015 assertEquals(1, flushDesc.getStoreFlushesCount()); //only one store
1016 StoreFlushDescriptor storeFlushDesc = flushDesc.getStoreFlushes(0);
1017 assertArrayEquals(family, storeFlushDesc.getFamilyName().toByteArray());
1018 assertEquals("family", storeFlushDesc.getStoreHomeDir());
1019 if (flushDesc.getAction() == FlushAction.START_FLUSH) {
1020 assertEquals(0, storeFlushDesc.getFlushOutputCount());
1021 } else {
1022 assertEquals(1, storeFlushDesc.getFlushOutputCount()); //only one file from flush
1023 assertTrue(storeFiles.contains(storeFlushDesc.getFlushOutput(0)));
1026 flushDescriptors.add(entry);
1030 assertEquals(3 * 2, flushDescriptors.size()); // START_FLUSH and COMMIT_FLUSH per flush
1032 // now write those markers to the recovered edits again.
1034 Path recoveredEditsDir = WALSplitter.getRegionDirRecoveredEditsDir(regiondir);
1036 Path recoveredEdits = new Path(recoveredEditsDir, String.format("%019d", 1000));
1037 fs.create(recoveredEdits);
1038 WALProvider.Writer writer = wals.createRecoveredEditsWriter(fs, recoveredEdits);
1040 for (WAL.Entry entry : flushDescriptors) {
1041 writer.append(entry);
1043 writer.close();
1044 } finally {
1045 if (null != reader) {
1046 try {
1047 reader.close();
1048 } catch (IOException exception) {
1049 LOG.warn("Problem closing wal: " + exception.getMessage());
1050 LOG.debug("exception details", exception);
1056 // close the region now, and reopen again
1057 region.close();
1058 region = HRegion.openHRegion(region, null);
1060 // now check whether we have can read back the data from region
1061 for (long i = minSeqId; i < maxSeqId; i++) {
1062 Get get = new Get(Bytes.toBytes(i));
1063 Result result = region.get(get);
1064 byte[] value = result.getValue(family, Bytes.toBytes(i));
1065 assertArrayEquals(Bytes.toBytes(i), value);
1067 } finally {
1068 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
1069 this.region = null;
1070 wals.close();
1074 static class IsFlushWALMarker implements ArgumentMatcher<WALEdit> {
1075 volatile FlushAction[] actions;
1076 public IsFlushWALMarker(FlushAction... actions) {
1077 this.actions = actions;
1079 @Override
1080 public boolean matches(WALEdit edit) {
1081 List<Cell> cells = edit.getCells();
1082 if (cells.isEmpty()) {
1083 return false;
1085 if (WALEdit.isMetaEditFamily(cells.get(0))) {
1086 FlushDescriptor desc;
1087 try {
1088 desc = WALEdit.getFlushDescriptor(cells.get(0));
1089 } catch (IOException e) {
1090 LOG.warn(e.toString(), e);
1091 return false;
1093 if (desc != null) {
1094 for (FlushAction action : actions) {
1095 if (desc.getAction() == action) {
1096 return true;
1101 return false;
1103 public IsFlushWALMarker set(FlushAction... actions) {
1104 this.actions = actions;
1105 return this;
1109 @Test
1110 public void testFlushMarkersWALFail() throws Exception {
1111 // test the cases where the WAL append for flush markers fail.
1112 byte[] family = Bytes.toBytes("family");
1114 // spy an actual WAL implementation to throw exception (was not able to mock)
1115 Path logDir = TEST_UTIL.getDataTestDirOnTestFS(method + "log");
1117 final Configuration walConf = new Configuration(TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration());
1118 FSUtils.setRootDir(walConf, logDir);
1119 // Make up a WAL that we can manipulate at append time.
1120 class FailAppendFlushMarkerWAL extends FSHLog {
1121 volatile FlushAction [] flushActions = null;
1123 public FailAppendFlushMarkerWAL(FileSystem fs, Path root, String logDir, Configuration conf)
1124 throws IOException {
1125 super(fs, root, logDir, conf);
1128 @Override
1129 protected Writer createWriterInstance(Path path) throws IOException {
1130 final Writer w = super.createWriterInstance(path);
1131 return new Writer() {
1132 @Override
1133 public void close() throws IOException {
1134 w.close();
1137 @Override
1138 public void sync() throws IOException {
1139 w.sync();
1142 @Override
1143 public void append(Entry entry) throws IOException {
1144 List<Cell> cells = entry.getEdit().getCells();
1145 if (WALEdit.isMetaEditFamily(cells.get(0))) {
1146 FlushDescriptor desc = WALEdit.getFlushDescriptor(cells.get(0));
1147 if (desc != null) {
1148 for (FlushAction flushAction: flushActions) {
1149 if (desc.getAction().equals(flushAction)) {
1150 throw new IOException("Failed to append flush marker! " + flushAction);
1155 w.append(entry);
1158 @Override
1159 public long getLength() {
1160 return w.getLength();
1165 FailAppendFlushMarkerWAL wal =
1166 new FailAppendFlushMarkerWAL(FileSystem.get(walConf), FSUtils.getRootDir(walConf),
1167 method, walConf);
1168 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, HConstants.EMPTY_START_ROW,
1169 HConstants.EMPTY_END_ROW, false, Durability.USE_DEFAULT, wal, family);
1170 try {
1171 int i = 0;
1172 Put put = new Put(Bytes.toBytes(i));
1173 put.setDurability(Durability.SKIP_WAL); // have to skip mocked wal
1174 put.addColumn(family, Bytes.toBytes(i), Bytes.toBytes(i));
1175 region.put(put);
1177 // 1. Test case where START_FLUSH throws exception
1178 wal.flushActions = new FlushAction [] {FlushAction.START_FLUSH};
1180 // start cache flush will throw exception
1181 try {
1182 region.flush(true);
1183 fail("This should have thrown exception");
1184 } catch (DroppedSnapshotException unexpected) {
1185 // this should not be a dropped snapshot exception. Meaning that RS will not abort
1186 throw unexpected;
1187 } catch (IOException expected) {
1188 // expected
1190 // The WAL is hosed now. It has two edits appended. We cannot roll the log without it
1191 // throwing a DroppedSnapshotException to force an abort. Just clean up the mess.
1192 region.close(true);
1193 wal.close();
1195 // 2. Test case where START_FLUSH succeeds but COMMIT_FLUSH will throw exception
1196 wal.flushActions = new FlushAction [] {FlushAction.COMMIT_FLUSH};
1197 wal = new FailAppendFlushMarkerWAL(FileSystem.get(walConf), FSUtils.getRootDir(walConf),
1198 method, walConf);
1200 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, HConstants.EMPTY_START_ROW,
1201 HConstants.EMPTY_END_ROW, false, Durability.USE_DEFAULT, wal, family);
1202 region.put(put);
1204 // 3. Test case where ABORT_FLUSH will throw exception.
1205 // Even if ABORT_FLUSH throws exception, we should not fail with IOE, but continue with
1206 // DroppedSnapshotException. Below COMMMIT_FLUSH will cause flush to abort
1207 wal.flushActions = new FlushAction [] {FlushAction.COMMIT_FLUSH, FlushAction.ABORT_FLUSH};
1209 try {
1210 region.flush(true);
1211 fail("This should have thrown exception");
1212 } catch (DroppedSnapshotException expected) {
1213 // we expect this exception, since we were able to write the snapshot, but failed to
1214 // write the flush marker to WAL
1215 } catch (IOException unexpected) {
1216 throw unexpected;
1219 } finally {
1220 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
1221 this.region = null;
1225 @Test
1226 public void testGetWhileRegionClose() throws IOException {
1227 Configuration hc = initSplit();
1228 int numRows = 100;
1229 byte[][] families = { fam1, fam2, fam3 };
1231 // Setting up region
1232 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, hc, families);
1233 try {
1234 // Put data in region
1235 final int startRow = 100;
1236 putData(startRow, numRows, qual1, families);
1237 putData(startRow, numRows, qual2, families);
1238 putData(startRow, numRows, qual3, families);
1239 final AtomicBoolean done = new AtomicBoolean(false);
1240 final AtomicInteger gets = new AtomicInteger(0);
1241 GetTillDoneOrException[] threads = new GetTillDoneOrException[10];
1242 try {
1243 // Set ten threads running concurrently getting from the region.
1244 for (int i = 0; i < threads.length / 2; i++) {
1245 threads[i] = new GetTillDoneOrException(i, Bytes.toBytes("" + startRow), done, gets);
1246 threads[i].setDaemon(true);
1247 threads[i].start();
1249 // Artificially make the condition by setting closing flag explicitly.
1250 // I can't make the issue happen with a call to region.close().
1251 this.region.closing.set(true);
1252 for (int i = threads.length / 2; i < threads.length; i++) {
1253 threads[i] = new GetTillDoneOrException(i, Bytes.toBytes("" + startRow), done, gets);
1254 threads[i].setDaemon(true);
1255 threads[i].start();
1257 } finally {
1258 if (this.region != null) {
1259 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
1262 done.set(true);
1263 for (GetTillDoneOrException t : threads) {
1264 try {
1265 t.join();
1266 } catch (InterruptedException e) {
1267 e.printStackTrace();
1269 if (t.e != null) {
1270 LOG.info("Exception=" + t.e);
1271 assertFalse("Found a NPE in " + t.getName(), t.e instanceof NullPointerException);
1274 } finally {
1275 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
1276 this.region = null;
1281 * Thread that does get on single row until 'done' flag is flipped. If an
1282 * exception causes us to fail, it records it.
1284 class GetTillDoneOrException extends Thread {
1285 private final Get g;
1286 private final AtomicBoolean done;
1287 private final AtomicInteger count;
1288 private Exception e;
1290 GetTillDoneOrException(final int i, final byte[] r, final AtomicBoolean d,
1291 final AtomicInteger c) {
1292 super("getter." + i);
1293 this.g = new Get(r);
1294 this.done = d;
1295 this.count = c;
1298 @Override
1299 public void run() {
1300 while (!this.done.get()) {
1301 try {
1302 assertTrue(region.get(g).size() > 0);
1303 this.count.incrementAndGet();
1304 } catch (Exception e) {
1305 this.e = e;
1306 break;
1313 * An involved filter test. Has multiple column families and deletes in mix.
1315 @Test
1316 public void testWeirdCacheBehaviour() throws Exception {
1317 final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
1318 byte[][] FAMILIES = new byte[][] { Bytes.toBytes("trans-blob"), Bytes.toBytes("trans-type"),
1319 Bytes.toBytes("trans-date"), Bytes.toBytes("trans-tags"), Bytes.toBytes("trans-group") };
1320 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, FAMILIES);
1321 try {
1322 String value = "this is the value";
1323 String value2 = "this is some other value";
1324 String keyPrefix1 = "prefix1";
1325 String keyPrefix2 = "prefix2";
1326 String keyPrefix3 = "prefix3";
1327 putRows(this.region, 3, value, keyPrefix1);
1328 putRows(this.region, 3, value, keyPrefix2);
1329 putRows(this.region, 3, value, keyPrefix3);
1330 putRows(this.region, 3, value2, keyPrefix1);
1331 putRows(this.region, 3, value2, keyPrefix2);
1332 putRows(this.region, 3, value2, keyPrefix3);
1333 System.out.println("Checking values for key: " + keyPrefix1);
1334 assertEquals("Got back incorrect number of rows from scan", 3,
1335 getNumberOfRows(keyPrefix1, value2, this.region));
1336 System.out.println("Checking values for key: " + keyPrefix2);
1337 assertEquals("Got back incorrect number of rows from scan", 3,
1338 getNumberOfRows(keyPrefix2, value2, this.region));
1339 System.out.println("Checking values for key: " + keyPrefix3);
1340 assertEquals("Got back incorrect number of rows from scan", 3,
1341 getNumberOfRows(keyPrefix3, value2, this.region));
1342 deleteColumns(this.region, value2, keyPrefix1);
1343 deleteColumns(this.region, value2, keyPrefix2);
1344 deleteColumns(this.region, value2, keyPrefix3);
1345 System.out.println("Starting important checks.....");
1346 assertEquals("Got back incorrect number of rows from scan: " + keyPrefix1, 0,
1347 getNumberOfRows(keyPrefix1, value2, this.region));
1348 assertEquals("Got back incorrect number of rows from scan: " + keyPrefix2, 0,
1349 getNumberOfRows(keyPrefix2, value2, this.region));
1350 assertEquals("Got back incorrect number of rows from scan: " + keyPrefix3, 0,
1351 getNumberOfRows(keyPrefix3, value2, this.region));
1352 } finally {
1353 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
1354 this.region = null;
1358 @Test
1359 public void testAppendWithReadOnlyTable() throws Exception {
1360 final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
1361 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, true, Bytes.toBytes("somefamily"));
1362 boolean exceptionCaught = false;
1363 Append append = new Append(Bytes.toBytes("somerow"));
1364 append.setDurability(Durability.SKIP_WAL);
1365 append.addColumn(Bytes.toBytes("somefamily"), Bytes.toBytes("somequalifier"),
1366 Bytes.toBytes("somevalue"));
1367 try {
1368 region.append(append);
1369 } catch (IOException e) {
1370 exceptionCaught = true;
1371 } finally {
1372 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
1373 this.region = null;
1375 assertTrue(exceptionCaught == true);
1378 @Test
1379 public void testIncrWithReadOnlyTable() throws Exception {
1380 final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
1381 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, true, Bytes.toBytes("somefamily"));
1382 boolean exceptionCaught = false;
1383 Increment inc = new Increment(Bytes.toBytes("somerow"));
1384 inc.setDurability(Durability.SKIP_WAL);
1385 inc.addColumn(Bytes.toBytes("somefamily"), Bytes.toBytes("somequalifier"), 1L);
1386 try {
1387 region.increment(inc);
1388 } catch (IOException e) {
1389 exceptionCaught = true;
1390 } finally {
1391 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
1392 this.region = null;
1394 assertTrue(exceptionCaught == true);
1397 private void deleteColumns(HRegion r, String value, String keyPrefix) throws IOException {
1398 InternalScanner scanner = buildScanner(keyPrefix, value, r);
1399 int count = 0;
1400 boolean more = false;
1401 List<Cell> results = new ArrayList<>();
1402 do {
1403 more = scanner.next(results);
1404 if (results != null && !results.isEmpty())
1405 count++;
1406 else
1407 break;
1408 Delete delete = new Delete(CellUtil.cloneRow(results.get(0)));
1409 delete.addColumn(Bytes.toBytes("trans-tags"), Bytes.toBytes("qual2"));
1410 r.delete(delete);
1411 results.clear();
1412 } while (more);
1413 assertEquals("Did not perform correct number of deletes", 3, count);
1416 private int getNumberOfRows(String keyPrefix, String value, HRegion r) throws Exception {
1417 InternalScanner resultScanner = buildScanner(keyPrefix, value, r);
1418 int numberOfResults = 0;
1419 List<Cell> results = new ArrayList<>();
1420 boolean more = false;
1421 do {
1422 more = resultScanner.next(results);
1423 if (results != null && !results.isEmpty())
1424 numberOfResults++;
1425 else
1426 break;
1427 for (Cell kv : results) {
1428 System.out.println("kv=" + kv.toString() + ", " + Bytes.toString(CellUtil.cloneValue(kv)));
1430 results.clear();
1431 } while (more);
1432 return numberOfResults;
1435 private InternalScanner buildScanner(String keyPrefix, String value, HRegion r)
1436 throws IOException {
1437 // Defaults FilterList.Operator.MUST_PASS_ALL.
1438 FilterList allFilters = new FilterList();
1439 allFilters.addFilter(new PrefixFilter(Bytes.toBytes(keyPrefix)));
1440 // Only return rows where this column value exists in the row.
1441 SingleColumnValueFilter filter = new SingleColumnValueFilter(Bytes.toBytes("trans-tags"),
1442 Bytes.toBytes("qual2"), CompareOp.EQUAL, Bytes.toBytes(value));
1443 filter.setFilterIfMissing(true);
1444 allFilters.addFilter(filter);
1445 Scan scan = new Scan();
1446 scan.addFamily(Bytes.toBytes("trans-blob"));
1447 scan.addFamily(Bytes.toBytes("trans-type"));
1448 scan.addFamily(Bytes.toBytes("trans-date"));
1449 scan.addFamily(Bytes.toBytes("trans-tags"));
1450 scan.addFamily(Bytes.toBytes("trans-group"));
1451 scan.setFilter(allFilters);
1452 return r.getScanner(scan);
1455 private void putRows(HRegion r, int numRows, String value, String key) throws IOException {
1456 for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
1457 String row = key + "_" + i/* UUID.randomUUID().toString() */;
1458 System.out.println(String.format("Saving row: %s, with value %s", row, value));
1459 Put put = new Put(Bytes.toBytes(row));
1460 put.setDurability(Durability.SKIP_WAL);
1461 put.addColumn(Bytes.toBytes("trans-blob"), null, Bytes.toBytes("value for blob"));
1462 put.addColumn(Bytes.toBytes("trans-type"), null, Bytes.toBytes("statement"));
1463 put.addColumn(Bytes.toBytes("trans-date"), null, Bytes.toBytes("20090921010101999"));
1464 put.addColumn(Bytes.toBytes("trans-tags"), Bytes.toBytes("qual2"), Bytes.toBytes(value));
1465 put.addColumn(Bytes.toBytes("trans-group"), null, Bytes.toBytes("adhocTransactionGroupId"));
1466 r.put(put);
1470 @Test
1471 public void testFamilyWithAndWithoutColon() throws Exception {
1472 byte[] cf = Bytes.toBytes(COLUMN_FAMILY);
1473 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, cf);
1474 try {
1475 Put p = new Put(tableName.toBytes());
1476 byte[] cfwithcolon = Bytes.toBytes(COLUMN_FAMILY + ":");
1477 p.addColumn(cfwithcolon, cfwithcolon, cfwithcolon);
1478 boolean exception = false;
1479 try {
1480 this.region.put(p);
1481 } catch (NoSuchColumnFamilyException e) {
1482 exception = true;
1484 assertTrue(exception);
1485 } finally {
1486 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
1487 this.region = null;
1491 @Test
1492 public void testBatchPut_whileNoRowLocksHeld() throws IOException {
1493 final Put[] puts = new Put[10];
1494 MetricsWALSource source = CompatibilitySingletonFactory.getInstance(MetricsWALSource.class);
1495 try {
1496 long syncs = prepareRegionForBachPut(puts, source, false);
1498 OperationStatus[] codes = this.region.batchMutate(puts);
1499 assertEquals(10, codes.length);
1500 for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
1501 assertEquals(OperationStatusCode.SUCCESS, codes[i].getOperationStatusCode());
1503 metricsAssertHelper.assertCounter("syncTimeNumOps", syncs + 1, source);
1505 LOG.info("Next a batch put with one invalid family");
1506 puts[5].addColumn(Bytes.toBytes("BAD_CF"), qual, value);
1507 codes = this.region.batchMutate(puts);
1508 assertEquals(10, codes.length);
1509 for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
1510 assertEquals((i == 5) ? OperationStatusCode.BAD_FAMILY : OperationStatusCode.SUCCESS,
1511 codes[i].getOperationStatusCode());
1514 metricsAssertHelper.assertCounter("syncTimeNumOps", syncs + 2, source);
1515 } finally {
1516 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
1517 this.region = null;
1521 @Test
1522 public void testBatchPut_whileMultipleRowLocksHeld() throws Exception {
1523 final Put[] puts = new Put[10];
1524 MetricsWALSource source = CompatibilitySingletonFactory.getInstance(MetricsWALSource.class);
1525 try {
1526 long syncs = prepareRegionForBachPut(puts, source, false);
1528 puts[5].addColumn(Bytes.toBytes("BAD_CF"), qual, value);
1530 LOG.info("batchPut will have to break into four batches to avoid row locks");
1531 RowLock rowLock1 = region.getRowLock(Bytes.toBytes("row_2"));
1532 RowLock rowLock2 = region.getRowLock(Bytes.toBytes("row_1"));
1533 RowLock rowLock3 = region.getRowLock(Bytes.toBytes("row_3"));
1534 RowLock rowLock4 = region.getRowLock(Bytes.toBytes("row_3"), true);
1536 MultithreadedTestUtil.TestContext ctx = new MultithreadedTestUtil.TestContext(CONF);
1537 final AtomicReference<OperationStatus[]> retFromThread = new AtomicReference<>();
1538 final CountDownLatch startingPuts = new CountDownLatch(1);
1539 final CountDownLatch startingClose = new CountDownLatch(1);
1540 TestThread putter = new TestThread(ctx) {
1541 @Override
1542 public void doWork() throws IOException {
1543 startingPuts.countDown();
1544 retFromThread.set(region.batchMutate(puts));
1547 LOG.info("...starting put thread while holding locks");
1548 ctx.addThread(putter);
1549 ctx.startThreads();
1551 // Now attempt to close the region from another thread. Prior to HBASE-12565
1552 // this would cause the in-progress batchMutate operation to to fail with
1553 // exception because it use to release and re-acquire the close-guard lock
1554 // between batches. Caller then didn't get status indicating which writes succeeded.
1555 // We now expect this thread to block until the batchMutate call finishes.
1556 Thread regionCloseThread = new TestThread(ctx) {
1557 @Override
1558 public void doWork() {
1559 try {
1560 startingPuts.await();
1561 // Give some time for the batch mutate to get in.
1562 // We don't want to race with the mutate
1563 Thread.sleep(10);
1564 startingClose.countDown();
1565 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(region);
1566 } catch (IOException e) {
1567 throw new RuntimeException(e);
1568 } catch (InterruptedException e) {
1569 throw new RuntimeException(e);
1573 regionCloseThread.start();
1575 startingClose.await();
1576 startingPuts.await();
1577 Thread.sleep(100);
1578 LOG.info("...releasing row lock 1, which should let put thread continue");
1579 rowLock1.release();
1580 rowLock2.release();
1581 rowLock3.release();
1582 waitForCounter(source, "syncTimeNumOps", syncs + 1);
1584 LOG.info("...joining on put thread");
1585 ctx.stop();
1586 regionCloseThread.join();
1588 OperationStatus[] codes = retFromThread.get();
1589 for (int i = 0; i < codes.length; i++) {
1590 assertEquals((i == 5) ? OperationStatusCode.BAD_FAMILY : OperationStatusCode.SUCCESS,
1591 codes[i].getOperationStatusCode());
1593 rowLock4.release();
1594 } finally {
1595 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
1596 this.region = null;
1600 private void waitForCounter(MetricsWALSource source, String metricName, long expectedCount)
1601 throws InterruptedException {
1602 long startWait = System.currentTimeMillis();
1603 long currentCount;
1604 while ((currentCount = metricsAssertHelper.getCounter(metricName, source)) < expectedCount) {
1605 Thread.sleep(100);
1606 if (System.currentTimeMillis() - startWait > 10000) {
1607 fail(String.format("Timed out waiting for '%s' >= '%s', currentCount=%s", metricName,
1608 expectedCount, currentCount));
1613 @Test
1614 public void testAtomicBatchPut() throws IOException {
1615 final Put[] puts = new Put[10];
1616 MetricsWALSource source = CompatibilitySingletonFactory.getInstance(MetricsWALSource.class);
1617 try {
1618 long syncs = prepareRegionForBachPut(puts, source, false);
1620 // 1. Straight forward case, should succeed
1621 MutationBatchOperation batchOp = new MutationBatchOperation(region, puts, true,
1622 HConstants.NO_NONCE, HConstants.NO_NONCE);
1623 OperationStatus[] codes = this.region.batchMutate(batchOp);
1624 assertEquals(10, codes.length);
1625 for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
1626 assertEquals(OperationStatusCode.SUCCESS, codes[i].getOperationStatusCode());
1628 metricsAssertHelper.assertCounter("syncTimeNumOps", syncs + 1, source);
1630 // 2. Failed to get lock
1631 RowLock lock = region.getRowLock(Bytes.toBytes("row_" + 3));
1632 // Method {@link HRegion#getRowLock(byte[])} is reentrant. As 'row_3' is locked in this
1633 // thread, need to run {@link HRegion#batchMutate(HRegion.BatchOperation)} in different thread
1634 MultithreadedTestUtil.TestContext ctx = new MultithreadedTestUtil.TestContext(CONF);
1635 final AtomicReference<IOException> retFromThread = new AtomicReference<>();
1636 final CountDownLatch finishedPuts = new CountDownLatch(1);
1637 final MutationBatchOperation finalBatchOp = new MutationBatchOperation(region, puts, true,
1638 HConstants
1639 .NO_NONCE,
1640 HConstants.NO_NONCE);
1641 TestThread putter = new TestThread(ctx) {
1642 @Override
1643 public void doWork() throws IOException {
1644 try {
1645 region.batchMutate(finalBatchOp);
1646 } catch (IOException ioe) {
1647 LOG.error("test failed!", ioe);
1648 retFromThread.set(ioe);
1650 finishedPuts.countDown();
1653 LOG.info("...starting put thread while holding locks");
1654 ctx.addThread(putter);
1655 ctx.startThreads();
1656 LOG.info("...waiting for batch puts while holding locks");
1657 try {
1658 finishedPuts.await();
1659 } catch (InterruptedException e) {
1660 LOG.error("Interrupted!", e);
1661 } finally {
1662 if (lock != null) {
1663 lock.release();
1666 assertNotNull(retFromThread.get());
1667 metricsAssertHelper.assertCounter("syncTimeNumOps", syncs + 1, source);
1669 // 3. Exception thrown in validation
1670 LOG.info("Next a batch put with one invalid family");
1671 puts[5].addColumn(Bytes.toBytes("BAD_CF"), qual, value);
1672 batchOp = new MutationBatchOperation(region, puts, true, HConstants.NO_NONCE,
1673 HConstants.NO_NONCE);
1674 thrown.expect(NoSuchColumnFamilyException.class);
1675 this.region.batchMutate(batchOp);
1676 } finally {
1677 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
1678 this.region = null;
1682 @Test
1683 public void testBatchPutWithTsSlop() throws Exception {
1684 // add data with a timestamp that is too recent for range. Ensure assert
1685 CONF.setInt("hbase.hregion.keyvalue.timestamp.slop.millisecs", 1000);
1686 final Put[] puts = new Put[10];
1687 MetricsWALSource source = CompatibilitySingletonFactory.getInstance(MetricsWALSource.class);
1689 try {
1690 long syncs = prepareRegionForBachPut(puts, source, true);
1692 OperationStatus[] codes = this.region.batchMutate(puts);
1693 assertEquals(10, codes.length);
1694 for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
1695 assertEquals(OperationStatusCode.SANITY_CHECK_FAILURE, codes[i].getOperationStatusCode());
1697 metricsAssertHelper.assertCounter("syncTimeNumOps", syncs, source);
1698 } finally {
1699 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
1700 this.region = null;
1705 * @return syncs initial syncTimeNumOps
1707 private long prepareRegionForBachPut(final Put[] puts, final MetricsWALSource source,
1708 boolean slop) throws IOException {
1709 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, COLUMN_FAMILY_BYTES);
1711 LOG.info("First a batch put with all valid puts");
1712 for (int i = 0; i < puts.length; i++) {
1713 puts[i] = slop ? new Put(Bytes.toBytes("row_" + i), Long.MAX_VALUE - 100) :
1714 new Put(Bytes.toBytes("row_" + i));
1715 puts[i].addColumn(COLUMN_FAMILY_BYTES, qual, value);
1718 long syncs = metricsAssertHelper.getCounter("syncTimeNumOps", source);
1719 metricsAssertHelper.assertCounter("syncTimeNumOps", syncs, source);
1720 return syncs;
1723 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1724 // checkAndMutate tests
1725 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1726 @Test
1727 public void testCheckAndMutate_WithEmptyRowValue() throws IOException {
1728 byte[] row1 = Bytes.toBytes("row1");
1729 byte[] fam1 = Bytes.toBytes("fam1");
1730 byte[] qf1 = Bytes.toBytes("qualifier");
1731 byte[] emptyVal = new byte[] {};
1732 byte[] val1 = Bytes.toBytes("value1");
1733 byte[] val2 = Bytes.toBytes("value2");
1735 // Setting up region
1736 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, fam1);
1737 try {
1738 // Putting empty data in key
1739 Put put = new Put(row1);
1740 put.addColumn(fam1, qf1, emptyVal);
1742 // checkAndPut with empty value
1743 boolean res = region.checkAndMutate(row1, fam1, qf1, CompareOperator.EQUAL, new BinaryComparator(
1744 emptyVal), put, true);
1745 assertTrue(res);
1747 // Putting data in key
1748 put = new Put(row1);
1749 put.addColumn(fam1, qf1, val1);
1751 // checkAndPut with correct value
1752 res = region.checkAndMutate(row1, fam1, qf1, CompareOperator.EQUAL, new BinaryComparator(emptyVal),
1753 put, true);
1754 assertTrue(res);
1756 // not empty anymore
1757 res = region.checkAndMutate(row1, fam1, qf1, CompareOperator.EQUAL, new BinaryComparator(emptyVal),
1758 put, true);
1759 assertFalse(res);
1761 Delete delete = new Delete(row1);
1762 delete.addColumn(fam1, qf1);
1763 res = region.checkAndMutate(row1, fam1, qf1, CompareOperator.EQUAL, new BinaryComparator(emptyVal),
1764 delete, true);
1765 assertFalse(res);
1767 put = new Put(row1);
1768 put.addColumn(fam1, qf1, val2);
1769 // checkAndPut with correct value
1770 res = region.checkAndMutate(row1, fam1, qf1, CompareOperator.EQUAL, new BinaryComparator(val1),
1771 put, true);
1772 assertTrue(res);
1774 // checkAndDelete with correct value
1775 delete = new Delete(row1);
1776 delete.addColumn(fam1, qf1);
1777 delete.addColumn(fam1, qf1);
1778 res = region.checkAndMutate(row1, fam1, qf1, CompareOperator.EQUAL, new BinaryComparator(val2),
1779 delete, true);
1780 assertTrue(res);
1782 delete = new Delete(row1);
1783 res = region.checkAndMutate(row1, fam1, qf1, CompareOperator.EQUAL, new BinaryComparator(emptyVal),
1784 delete, true);
1785 assertTrue(res);
1787 // checkAndPut looking for a null value
1788 put = new Put(row1);
1789 put.addColumn(fam1, qf1, val1);
1791 res = region
1792 .checkAndMutate(row1, fam1, qf1, CompareOperator.EQUAL, new NullComparator(), put, true);
1793 assertTrue(res);
1794 } finally {
1795 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
1796 this.region = null;
1800 @Test
1801 public void testCheckAndMutate_WithWrongValue() throws IOException {
1802 byte[] row1 = Bytes.toBytes("row1");
1803 byte[] fam1 = Bytes.toBytes("fam1");
1804 byte[] qf1 = Bytes.toBytes("qualifier");
1805 byte[] val1 = Bytes.toBytes("value1");
1806 byte[] val2 = Bytes.toBytes("value2");
1807 BigDecimal bd1 = new BigDecimal(Double.MAX_VALUE);
1808 BigDecimal bd2 = new BigDecimal(Double.MIN_VALUE);
1810 // Setting up region
1811 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, fam1);
1812 try {
1813 // Putting data in key
1814 Put put = new Put(row1);
1815 put.addColumn(fam1, qf1, val1);
1816 region.put(put);
1818 // checkAndPut with wrong value
1819 boolean res = region.checkAndMutate(row1, fam1, qf1, CompareOperator.EQUAL, new BinaryComparator(
1820 val2), put, true);
1821 assertEquals(false, res);
1823 // checkAndDelete with wrong value
1824 Delete delete = new Delete(row1);
1825 delete.addFamily(fam1);
1826 res = region.checkAndMutate(row1, fam1, qf1, CompareOperator.EQUAL, new BinaryComparator(val2),
1827 put, true);
1828 assertEquals(false, res);
1830 // Putting data in key
1831 put = new Put(row1);
1832 put.addColumn(fam1, qf1, Bytes.toBytes(bd1));
1833 region.put(put);
1835 // checkAndPut with wrong value
1836 res =
1837 region.checkAndMutate(row1, fam1, qf1, CompareOperator.EQUAL, new BigDecimalComparator(
1838 bd2), put, true);
1839 assertEquals(false, res);
1841 // checkAndDelete with wrong value
1842 delete = new Delete(row1);
1843 delete.addFamily(fam1);
1844 res =
1845 region.checkAndMutate(row1, fam1, qf1, CompareOperator.EQUAL, new BigDecimalComparator(
1846 bd2), put, true);
1847 assertEquals(false, res);
1848 } finally {
1849 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
1850 this.region = null;
1854 @Test
1855 public void testCheckAndMutate_WithCorrectValue() throws IOException {
1856 byte[] row1 = Bytes.toBytes("row1");
1857 byte[] fam1 = Bytes.toBytes("fam1");
1858 byte[] qf1 = Bytes.toBytes("qualifier");
1859 byte[] val1 = Bytes.toBytes("value1");
1860 BigDecimal bd1 = new BigDecimal(Double.MIN_VALUE);
1862 // Setting up region
1863 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, fam1);
1864 try {
1865 // Putting data in key
1866 Put put = new Put(row1);
1867 put.addColumn(fam1, qf1, val1);
1868 region.put(put);
1870 // checkAndPut with correct value
1871 boolean res = region.checkAndMutate(row1, fam1, qf1, CompareOperator.EQUAL, new BinaryComparator(
1872 val1), put, true);
1873 assertEquals(true, res);
1875 // checkAndDelete with correct value
1876 Delete delete = new Delete(row1);
1877 delete.addColumn(fam1, qf1);
1878 res = region.checkAndMutate(row1, fam1, qf1, CompareOperator.EQUAL, new BinaryComparator(val1),
1879 delete, true);
1880 assertEquals(true, res);
1882 // Putting data in key
1883 put = new Put(row1);
1884 put.addColumn(fam1, qf1, Bytes.toBytes(bd1));
1885 region.put(put);
1887 // checkAndPut with correct value
1888 res =
1889 region.checkAndMutate(row1, fam1, qf1, CompareOperator.EQUAL, new BigDecimalComparator(
1890 bd1), put, true);
1891 assertEquals(true, res);
1893 // checkAndDelete with correct value
1894 delete = new Delete(row1);
1895 delete.addColumn(fam1, qf1);
1896 res =
1897 region.checkAndMutate(row1, fam1, qf1, CompareOperator.EQUAL, new BigDecimalComparator(
1898 bd1), delete, true);
1899 assertEquals(true, res);
1900 } finally {
1901 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
1902 this.region = null;
1906 @Test
1907 public void testCheckAndMutate_WithNonEqualCompareOp() throws IOException {
1908 byte[] row1 = Bytes.toBytes("row1");
1909 byte[] fam1 = Bytes.toBytes("fam1");
1910 byte[] qf1 = Bytes.toBytes("qualifier");
1911 byte[] val1 = Bytes.toBytes("value1");
1912 byte[] val2 = Bytes.toBytes("value2");
1913 byte[] val3 = Bytes.toBytes("value3");
1914 byte[] val4 = Bytes.toBytes("value4");
1916 // Setting up region
1917 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, fam1);
1918 try {
1919 // Putting val3 in key
1920 Put put = new Put(row1);
1921 put.addColumn(fam1, qf1, val3);
1922 region.put(put);
1924 // Test CompareOp.LESS: original = val3, compare with val3, fail
1925 boolean res = region.checkAndMutate(row1, fam1, qf1, CompareOperator.LESS,
1926 new BinaryComparator(val3), put, true);
1927 assertEquals(false, res);
1929 // Test CompareOp.LESS: original = val3, compare with val4, fail
1930 res = region.checkAndMutate(row1, fam1, qf1, CompareOperator.LESS,
1931 new BinaryComparator(val4), put, true);
1932 assertEquals(false, res);
1934 // Test CompareOp.LESS: original = val3, compare with val2,
1935 // succeed (now value = val2)
1936 put = new Put(row1);
1937 put.addColumn(fam1, qf1, val2);
1938 res = region.checkAndMutate(row1, fam1, qf1, CompareOperator.LESS,
1939 new BinaryComparator(val2), put, true);
1940 assertEquals(true, res);
1942 // Test CompareOp.LESS_OR_EQUAL: original = val2, compare with val3, fail
1943 res = region.checkAndMutate(row1, fam1, qf1, CompareOperator.LESS_OR_EQUAL,
1944 new BinaryComparator(val3), put, true);
1945 assertEquals(false, res);
1947 // Test CompareOp.LESS_OR_EQUAL: original = val2, compare with val2,
1948 // succeed (value still = val2)
1949 res = region.checkAndMutate(row1, fam1, qf1, CompareOperator.LESS_OR_EQUAL,
1950 new BinaryComparator(val2), put, true);
1951 assertEquals(true, res);
1953 // Test CompareOp.LESS_OR_EQUAL: original = val2, compare with val1,
1954 // succeed (now value = val3)
1955 put = new Put(row1);
1956 put.addColumn(fam1, qf1, val3);
1957 res = region.checkAndMutate(row1, fam1, qf1, CompareOperator.LESS_OR_EQUAL,
1958 new BinaryComparator(val1), put, true);
1959 assertEquals(true, res);
1961 // Test CompareOp.GREATER: original = val3, compare with val3, fail
1962 res = region.checkAndMutate(row1, fam1, qf1, CompareOperator.GREATER,
1963 new BinaryComparator(val3), put, true);
1964 assertEquals(false, res);
1966 // Test CompareOp.GREATER: original = val3, compare with val2, fail
1967 res = region.checkAndMutate(row1, fam1, qf1, CompareOperator.GREATER,
1968 new BinaryComparator(val2), put, true);
1969 assertEquals(false, res);
1971 // Test CompareOp.GREATER: original = val3, compare with val4,
1972 // succeed (now value = val2)
1973 put = new Put(row1);
1974 put.addColumn(fam1, qf1, val2);
1975 res = region.checkAndMutate(row1, fam1, qf1, CompareOperator.GREATER,
1976 new BinaryComparator(val4), put, true);
1977 assertEquals(true, res);
1979 // Test CompareOp.GREATER_OR_EQUAL: original = val2, compare with val1, fail
1980 res = region.checkAndMutate(row1, fam1, qf1, CompareOperator.GREATER_OR_EQUAL,
1981 new BinaryComparator(val1), put, true);
1982 assertEquals(false, res);
1984 // Test CompareOp.GREATER_OR_EQUAL: original = val2, compare with val2,
1985 // succeed (value still = val2)
1986 res = region.checkAndMutate(row1, fam1, qf1, CompareOperator.GREATER_OR_EQUAL,
1987 new BinaryComparator(val2), put, true);
1988 assertEquals(true, res);
1990 // Test CompareOp.GREATER_OR_EQUAL: original = val2, compare with val3, succeed
1991 res = region.checkAndMutate(row1, fam1, qf1, CompareOperator.GREATER_OR_EQUAL,
1992 new BinaryComparator(val3), put, true);
1993 assertEquals(true, res);
1994 } finally {
1995 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
1996 this.region = null;
2000 @Test
2001 public void testCheckAndPut_ThatPutWasWritten() throws IOException {
2002 byte[] row1 = Bytes.toBytes("row1");
2003 byte[] fam1 = Bytes.toBytes("fam1");
2004 byte[] fam2 = Bytes.toBytes("fam2");
2005 byte[] qf1 = Bytes.toBytes("qualifier");
2006 byte[] val1 = Bytes.toBytes("value1");
2007 byte[] val2 = Bytes.toBytes("value2");
2009 byte[][] families = { fam1, fam2 };
2011 // Setting up region
2012 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, families);
2013 try {
2014 // Putting data in the key to check
2015 Put put = new Put(row1);
2016 put.addColumn(fam1, qf1, val1);
2017 region.put(put);
2019 // Creating put to add
2020 long ts = System.currentTimeMillis();
2021 KeyValue kv = new KeyValue(row1, fam2, qf1, ts, KeyValue.Type.Put, val2);
2022 put = new Put(row1);
2023 put.add(kv);
2025 // checkAndPut with wrong value
2026 boolean res = region.checkAndMutate(row1, fam1, qf1, CompareOperator.EQUAL, new BinaryComparator(
2027 val1), put, true);
2028 assertEquals(true, res);
2030 Get get = new Get(row1);
2031 get.addColumn(fam2, qf1);
2032 Cell[] actual = region.get(get).rawCells();
2034 Cell[] expected = { kv };
2036 assertEquals(expected.length, actual.length);
2037 for (int i = 0; i < actual.length; i++) {
2038 assertEquals(expected[i], actual[i]);
2040 } finally {
2041 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
2042 this.region = null;
2046 @Test
2047 public void testCheckAndPut_wrongRowInPut() throws IOException {
2048 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, COLUMNS);
2049 try {
2050 Put put = new Put(row2);
2051 put.addColumn(fam1, qual1, value1);
2052 try {
2053 region.checkAndMutate(row, fam1, qual1, CompareOperator.EQUAL,
2054 new BinaryComparator(value2), put, false);
2055 fail();
2056 } catch (org.apache.hadoop.hbase.DoNotRetryIOException expected) {
2057 // expected exception.
2059 } finally {
2060 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
2061 this.region = null;
2065 @Test
2066 public void testCheckAndDelete_ThatDeleteWasWritten() throws IOException {
2067 byte[] row1 = Bytes.toBytes("row1");
2068 byte[] fam1 = Bytes.toBytes("fam1");
2069 byte[] fam2 = Bytes.toBytes("fam2");
2070 byte[] qf1 = Bytes.toBytes("qualifier1");
2071 byte[] qf2 = Bytes.toBytes("qualifier2");
2072 byte[] qf3 = Bytes.toBytes("qualifier3");
2073 byte[] val1 = Bytes.toBytes("value1");
2074 byte[] val2 = Bytes.toBytes("value2");
2075 byte[] val3 = Bytes.toBytes("value3");
2076 byte[] emptyVal = new byte[] {};
2078 byte[][] families = { fam1, fam2 };
2080 // Setting up region
2081 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, families);
2082 try {
2083 // Put content
2084 Put put = new Put(row1);
2085 put.addColumn(fam1, qf1, val1);
2086 region.put(put);
2087 Threads.sleep(2);
2089 put = new Put(row1);
2090 put.addColumn(fam1, qf1, val2);
2091 put.addColumn(fam2, qf1, val3);
2092 put.addColumn(fam2, qf2, val2);
2093 put.addColumn(fam2, qf3, val1);
2094 put.addColumn(fam1, qf3, val1);
2095 region.put(put);
2097 // Multi-column delete
2098 Delete delete = new Delete(row1);
2099 delete.addColumn(fam1, qf1);
2100 delete.addColumn(fam2, qf1);
2101 delete.addColumn(fam1, qf3);
2102 boolean res = region.checkAndMutate(row1, fam1, qf1, CompareOperator.EQUAL, new BinaryComparator(
2103 val2), delete, true);
2104 assertEquals(true, res);
2106 Get get = new Get(row1);
2107 get.addColumn(fam1, qf1);
2108 get.addColumn(fam1, qf3);
2109 get.addColumn(fam2, qf2);
2110 Result r = region.get(get);
2111 assertEquals(2, r.size());
2112 assertArrayEquals(val1, r.getValue(fam1, qf1));
2113 assertArrayEquals(val2, r.getValue(fam2, qf2));
2115 // Family delete
2116 delete = new Delete(row1);
2117 delete.addFamily(fam2);
2118 res = region.checkAndMutate(row1, fam2, qf1, CompareOperator.EQUAL, new BinaryComparator(emptyVal),
2119 delete, true);
2120 assertEquals(true, res);
2122 get = new Get(row1);
2123 r = region.get(get);
2124 assertEquals(1, r.size());
2125 assertArrayEquals(val1, r.getValue(fam1, qf1));
2127 // Row delete
2128 delete = new Delete(row1);
2129 res = region.checkAndMutate(row1, fam1, qf1, CompareOperator.EQUAL, new BinaryComparator(val1),
2130 delete, true);
2131 assertEquals(true, res);
2132 get = new Get(row1);
2133 r = region.get(get);
2134 assertEquals(0, r.size());
2135 } finally {
2136 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
2137 this.region = null;
2141 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2142 // Delete tests
2143 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2144 @Test
2145 public void testDelete_multiDeleteColumn() throws IOException {
2146 byte[] row1 = Bytes.toBytes("row1");
2147 byte[] fam1 = Bytes.toBytes("fam1");
2148 byte[] qual = Bytes.toBytes("qualifier");
2149 byte[] value = Bytes.toBytes("value");
2151 Put put = new Put(row1);
2152 put.addColumn(fam1, qual, 1, value);
2153 put.addColumn(fam1, qual, 2, value);
2155 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, fam1);
2156 try {
2157 region.put(put);
2159 // We do support deleting more than 1 'latest' version
2160 Delete delete = new Delete(row1);
2161 delete.addColumn(fam1, qual);
2162 delete.addColumn(fam1, qual);
2163 region.delete(delete);
2165 Get get = new Get(row1);
2166 get.addFamily(fam1);
2167 Result r = region.get(get);
2168 assertEquals(0, r.size());
2169 } finally {
2170 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
2171 this.region = null;
2175 @Test
2176 public void testDelete_CheckFamily() throws IOException {
2177 byte[] row1 = Bytes.toBytes("row1");
2178 byte[] fam1 = Bytes.toBytes("fam1");
2179 byte[] fam2 = Bytes.toBytes("fam2");
2180 byte[] fam3 = Bytes.toBytes("fam3");
2181 byte[] fam4 = Bytes.toBytes("fam4");
2183 // Setting up region
2184 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, fam1, fam2, fam3);
2185 try {
2186 List<Cell> kvs = new ArrayList<>();
2187 kvs.add(new KeyValue(row1, fam4, null, null));
2189 // testing existing family
2190 byte[] family = fam2;
2191 try {
2192 NavigableMap<byte[], List<Cell>> deleteMap = new TreeMap<>(Bytes.BYTES_COMPARATOR);
2193 deleteMap.put(family, kvs);
2194 region.delete(deleteMap, Durability.SYNC_WAL);
2195 } catch (Exception e) {
2196 fail("Family " + new String(family, StandardCharsets.UTF_8) + " does not exist");
2199 // testing non existing family
2200 boolean ok = false;
2201 family = fam4;
2202 try {
2203 NavigableMap<byte[], List<Cell>> deleteMap = new TreeMap<>(Bytes.BYTES_COMPARATOR);
2204 deleteMap.put(family, kvs);
2205 region.delete(deleteMap, Durability.SYNC_WAL);
2206 } catch (Exception e) {
2207 ok = true;
2209 assertEquals("Family " + new String(family, StandardCharsets.UTF_8) + " does exist",
2210 true, ok);
2211 } finally {
2212 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
2213 this.region = null;
2217 @Test
2218 public void testDelete_mixed() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
2219 byte[] fam = Bytes.toBytes("info");
2220 byte[][] families = { fam };
2221 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, families);
2222 try {
2223 EnvironmentEdgeManagerTestHelper.injectEdge(new IncrementingEnvironmentEdge());
2225 byte[] row = Bytes.toBytes("table_name");
2226 // column names
2227 byte[] serverinfo = Bytes.toBytes("serverinfo");
2228 byte[] splitA = Bytes.toBytes("splitA");
2229 byte[] splitB = Bytes.toBytes("splitB");
2231 // add some data:
2232 Put put = new Put(row);
2233 put.addColumn(fam, splitA, Bytes.toBytes("reference_A"));
2234 region.put(put);
2236 put = new Put(row);
2237 put.addColumn(fam, splitB, Bytes.toBytes("reference_B"));
2238 region.put(put);
2240 put = new Put(row);
2241 put.addColumn(fam, serverinfo, Bytes.toBytes("ip_address"));
2242 region.put(put);
2244 // ok now delete a split:
2245 Delete delete = new Delete(row);
2246 delete.addColumns(fam, splitA);
2247 region.delete(delete);
2249 // assert some things:
2250 Get get = new Get(row).addColumn(fam, serverinfo);
2251 Result result = region.get(get);
2252 assertEquals(1, result.size());
2254 get = new Get(row).addColumn(fam, splitA);
2255 result = region.get(get);
2256 assertEquals(0, result.size());
2258 get = new Get(row).addColumn(fam, splitB);
2259 result = region.get(get);
2260 assertEquals(1, result.size());
2262 // Assert that after a delete, I can put.
2263 put = new Put(row);
2264 put.addColumn(fam, splitA, Bytes.toBytes("reference_A"));
2265 region.put(put);
2266 get = new Get(row);
2267 result = region.get(get);
2268 assertEquals(3, result.size());
2270 // Now delete all... then test I can add stuff back
2271 delete = new Delete(row);
2272 region.delete(delete);
2273 assertEquals(0, region.get(get).size());
2275 region.put(new Put(row).addColumn(fam, splitA, Bytes.toBytes("reference_A")));
2276 result = region.get(get);
2277 assertEquals(1, result.size());
2278 } finally {
2279 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
2280 this.region = null;
2284 @Test
2285 public void testDeleteRowWithFutureTs() throws IOException {
2286 byte[] fam = Bytes.toBytes("info");
2287 byte[][] families = { fam };
2288 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, families);
2289 try {
2290 byte[] row = Bytes.toBytes("table_name");
2291 // column names
2292 byte[] serverinfo = Bytes.toBytes("serverinfo");
2294 // add data in the far future
2295 Put put = new Put(row);
2296 put.addColumn(fam, serverinfo, HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP - 5, Bytes.toBytes("value"));
2297 region.put(put);
2299 // now delete something in the present
2300 Delete delete = new Delete(row);
2301 region.delete(delete);
2303 // make sure we still see our data
2304 Get get = new Get(row).addColumn(fam, serverinfo);
2305 Result result = region.get(get);
2306 assertEquals(1, result.size());
2308 // delete the future row
2309 delete = new Delete(row, HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP - 3);
2310 region.delete(delete);
2312 // make sure it is gone
2313 get = new Get(row).addColumn(fam, serverinfo);
2314 result = region.get(get);
2315 assertEquals(0, result.size());
2316 } finally {
2317 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
2318 this.region = null;
2323 * Tests that the special LATEST_TIMESTAMP option for puts gets replaced by
2324 * the actual timestamp
2326 @Test
2327 public void testPutWithLatestTS() throws IOException {
2328 byte[] fam = Bytes.toBytes("info");
2329 byte[][] families = { fam };
2330 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, families);
2331 try {
2332 byte[] row = Bytes.toBytes("row1");
2333 // column names
2334 byte[] qual = Bytes.toBytes("qual");
2336 // add data with LATEST_TIMESTAMP, put without WAL
2337 Put put = new Put(row);
2338 put.addColumn(fam, qual, HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP, Bytes.toBytes("value"));
2339 region.put(put);
2341 // Make sure it shows up with an actual timestamp
2342 Get get = new Get(row).addColumn(fam, qual);
2343 Result result = region.get(get);
2344 assertEquals(1, result.size());
2345 Cell kv = result.rawCells()[0];
2346 LOG.info("Got: " + kv);
2347 assertTrue("LATEST_TIMESTAMP was not replaced with real timestamp",
2348 kv.getTimestamp() != HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP);
2350 // Check same with WAL enabled (historically these took different
2351 // code paths, so check both)
2352 row = Bytes.toBytes("row2");
2353 put = new Put(row);
2354 put.addColumn(fam, qual, HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP, Bytes.toBytes("value"));
2355 region.put(put);
2357 // Make sure it shows up with an actual timestamp
2358 get = new Get(row).addColumn(fam, qual);
2359 result = region.get(get);
2360 assertEquals(1, result.size());
2361 kv = result.rawCells()[0];
2362 LOG.info("Got: " + kv);
2363 assertTrue("LATEST_TIMESTAMP was not replaced with real timestamp",
2364 kv.getTimestamp() != HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP);
2365 } finally {
2366 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
2367 this.region = null;
2373 * Tests that there is server-side filtering for invalid timestamp upper
2374 * bound. Note that the timestamp lower bound is automatically handled for us
2375 * by the TTL field.
2377 @Test
2378 public void testPutWithTsSlop() throws IOException {
2379 byte[] fam = Bytes.toBytes("info");
2380 byte[][] families = { fam };
2382 // add data with a timestamp that is too recent for range. Ensure assert
2383 CONF.setInt("hbase.hregion.keyvalue.timestamp.slop.millisecs", 1000);
2384 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, families);
2385 boolean caughtExcep = false;
2386 try {
2387 try {
2388 // no TS specified == use latest. should not error
2389 region.put(new Put(row).addColumn(fam, Bytes.toBytes("qual"), Bytes.toBytes("value")));
2390 // TS out of range. should error
2391 region.put(new Put(row).addColumn(fam, Bytes.toBytes("qual"),
2392 System.currentTimeMillis() + 2000, Bytes.toBytes("value")));
2393 fail("Expected IOE for TS out of configured timerange");
2394 } catch (FailedSanityCheckException ioe) {
2395 LOG.debug("Received expected exception", ioe);
2396 caughtExcep = true;
2398 assertTrue("Should catch FailedSanityCheckException", caughtExcep);
2399 } finally {
2400 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
2401 this.region = null;
2405 @Test
2406 public void testScanner_DeleteOneFamilyNotAnother() throws IOException {
2407 byte[] fam1 = Bytes.toBytes("columnA");
2408 byte[] fam2 = Bytes.toBytes("columnB");
2409 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, fam1, fam2);
2410 try {
2411 byte[] rowA = Bytes.toBytes("rowA");
2412 byte[] rowB = Bytes.toBytes("rowB");
2414 byte[] value = Bytes.toBytes("value");
2416 Delete delete = new Delete(rowA);
2417 delete.addFamily(fam1);
2419 region.delete(delete);
2421 // now create data.
2422 Put put = new Put(rowA);
2423 put.addColumn(fam2, null, value);
2424 region.put(put);
2426 put = new Put(rowB);
2427 put.addColumn(fam1, null, value);
2428 put.addColumn(fam2, null, value);
2429 region.put(put);
2431 Scan scan = new Scan();
2432 scan.addFamily(fam1).addFamily(fam2);
2433 InternalScanner s = region.getScanner(scan);
2434 List<Cell> results = new ArrayList<>();
2435 s.next(results);
2436 assertTrue(CellUtil.matchingRows(results.get(0), rowA));
2438 results.clear();
2439 s.next(results);
2440 assertTrue(CellUtil.matchingRows(results.get(0), rowB));
2441 } finally {
2442 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
2443 this.region = null;
2447 @Test
2448 public void testDataInMemoryWithoutWAL() throws IOException {
2449 FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(CONF);
2450 Path rootDir = new Path(dir + "testDataInMemoryWithoutWAL");
2451 FSHLog hLog = new FSHLog(fs, rootDir, "testDataInMemoryWithoutWAL", CONF);
2452 // This chunk creation is done throughout the code base. Do we want to move it into core?
2453 // It is missing from this test. W/o it we NPE.
2454 ChunkCreator.initialize(MemStoreLABImpl.CHUNK_SIZE_DEFAULT, false, 0, 0, 0, null);
2455 HRegion region = initHRegion(tableName, null, null, false, Durability.SYNC_WAL, hLog,
2458 Cell originalCell = CellUtil.createCell(row, COLUMN_FAMILY_BYTES, qual1,
2459 System.currentTimeMillis(), KeyValue.Type.Put.getCode(), value1);
2460 final long originalSize = KeyValueUtil.length(originalCell);
2462 Cell addCell = CellUtil.createCell(row, COLUMN_FAMILY_BYTES, qual1,
2463 System.currentTimeMillis(), KeyValue.Type.Put.getCode(), Bytes.toBytes("xxxxxxxxxx"));
2464 final long addSize = KeyValueUtil.length(addCell);
2466 LOG.info("originalSize:" + originalSize
2467 + ", addSize:" + addSize);
2468 // start test. We expect that the addPut's durability will be replaced
2469 // by originalPut's durability.
2471 // case 1:
2472 testDataInMemoryWithoutWAL(region,
2473 new Put(row).add(originalCell).setDurability(Durability.SKIP_WAL),
2474 new Put(row).add(addCell).setDurability(Durability.SKIP_WAL),
2475 originalSize + addSize);
2477 // case 2:
2478 testDataInMemoryWithoutWAL(region,
2479 new Put(row).add(originalCell).setDurability(Durability.SKIP_WAL),
2480 new Put(row).add(addCell).setDurability(Durability.SYNC_WAL),
2481 originalSize + addSize);
2483 // case 3:
2484 testDataInMemoryWithoutWAL(region,
2485 new Put(row).add(originalCell).setDurability(Durability.SYNC_WAL),
2486 new Put(row).add(addCell).setDurability(Durability.SKIP_WAL),
2489 // case 4:
2490 testDataInMemoryWithoutWAL(region,
2491 new Put(row).add(originalCell).setDurability(Durability.SYNC_WAL),
2492 new Put(row).add(addCell).setDurability(Durability.SYNC_WAL),
2496 private static void testDataInMemoryWithoutWAL(HRegion region, Put originalPut,
2497 final Put addPut, long delta) throws IOException {
2498 final long initSize = region.getDataInMemoryWithoutWAL();
2499 // save normalCPHost and replaced by mockedCPHost
2500 RegionCoprocessorHost normalCPHost = region.getCoprocessorHost();
2501 RegionCoprocessorHost mockedCPHost = Mockito.mock(RegionCoprocessorHost.class);
2502 // Because the preBatchMutate returns void, we can't do usual Mockito when...then form. Must
2503 // do below format (from Mockito doc).
2504 Mockito.doAnswer(new Answer() {
2505 @Override
2506 public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
2507 MiniBatchOperationInProgress<Mutation> mb = invocation.getArgument(0);
2508 mb.addOperationsFromCP(0, new Mutation[]{addPut});
2509 return null;
2511 }).when(mockedCPHost).preBatchMutate(Mockito.isA(MiniBatchOperationInProgress.class));
2512 region.setCoprocessorHost(mockedCPHost);
2513 region.put(originalPut);
2514 region.setCoprocessorHost(normalCPHost);
2515 final long finalSize = region.getDataInMemoryWithoutWAL();
2516 assertEquals("finalSize:" + finalSize + ", initSize:"
2517 + initSize + ", delta:" + delta,finalSize, initSize + delta);
2520 @Test
2521 public void testDeleteColumns_PostInsert() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
2522 Delete delete = new Delete(row);
2523 delete.addColumns(fam1, qual1);
2524 doTestDelete_AndPostInsert(delete);
2527 @Test
2528 public void testaddFamily_PostInsert() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
2529 Delete delete = new Delete(row);
2530 delete.addFamily(fam1);
2531 doTestDelete_AndPostInsert(delete);
2534 public void doTestDelete_AndPostInsert(Delete delete) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
2535 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, fam1);
2536 try {
2537 EnvironmentEdgeManagerTestHelper.injectEdge(new IncrementingEnvironmentEdge());
2538 Put put = new Put(row);
2539 put.addColumn(fam1, qual1, value1);
2540 region.put(put);
2542 // now delete the value:
2543 region.delete(delete);
2545 // ok put data:
2546 put = new Put(row);
2547 put.addColumn(fam1, qual1, value2);
2548 region.put(put);
2550 // ok get:
2551 Get get = new Get(row);
2552 get.addColumn(fam1, qual1);
2554 Result r = region.get(get);
2555 assertEquals(1, r.size());
2556 assertArrayEquals(value2, r.getValue(fam1, qual1));
2558 // next:
2559 Scan scan = new Scan(row);
2560 scan.addColumn(fam1, qual1);
2561 InternalScanner s = region.getScanner(scan);
2563 List<Cell> results = new ArrayList<>();
2564 assertEquals(false, s.next(results));
2565 assertEquals(1, results.size());
2566 Cell kv = results.get(0);
2568 assertArrayEquals(value2, CellUtil.cloneValue(kv));
2569 assertArrayEquals(fam1, CellUtil.cloneFamily(kv));
2570 assertArrayEquals(qual1, CellUtil.cloneQualifier(kv));
2571 assertArrayEquals(row, CellUtil.cloneRow(kv));
2572 } finally {
2573 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
2574 this.region = null;
2578 @Test
2579 public void testDelete_CheckTimestampUpdated() throws IOException {
2580 byte[] row1 = Bytes.toBytes("row1");
2581 byte[] col1 = Bytes.toBytes("col1");
2582 byte[] col2 = Bytes.toBytes("col2");
2583 byte[] col3 = Bytes.toBytes("col3");
2585 // Setting up region
2586 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, fam1);
2587 try {
2588 // Building checkerList
2589 List<Cell> kvs = new ArrayList<>();
2590 kvs.add(new KeyValue(row1, fam1, col1, null));
2591 kvs.add(new KeyValue(row1, fam1, col2, null));
2592 kvs.add(new KeyValue(row1, fam1, col3, null));
2594 NavigableMap<byte[], List<Cell>> deleteMap = new TreeMap<>(Bytes.BYTES_COMPARATOR);
2595 deleteMap.put(fam1, kvs);
2596 region.delete(deleteMap, Durability.SYNC_WAL);
2598 // extract the key values out the memstore:
2599 // This is kinda hacky, but better than nothing...
2600 long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
2601 AbstractMemStore memstore = (AbstractMemStore)region.getStore(fam1).memstore;
2602 Cell firstCell = memstore.getActive().first();
2603 assertTrue(firstCell.getTimestamp() <= now);
2604 now = firstCell.getTimestamp();
2605 for (Cell cell : memstore.getActive().getCellSet()) {
2606 assertTrue(cell.getTimestamp() <= now);
2607 now = cell.getTimestamp();
2609 } finally {
2610 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
2611 this.region = null;
2615 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2616 // Get tests
2617 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2618 @Test
2619 public void testGet_FamilyChecker() throws IOException {
2620 byte[] row1 = Bytes.toBytes("row1");
2621 byte[] fam1 = Bytes.toBytes("fam1");
2622 byte[] fam2 = Bytes.toBytes("False");
2623 byte[] col1 = Bytes.toBytes("col1");
2625 // Setting up region
2626 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, fam1);
2627 try {
2628 Get get = new Get(row1);
2629 get.addColumn(fam2, col1);
2631 // Test
2632 try {
2633 region.get(get);
2634 } catch (org.apache.hadoop.hbase.DoNotRetryIOException e) {
2635 assertFalse(false);
2636 return;
2638 assertFalse(true);
2639 } finally {
2640 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
2641 this.region = null;
2645 @Test
2646 public void testGet_Basic() throws IOException {
2647 byte[] row1 = Bytes.toBytes("row1");
2648 byte[] fam1 = Bytes.toBytes("fam1");
2649 byte[] col1 = Bytes.toBytes("col1");
2650 byte[] col2 = Bytes.toBytes("col2");
2651 byte[] col3 = Bytes.toBytes("col3");
2652 byte[] col4 = Bytes.toBytes("col4");
2653 byte[] col5 = Bytes.toBytes("col5");
2655 // Setting up region
2656 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, fam1);
2657 try {
2658 // Add to memstore
2659 Put put = new Put(row1);
2660 put.addColumn(fam1, col1, null);
2661 put.addColumn(fam1, col2, null);
2662 put.addColumn(fam1, col3, null);
2663 put.addColumn(fam1, col4, null);
2664 put.addColumn(fam1, col5, null);
2665 region.put(put);
2667 Get get = new Get(row1);
2668 get.addColumn(fam1, col2);
2669 get.addColumn(fam1, col4);
2670 // Expected result
2671 KeyValue kv1 = new KeyValue(row1, fam1, col2);
2672 KeyValue kv2 = new KeyValue(row1, fam1, col4);
2673 KeyValue[] expected = { kv1, kv2 };
2675 // Test
2676 Result res = region.get(get);
2677 assertEquals(expected.length, res.size());
2678 for (int i = 0; i < res.size(); i++) {
2679 assertTrue(CellUtil.matchingRows(expected[i], res.rawCells()[i]));
2680 assertTrue(CellUtil.matchingFamily(expected[i], res.rawCells()[i]));
2681 assertTrue(CellUtil.matchingQualifier(expected[i], res.rawCells()[i]));
2684 // Test using a filter on a Get
2685 Get g = new Get(row1);
2686 final int count = 2;
2687 g.setFilter(new ColumnCountGetFilter(count));
2688 res = region.get(g);
2689 assertEquals(count, res.size());
2690 } finally {
2691 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
2692 this.region = null;
2696 @Test
2697 public void testGet_Empty() throws IOException {
2698 byte[] row = Bytes.toBytes("row");
2699 byte[] fam = Bytes.toBytes("fam");
2701 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, fam);
2702 try {
2703 Get get = new Get(row);
2704 get.addFamily(fam);
2705 Result r = region.get(get);
2707 assertTrue(r.isEmpty());
2708 } finally {
2709 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
2710 this.region = null;
2714 @Test
2715 public void testGetWithFilter() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
2716 byte[] row1 = Bytes.toBytes("row1");
2717 byte[] fam1 = Bytes.toBytes("fam1");
2718 byte[] col1 = Bytes.toBytes("col1");
2719 byte[] value1 = Bytes.toBytes("value1");
2720 byte[] value2 = Bytes.toBytes("value2");
2722 final int maxVersions = 3;
2723 HColumnDescriptor hcd = new HColumnDescriptor(fam1);
2724 hcd.setMaxVersions(maxVersions);
2725 HTableDescriptor htd = new HTableDescriptor(TableName.valueOf("testFilterAndColumnTracker"));
2726 htd.addFamily(hcd);
2727 ChunkCreator.initialize(MemStoreLABImpl.CHUNK_SIZE_DEFAULT, false, 0, 0, 0, null);
2728 HRegionInfo info = new HRegionInfo(htd.getTableName(), null, null, false);
2729 Path logDir = TEST_UTIL.getDataTestDirOnTestFS(method + ".log");
2730 final WAL wal = HBaseTestingUtility.createWal(TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration(), logDir, info);
2731 this.region = TEST_UTIL.createLocalHRegion(info, htd, wal);
2733 try {
2734 // Put 4 version to memstore
2735 long ts = 0;
2736 Put put = new Put(row1, ts);
2737 put.addColumn(fam1, col1, value1);
2738 region.put(put);
2739 put = new Put(row1, ts + 1);
2740 put.addColumn(fam1, col1, Bytes.toBytes("filter1"));
2741 region.put(put);
2742 put = new Put(row1, ts + 2);
2743 put.addColumn(fam1, col1, Bytes.toBytes("filter2"));
2744 region.put(put);
2745 put = new Put(row1, ts + 3);
2746 put.addColumn(fam1, col1, value2);
2747 region.put(put);
2749 Get get = new Get(row1);
2750 get.setMaxVersions();
2751 Result res = region.get(get);
2752 // Get 3 versions, the oldest version has gone from user view
2753 assertEquals(maxVersions, res.size());
2755 get.setFilter(new ValueFilter(CompareOp.EQUAL, new SubstringComparator("value")));
2756 res = region.get(get);
2757 // When use value filter, the oldest version should still gone from user view and it
2758 // should only return one key vaule
2759 assertEquals(1, res.size());
2760 assertTrue(CellUtil.matchingValue(new KeyValue(row1, fam1, col1, value2), res.rawCells()[0]));
2761 assertEquals(ts + 3, res.rawCells()[0].getTimestamp());
2763 region.flush(true);
2764 region.compact(true);
2765 Thread.sleep(1000);
2766 res = region.get(get);
2767 // After flush and compact, the result should be consistent with previous result
2768 assertEquals(1, res.size());
2769 assertTrue(CellUtil.matchingValue(new KeyValue(row1, fam1, col1, value2), res.rawCells()[0]));
2770 } finally {
2771 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
2772 this.region = null;
2776 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2777 // Scanner tests
2778 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2779 @Test
2780 public void testGetScanner_WithOkFamilies() throws IOException {
2781 byte[] fam1 = Bytes.toBytes("fam1");
2782 byte[] fam2 = Bytes.toBytes("fam2");
2784 byte[][] families = { fam1, fam2 };
2786 // Setting up region
2787 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, families);
2788 try {
2789 Scan scan = new Scan();
2790 scan.addFamily(fam1);
2791 scan.addFamily(fam2);
2792 try {
2793 region.getScanner(scan);
2794 } catch (Exception e) {
2795 assertTrue("Families could not be found in Region", false);
2797 } finally {
2798 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
2799 this.region = null;
2803 @Test
2804 public void testGetScanner_WithNotOkFamilies() throws IOException {
2805 byte[] fam1 = Bytes.toBytes("fam1");
2806 byte[] fam2 = Bytes.toBytes("fam2");
2808 byte[][] families = { fam1 };
2810 // Setting up region
2811 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, families);
2812 try {
2813 Scan scan = new Scan();
2814 scan.addFamily(fam2);
2815 boolean ok = false;
2816 try {
2817 region.getScanner(scan);
2818 } catch (Exception e) {
2819 ok = true;
2821 assertTrue("Families could not be found in Region", ok);
2822 } finally {
2823 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
2824 this.region = null;
2828 @Test
2829 public void testGetScanner_WithNoFamilies() throws IOException {
2830 byte[] row1 = Bytes.toBytes("row1");
2831 byte[] fam1 = Bytes.toBytes("fam1");
2832 byte[] fam2 = Bytes.toBytes("fam2");
2833 byte[] fam3 = Bytes.toBytes("fam3");
2834 byte[] fam4 = Bytes.toBytes("fam4");
2836 byte[][] families = { fam1, fam2, fam3, fam4 };
2838 // Setting up region
2839 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, families);
2840 try {
2842 // Putting data in Region
2843 Put put = new Put(row1);
2844 put.addColumn(fam1, null, null);
2845 put.addColumn(fam2, null, null);
2846 put.addColumn(fam3, null, null);
2847 put.addColumn(fam4, null, null);
2848 region.put(put);
2850 Scan scan = null;
2851 HRegion.RegionScannerImpl is = null;
2853 // Testing to see how many scanners that is produced by getScanner,
2854 // starting
2855 // with known number, 2 - current = 1
2856 scan = new Scan();
2857 scan.addFamily(fam2);
2858 scan.addFamily(fam4);
2859 is = region.getScanner(scan);
2860 assertEquals(1, is.storeHeap.getHeap().size());
2862 scan = new Scan();
2863 is = region.getScanner(scan);
2864 assertEquals(families.length - 1, is.storeHeap.getHeap().size());
2865 } finally {
2866 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
2867 this.region = null;
2872 * This method tests https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HBASE-2516.
2874 * @throws IOException
2876 @Test
2877 public void testGetScanner_WithRegionClosed() throws IOException {
2878 byte[] fam1 = Bytes.toBytes("fam1");
2879 byte[] fam2 = Bytes.toBytes("fam2");
2881 byte[][] families = { fam1, fam2 };
2883 // Setting up region
2884 try {
2885 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, families);
2886 } catch (IOException e) {
2887 e.printStackTrace();
2888 fail("Got IOException during initHRegion, " + e.getMessage());
2890 try {
2891 region.closed.set(true);
2892 try {
2893 region.getScanner(null);
2894 fail("Expected to get an exception during getScanner on a region that is closed");
2895 } catch (NotServingRegionException e) {
2896 // this is the correct exception that is expected
2897 } catch (IOException e) {
2898 fail("Got wrong type of exception - should be a NotServingRegionException, " +
2899 "but was an IOException: "
2900 + e.getMessage());
2902 } finally {
2903 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
2904 this.region = null;
2908 @Test
2909 public void testRegionScanner_Next() throws IOException {
2910 byte[] row1 = Bytes.toBytes("row1");
2911 byte[] row2 = Bytes.toBytes("row2");
2912 byte[] fam1 = Bytes.toBytes("fam1");
2913 byte[] fam2 = Bytes.toBytes("fam2");
2914 byte[] fam3 = Bytes.toBytes("fam3");
2915 byte[] fam4 = Bytes.toBytes("fam4");
2917 byte[][] families = { fam1, fam2, fam3, fam4 };
2918 long ts = System.currentTimeMillis();
2920 // Setting up region
2921 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, families);
2922 try {
2923 // Putting data in Region
2924 Put put = null;
2925 put = new Put(row1);
2926 put.addColumn(fam1, (byte[]) null, ts, null);
2927 put.addColumn(fam2, (byte[]) null, ts, null);
2928 put.addColumn(fam3, (byte[]) null, ts, null);
2929 put.addColumn(fam4, (byte[]) null, ts, null);
2930 region.put(put);
2932 put = new Put(row2);
2933 put.addColumn(fam1, (byte[]) null, ts, null);
2934 put.addColumn(fam2, (byte[]) null, ts, null);
2935 put.addColumn(fam3, (byte[]) null, ts, null);
2936 put.addColumn(fam4, (byte[]) null, ts, null);
2937 region.put(put);
2939 Scan scan = new Scan();
2940 scan.addFamily(fam2);
2941 scan.addFamily(fam4);
2942 InternalScanner is = region.getScanner(scan);
2944 List<Cell> res = null;
2946 // Result 1
2947 List<Cell> expected1 = new ArrayList<>();
2948 expected1.add(new KeyValue(row1, fam2, null, ts, KeyValue.Type.Put, null));
2949 expected1.add(new KeyValue(row1, fam4, null, ts, KeyValue.Type.Put, null));
2951 res = new ArrayList<>();
2952 is.next(res);
2953 for (int i = 0; i < res.size(); i++) {
2954 assertTrue(PrivateCellUtil.equalsIgnoreMvccVersion(expected1.get(i), res.get(i)));
2957 // Result 2
2958 List<Cell> expected2 = new ArrayList<>();
2959 expected2.add(new KeyValue(row2, fam2, null, ts, KeyValue.Type.Put, null));
2960 expected2.add(new KeyValue(row2, fam4, null, ts, KeyValue.Type.Put, null));
2962 res = new ArrayList<>();
2963 is.next(res);
2964 for (int i = 0; i < res.size(); i++) {
2965 assertTrue(PrivateCellUtil.equalsIgnoreMvccVersion(expected2.get(i), res.get(i)));
2967 } finally {
2968 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
2969 this.region = null;
2973 @Test
2974 public void testScanner_ExplicitColumns_FromMemStore_EnforceVersions() throws IOException {
2975 byte[] row1 = Bytes.toBytes("row1");
2976 byte[] qf1 = Bytes.toBytes("qualifier1");
2977 byte[] qf2 = Bytes.toBytes("qualifier2");
2978 byte[] fam1 = Bytes.toBytes("fam1");
2979 byte[][] families = { fam1 };
2981 long ts1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
2982 long ts2 = ts1 + 1;
2983 long ts3 = ts1 + 2;
2985 // Setting up region
2986 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, families);
2987 try {
2988 // Putting data in Region
2989 Put put = null;
2990 KeyValue kv13 = new KeyValue(row1, fam1, qf1, ts3, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
2991 KeyValue kv12 = new KeyValue(row1, fam1, qf1, ts2, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
2992 KeyValue kv11 = new KeyValue(row1, fam1, qf1, ts1, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
2994 KeyValue kv23 = new KeyValue(row1, fam1, qf2, ts3, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
2995 KeyValue kv22 = new KeyValue(row1, fam1, qf2, ts2, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
2996 KeyValue kv21 = new KeyValue(row1, fam1, qf2, ts1, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
2998 put = new Put(row1);
2999 put.add(kv13);
3000 put.add(kv12);
3001 put.add(kv11);
3002 put.add(kv23);
3003 put.add(kv22);
3004 put.add(kv21);
3005 region.put(put);
3007 // Expected
3008 List<Cell> expected = new ArrayList<>();
3009 expected.add(kv13);
3010 expected.add(kv12);
3012 Scan scan = new Scan(row1);
3013 scan.addColumn(fam1, qf1);
3014 scan.setMaxVersions(MAX_VERSIONS);
3015 List<Cell> actual = new ArrayList<>();
3016 InternalScanner scanner = region.getScanner(scan);
3018 boolean hasNext = scanner.next(actual);
3019 assertEquals(false, hasNext);
3021 // Verify result
3022 for (int i = 0; i < expected.size(); i++) {
3023 assertEquals(expected.get(i), actual.get(i));
3025 } finally {
3026 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
3027 this.region = null;
3031 @Test
3032 public void testScanner_ExplicitColumns_FromFilesOnly_EnforceVersions() throws IOException {
3033 byte[] row1 = Bytes.toBytes("row1");
3034 byte[] qf1 = Bytes.toBytes("qualifier1");
3035 byte[] qf2 = Bytes.toBytes("qualifier2");
3036 byte[] fam1 = Bytes.toBytes("fam1");
3037 byte[][] families = { fam1 };
3039 long ts1 = 1; // System.currentTimeMillis();
3040 long ts2 = ts1 + 1;
3041 long ts3 = ts1 + 2;
3043 // Setting up region
3044 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, families);
3045 try {
3046 // Putting data in Region
3047 Put put = null;
3048 KeyValue kv13 = new KeyValue(row1, fam1, qf1, ts3, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
3049 KeyValue kv12 = new KeyValue(row1, fam1, qf1, ts2, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
3050 KeyValue kv11 = new KeyValue(row1, fam1, qf1, ts1, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
3052 KeyValue kv23 = new KeyValue(row1, fam1, qf2, ts3, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
3053 KeyValue kv22 = new KeyValue(row1, fam1, qf2, ts2, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
3054 KeyValue kv21 = new KeyValue(row1, fam1, qf2, ts1, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
3056 put = new Put(row1);
3057 put.add(kv13);
3058 put.add(kv12);
3059 put.add(kv11);
3060 put.add(kv23);
3061 put.add(kv22);
3062 put.add(kv21);
3063 region.put(put);
3064 region.flush(true);
3066 // Expected
3067 List<Cell> expected = new ArrayList<>();
3068 expected.add(kv13);
3069 expected.add(kv12);
3070 expected.add(kv23);
3071 expected.add(kv22);
3073 Scan scan = new Scan(row1);
3074 scan.addColumn(fam1, qf1);
3075 scan.addColumn(fam1, qf2);
3076 scan.setMaxVersions(MAX_VERSIONS);
3077 List<Cell> actual = new ArrayList<>();
3078 InternalScanner scanner = region.getScanner(scan);
3080 boolean hasNext = scanner.next(actual);
3081 assertEquals(false, hasNext);
3083 // Verify result
3084 for (int i = 0; i < expected.size(); i++) {
3085 assertTrue(PrivateCellUtil.equalsIgnoreMvccVersion(expected.get(i), actual.get(i)));
3087 } finally {
3088 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
3089 this.region = null;
3093 @Test
3094 public void testScanner_ExplicitColumns_FromMemStoreAndFiles_EnforceVersions() throws
3095 IOException {
3096 byte[] row1 = Bytes.toBytes("row1");
3097 byte[] fam1 = Bytes.toBytes("fam1");
3098 byte[][] families = { fam1 };
3099 byte[] qf1 = Bytes.toBytes("qualifier1");
3100 byte[] qf2 = Bytes.toBytes("qualifier2");
3102 long ts1 = 1;
3103 long ts2 = ts1 + 1;
3104 long ts3 = ts1 + 2;
3105 long ts4 = ts1 + 3;
3107 // Setting up region
3108 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, families);
3109 try {
3110 // Putting data in Region
3111 KeyValue kv14 = new KeyValue(row1, fam1, qf1, ts4, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
3112 KeyValue kv13 = new KeyValue(row1, fam1, qf1, ts3, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
3113 KeyValue kv12 = new KeyValue(row1, fam1, qf1, ts2, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
3114 KeyValue kv11 = new KeyValue(row1, fam1, qf1, ts1, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
3116 KeyValue kv24 = new KeyValue(row1, fam1, qf2, ts4, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
3117 KeyValue kv23 = new KeyValue(row1, fam1, qf2, ts3, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
3118 KeyValue kv22 = new KeyValue(row1, fam1, qf2, ts2, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
3119 KeyValue kv21 = new KeyValue(row1, fam1, qf2, ts1, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
3121 Put put = null;
3122 put = new Put(row1);
3123 put.add(kv14);
3124 put.add(kv24);
3125 region.put(put);
3126 region.flush(true);
3128 put = new Put(row1);
3129 put.add(kv23);
3130 put.add(kv13);
3131 region.put(put);
3132 region.flush(true);
3134 put = new Put(row1);
3135 put.add(kv22);
3136 put.add(kv12);
3137 region.put(put);
3138 region.flush(true);
3140 put = new Put(row1);
3141 put.add(kv21);
3142 put.add(kv11);
3143 region.put(put);
3145 // Expected
3146 List<Cell> expected = new ArrayList<>();
3147 expected.add(kv14);
3148 expected.add(kv13);
3149 expected.add(kv12);
3150 expected.add(kv24);
3151 expected.add(kv23);
3152 expected.add(kv22);
3154 Scan scan = new Scan(row1);
3155 scan.addColumn(fam1, qf1);
3156 scan.addColumn(fam1, qf2);
3157 int versions = 3;
3158 scan.setMaxVersions(versions);
3159 List<Cell> actual = new ArrayList<>();
3160 InternalScanner scanner = region.getScanner(scan);
3162 boolean hasNext = scanner.next(actual);
3163 assertEquals(false, hasNext);
3165 // Verify result
3166 for (int i = 0; i < expected.size(); i++) {
3167 assertTrue(PrivateCellUtil.equalsIgnoreMvccVersion(expected.get(i), actual.get(i)));
3169 } finally {
3170 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
3171 this.region = null;
3175 @Test
3176 public void testScanner_Wildcard_FromMemStore_EnforceVersions() throws IOException {
3177 byte[] row1 = Bytes.toBytes("row1");
3178 byte[] qf1 = Bytes.toBytes("qualifier1");
3179 byte[] qf2 = Bytes.toBytes("qualifier2");
3180 byte[] fam1 = Bytes.toBytes("fam1");
3181 byte[][] families = { fam1 };
3183 long ts1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
3184 long ts2 = ts1 + 1;
3185 long ts3 = ts1 + 2;
3187 // Setting up region
3188 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, families);
3189 try {
3190 // Putting data in Region
3191 Put put = null;
3192 KeyValue kv13 = new KeyValue(row1, fam1, qf1, ts3, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
3193 KeyValue kv12 = new KeyValue(row1, fam1, qf1, ts2, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
3194 KeyValue kv11 = new KeyValue(row1, fam1, qf1, ts1, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
3196 KeyValue kv23 = new KeyValue(row1, fam1, qf2, ts3, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
3197 KeyValue kv22 = new KeyValue(row1, fam1, qf2, ts2, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
3198 KeyValue kv21 = new KeyValue(row1, fam1, qf2, ts1, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
3200 put = new Put(row1);
3201 put.add(kv13);
3202 put.add(kv12);
3203 put.add(kv11);
3204 put.add(kv23);
3205 put.add(kv22);
3206 put.add(kv21);
3207 region.put(put);
3209 // Expected
3210 List<Cell> expected = new ArrayList<>();
3211 expected.add(kv13);
3212 expected.add(kv12);
3213 expected.add(kv23);
3214 expected.add(kv22);
3216 Scan scan = new Scan(row1);
3217 scan.addFamily(fam1);
3218 scan.setMaxVersions(MAX_VERSIONS);
3219 List<Cell> actual = new ArrayList<>();
3220 InternalScanner scanner = region.getScanner(scan);
3222 boolean hasNext = scanner.next(actual);
3223 assertEquals(false, hasNext);
3225 // Verify result
3226 for (int i = 0; i < expected.size(); i++) {
3227 assertEquals(expected.get(i), actual.get(i));
3229 } finally {
3230 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
3231 this.region = null;
3235 @Test
3236 public void testScanner_Wildcard_FromFilesOnly_EnforceVersions() throws IOException {
3237 byte[] row1 = Bytes.toBytes("row1");
3238 byte[] qf1 = Bytes.toBytes("qualifier1");
3239 byte[] qf2 = Bytes.toBytes("qualifier2");
3240 byte[] fam1 = Bytes.toBytes("fam1");
3242 long ts1 = 1; // System.currentTimeMillis();
3243 long ts2 = ts1 + 1;
3244 long ts3 = ts1 + 2;
3246 // Setting up region
3247 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, fam1);
3248 try {
3249 // Putting data in Region
3250 Put put = null;
3251 KeyValue kv13 = new KeyValue(row1, fam1, qf1, ts3, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
3252 KeyValue kv12 = new KeyValue(row1, fam1, qf1, ts2, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
3253 KeyValue kv11 = new KeyValue(row1, fam1, qf1, ts1, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
3255 KeyValue kv23 = new KeyValue(row1, fam1, qf2, ts3, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
3256 KeyValue kv22 = new KeyValue(row1, fam1, qf2, ts2, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
3257 KeyValue kv21 = new KeyValue(row1, fam1, qf2, ts1, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
3259 put = new Put(row1);
3260 put.add(kv13);
3261 put.add(kv12);
3262 put.add(kv11);
3263 put.add(kv23);
3264 put.add(kv22);
3265 put.add(kv21);
3266 region.put(put);
3267 region.flush(true);
3269 // Expected
3270 List<Cell> expected = new ArrayList<>();
3271 expected.add(kv13);
3272 expected.add(kv12);
3273 expected.add(kv23);
3274 expected.add(kv22);
3276 Scan scan = new Scan(row1);
3277 scan.addFamily(fam1);
3278 scan.setMaxVersions(MAX_VERSIONS);
3279 List<Cell> actual = new ArrayList<>();
3280 InternalScanner scanner = region.getScanner(scan);
3282 boolean hasNext = scanner.next(actual);
3283 assertEquals(false, hasNext);
3285 // Verify result
3286 for (int i = 0; i < expected.size(); i++) {
3287 assertTrue(PrivateCellUtil.equalsIgnoreMvccVersion(expected.get(i), actual.get(i)));
3289 } finally {
3290 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
3291 this.region = null;
3295 @Test
3296 public void testScanner_StopRow1542() throws IOException {
3297 byte[] family = Bytes.toBytes("testFamily");
3298 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, family);
3299 try {
3300 byte[] row1 = Bytes.toBytes("row111");
3301 byte[] row2 = Bytes.toBytes("row222");
3302 byte[] row3 = Bytes.toBytes("row333");
3303 byte[] row4 = Bytes.toBytes("row444");
3304 byte[] row5 = Bytes.toBytes("row555");
3306 byte[] col1 = Bytes.toBytes("Pub111");
3307 byte[] col2 = Bytes.toBytes("Pub222");
3309 Put put = new Put(row1);
3310 put.addColumn(family, col1, Bytes.toBytes(10L));
3311 region.put(put);
3313 put = new Put(row2);
3314 put.addColumn(family, col1, Bytes.toBytes(15L));
3315 region.put(put);
3317 put = new Put(row3);
3318 put.addColumn(family, col2, Bytes.toBytes(20L));
3319 region.put(put);
3321 put = new Put(row4);
3322 put.addColumn(family, col2, Bytes.toBytes(30L));
3323 region.put(put);
3325 put = new Put(row5);
3326 put.addColumn(family, col1, Bytes.toBytes(40L));
3327 region.put(put);
3329 Scan scan = new Scan(row3, row4);
3330 scan.setMaxVersions();
3331 scan.addColumn(family, col1);
3332 InternalScanner s = region.getScanner(scan);
3334 List<Cell> results = new ArrayList<>();
3335 assertEquals(false, s.next(results));
3336 assertEquals(0, results.size());
3337 } finally {
3338 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
3339 this.region = null;
3343 @Test
3344 public void testScanner_Wildcard_FromMemStoreAndFiles_EnforceVersions() throws IOException {
3345 byte[] row1 = Bytes.toBytes("row1");
3346 byte[] fam1 = Bytes.toBytes("fam1");
3347 byte[] qf1 = Bytes.toBytes("qualifier1");
3348 byte[] qf2 = Bytes.toBytes("quateslifier2");
3350 long ts1 = 1;
3351 long ts2 = ts1 + 1;
3352 long ts3 = ts1 + 2;
3353 long ts4 = ts1 + 3;
3355 // Setting up region
3356 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, fam1);
3357 try {
3358 // Putting data in Region
3359 KeyValue kv14 = new KeyValue(row1, fam1, qf1, ts4, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
3360 KeyValue kv13 = new KeyValue(row1, fam1, qf1, ts3, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
3361 KeyValue kv12 = new KeyValue(row1, fam1, qf1, ts2, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
3362 KeyValue kv11 = new KeyValue(row1, fam1, qf1, ts1, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
3364 KeyValue kv24 = new KeyValue(row1, fam1, qf2, ts4, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
3365 KeyValue kv23 = new KeyValue(row1, fam1, qf2, ts3, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
3366 KeyValue kv22 = new KeyValue(row1, fam1, qf2, ts2, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
3367 KeyValue kv21 = new KeyValue(row1, fam1, qf2, ts1, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
3369 Put put = null;
3370 put = new Put(row1);
3371 put.add(kv14);
3372 put.add(kv24);
3373 region.put(put);
3374 region.flush(true);
3376 put = new Put(row1);
3377 put.add(kv23);
3378 put.add(kv13);
3379 region.put(put);
3380 region.flush(true);
3382 put = new Put(row1);
3383 put.add(kv22);
3384 put.add(kv12);
3385 region.put(put);
3386 region.flush(true);
3388 put = new Put(row1);
3389 put.add(kv21);
3390 put.add(kv11);
3391 region.put(put);
3393 // Expected
3394 List<KeyValue> expected = new ArrayList<>();
3395 expected.add(kv14);
3396 expected.add(kv13);
3397 expected.add(kv12);
3398 expected.add(kv24);
3399 expected.add(kv23);
3400 expected.add(kv22);
3402 Scan scan = new Scan(row1);
3403 int versions = 3;
3404 scan.setMaxVersions(versions);
3405 List<Cell> actual = new ArrayList<>();
3406 InternalScanner scanner = region.getScanner(scan);
3408 boolean hasNext = scanner.next(actual);
3409 assertEquals(false, hasNext);
3411 // Verify result
3412 for (int i = 0; i < expected.size(); i++) {
3413 assertTrue(PrivateCellUtil.equalsIgnoreMvccVersion(expected.get(i), actual.get(i)));
3415 } finally {
3416 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
3417 this.region = null;
3422 * Added for HBASE-5416
3424 * Here we test scan optimization when only subset of CFs are used in filter
3425 * conditions.
3427 @Test
3428 public void testScanner_JoinedScanners() throws IOException {
3429 byte[] cf_essential = Bytes.toBytes("essential");
3430 byte[] cf_joined = Bytes.toBytes("joined");
3431 byte[] cf_alpha = Bytes.toBytes("alpha");
3432 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, cf_essential, cf_joined, cf_alpha);
3433 try {
3434 byte[] row1 = Bytes.toBytes("row1");
3435 byte[] row2 = Bytes.toBytes("row2");
3436 byte[] row3 = Bytes.toBytes("row3");
3438 byte[] col_normal = Bytes.toBytes("d");
3439 byte[] col_alpha = Bytes.toBytes("a");
3441 byte[] filtered_val = Bytes.toBytes(3);
3443 Put put = new Put(row1);
3444 put.addColumn(cf_essential, col_normal, Bytes.toBytes(1));
3445 put.addColumn(cf_joined, col_alpha, Bytes.toBytes(1));
3446 region.put(put);
3448 put = new Put(row2);
3449 put.addColumn(cf_essential, col_alpha, Bytes.toBytes(2));
3450 put.addColumn(cf_joined, col_normal, Bytes.toBytes(2));
3451 put.addColumn(cf_alpha, col_alpha, Bytes.toBytes(2));
3452 region.put(put);
3454 put = new Put(row3);
3455 put.addColumn(cf_essential, col_normal, filtered_val);
3456 put.addColumn(cf_joined, col_normal, filtered_val);
3457 region.put(put);
3459 // Check two things:
3460 // 1. result list contains expected values
3461 // 2. result list is sorted properly
3463 Scan scan = new Scan();
3464 Filter filter = new SingleColumnValueExcludeFilter(cf_essential, col_normal,
3465 CompareOp.NOT_EQUAL, filtered_val);
3466 scan.setFilter(filter);
3467 scan.setLoadColumnFamiliesOnDemand(true);
3468 InternalScanner s = region.getScanner(scan);
3470 List<Cell> results = new ArrayList<>();
3471 assertTrue(s.next(results));
3472 assertEquals(1, results.size());
3473 results.clear();
3475 assertTrue(s.next(results));
3476 assertEquals(3, results.size());
3477 assertTrue("orderCheck", CellUtil.matchingFamily(results.get(0), cf_alpha));
3478 assertTrue("orderCheck", CellUtil.matchingFamily(results.get(1), cf_essential));
3479 assertTrue("orderCheck", CellUtil.matchingFamily(results.get(2), cf_joined));
3480 results.clear();
3482 assertFalse(s.next(results));
3483 assertEquals(0, results.size());
3484 } finally {
3485 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
3486 this.region = null;
3491 * HBASE-5416
3493 * Test case when scan limits amount of KVs returned on each next() call.
3495 @Test
3496 public void testScanner_JoinedScannersWithLimits() throws IOException {
3497 final byte[] cf_first = Bytes.toBytes("first");
3498 final byte[] cf_second = Bytes.toBytes("second");
3500 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, cf_first, cf_second);
3501 try {
3502 final byte[] col_a = Bytes.toBytes("a");
3503 final byte[] col_b = Bytes.toBytes("b");
3505 Put put;
3507 for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
3508 put = new Put(Bytes.toBytes("r" + Integer.toString(i)));
3509 put.addColumn(cf_first, col_a, Bytes.toBytes(i));
3510 if (i < 5) {
3511 put.addColumn(cf_first, col_b, Bytes.toBytes(i));
3512 put.addColumn(cf_second, col_a, Bytes.toBytes(i));
3513 put.addColumn(cf_second, col_b, Bytes.toBytes(i));
3515 region.put(put);
3518 Scan scan = new Scan();
3519 scan.setLoadColumnFamiliesOnDemand(true);
3520 Filter bogusFilter = new FilterBase() {
3521 @Override
3522 public ReturnCode filterCell(final Cell ignored) throws IOException {
3523 return ReturnCode.INCLUDE;
3525 @Override
3526 public boolean isFamilyEssential(byte[] name) {
3527 return Bytes.equals(name, cf_first);
3531 scan.setFilter(bogusFilter);
3532 InternalScanner s = region.getScanner(scan);
3534 // Our data looks like this:
3535 // r0: first:a, first:b, second:a, second:b
3536 // r1: first:a, first:b, second:a, second:b
3537 // r2: first:a, first:b, second:a, second:b
3538 // r3: first:a, first:b, second:a, second:b
3539 // r4: first:a, first:b, second:a, second:b
3540 // r5: first:a
3541 // r6: first:a
3542 // r7: first:a
3543 // r8: first:a
3544 // r9: first:a
3546 // But due to next's limit set to 3, we should get this:
3547 // r0: first:a, first:b, second:a
3548 // r0: second:b
3549 // r1: first:a, first:b, second:a
3550 // r1: second:b
3551 // r2: first:a, first:b, second:a
3552 // r2: second:b
3553 // r3: first:a, first:b, second:a
3554 // r3: second:b
3555 // r4: first:a, first:b, second:a
3556 // r4: second:b
3557 // r5: first:a
3558 // r6: first:a
3559 // r7: first:a
3560 // r8: first:a
3561 // r9: first:a
3563 List<Cell> results = new ArrayList<>();
3564 int index = 0;
3565 ScannerContext scannerContext = ScannerContext.newBuilder().setBatchLimit(3).build();
3566 while (true) {
3567 boolean more = s.next(results, scannerContext);
3568 if ((index >> 1) < 5) {
3569 if (index % 2 == 0) {
3570 assertEquals(3, results.size());
3571 } else {
3572 assertEquals(1, results.size());
3574 } else {
3575 assertEquals(1, results.size());
3577 results.clear();
3578 index++;
3579 if (!more) {
3580 break;
3583 } finally {
3584 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
3585 this.region = null;
3590 * Write an HFile block full with Cells whose qualifier that are identical between
3591 * 0 and Short.MAX_VALUE. See HBASE-13329.
3592 * @throws Exception
3594 @Test
3595 public void testLongQualifier() throws Exception {
3596 byte[] family = Bytes.toBytes("family");
3597 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, family);
3598 byte[] q = new byte[Short.MAX_VALUE+2];
3599 Arrays.fill(q, 0, q.length-1, (byte)42);
3600 for (byte i=0; i<10; i++) {
3601 Put p = new Put(Bytes.toBytes("row"));
3602 // qualifiers that differ past Short.MAX_VALUE
3603 q[q.length-1]=i;
3604 p.addColumn(family, q, q);
3605 region.put(p);
3607 region.flush(false);
3608 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
3609 this.region = null;
3613 * Flushes the cache in a thread while scanning. The tests verify that the
3614 * scan is coherent - e.g. the returned results are always of the same or
3615 * later update as the previous results.
3617 * @throws IOException
3618 * scan / compact
3619 * @throws InterruptedException
3620 * thread join
3622 @Test
3623 public void testFlushCacheWhileScanning() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
3624 byte[] family = Bytes.toBytes("family");
3625 int numRows = 1000;
3626 int flushAndScanInterval = 10;
3627 int compactInterval = 10 * flushAndScanInterval;
3629 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, family);
3630 FlushThread flushThread = new FlushThread();
3631 try {
3632 flushThread.start();
3634 Scan scan = new Scan();
3635 scan.addFamily(family);
3636 scan.setFilter(new SingleColumnValueFilter(family, qual1, CompareOp.EQUAL,
3637 new BinaryComparator(Bytes.toBytes(5L))));
3639 int expectedCount = 0;
3640 List<Cell> res = new ArrayList<>();
3642 boolean toggle = true;
3643 for (long i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
3644 Put put = new Put(Bytes.toBytes(i));
3645 put.setDurability(Durability.SKIP_WAL);
3646 put.addColumn(family, qual1, Bytes.toBytes(i % 10));
3647 region.put(put);
3649 if (i != 0 && i % compactInterval == 0) {
3650 LOG.debug("iteration = " + i+ " ts="+System.currentTimeMillis());
3651 region.compact(true);
3654 if (i % 10 == 5L) {
3655 expectedCount++;
3658 if (i != 0 && i % flushAndScanInterval == 0) {
3659 res.clear();
3660 InternalScanner scanner = region.getScanner(scan);
3661 if (toggle) {
3662 flushThread.flush();
3664 while (scanner.next(res))
3666 if (!toggle) {
3667 flushThread.flush();
3669 assertEquals("toggle="+toggle+"i=" + i + " ts="+System.currentTimeMillis(),
3670 expectedCount, res.size());
3671 toggle = !toggle;
3675 } finally {
3676 try {
3677 flushThread.done();
3678 flushThread.join();
3679 flushThread.checkNoError();
3680 } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
3681 LOG.warn("Caught exception when joining with flushThread", ie);
3683 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
3684 this.region = null;
3688 protected class FlushThread extends Thread {
3689 private volatile boolean done;
3690 private Throwable error = null;
3692 FlushThread() {
3693 super("FlushThread");
3696 public void done() {
3697 done = true;
3698 synchronized (this) {
3699 interrupt();
3703 public void checkNoError() {
3704 if (error != null) {
3705 assertNull(error);
3709 @Override
3710 public void run() {
3711 done = false;
3712 while (!done) {
3713 synchronized (this) {
3714 try {
3715 wait();
3716 } catch (InterruptedException ignored) {
3717 if (done) {
3718 break;
3722 try {
3723 region.flush(true);
3724 } catch (IOException e) {
3725 if (!done) {
3726 LOG.error("Error while flushing cache", e);
3727 error = e;
3729 break;
3730 } catch (Throwable t) {
3731 LOG.error("Uncaught exception", t);
3732 throw t;
3737 public void flush() {
3738 synchronized (this) {
3739 notify();
3745 * Writes very wide records and scans for the latest every time.. Flushes and
3746 * compacts the region every now and then to keep things realistic.
3748 * @throws IOException
3749 * by flush / scan / compaction
3750 * @throws InterruptedException
3751 * when joining threads
3753 @Test
3754 public void testWritesWhileScanning() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
3755 int testCount = 100;
3756 int numRows = 1;
3757 int numFamilies = 10;
3758 int numQualifiers = 100;
3759 int flushInterval = 7;
3760 int compactInterval = 5 * flushInterval;
3761 byte[][] families = new byte[numFamilies][];
3762 for (int i = 0; i < numFamilies; i++) {
3763 families[i] = Bytes.toBytes("family" + i);
3765 byte[][] qualifiers = new byte[numQualifiers][];
3766 for (int i = 0; i < numQualifiers; i++) {
3767 qualifiers[i] = Bytes.toBytes("qual" + i);
3770 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, families);
3771 FlushThread flushThread = new FlushThread();
3772 PutThread putThread = new PutThread(numRows, families, qualifiers);
3773 try {
3774 putThread.start();
3775 putThread.waitForFirstPut();
3777 flushThread.start();
3779 Scan scan = new Scan(Bytes.toBytes("row0"), Bytes.toBytes("row1"));
3781 int expectedCount = numFamilies * numQualifiers;
3782 List<Cell> res = new ArrayList<>();
3784 long prevTimestamp = 0L;
3785 for (int i = 0; i < testCount; i++) {
3787 if (i != 0 && i % compactInterval == 0) {
3788 region.compact(true);
3789 for (HStore store : region.getStores()) {
3790 store.closeAndArchiveCompactedFiles();
3794 if (i != 0 && i % flushInterval == 0) {
3795 flushThread.flush();
3798 boolean previousEmpty = res.isEmpty();
3799 res.clear();
3800 InternalScanner scanner = region.getScanner(scan);
3801 while (scanner.next(res))
3803 if (!res.isEmpty() || !previousEmpty || i > compactInterval) {
3804 assertEquals("i=" + i, expectedCount, res.size());
3805 long timestamp = res.get(0).getTimestamp();
3806 assertTrue("Timestamps were broke: " + timestamp + " prev: " + prevTimestamp,
3807 timestamp >= prevTimestamp);
3808 prevTimestamp = timestamp;
3812 putThread.done();
3814 region.flush(true);
3816 } finally {
3817 try {
3818 flushThread.done();
3819 flushThread.join();
3820 flushThread.checkNoError();
3822 putThread.join();
3823 putThread.checkNoError();
3824 } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
3825 LOG.warn("Caught exception when joining with flushThread", ie);
3828 try {
3829 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
3830 } catch (DroppedSnapshotException dse) {
3831 // We could get this on way out because we interrupt the background flusher and it could
3832 // fail anywhere causing a DSE over in the background flusher... only it is not properly
3833 // dealt with so could still be memory hanging out when we get to here -- memory we can't
3834 // flush because the accounting is 'off' since original DSE.
3836 this.region = null;
3840 protected class PutThread extends Thread {
3841 private volatile boolean done;
3842 private volatile int numPutsFinished = 0;
3844 private Throwable error = null;
3845 private int numRows;
3846 private byte[][] families;
3847 private byte[][] qualifiers;
3849 private PutThread(int numRows, byte[][] families, byte[][] qualifiers) {
3850 super("PutThread");
3851 this.numRows = numRows;
3852 this.families = families;
3853 this.qualifiers = qualifiers;
3857 * Block calling thread until this instance of PutThread has put at least one row.
3859 public void waitForFirstPut() throws InterruptedException {
3860 // wait until put thread actually puts some data
3861 while (isAlive() && numPutsFinished == 0) {
3862 checkNoError();
3863 Thread.sleep(50);
3867 public void done() {
3868 done = true;
3869 synchronized (this) {
3870 interrupt();
3874 public void checkNoError() {
3875 if (error != null) {
3876 assertNull(error);
3880 @Override
3881 public void run() {
3882 done = false;
3883 while (!done) {
3884 try {
3885 for (int r = 0; r < numRows; r++) {
3886 byte[] row = Bytes.toBytes("row" + r);
3887 Put put = new Put(row);
3888 put.setDurability(Durability.SKIP_WAL);
3889 byte[] value = Bytes.toBytes(String.valueOf(numPutsFinished));
3890 for (byte[] family : families) {
3891 for (byte[] qualifier : qualifiers) {
3892 put.addColumn(family, qualifier, numPutsFinished, value);
3895 region.put(put);
3896 numPutsFinished++;
3897 if (numPutsFinished > 0 && numPutsFinished % 47 == 0) {
3898 System.out.println("put iteration = " + numPutsFinished);
3899 Delete delete = new Delete(row, (long) numPutsFinished - 30);
3900 region.delete(delete);
3902 numPutsFinished++;
3904 } catch (InterruptedIOException e) {
3905 // This is fine. It means we are done, or didn't get the lock on time
3906 LOG.info("Interrupted", e);
3907 } catch (IOException e) {
3908 LOG.error("Error while putting records", e);
3909 error = e;
3910 break;
3919 * Writes very wide records and gets the latest row every time.. Flushes and
3920 * compacts the region aggressivly to catch issues.
3922 * @throws IOException
3923 * by flush / scan / compaction
3924 * @throws InterruptedException
3925 * when joining threads
3927 @Test
3928 public void testWritesWhileGetting() throws Exception {
3929 int testCount = 50;
3930 int numRows = 1;
3931 int numFamilies = 10;
3932 int numQualifiers = 100;
3933 int compactInterval = 100;
3934 byte[][] families = new byte[numFamilies][];
3935 for (int i = 0; i < numFamilies; i++) {
3936 families[i] = Bytes.toBytes("family" + i);
3938 byte[][] qualifiers = new byte[numQualifiers][];
3939 for (int i = 0; i < numQualifiers; i++) {
3940 qualifiers[i] = Bytes.toBytes("qual" + i);
3944 // This test flushes constantly and can cause many files to be created,
3945 // possibly
3946 // extending over the ulimit. Make sure compactions are aggressive in
3947 // reducing
3948 // the number of HFiles created.
3949 Configuration conf = HBaseConfiguration.create(CONF);
3950 conf.setInt("hbase.hstore.compaction.min", 1);
3951 conf.setInt("hbase.hstore.compaction.max", 1000);
3952 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, conf, families);
3953 PutThread putThread = null;
3954 MultithreadedTestUtil.TestContext ctx = new MultithreadedTestUtil.TestContext(conf);
3955 try {
3956 putThread = new PutThread(numRows, families, qualifiers);
3957 putThread.start();
3958 putThread.waitForFirstPut();
3960 // Add a thread that flushes as fast as possible
3961 ctx.addThread(new RepeatingTestThread(ctx) {
3963 @Override
3964 public void doAnAction() throws Exception {
3965 region.flush(true);
3966 // Compact regularly to avoid creating too many files and exceeding
3967 // the ulimit.
3968 region.compact(false);
3969 for (HStore store : region.getStores()) {
3970 store.closeAndArchiveCompactedFiles();
3974 ctx.startThreads();
3976 Get get = new Get(Bytes.toBytes("row0"));
3977 Result result = null;
3979 int expectedCount = numFamilies * numQualifiers;
3981 long prevTimestamp = 0L;
3982 for (int i = 0; i < testCount; i++) {
3983 LOG.info("testWritesWhileGetting verify turn " + i);
3984 boolean previousEmpty = result == null || result.isEmpty();
3985 result = region.get(get);
3986 if (!result.isEmpty() || !previousEmpty || i > compactInterval) {
3987 assertEquals("i=" + i, expectedCount, result.size());
3988 // TODO this was removed, now what dangit?!
3989 // search looking for the qualifier in question?
3990 long timestamp = 0;
3991 for (Cell kv : result.rawCells()) {
3992 if (CellUtil.matchingFamily(kv, families[0])
3993 && CellUtil.matchingQualifier(kv, qualifiers[0])) {
3994 timestamp = kv.getTimestamp();
3997 assertTrue(timestamp >= prevTimestamp);
3998 prevTimestamp = timestamp;
3999 Cell previousKV = null;
4001 for (Cell kv : result.rawCells()) {
4002 byte[] thisValue = CellUtil.cloneValue(kv);
4003 if (previousKV != null) {
4004 if (Bytes.compareTo(CellUtil.cloneValue(previousKV), thisValue) != 0) {
4005 LOG.warn("These two KV should have the same value." + " Previous KV:" + previousKV
4006 + "(memStoreTS:" + previousKV.getSequenceId() + ")" + ", New KV: " + kv
4007 + "(memStoreTS:" + kv.getSequenceId() + ")");
4008 assertEquals(0, Bytes.compareTo(CellUtil.cloneValue(previousKV), thisValue));
4011 previousKV = kv;
4015 } finally {
4016 if (putThread != null)
4017 putThread.done();
4019 region.flush(true);
4021 if (putThread != null) {
4022 putThread.join();
4023 putThread.checkNoError();
4026 ctx.stop();
4027 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
4028 this.region = null;
4032 @Test
4033 public void testHolesInMeta() throws Exception {
4034 byte[] family = Bytes.toBytes("family");
4035 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, Bytes.toBytes("x"), Bytes.toBytes("z"), method, CONF,
4036 false, family);
4037 try {
4038 byte[] rowNotServed = Bytes.toBytes("a");
4039 Get g = new Get(rowNotServed);
4040 try {
4041 region.get(g);
4042 fail();
4043 } catch (WrongRegionException x) {
4044 // OK
4046 byte[] row = Bytes.toBytes("y");
4047 g = new Get(row);
4048 region.get(g);
4049 } finally {
4050 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
4051 this.region = null;
4055 @Test
4056 public void testIndexesScanWithOneDeletedRow() throws IOException {
4057 byte[] family = Bytes.toBytes("family");
4059 // Setting up region
4060 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, family);
4061 try {
4062 Put put = new Put(Bytes.toBytes(1L));
4063 put.addColumn(family, qual1, 1L, Bytes.toBytes(1L));
4064 region.put(put);
4066 region.flush(true);
4068 Delete delete = new Delete(Bytes.toBytes(1L), 1L);
4069 region.delete(delete);
4071 put = new Put(Bytes.toBytes(2L));
4072 put.addColumn(family, qual1, 2L, Bytes.toBytes(2L));
4073 region.put(put);
4075 Scan idxScan = new Scan();
4076 idxScan.addFamily(family);
4077 idxScan.setFilter(new FilterList(FilterList.Operator.MUST_PASS_ALL, Arrays.<Filter> asList(
4078 new SingleColumnValueFilter(family, qual1, CompareOp.GREATER_OR_EQUAL,
4079 new BinaryComparator(Bytes.toBytes(0L))), new SingleColumnValueFilter(family, qual1,
4080 CompareOp.LESS_OR_EQUAL, new BinaryComparator(Bytes.toBytes(3L))))));
4081 InternalScanner scanner = region.getScanner(idxScan);
4082 List<Cell> res = new ArrayList<>();
4084 while (scanner.next(res))
4086 assertEquals(1L, res.size());
4087 } finally {
4088 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
4089 this.region = null;
4093 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4094 // Bloom filter test
4095 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4096 @Test
4097 public void testBloomFilterSize() throws IOException {
4098 byte[] fam1 = Bytes.toBytes("fam1");
4099 byte[] qf1 = Bytes.toBytes("col");
4100 byte[] val1 = Bytes.toBytes("value1");
4101 // Create Table
4102 HColumnDescriptor hcd = new HColumnDescriptor(fam1).setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE)
4103 .setBloomFilterType(BloomType.ROWCOL);
4105 HTableDescriptor htd = new HTableDescriptor(tableName);
4106 htd.addFamily(hcd);
4107 HRegionInfo info = new HRegionInfo(htd.getTableName(), null, null, false);
4108 this.region = TEST_UTIL.createLocalHRegion(info, htd);
4109 try {
4110 int num_unique_rows = 10;
4111 int duplicate_multiplier = 2;
4112 int num_storefiles = 4;
4114 int version = 0;
4115 for (int f = 0; f < num_storefiles; f++) {
4116 for (int i = 0; i < duplicate_multiplier; i++) {
4117 for (int j = 0; j < num_unique_rows; j++) {
4118 Put put = new Put(Bytes.toBytes("row" + j));
4119 put.setDurability(Durability.SKIP_WAL);
4120 long ts = version++;
4121 put.addColumn(fam1, qf1, ts, val1);
4122 region.put(put);
4125 region.flush(true);
4127 // before compaction
4128 HStore store = region.getStore(fam1);
4129 Collection<HStoreFile> storeFiles = store.getStorefiles();
4130 for (HStoreFile storefile : storeFiles) {
4131 StoreFileReader reader = storefile.getReader();
4132 reader.loadFileInfo();
4133 reader.loadBloomfilter();
4134 assertEquals(num_unique_rows * duplicate_multiplier, reader.getEntries());
4135 assertEquals(num_unique_rows, reader.getFilterEntries());
4138 region.compact(true);
4140 // after compaction
4141 storeFiles = store.getStorefiles();
4142 for (HStoreFile storefile : storeFiles) {
4143 StoreFileReader reader = storefile.getReader();
4144 reader.loadFileInfo();
4145 reader.loadBloomfilter();
4146 assertEquals(num_unique_rows * duplicate_multiplier * num_storefiles, reader.getEntries());
4147 assertEquals(num_unique_rows, reader.getFilterEntries());
4149 } finally {
4150 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
4151 this.region = null;
4155 @Test
4156 public void testAllColumnsWithBloomFilter() throws IOException {
4157 byte[] TABLE = Bytes.toBytes(name.getMethodName());
4158 byte[] FAMILY = Bytes.toBytes("family");
4160 // Create table
4161 HColumnDescriptor hcd = new HColumnDescriptor(FAMILY).setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE)
4162 .setBloomFilterType(BloomType.ROWCOL);
4163 HTableDescriptor htd = new HTableDescriptor(TableName.valueOf(TABLE));
4164 htd.addFamily(hcd);
4165 HRegionInfo info = new HRegionInfo(htd.getTableName(), null, null, false);
4166 this.region = TEST_UTIL.createLocalHRegion(info, htd);
4167 try {
4168 // For row:0, col:0: insert versions 1 through 5.
4169 byte row[] = Bytes.toBytes("row:" + 0);
4170 byte column[] = Bytes.toBytes("column:" + 0);
4171 Put put = new Put(row);
4172 put.setDurability(Durability.SKIP_WAL);
4173 for (long idx = 1; idx <= 4; idx++) {
4174 put.addColumn(FAMILY, column, idx, Bytes.toBytes("value-version-" + idx));
4176 region.put(put);
4178 // Flush
4179 region.flush(true);
4181 // Get rows
4182 Get get = new Get(row);
4183 get.setMaxVersions();
4184 Cell[] kvs = region.get(get).rawCells();
4186 // Check if rows are correct
4187 assertEquals(4, kvs.length);
4188 checkOneCell(kvs[0], FAMILY, 0, 0, 4);
4189 checkOneCell(kvs[1], FAMILY, 0, 0, 3);
4190 checkOneCell(kvs[2], FAMILY, 0, 0, 2);
4191 checkOneCell(kvs[3], FAMILY, 0, 0, 1);
4192 } finally {
4193 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
4194 this.region = null;
4199 * Testcase to cover bug-fix for HBASE-2823 Ensures correct delete when
4200 * issuing delete row on columns with bloom filter set to row+col
4201 * (BloomType.ROWCOL)
4203 @Test
4204 public void testDeleteRowWithBloomFilter() throws IOException {
4205 byte[] familyName = Bytes.toBytes("familyName");
4207 // Create Table
4208 HColumnDescriptor hcd = new HColumnDescriptor(familyName).setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE)
4209 .setBloomFilterType(BloomType.ROWCOL);
4211 HTableDescriptor htd = new HTableDescriptor(tableName);
4212 htd.addFamily(hcd);
4213 HRegionInfo info = new HRegionInfo(htd.getTableName(), null, null, false);
4214 this.region = TEST_UTIL.createLocalHRegion(info, htd);
4215 try {
4216 // Insert some data
4217 byte row[] = Bytes.toBytes("row1");
4218 byte col[] = Bytes.toBytes("col1");
4220 Put put = new Put(row);
4221 put.addColumn(familyName, col, 1, Bytes.toBytes("SomeRandomValue"));
4222 region.put(put);
4223 region.flush(true);
4225 Delete del = new Delete(row);
4226 region.delete(del);
4227 region.flush(true);
4229 // Get remaining rows (should have none)
4230 Get get = new Get(row);
4231 get.addColumn(familyName, col);
4233 Cell[] keyValues = region.get(get).rawCells();
4234 assertTrue(keyValues.length == 0);
4235 } finally {
4236 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
4237 this.region = null;
4241 @Test
4242 public void testgetHDFSBlocksDistribution() throws Exception {
4243 HBaseTestingUtility htu = new HBaseTestingUtility();
4244 // Why do we set the block size in this test? If we set it smaller than the kvs, then we'll
4245 // break up the file in to more pieces that can be distributed across the three nodes and we
4246 // won't be able to have the condition this test asserts; that at least one node has
4247 // a copy of all replicas -- if small block size, then blocks are spread evenly across the
4248 // the three nodes. hfilev3 with tags seems to put us over the block size. St.Ack.
4249 // final int DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE = 1024;
4250 // htu.getConfiguration().setLong("dfs.blocksize", DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE);
4251 htu.getConfiguration().setInt("dfs.replication", 2);
4253 // set up a cluster with 3 nodes
4254 MiniHBaseCluster cluster = null;
4255 String dataNodeHosts[] = new String[] { "host1", "host2", "host3" };
4256 int regionServersCount = 3;
4258 try {
4259 cluster = htu.startMiniCluster(1, regionServersCount, dataNodeHosts);
4260 byte[][] families = { fam1, fam2 };
4261 Table ht = htu.createTable(tableName, families);
4263 // Setting up region
4264 byte row[] = Bytes.toBytes("row1");
4265 byte col[] = Bytes.toBytes("col1");
4267 Put put = new Put(row);
4268 put.addColumn(fam1, col, 1, Bytes.toBytes("test1"));
4269 put.addColumn(fam2, col, 1, Bytes.toBytes("test2"));
4270 ht.put(put);
4272 HRegion firstRegion = htu.getHBaseCluster().getRegions(tableName).get(0);
4273 firstRegion.flush(true);
4274 HDFSBlocksDistribution blocksDistribution1 = firstRegion.getHDFSBlocksDistribution();
4276 // Given the default replication factor is 2 and we have 2 HFiles,
4277 // we will have total of 4 replica of blocks on 3 datanodes; thus there
4278 // must be at least one host that have replica for 2 HFiles. That host's
4279 // weight will be equal to the unique block weight.
4280 long uniqueBlocksWeight1 = blocksDistribution1.getUniqueBlocksTotalWeight();
4281 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
4282 for (String host: blocksDistribution1.getTopHosts()) {
4283 if (sb.length() > 0) sb.append(", ");
4284 sb.append(host);
4285 sb.append("=");
4286 sb.append(blocksDistribution1.getWeight(host));
4289 String topHost = blocksDistribution1.getTopHosts().get(0);
4290 long topHostWeight = blocksDistribution1.getWeight(topHost);
4291 String msg = "uniqueBlocksWeight=" + uniqueBlocksWeight1 + ", topHostWeight=" +
4292 topHostWeight + ", topHost=" + topHost + "; " + sb.toString();
4293 LOG.info(msg);
4294 assertTrue(msg, uniqueBlocksWeight1 == topHostWeight);
4296 // use the static method to compute the value, it should be the same.
4297 // static method is used by load balancer or other components
4298 HDFSBlocksDistribution blocksDistribution2 = HRegion.computeHDFSBlocksDistribution(
4299 htu.getConfiguration(), firstRegion.getTableDescriptor(), firstRegion.getRegionInfo());
4300 long uniqueBlocksWeight2 = blocksDistribution2.getUniqueBlocksTotalWeight();
4302 assertTrue(uniqueBlocksWeight1 == uniqueBlocksWeight2);
4304 ht.close();
4305 } finally {
4306 if (cluster != null) {
4307 htu.shutdownMiniCluster();
4313 * Testcase to check state of region initialization task set to ABORTED or not
4314 * if any exceptions during initialization
4316 * @throws Exception
4318 @Test
4319 public void testStatusSettingToAbortIfAnyExceptionDuringRegionInitilization() throws Exception {
4320 HRegionInfo info;
4321 try {
4322 FileSystem fs = Mockito.mock(FileSystem.class);
4323 Mockito.when(fs.exists((Path) Mockito.anyObject())).thenThrow(new IOException());
4324 HTableDescriptor htd = new HTableDescriptor(tableName);
4325 htd.addFamily(new HColumnDescriptor("cf"));
4326 info = new HRegionInfo(htd.getTableName(), HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY,
4327 HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, false);
4328 Path path = new Path(dir + "testStatusSettingToAbortIfAnyExceptionDuringRegionInitilization");
4329 region = HRegion.newHRegion(path, null, fs, CONF, info, htd, null);
4330 // region initialization throws IOException and set task state to ABORTED.
4331 region.initialize();
4332 fail("Region initialization should fail due to IOException");
4333 } catch (IOException io) {
4334 List<MonitoredTask> tasks = TaskMonitor.get().getTasks();
4335 for (MonitoredTask monitoredTask : tasks) {
4336 if (!(monitoredTask instanceof MonitoredRPCHandler)
4337 && monitoredTask.getDescription().contains(region.toString())) {
4338 assertTrue("Region state should be ABORTED.",
4339 monitoredTask.getState().equals(MonitoredTask.State.ABORTED));
4340 break;
4343 } finally {
4344 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(region);
4349 * Verifies that the .regioninfo file is written on region creation and that
4350 * is recreated if missing during region opening.
4352 @Test
4353 public void testRegionInfoFileCreation() throws IOException {
4354 Path rootDir = new Path(dir + "testRegionInfoFileCreation");
4356 HTableDescriptor htd = new HTableDescriptor(TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName()));
4357 htd.addFamily(new HColumnDescriptor("cf"));
4359 HRegionInfo hri = new HRegionInfo(htd.getTableName());
4361 // Create a region and skip the initialization (like CreateTableHandler)
4362 HRegion region = HBaseTestingUtility.createRegionAndWAL(hri, rootDir, CONF, htd, false);
4363 Path regionDir = region.getRegionFileSystem().getRegionDir();
4364 FileSystem fs = region.getRegionFileSystem().getFileSystem();
4365 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(region);
4367 Path regionInfoFile = new Path(regionDir, HRegionFileSystem.REGION_INFO_FILE);
4369 // Verify that the .regioninfo file is present
4370 assertTrue(HRegionFileSystem.REGION_INFO_FILE + " should be present in the region dir",
4371 fs.exists(regionInfoFile));
4373 // Try to open the region
4374 region = HRegion.openHRegion(rootDir, hri, htd, null, CONF);
4375 assertEquals(regionDir, region.getRegionFileSystem().getRegionDir());
4376 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(region);
4378 // Verify that the .regioninfo file is still there
4379 assertTrue(HRegionFileSystem.REGION_INFO_FILE + " should be present in the region dir",
4380 fs.exists(regionInfoFile));
4382 // Remove the .regioninfo file and verify is recreated on region open
4383 fs.delete(regionInfoFile, true);
4384 assertFalse(HRegionFileSystem.REGION_INFO_FILE + " should be removed from the region dir",
4385 fs.exists(regionInfoFile));
4387 region = HRegion.openHRegion(rootDir, hri, htd, null, CONF);
4388 // region = TEST_UTIL.openHRegion(hri, htd);
4389 assertEquals(regionDir, region.getRegionFileSystem().getRegionDir());
4390 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(region);
4392 // Verify that the .regioninfo file is still there
4393 assertTrue(HRegionFileSystem.REGION_INFO_FILE + " should be present in the region dir",
4394 fs.exists(new Path(regionDir, HRegionFileSystem.REGION_INFO_FILE)));
4398 * TestCase for increment
4400 private static class Incrementer implements Runnable {
4401 private HRegion region;
4402 private final static byte[] incRow = Bytes.toBytes("incRow");
4403 private final static byte[] family = Bytes.toBytes("family");
4404 private final static byte[] qualifier = Bytes.toBytes("qualifier");
4405 private final static long ONE = 1L;
4406 private int incCounter;
4408 public Incrementer(HRegion region, int incCounter) {
4409 this.region = region;
4410 this.incCounter = incCounter;
4413 @Override
4414 public void run() {
4415 int count = 0;
4416 while (count < incCounter) {
4417 Increment inc = new Increment(incRow);
4418 inc.addColumn(family, qualifier, ONE);
4419 count++;
4420 try {
4421 region.increment(inc);
4422 } catch (IOException e) {
4423 LOG.info("Count=" + count + ", " + e);
4424 break;
4431 * Test case to check increment function with memstore flushing
4432 * @throws Exception
4434 @Test
4435 public void testParallelIncrementWithMemStoreFlush() throws Exception {
4436 byte[] family = Incrementer.family;
4437 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, family);
4438 final HRegion region = this.region;
4439 final AtomicBoolean incrementDone = new AtomicBoolean(false);
4440 Runnable flusher = new Runnable() {
4441 @Override
4442 public void run() {
4443 while (!incrementDone.get()) {
4444 try {
4445 region.flush(true);
4446 } catch (Exception e) {
4447 e.printStackTrace();
4453 // after all increment finished, the row will increment to 20*100 = 2000
4454 int threadNum = 20;
4455 int incCounter = 100;
4456 long expected = (long) threadNum * incCounter;
4457 Thread[] incrementers = new Thread[threadNum];
4458 Thread flushThread = new Thread(flusher);
4459 for (int i = 0; i < threadNum; i++) {
4460 incrementers[i] = new Thread(new Incrementer(this.region, incCounter));
4461 incrementers[i].start();
4463 flushThread.start();
4464 for (int i = 0; i < threadNum; i++) {
4465 incrementers[i].join();
4468 incrementDone.set(true);
4469 flushThread.join();
4471 Get get = new Get(Incrementer.incRow);
4472 get.addColumn(Incrementer.family, Incrementer.qualifier);
4473 get.setMaxVersions(1);
4474 Result res = this.region.get(get);
4475 List<Cell> kvs = res.getColumnCells(Incrementer.family, Incrementer.qualifier);
4477 // we just got the latest version
4478 assertEquals(1, kvs.size());
4479 Cell kv = kvs.get(0);
4480 assertEquals(expected, Bytes.toLong(kv.getValueArray(), kv.getValueOffset()));
4481 this.region = null;
4485 * TestCase for append
4487 private static class Appender implements Runnable {
4488 private HRegion region;
4489 private final static byte[] appendRow = Bytes.toBytes("appendRow");
4490 private final static byte[] family = Bytes.toBytes("family");
4491 private final static byte[] qualifier = Bytes.toBytes("qualifier");
4492 private final static byte[] CHAR = Bytes.toBytes("a");
4493 private int appendCounter;
4495 public Appender(HRegion region, int appendCounter) {
4496 this.region = region;
4497 this.appendCounter = appendCounter;
4500 @Override
4501 public void run() {
4502 int count = 0;
4503 while (count < appendCounter) {
4504 Append app = new Append(appendRow);
4505 app.addColumn(family, qualifier, CHAR);
4506 count++;
4507 try {
4508 region.append(app);
4509 } catch (IOException e) {
4510 LOG.info("Count=" + count + ", max=" + appendCounter + ", " + e);
4511 break;
4518 * Test case to check append function with memstore flushing
4519 * @throws Exception
4521 @Test
4522 public void testParallelAppendWithMemStoreFlush() throws Exception {
4523 byte[] family = Appender.family;
4524 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, family);
4525 final HRegion region = this.region;
4526 final AtomicBoolean appendDone = new AtomicBoolean(false);
4527 Runnable flusher = new Runnable() {
4528 @Override
4529 public void run() {
4530 while (!appendDone.get()) {
4531 try {
4532 region.flush(true);
4533 } catch (Exception e) {
4534 e.printStackTrace();
4540 // After all append finished, the value will append to threadNum *
4541 // appendCounter Appender.CHAR
4542 int threadNum = 20;
4543 int appendCounter = 100;
4544 byte[] expected = new byte[threadNum * appendCounter];
4545 for (int i = 0; i < threadNum * appendCounter; i++) {
4546 System.arraycopy(Appender.CHAR, 0, expected, i, 1);
4548 Thread[] appenders = new Thread[threadNum];
4549 Thread flushThread = new Thread(flusher);
4550 for (int i = 0; i < threadNum; i++) {
4551 appenders[i] = new Thread(new Appender(this.region, appendCounter));
4552 appenders[i].start();
4554 flushThread.start();
4555 for (int i = 0; i < threadNum; i++) {
4556 appenders[i].join();
4559 appendDone.set(true);
4560 flushThread.join();
4562 Get get = new Get(Appender.appendRow);
4563 get.addColumn(Appender.family, Appender.qualifier);
4564 get.setMaxVersions(1);
4565 Result res = this.region.get(get);
4566 List<Cell> kvs = res.getColumnCells(Appender.family, Appender.qualifier);
4568 // we just got the latest version
4569 assertEquals(1, kvs.size());
4570 Cell kv = kvs.get(0);
4571 byte[] appendResult = new byte[kv.getValueLength()];
4572 System.arraycopy(kv.getValueArray(), kv.getValueOffset(), appendResult, 0, kv.getValueLength());
4573 assertArrayEquals(expected, appendResult);
4574 this.region = null;
4578 * Test case to check put function with memstore flushing for same row, same ts
4579 * @throws Exception
4581 @Test
4582 public void testPutWithMemStoreFlush() throws Exception {
4583 byte[] family = Bytes.toBytes("family");
4584 byte[] qualifier = Bytes.toBytes("qualifier");
4585 byte[] row = Bytes.toBytes("putRow");
4586 byte[] value = null;
4587 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, family);
4588 Put put = null;
4589 Get get = null;
4590 List<Cell> kvs = null;
4591 Result res = null;
4593 put = new Put(row);
4594 value = Bytes.toBytes("value0");
4595 put.addColumn(family, qualifier, 1234567L, value);
4596 region.put(put);
4597 get = new Get(row);
4598 get.addColumn(family, qualifier);
4599 get.setMaxVersions();
4600 res = this.region.get(get);
4601 kvs = res.getColumnCells(family, qualifier);
4602 assertEquals(1, kvs.size());
4603 assertArrayEquals(Bytes.toBytes("value0"), CellUtil.cloneValue(kvs.get(0)));
4605 region.flush(true);
4606 get = new Get(row);
4607 get.addColumn(family, qualifier);
4608 get.setMaxVersions();
4609 res = this.region.get(get);
4610 kvs = res.getColumnCells(family, qualifier);
4611 assertEquals(1, kvs.size());
4612 assertArrayEquals(Bytes.toBytes("value0"), CellUtil.cloneValue(kvs.get(0)));
4614 put = new Put(row);
4615 value = Bytes.toBytes("value1");
4616 put.addColumn(family, qualifier, 1234567L, value);
4617 region.put(put);
4618 get = new Get(row);
4619 get.addColumn(family, qualifier);
4620 get.setMaxVersions();
4621 res = this.region.get(get);
4622 kvs = res.getColumnCells(family, qualifier);
4623 assertEquals(1, kvs.size());
4624 assertArrayEquals(Bytes.toBytes("value1"), CellUtil.cloneValue(kvs.get(0)));
4626 region.flush(true);
4627 get = new Get(row);
4628 get.addColumn(family, qualifier);
4629 get.setMaxVersions();
4630 res = this.region.get(get);
4631 kvs = res.getColumnCells(family, qualifier);
4632 assertEquals(1, kvs.size());
4633 assertArrayEquals(Bytes.toBytes("value1"), CellUtil.cloneValue(kvs.get(0)));
4636 @Test
4637 public void testDurability() throws Exception {
4638 // there are 5 x 5 cases:
4639 // table durability(SYNC,FSYNC,ASYC,SKIP,USE_DEFAULT) x mutation
4642 // expected cases for append and sync wal
4643 durabilityTest(method, Durability.SYNC_WAL, Durability.SYNC_WAL, 0, true, true, false);
4644 durabilityTest(method, Durability.SYNC_WAL, Durability.FSYNC_WAL, 0, true, true, false);
4645 durabilityTest(method, Durability.SYNC_WAL, Durability.USE_DEFAULT, 0, true, true, false);
4647 durabilityTest(method, Durability.FSYNC_WAL, Durability.SYNC_WAL, 0, true, true, false);
4648 durabilityTest(method, Durability.FSYNC_WAL, Durability.FSYNC_WAL, 0, true, true, false);
4649 durabilityTest(method, Durability.FSYNC_WAL, Durability.USE_DEFAULT, 0, true, true, false);
4651 durabilityTest(method, Durability.ASYNC_WAL, Durability.SYNC_WAL, 0, true, true, false);
4652 durabilityTest(method, Durability.ASYNC_WAL, Durability.FSYNC_WAL, 0, true, true, false);
4654 durabilityTest(method, Durability.SKIP_WAL, Durability.SYNC_WAL, 0, true, true, false);
4655 durabilityTest(method, Durability.SKIP_WAL, Durability.FSYNC_WAL, 0, true, true, false);
4657 durabilityTest(method, Durability.USE_DEFAULT, Durability.SYNC_WAL, 0, true, true, false);
4658 durabilityTest(method, Durability.USE_DEFAULT, Durability.FSYNC_WAL, 0, true, true, false);
4659 durabilityTest(method, Durability.USE_DEFAULT, Durability.USE_DEFAULT, 0, true, true, false);
4661 // expected cases for async wal
4662 durabilityTest(method, Durability.SYNC_WAL, Durability.ASYNC_WAL, 0, true, false, false);
4663 durabilityTest(method, Durability.FSYNC_WAL, Durability.ASYNC_WAL, 0, true, false, false);
4664 durabilityTest(method, Durability.ASYNC_WAL, Durability.ASYNC_WAL, 0, true, false, false);
4665 durabilityTest(method, Durability.SKIP_WAL, Durability.ASYNC_WAL, 0, true, false, false);
4666 durabilityTest(method, Durability.USE_DEFAULT, Durability.ASYNC_WAL, 0, true, false, false);
4667 durabilityTest(method, Durability.ASYNC_WAL, Durability.USE_DEFAULT, 0, true, false, false);
4669 durabilityTest(method, Durability.SYNC_WAL, Durability.ASYNC_WAL, 5000, true, false, true);
4670 durabilityTest(method, Durability.FSYNC_WAL, Durability.ASYNC_WAL, 5000, true, false, true);
4671 durabilityTest(method, Durability.ASYNC_WAL, Durability.ASYNC_WAL, 5000, true, false, true);
4672 durabilityTest(method, Durability.SKIP_WAL, Durability.ASYNC_WAL, 5000, true, false, true);
4673 durabilityTest(method, Durability.USE_DEFAULT, Durability.ASYNC_WAL, 5000, true, false, true);
4674 durabilityTest(method, Durability.ASYNC_WAL, Durability.USE_DEFAULT, 5000, true, false, true);
4676 // expect skip wal cases
4677 durabilityTest(method, Durability.SYNC_WAL, Durability.SKIP_WAL, 0, false, false, false);
4678 durabilityTest(method, Durability.FSYNC_WAL, Durability.SKIP_WAL, 0, false, false, false);
4679 durabilityTest(method, Durability.ASYNC_WAL, Durability.SKIP_WAL, 0, false, false, false);
4680 durabilityTest(method, Durability.SKIP_WAL, Durability.SKIP_WAL, 0, false, false, false);
4681 durabilityTest(method, Durability.USE_DEFAULT, Durability.SKIP_WAL, 0, false, false, false);
4682 durabilityTest(method, Durability.SKIP_WAL, Durability.USE_DEFAULT, 0, false, false, false);
4686 private void durabilityTest(String method, Durability tableDurability,
4687 Durability mutationDurability, long timeout, boolean expectAppend, final boolean expectSync,
4688 final boolean expectSyncFromLogSyncer) throws Exception {
4689 Configuration conf = HBaseConfiguration.create(CONF);
4690 method = method + "_" + tableDurability.name() + "_" + mutationDurability.name();
4691 byte[] family = Bytes.toBytes("family");
4692 Path logDir = new Path(new Path(dir + method), "log");
4693 final Configuration walConf = new Configuration(conf);
4694 FSUtils.setRootDir(walConf, logDir);
4695 // XXX: The spied AsyncFSWAL can not work properly because of a Mockito defect that can not
4696 // deal with classes which have a field of an inner class. See discussions in HBASE-15536.
4697 walConf.set(WALFactory.WAL_PROVIDER, "filesystem");
4698 final WALFactory wals = new WALFactory(walConf, null, UUID.randomUUID().toString());
4699 final WAL wal = spy(wals.getWAL(RegionInfoBuilder.newBuilder(tableName).build()));
4700 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, HConstants.EMPTY_START_ROW,
4701 HConstants.EMPTY_END_ROW, false, tableDurability, wal,
4702 new byte[][] { family });
4704 Put put = new Put(Bytes.toBytes("r1"));
4705 put.addColumn(family, Bytes.toBytes("q1"), Bytes.toBytes("v1"));
4706 put.setDurability(mutationDurability);
4707 region.put(put);
4709 //verify append called or not
4710 verify(wal, expectAppend ? times(1) : never())
4711 .append((HRegionInfo)any(), (WALKeyImpl)any(),
4712 (WALEdit)any(), Mockito.anyBoolean());
4714 // verify sync called or not
4715 if (expectSync || expectSyncFromLogSyncer) {
4716 TEST_UTIL.waitFor(timeout, new Waiter.Predicate<Exception>() {
4717 @Override
4718 public boolean evaluate() throws Exception {
4719 try {
4720 if (expectSync) {
4721 verify(wal, times(1)).sync(anyLong()); // Hregion calls this one
4722 } else if (expectSyncFromLogSyncer) {
4723 verify(wal, times(1)).sync(); // wal syncer calls this one
4725 } catch (Throwable ignore) {
4727 return true;
4730 } else {
4731 //verify(wal, never()).sync(anyLong());
4732 verify(wal, never()).sync();
4735 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
4736 wals.close();
4737 this.region = null;
4740 @Test
4741 public void testRegionReplicaSecondary() throws IOException {
4742 // create a primary region, load some data and flush
4743 // create a secondary region, and do a get against that
4744 Path rootDir = new Path(dir + name.getMethodName());
4745 FSUtils.setRootDir(TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration(), rootDir);
4747 byte[][] families = new byte[][] {
4748 Bytes.toBytes("cf1"), Bytes.toBytes("cf2"), Bytes.toBytes("cf3")
4750 byte[] cq = Bytes.toBytes("cq");
4751 HTableDescriptor htd = new HTableDescriptor(TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName()));
4752 for (byte[] family : families) {
4753 htd.addFamily(new HColumnDescriptor(family));
4756 long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
4757 HRegionInfo primaryHri = new HRegionInfo(htd.getTableName(),
4758 HConstants.EMPTY_START_ROW, HConstants.EMPTY_END_ROW,
4759 false, time, 0);
4760 HRegionInfo secondaryHri = new HRegionInfo(htd.getTableName(),
4761 HConstants.EMPTY_START_ROW, HConstants.EMPTY_END_ROW,
4762 false, time, 1);
4764 HRegion primaryRegion = null, secondaryRegion = null;
4766 try {
4767 primaryRegion = HBaseTestingUtility.createRegionAndWAL(primaryHri,
4768 rootDir, TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration(), htd);
4770 // load some data
4771 putData(primaryRegion, 0, 1000, cq, families);
4773 // flush region
4774 primaryRegion.flush(true);
4776 // open secondary region
4777 secondaryRegion = HRegion.openHRegion(rootDir, secondaryHri, htd, null, CONF);
4779 verifyData(secondaryRegion, 0, 1000, cq, families);
4780 } finally {
4781 if (primaryRegion != null) {
4782 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(primaryRegion);
4784 if (secondaryRegion != null) {
4785 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(secondaryRegion);
4790 @Test
4791 public void testRegionReplicaSecondaryIsReadOnly() throws IOException {
4792 // create a primary region, load some data and flush
4793 // create a secondary region, and do a put against that
4794 Path rootDir = new Path(dir + name.getMethodName());
4795 FSUtils.setRootDir(TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration(), rootDir);
4797 byte[][] families = new byte[][] {
4798 Bytes.toBytes("cf1"), Bytes.toBytes("cf2"), Bytes.toBytes("cf3")
4800 byte[] cq = Bytes.toBytes("cq");
4801 HTableDescriptor htd = new HTableDescriptor(TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName()));
4802 for (byte[] family : families) {
4803 htd.addFamily(new HColumnDescriptor(family));
4806 long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
4807 HRegionInfo primaryHri = new HRegionInfo(htd.getTableName(),
4808 HConstants.EMPTY_START_ROW, HConstants.EMPTY_END_ROW,
4809 false, time, 0);
4810 HRegionInfo secondaryHri = new HRegionInfo(htd.getTableName(),
4811 HConstants.EMPTY_START_ROW, HConstants.EMPTY_END_ROW,
4812 false, time, 1);
4814 HRegion primaryRegion = null, secondaryRegion = null;
4816 try {
4817 primaryRegion = HBaseTestingUtility.createRegionAndWAL(primaryHri,
4818 rootDir, TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration(), htd);
4820 // load some data
4821 putData(primaryRegion, 0, 1000, cq, families);
4823 // flush region
4824 primaryRegion.flush(true);
4826 // open secondary region
4827 secondaryRegion = HRegion.openHRegion(rootDir, secondaryHri, htd, null, CONF);
4829 try {
4830 putData(secondaryRegion, 0, 1000, cq, families);
4831 fail("Should have thrown exception");
4832 } catch (IOException ex) {
4833 // expected
4835 } finally {
4836 if (primaryRegion != null) {
4837 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(primaryRegion);
4839 if (secondaryRegion != null) {
4840 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(secondaryRegion);
4845 static WALFactory createWALFactory(Configuration conf, Path rootDir) throws IOException {
4846 Configuration confForWAL = new Configuration(conf);
4847 confForWAL.set(HConstants.HBASE_DIR, rootDir.toString());
4848 return new WALFactory(confForWAL,
4849 Collections.<WALActionsListener>singletonList(new MetricsWAL()),
4850 "hregion-" + RandomStringUtils.randomNumeric(8));
4853 @Test
4854 public void testCompactionFromPrimary() throws IOException {
4855 Path rootDir = new Path(dir + name.getMethodName());
4856 FSUtils.setRootDir(TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration(), rootDir);
4858 byte[][] families = new byte[][] {
4859 Bytes.toBytes("cf1"), Bytes.toBytes("cf2"), Bytes.toBytes("cf3")
4861 byte[] cq = Bytes.toBytes("cq");
4862 HTableDescriptor htd = new HTableDescriptor(TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName()));
4863 for (byte[] family : families) {
4864 htd.addFamily(new HColumnDescriptor(family));
4867 long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
4868 HRegionInfo primaryHri = new HRegionInfo(htd.getTableName(),
4869 HConstants.EMPTY_START_ROW, HConstants.EMPTY_END_ROW,
4870 false, time, 0);
4871 HRegionInfo secondaryHri = new HRegionInfo(htd.getTableName(),
4872 HConstants.EMPTY_START_ROW, HConstants.EMPTY_END_ROW,
4873 false, time, 1);
4875 HRegion primaryRegion = null, secondaryRegion = null;
4877 try {
4878 primaryRegion = HBaseTestingUtility.createRegionAndWAL(primaryHri,
4879 rootDir, TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration(), htd);
4881 // load some data
4882 putData(primaryRegion, 0, 1000, cq, families);
4884 // flush region
4885 primaryRegion.flush(true);
4887 // open secondary region
4888 secondaryRegion = HRegion.openHRegion(rootDir, secondaryHri, htd, null, CONF);
4890 // move the file of the primary region to the archive, simulating a compaction
4891 Collection<HStoreFile> storeFiles = primaryRegion.getStore(families[0]).getStorefiles();
4892 primaryRegion.getRegionFileSystem().removeStoreFiles(Bytes.toString(families[0]), storeFiles);
4893 Collection<StoreFileInfo> storeFileInfos = primaryRegion.getRegionFileSystem()
4894 .getStoreFiles(families[0]);
4895 Assert.assertTrue(storeFileInfos == null || storeFileInfos.isEmpty());
4897 verifyData(secondaryRegion, 0, 1000, cq, families);
4898 } finally {
4899 if (primaryRegion != null) {
4900 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(primaryRegion);
4902 if (secondaryRegion != null) {
4903 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(secondaryRegion);
4908 private void putData(int startRow, int numRows, byte[] qf, byte[]... families) throws
4909 IOException {
4910 putData(this.region, startRow, numRows, qf, families);
4913 private void putData(HRegion region,
4914 int startRow, int numRows, byte[] qf, byte[]... families) throws IOException {
4915 putData(region, Durability.SKIP_WAL, startRow, numRows, qf, families);
4918 static void putData(HRegion region, Durability durability,
4919 int startRow, int numRows, byte[] qf, byte[]... families) throws IOException {
4920 for (int i = startRow; i < startRow + numRows; i++) {
4921 Put put = new Put(Bytes.toBytes("" + i));
4922 put.setDurability(durability);
4923 for (byte[] family : families) {
4924 put.addColumn(family, qf, null);
4926 region.put(put);
4927 LOG.info(put.toString());
4931 static void verifyData(HRegion newReg, int startRow, int numRows, byte[] qf, byte[]... families)
4932 throws IOException {
4933 for (int i = startRow; i < startRow + numRows; i++) {
4934 byte[] row = Bytes.toBytes("" + i);
4935 Get get = new Get(row);
4936 for (byte[] family : families) {
4937 get.addColumn(family, qf);
4939 Result result = newReg.get(get);
4940 Cell[] raw = result.rawCells();
4941 assertEquals(families.length, result.size());
4942 for (int j = 0; j < families.length; j++) {
4943 assertTrue(CellUtil.matchingRows(raw[j], row));
4944 assertTrue(CellUtil.matchingFamily(raw[j], families[j]));
4945 assertTrue(CellUtil.matchingQualifier(raw[j], qf));
4950 static void assertGet(final HRegion r, final byte[] family, final byte[] k) throws IOException {
4951 // Now I have k, get values out and assert they are as expected.
4952 Get get = new Get(k).addFamily(family).setMaxVersions();
4953 Cell[] results = r.get(get).rawCells();
4954 for (int j = 0; j < results.length; j++) {
4955 byte[] tmp = CellUtil.cloneValue(results[j]);
4956 // Row should be equal to value every time.
4957 assertTrue(Bytes.equals(k, tmp));
4962 * Assert first value in the passed region is <code>firstValue</code>.
4964 * @param r
4966 * @param fs
4968 * @param firstValue
4970 * @throws IOException
4972 protected void assertScan(final HRegion r, final byte[] fs, final byte[] firstValue)
4973 throws IOException {
4974 byte[][] families = { fs };
4975 Scan scan = new Scan();
4976 for (int i = 0; i < families.length; i++)
4977 scan.addFamily(families[i]);
4978 InternalScanner s = r.getScanner(scan);
4979 try {
4980 List<Cell> curVals = new ArrayList<>();
4981 boolean first = true;
4982 OUTER_LOOP: while (s.next(curVals)) {
4983 for (Cell kv : curVals) {
4984 byte[] val = CellUtil.cloneValue(kv);
4985 byte[] curval = val;
4986 if (first) {
4987 first = false;
4988 assertTrue(Bytes.compareTo(curval, firstValue) == 0);
4989 } else {
4990 // Not asserting anything. Might as well break.
4991 break OUTER_LOOP;
4995 } finally {
4996 s.close();
5001 * Test that we get the expected flush results back
5003 @Test
5004 public void testFlushResult() throws IOException {
5005 byte[] family = Bytes.toBytes("family");
5007 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, family);
5009 // empty memstore, flush doesn't run
5010 HRegion.FlushResult fr = region.flush(true);
5011 assertFalse(fr.isFlushSucceeded());
5012 assertFalse(fr.isCompactionNeeded());
5014 // Flush enough files to get up to the threshold, doesn't need compactions
5015 for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
5016 Put put = new Put(tableName.toBytes()).addColumn(family, family, tableName.toBytes());
5017 region.put(put);
5018 fr = region.flush(true);
5019 assertTrue(fr.isFlushSucceeded());
5020 assertFalse(fr.isCompactionNeeded());
5023 // Two flushes after the threshold, compactions are needed
5024 for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
5025 Put put = new Put(tableName.toBytes()).addColumn(family, family, tableName.toBytes());
5026 region.put(put);
5027 fr = region.flush(true);
5028 assertTrue(fr.isFlushSucceeded());
5029 assertTrue(fr.isCompactionNeeded());
5033 protected Configuration initSplit() {
5034 // Always compact if there is more than one store file.
5035 CONF.setInt("hbase.hstore.compactionThreshold", 2);
5037 CONF.setInt(HConstants.HBASE_CLIENT_SCANNER_TIMEOUT_PERIOD, 10 * 1000);
5039 // Increase the amount of time between client retries
5040 CONF.setLong("hbase.client.pause", 15 * 1000);
5042 // This size should make it so we always split using the addContent
5043 // below. After adding all data, the first region is 1.3M
5044 CONF.setLong(HConstants.HREGION_MAX_FILESIZE, 1024 * 128);
5045 return CONF;
5049 * @return A region on which you must call
5050 * {@link HBaseTestingUtility#closeRegionAndWAL(HRegion)} when done.
5052 protected HRegion initHRegion(TableName tableName, String callingMethod, Configuration conf,
5053 byte[]... families) throws IOException {
5054 return initHRegion(tableName, callingMethod, conf, false, families);
5058 * @return A region on which you must call
5059 * {@link HBaseTestingUtility#closeRegionAndWAL(HRegion)} when done.
5061 protected HRegion initHRegion(TableName tableName, String callingMethod, Configuration conf,
5062 boolean isReadOnly, byte[]... families) throws IOException {
5063 return initHRegion(tableName, null, null, callingMethod, conf, isReadOnly, families);
5066 protected HRegion initHRegion(TableName tableName, byte[] startKey, byte[] stopKey,
5067 String callingMethod, Configuration conf, boolean isReadOnly, byte[]... families)
5068 throws IOException {
5069 Path logDir = TEST_UTIL.getDataTestDirOnTestFS(callingMethod + ".log");
5070 ChunkCreator.initialize(MemStoreLABImpl.CHUNK_SIZE_DEFAULT, false, 0, 0, 0, null);
5071 HRegionInfo hri = new HRegionInfo(tableName, startKey, stopKey);
5072 final WAL wal = HBaseTestingUtility.createWal(conf, logDir, hri);
5073 return initHRegion(tableName, startKey, stopKey, isReadOnly,
5074 Durability.SYNC_WAL, wal, families);
5078 * @return A region on which you must call
5079 * {@link HBaseTestingUtility#closeRegionAndWAL(HRegion)} when done.
5081 public HRegion initHRegion(TableName tableName, byte[] startKey, byte[] stopKey,
5082 boolean isReadOnly, Durability durability, WAL wal, byte[]... families) throws IOException {
5083 return TEST_UTIL.createLocalHRegion(tableName, startKey, stopKey,
5084 isReadOnly, durability, wal, families);
5088 * Assert that the passed in Cell has expected contents for the specified row,
5089 * column & timestamp.
5091 private void checkOneCell(Cell kv, byte[] cf, int rowIdx, int colIdx, long ts) {
5092 String ctx = "rowIdx=" + rowIdx + "; colIdx=" + colIdx + "; ts=" + ts;
5093 assertEquals("Row mismatch which checking: " + ctx, "row:" + rowIdx,
5094 Bytes.toString(CellUtil.cloneRow(kv)));
5095 assertEquals("ColumnFamily mismatch while checking: " + ctx, Bytes.toString(cf),
5096 Bytes.toString(CellUtil.cloneFamily(kv)));
5097 assertEquals("Column qualifier mismatch while checking: " + ctx, "column:" + colIdx,
5098 Bytes.toString(CellUtil.cloneQualifier(kv)));
5099 assertEquals("Timestamp mismatch while checking: " + ctx, ts, kv.getTimestamp());
5100 assertEquals("Value mismatch while checking: " + ctx, "value-version-" + ts,
5101 Bytes.toString(CellUtil.cloneValue(kv)));
5104 @Test
5105 public void testReverseScanner_FromMemStore_SingleCF_Normal()
5106 throws IOException {
5107 byte[] rowC = Bytes.toBytes("rowC");
5108 byte[] rowA = Bytes.toBytes("rowA");
5109 byte[] rowB = Bytes.toBytes("rowB");
5110 byte[] cf = Bytes.toBytes("CF");
5111 byte[][] families = { cf };
5112 byte[] col = Bytes.toBytes("C");
5113 long ts = 1;
5114 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, families);
5115 try {
5116 KeyValue kv1 = new KeyValue(rowC, cf, col, ts, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
5117 KeyValue kv11 = new KeyValue(rowC, cf, col, ts + 1, KeyValue.Type.Put,
5118 null);
5119 KeyValue kv2 = new KeyValue(rowA, cf, col, ts, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
5120 KeyValue kv3 = new KeyValue(rowB, cf, col, ts, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
5121 Put put = null;
5122 put = new Put(rowC);
5123 put.add(kv1);
5124 put.add(kv11);
5125 region.put(put);
5126 put = new Put(rowA);
5127 put.add(kv2);
5128 region.put(put);
5129 put = new Put(rowB);
5130 put.add(kv3);
5131 region.put(put);
5133 Scan scan = new Scan(rowC);
5134 scan.setMaxVersions(5);
5135 scan.setReversed(true);
5136 InternalScanner scanner = region.getScanner(scan);
5137 List<Cell> currRow = new ArrayList<>();
5138 boolean hasNext = scanner.next(currRow);
5139 assertEquals(2, currRow.size());
5140 assertTrue(Bytes.equals(currRow.get(0).getRowArray(), currRow.get(0).getRowOffset(), currRow
5141 .get(0).getRowLength(), rowC, 0, rowC.length));
5142 assertTrue(hasNext);
5143 currRow.clear();
5144 hasNext = scanner.next(currRow);
5145 assertEquals(1, currRow.size());
5146 assertTrue(Bytes.equals(currRow.get(0).getRowArray(), currRow.get(0).getRowOffset(), currRow
5147 .get(0).getRowLength(), rowB, 0, rowB.length));
5148 assertTrue(hasNext);
5149 currRow.clear();
5150 hasNext = scanner.next(currRow);
5151 assertEquals(1, currRow.size());
5152 assertTrue(Bytes.equals(currRow.get(0).getRowArray(), currRow.get(0).getRowOffset(), currRow
5153 .get(0).getRowLength(), rowA, 0, rowA.length));
5154 assertFalse(hasNext);
5155 scanner.close();
5156 } finally {
5157 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
5158 this.region = null;
5162 @Test
5163 public void testReverseScanner_FromMemStore_SingleCF_LargerKey()
5164 throws IOException {
5165 byte[] rowC = Bytes.toBytes("rowC");
5166 byte[] rowA = Bytes.toBytes("rowA");
5167 byte[] rowB = Bytes.toBytes("rowB");
5168 byte[] rowD = Bytes.toBytes("rowD");
5169 byte[] cf = Bytes.toBytes("CF");
5170 byte[][] families = { cf };
5171 byte[] col = Bytes.toBytes("C");
5172 long ts = 1;
5173 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, families);
5174 try {
5175 KeyValue kv1 = new KeyValue(rowC, cf, col, ts, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
5176 KeyValue kv11 = new KeyValue(rowC, cf, col, ts + 1, KeyValue.Type.Put,
5177 null);
5178 KeyValue kv2 = new KeyValue(rowA, cf, col, ts, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
5179 KeyValue kv3 = new KeyValue(rowB, cf, col, ts, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
5180 Put put = null;
5181 put = new Put(rowC);
5182 put.add(kv1);
5183 put.add(kv11);
5184 region.put(put);
5185 put = new Put(rowA);
5186 put.add(kv2);
5187 region.put(put);
5188 put = new Put(rowB);
5189 put.add(kv3);
5190 region.put(put);
5192 Scan scan = new Scan(rowD);
5193 List<Cell> currRow = new ArrayList<>();
5194 scan.setReversed(true);
5195 scan.setMaxVersions(5);
5196 InternalScanner scanner = region.getScanner(scan);
5197 boolean hasNext = scanner.next(currRow);
5198 assertEquals(2, currRow.size());
5199 assertTrue(Bytes.equals(currRow.get(0).getRowArray(), currRow.get(0).getRowOffset(), currRow
5200 .get(0).getRowLength(), rowC, 0, rowC.length));
5201 assertTrue(hasNext);
5202 currRow.clear();
5203 hasNext = scanner.next(currRow);
5204 assertEquals(1, currRow.size());
5205 assertTrue(Bytes.equals(currRow.get(0).getRowArray(), currRow.get(0).getRowOffset(), currRow
5206 .get(0).getRowLength(), rowB, 0, rowB.length));
5207 assertTrue(hasNext);
5208 currRow.clear();
5209 hasNext = scanner.next(currRow);
5210 assertEquals(1, currRow.size());
5211 assertTrue(Bytes.equals(currRow.get(0).getRowArray(), currRow.get(0).getRowOffset(), currRow
5212 .get(0).getRowLength(), rowA, 0, rowA.length));
5213 assertFalse(hasNext);
5214 scanner.close();
5215 } finally {
5216 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
5217 this.region = null;
5221 @Test
5222 public void testReverseScanner_FromMemStore_SingleCF_FullScan()
5223 throws IOException {
5224 byte[] rowC = Bytes.toBytes("rowC");
5225 byte[] rowA = Bytes.toBytes("rowA");
5226 byte[] rowB = Bytes.toBytes("rowB");
5227 byte[] cf = Bytes.toBytes("CF");
5228 byte[][] families = { cf };
5229 byte[] col = Bytes.toBytes("C");
5230 long ts = 1;
5231 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, families);
5232 try {
5233 KeyValue kv1 = new KeyValue(rowC, cf, col, ts, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
5234 KeyValue kv11 = new KeyValue(rowC, cf, col, ts + 1, KeyValue.Type.Put,
5235 null);
5236 KeyValue kv2 = new KeyValue(rowA, cf, col, ts, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
5237 KeyValue kv3 = new KeyValue(rowB, cf, col, ts, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
5238 Put put = null;
5239 put = new Put(rowC);
5240 put.add(kv1);
5241 put.add(kv11);
5242 region.put(put);
5243 put = new Put(rowA);
5244 put.add(kv2);
5245 region.put(put);
5246 put = new Put(rowB);
5247 put.add(kv3);
5248 region.put(put);
5249 Scan scan = new Scan();
5250 List<Cell> currRow = new ArrayList<>();
5251 scan.setReversed(true);
5252 InternalScanner scanner = region.getScanner(scan);
5253 boolean hasNext = scanner.next(currRow);
5254 assertEquals(1, currRow.size());
5255 assertTrue(Bytes.equals(currRow.get(0).getRowArray(), currRow.get(0).getRowOffset(), currRow
5256 .get(0).getRowLength(), rowC, 0, rowC.length));
5257 assertTrue(hasNext);
5258 currRow.clear();
5259 hasNext = scanner.next(currRow);
5260 assertEquals(1, currRow.size());
5261 assertTrue(Bytes.equals(currRow.get(0).getRowArray(), currRow.get(0).getRowOffset(), currRow
5262 .get(0).getRowLength(), rowB, 0, rowB.length));
5263 assertTrue(hasNext);
5264 currRow.clear();
5265 hasNext = scanner.next(currRow);
5266 assertEquals(1, currRow.size());
5267 assertTrue(Bytes.equals(currRow.get(0).getRowArray(), currRow.get(0).getRowOffset(), currRow
5268 .get(0).getRowLength(), rowA, 0, rowA.length));
5269 assertFalse(hasNext);
5270 scanner.close();
5271 } finally {
5272 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
5273 this.region = null;
5277 @Test
5278 public void testReverseScanner_moreRowsMayExistAfter() throws IOException {
5279 // case for "INCLUDE_AND_SEEK_NEXT_ROW & SEEK_NEXT_ROW" endless loop
5280 byte[] rowA = Bytes.toBytes("rowA");
5281 byte[] rowB = Bytes.toBytes("rowB");
5282 byte[] rowC = Bytes.toBytes("rowC");
5283 byte[] rowD = Bytes.toBytes("rowD");
5284 byte[] rowE = Bytes.toBytes("rowE");
5285 byte[] cf = Bytes.toBytes("CF");
5286 byte[][] families = { cf };
5287 byte[] col1 = Bytes.toBytes("col1");
5288 byte[] col2 = Bytes.toBytes("col2");
5289 long ts = 1;
5290 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, families);
5291 try {
5292 KeyValue kv1 = new KeyValue(rowA, cf, col1, ts, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
5293 KeyValue kv2 = new KeyValue(rowB, cf, col1, ts, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
5294 KeyValue kv3 = new KeyValue(rowC, cf, col1, ts, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
5295 KeyValue kv4_1 = new KeyValue(rowD, cf, col1, ts, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
5296 KeyValue kv4_2 = new KeyValue(rowD, cf, col2, ts, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
5297 KeyValue kv5 = new KeyValue(rowE, cf, col1, ts, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
5298 Put put = null;
5299 put = new Put(rowA);
5300 put.add(kv1);
5301 region.put(put);
5302 put = new Put(rowB);
5303 put.add(kv2);
5304 region.put(put);
5305 put = new Put(rowC);
5306 put.add(kv3);
5307 region.put(put);
5308 put = new Put(rowD);
5309 put.add(kv4_1);
5310 region.put(put);
5311 put = new Put(rowD);
5312 put.add(kv4_2);
5313 region.put(put);
5314 put = new Put(rowE);
5315 put.add(kv5);
5316 region.put(put);
5317 region.flush(true);
5318 Scan scan = new Scan(rowD, rowA);
5319 scan.addColumn(families[0], col1);
5320 scan.setReversed(true);
5321 List<Cell> currRow = new ArrayList<>();
5322 InternalScanner scanner = region.getScanner(scan);
5323 boolean hasNext = scanner.next(currRow);
5324 assertEquals(1, currRow.size());
5325 assertTrue(Bytes.equals(currRow.get(0).getRowArray(), currRow.get(0).getRowOffset(), currRow
5326 .get(0).getRowLength(), rowD, 0, rowD.length));
5327 assertTrue(hasNext);
5328 currRow.clear();
5329 hasNext = scanner.next(currRow);
5330 assertEquals(1, currRow.size());
5331 assertTrue(Bytes.equals(currRow.get(0).getRowArray(), currRow.get(0).getRowOffset(), currRow
5332 .get(0).getRowLength(), rowC, 0, rowC.length));
5333 assertTrue(hasNext);
5334 currRow.clear();
5335 hasNext = scanner.next(currRow);
5336 assertEquals(1, currRow.size());
5337 assertTrue(Bytes.equals(currRow.get(0).getRowArray(), currRow.get(0).getRowOffset(), currRow
5338 .get(0).getRowLength(), rowB, 0, rowB.length));
5339 assertFalse(hasNext);
5340 scanner.close();
5342 scan = new Scan(rowD, rowA);
5343 scan.addColumn(families[0], col2);
5344 scan.setReversed(true);
5345 currRow.clear();
5346 scanner = region.getScanner(scan);
5347 hasNext = scanner.next(currRow);
5348 assertEquals(1, currRow.size());
5349 assertTrue(Bytes.equals(currRow.get(0).getRowArray(), currRow.get(0).getRowOffset(), currRow
5350 .get(0).getRowLength(), rowD, 0, rowD.length));
5351 scanner.close();
5352 } finally {
5353 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
5354 this.region = null;
5358 @Test
5359 public void testReverseScanner_smaller_blocksize() throws IOException {
5360 // case to ensure no conflict with HFile index optimization
5361 byte[] rowA = Bytes.toBytes("rowA");
5362 byte[] rowB = Bytes.toBytes("rowB");
5363 byte[] rowC = Bytes.toBytes("rowC");
5364 byte[] rowD = Bytes.toBytes("rowD");
5365 byte[] rowE = Bytes.toBytes("rowE");
5366 byte[] cf = Bytes.toBytes("CF");
5367 byte[][] families = { cf };
5368 byte[] col1 = Bytes.toBytes("col1");
5369 byte[] col2 = Bytes.toBytes("col2");
5370 long ts = 1;
5371 HBaseConfiguration config = new HBaseConfiguration();
5372 config.setInt("test.block.size", 1);
5373 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, config, families);
5374 try {
5375 KeyValue kv1 = new KeyValue(rowA, cf, col1, ts, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
5376 KeyValue kv2 = new KeyValue(rowB, cf, col1, ts, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
5377 KeyValue kv3 = new KeyValue(rowC, cf, col1, ts, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
5378 KeyValue kv4_1 = new KeyValue(rowD, cf, col1, ts, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
5379 KeyValue kv4_2 = new KeyValue(rowD, cf, col2, ts, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
5380 KeyValue kv5 = new KeyValue(rowE, cf, col1, ts, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
5381 Put put = null;
5382 put = new Put(rowA);
5383 put.add(kv1);
5384 region.put(put);
5385 put = new Put(rowB);
5386 put.add(kv2);
5387 region.put(put);
5388 put = new Put(rowC);
5389 put.add(kv3);
5390 region.put(put);
5391 put = new Put(rowD);
5392 put.add(kv4_1);
5393 region.put(put);
5394 put = new Put(rowD);
5395 put.add(kv4_2);
5396 region.put(put);
5397 put = new Put(rowE);
5398 put.add(kv5);
5399 region.put(put);
5400 region.flush(true);
5401 Scan scan = new Scan(rowD, rowA);
5402 scan.addColumn(families[0], col1);
5403 scan.setReversed(true);
5404 List<Cell> currRow = new ArrayList<>();
5405 InternalScanner scanner = region.getScanner(scan);
5406 boolean hasNext = scanner.next(currRow);
5407 assertEquals(1, currRow.size());
5408 assertTrue(Bytes.equals(currRow.get(0).getRowArray(), currRow.get(0).getRowOffset(), currRow
5409 .get(0).getRowLength(), rowD, 0, rowD.length));
5410 assertTrue(hasNext);
5411 currRow.clear();
5412 hasNext = scanner.next(currRow);
5413 assertEquals(1, currRow.size());
5414 assertTrue(Bytes.equals(currRow.get(0).getRowArray(), currRow.get(0).getRowOffset(), currRow
5415 .get(0).getRowLength(), rowC, 0, rowC.length));
5416 assertTrue(hasNext);
5417 currRow.clear();
5418 hasNext = scanner.next(currRow);
5419 assertEquals(1, currRow.size());
5420 assertTrue(Bytes.equals(currRow.get(0).getRowArray(), currRow.get(0).getRowOffset(), currRow
5421 .get(0).getRowLength(), rowB, 0, rowB.length));
5422 assertFalse(hasNext);
5423 scanner.close();
5425 scan = new Scan(rowD, rowA);
5426 scan.addColumn(families[0], col2);
5427 scan.setReversed(true);
5428 currRow.clear();
5429 scanner = region.getScanner(scan);
5430 hasNext = scanner.next(currRow);
5431 assertEquals(1, currRow.size());
5432 assertTrue(Bytes.equals(currRow.get(0).getRowArray(), currRow.get(0).getRowOffset(), currRow
5433 .get(0).getRowLength(), rowD, 0, rowD.length));
5434 scanner.close();
5435 } finally {
5436 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
5437 this.region = null;
5441 @Test
5442 public void testReverseScanner_FromMemStoreAndHFiles_MultiCFs1()
5443 throws IOException {
5444 byte[] row0 = Bytes.toBytes("row0"); // 1 kv
5445 byte[] row1 = Bytes.toBytes("row1"); // 2 kv
5446 byte[] row2 = Bytes.toBytes("row2"); // 4 kv
5447 byte[] row3 = Bytes.toBytes("row3"); // 2 kv
5448 byte[] row4 = Bytes.toBytes("row4"); // 5 kv
5449 byte[] row5 = Bytes.toBytes("row5"); // 2 kv
5450 byte[] cf1 = Bytes.toBytes("CF1");
5451 byte[] cf2 = Bytes.toBytes("CF2");
5452 byte[] cf3 = Bytes.toBytes("CF3");
5453 byte[][] families = { cf1, cf2, cf3 };
5454 byte[] col = Bytes.toBytes("C");
5455 long ts = 1;
5456 HBaseConfiguration conf = new HBaseConfiguration();
5457 // disable compactions in this test.
5458 conf.setInt("hbase.hstore.compactionThreshold", 10000);
5459 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, conf, families);
5460 try {
5461 // kv naming style: kv(row number) totalKvCountInThisRow seq no
5462 KeyValue kv0_1_1 = new KeyValue(row0, cf1, col, ts, KeyValue.Type.Put,
5463 null);
5464 KeyValue kv1_2_1 = new KeyValue(row1, cf2, col, ts, KeyValue.Type.Put,
5465 null);
5466 KeyValue kv1_2_2 = new KeyValue(row1, cf1, col, ts + 1,
5467 KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
5468 KeyValue kv2_4_1 = new KeyValue(row2, cf2, col, ts, KeyValue.Type.Put,
5469 null);
5470 KeyValue kv2_4_2 = new KeyValue(row2, cf1, col, ts, KeyValue.Type.Put,
5471 null);
5472 KeyValue kv2_4_3 = new KeyValue(row2, cf3, col, ts, KeyValue.Type.Put,
5473 null);
5474 KeyValue kv2_4_4 = new KeyValue(row2, cf1, col, ts + 4,
5475 KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
5476 KeyValue kv3_2_1 = new KeyValue(row3, cf2, col, ts, KeyValue.Type.Put,
5477 null);
5478 KeyValue kv3_2_2 = new KeyValue(row3, cf1, col, ts + 4,
5479 KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
5480 KeyValue kv4_5_1 = new KeyValue(row4, cf1, col, ts, KeyValue.Type.Put,
5481 null);
5482 KeyValue kv4_5_2 = new KeyValue(row4, cf3, col, ts, KeyValue.Type.Put,
5483 null);
5484 KeyValue kv4_5_3 = new KeyValue(row4, cf3, col, ts + 5,
5485 KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
5486 KeyValue kv4_5_4 = new KeyValue(row4, cf2, col, ts, KeyValue.Type.Put,
5487 null);
5488 KeyValue kv4_5_5 = new KeyValue(row4, cf1, col, ts + 3,
5489 KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
5490 KeyValue kv5_2_1 = new KeyValue(row5, cf2, col, ts, KeyValue.Type.Put,
5491 null);
5492 KeyValue kv5_2_2 = new KeyValue(row5, cf3, col, ts, KeyValue.Type.Put,
5493 null);
5494 // hfiles(cf1/cf2) :"row1"(1 kv) / "row2"(1 kv) / "row4"(2 kv)
5495 Put put = null;
5496 put = new Put(row1);
5497 put.add(kv1_2_1);
5498 region.put(put);
5499 put = new Put(row2);
5500 put.add(kv2_4_1);
5501 region.put(put);
5502 put = new Put(row4);
5503 put.add(kv4_5_4);
5504 put.add(kv4_5_5);
5505 region.put(put);
5506 region.flush(true);
5507 // hfiles(cf1/cf3) : "row1" (1 kvs) / "row2" (1 kv) / "row4" (2 kv)
5508 put = new Put(row4);
5509 put.add(kv4_5_1);
5510 put.add(kv4_5_3);
5511 region.put(put);
5512 put = new Put(row1);
5513 put.add(kv1_2_2);
5514 region.put(put);
5515 put = new Put(row2);
5516 put.add(kv2_4_4);
5517 region.put(put);
5518 region.flush(true);
5519 // hfiles(cf1/cf3) : "row2"(2 kv) / "row3"(1 kvs) / "row4" (1 kv)
5520 put = new Put(row4);
5521 put.add(kv4_5_2);
5522 region.put(put);
5523 put = new Put(row2);
5524 put.add(kv2_4_2);
5525 put.add(kv2_4_3);
5526 region.put(put);
5527 put = new Put(row3);
5528 put.add(kv3_2_2);
5529 region.put(put);
5530 region.flush(true);
5531 // memstore(cf1/cf2/cf3) : "row0" (1 kvs) / "row3" ( 1 kv) / "row5" (max)
5532 // ( 2 kv)
5533 put = new Put(row0);
5534 put.add(kv0_1_1);
5535 region.put(put);
5536 put = new Put(row3);
5537 put.add(kv3_2_1);
5538 region.put(put);
5539 put = new Put(row5);
5540 put.add(kv5_2_1);
5541 put.add(kv5_2_2);
5542 region.put(put);
5543 // scan range = ["row4", min), skip the max "row5"
5544 Scan scan = new Scan(row4);
5545 scan.setMaxVersions(5);
5546 scan.setBatch(3);
5547 scan.setReversed(true);
5548 InternalScanner scanner = region.getScanner(scan);
5549 List<Cell> currRow = new ArrayList<>();
5550 boolean hasNext = false;
5551 // 1. scan out "row4" (5 kvs), "row5" can't be scanned out since not
5552 // included in scan range
5553 // "row4" takes 2 next() calls since batch=3
5554 hasNext = scanner.next(currRow);
5555 assertEquals(3, currRow.size());
5556 assertTrue(Bytes.equals(currRow.get(0).getRowArray(), currRow.get(0).getRowOffset(), currRow
5557 .get(0).getRowLength(), row4, 0, row4.length));
5558 assertTrue(hasNext);
5559 currRow.clear();
5560 hasNext = scanner.next(currRow);
5561 assertEquals(2, currRow.size());
5562 assertTrue(Bytes.equals(currRow.get(0).getRowArray(), currRow.get(0).getRowOffset(),
5563 currRow.get(0).getRowLength(), row4, 0,
5564 row4.length));
5565 assertTrue(hasNext);
5566 // 2. scan out "row3" (2 kv)
5567 currRow.clear();
5568 hasNext = scanner.next(currRow);
5569 assertEquals(2, currRow.size());
5570 assertTrue(Bytes.equals(currRow.get(0).getRowArray(), currRow.get(0).getRowOffset(), currRow
5571 .get(0).getRowLength(), row3, 0, row3.length));
5572 assertTrue(hasNext);
5573 // 3. scan out "row2" (4 kvs)
5574 // "row2" takes 2 next() calls since batch=3
5575 currRow.clear();
5576 hasNext = scanner.next(currRow);
5577 assertEquals(3, currRow.size());
5578 assertTrue(Bytes.equals(currRow.get(0).getRowArray(), currRow.get(0).getRowOffset(), currRow
5579 .get(0).getRowLength(), row2, 0, row2.length));
5580 assertTrue(hasNext);
5581 currRow.clear();
5582 hasNext = scanner.next(currRow);
5583 assertEquals(1, currRow.size());
5584 assertTrue(Bytes.equals(currRow.get(0).getRowArray(), currRow.get(0).getRowOffset(), currRow
5585 .get(0).getRowLength(), row2, 0, row2.length));
5586 assertTrue(hasNext);
5587 // 4. scan out "row1" (2 kv)
5588 currRow.clear();
5589 hasNext = scanner.next(currRow);
5590 assertEquals(2, currRow.size());
5591 assertTrue(Bytes.equals(currRow.get(0).getRowArray(), currRow.get(0).getRowOffset(), currRow
5592 .get(0).getRowLength(), row1, 0, row1.length));
5593 assertTrue(hasNext);
5594 // 5. scan out "row0" (1 kv)
5595 currRow.clear();
5596 hasNext = scanner.next(currRow);
5597 assertEquals(1, currRow.size());
5598 assertTrue(Bytes.equals(currRow.get(0).getRowArray(), currRow.get(0).getRowOffset(), currRow
5599 .get(0).getRowLength(), row0, 0, row0.length));
5600 assertFalse(hasNext);
5602 scanner.close();
5603 } finally {
5604 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
5605 this.region = null;
5609 @Test
5610 public void testReverseScanner_FromMemStoreAndHFiles_MultiCFs2()
5611 throws IOException {
5612 byte[] row1 = Bytes.toBytes("row1");
5613 byte[] row2 = Bytes.toBytes("row2");
5614 byte[] row3 = Bytes.toBytes("row3");
5615 byte[] row4 = Bytes.toBytes("row4");
5616 byte[] cf1 = Bytes.toBytes("CF1");
5617 byte[] cf2 = Bytes.toBytes("CF2");
5618 byte[] cf3 = Bytes.toBytes("CF3");
5619 byte[] cf4 = Bytes.toBytes("CF4");
5620 byte[][] families = { cf1, cf2, cf3, cf4 };
5621 byte[] col = Bytes.toBytes("C");
5622 long ts = 1;
5623 HBaseConfiguration conf = new HBaseConfiguration();
5624 // disable compactions in this test.
5625 conf.setInt("hbase.hstore.compactionThreshold", 10000);
5626 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, conf, families);
5627 try {
5628 KeyValue kv1 = new KeyValue(row1, cf1, col, ts, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
5629 KeyValue kv2 = new KeyValue(row2, cf2, col, ts, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
5630 KeyValue kv3 = new KeyValue(row3, cf3, col, ts, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
5631 KeyValue kv4 = new KeyValue(row4, cf4, col, ts, KeyValue.Type.Put, null);
5632 // storefile1
5633 Put put = new Put(row1);
5634 put.add(kv1);
5635 region.put(put);
5636 region.flush(true);
5637 // storefile2
5638 put = new Put(row2);
5639 put.add(kv2);
5640 region.put(put);
5641 region.flush(true);
5642 // storefile3
5643 put = new Put(row3);
5644 put.add(kv3);
5645 region.put(put);
5646 region.flush(true);
5647 // memstore
5648 put = new Put(row4);
5649 put.add(kv4);
5650 region.put(put);
5651 // scan range = ["row4", min)
5652 Scan scan = new Scan(row4);
5653 scan.setReversed(true);
5654 scan.setBatch(10);
5655 InternalScanner scanner = region.getScanner(scan);
5656 List<Cell> currRow = new ArrayList<>();
5657 boolean hasNext = scanner.next(currRow);
5658 assertEquals(1, currRow.size());
5659 assertTrue(Bytes.equals(currRow.get(0).getRowArray(), currRow.get(0).getRowOffset(), currRow
5660 .get(0).getRowLength(), row4, 0, row4.length));
5661 assertTrue(hasNext);
5662 currRow.clear();
5663 hasNext = scanner.next(currRow);
5664 assertEquals(1, currRow.size());
5665 assertTrue(Bytes.equals(currRow.get(0).getRowArray(), currRow.get(0).getRowOffset(), currRow
5666 .get(0).getRowLength(), row3, 0, row3.length));
5667 assertTrue(hasNext);
5668 currRow.clear();
5669 hasNext = scanner.next(currRow);
5670 assertEquals(1, currRow.size());
5671 assertTrue(Bytes.equals(currRow.get(0).getRowArray(), currRow.get(0).getRowOffset(), currRow
5672 .get(0).getRowLength(), row2, 0, row2.length));
5673 assertTrue(hasNext);
5674 currRow.clear();
5675 hasNext = scanner.next(currRow);
5676 assertEquals(1, currRow.size());
5677 assertTrue(Bytes.equals(currRow.get(0).getRowArray(), currRow.get(0).getRowOffset(), currRow
5678 .get(0).getRowLength(), row1, 0, row1.length));
5679 assertFalse(hasNext);
5680 } finally {
5681 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
5682 this.region = null;
5687 * Test for HBASE-14497: Reverse Scan threw StackOverflow caused by readPt checking
5689 @Test
5690 public void testReverseScanner_StackOverflow() throws IOException {
5691 byte[] cf1 = Bytes.toBytes("CF1");
5692 byte[][] families = {cf1};
5693 byte[] col = Bytes.toBytes("C");
5694 HBaseConfiguration conf = new HBaseConfiguration();
5695 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, conf, families);
5696 try {
5697 // setup with one storefile and one memstore, to create scanner and get an earlier readPt
5698 Put put = new Put(Bytes.toBytes("19998"));
5699 put.addColumn(cf1, col, Bytes.toBytes("val"));
5700 region.put(put);
5701 region.flushcache(true, true, FlushLifeCycleTracker.DUMMY);
5702 Put put2 = new Put(Bytes.toBytes("19997"));
5703 put2.addColumn(cf1, col, Bytes.toBytes("val"));
5704 region.put(put2);
5706 Scan scan = new Scan(Bytes.toBytes("19998"));
5707 scan.setReversed(true);
5708 InternalScanner scanner = region.getScanner(scan);
5710 // create one storefile contains many rows will be skipped
5711 // to check StoreFileScanner.seekToPreviousRow
5712 for (int i = 10000; i < 20000; i++) {
5713 Put p = new Put(Bytes.toBytes(""+i));
5714 p.addColumn(cf1, col, Bytes.toBytes("" + i));
5715 region.put(p);
5717 region.flushcache(true, true, FlushLifeCycleTracker.DUMMY);
5719 // create one memstore contains many rows will be skipped
5720 // to check MemStoreScanner.seekToPreviousRow
5721 for (int i = 10000; i < 20000; i++) {
5722 Put p = new Put(Bytes.toBytes(""+i));
5723 p.addColumn(cf1, col, Bytes.toBytes("" + i));
5724 region.put(p);
5727 List<Cell> currRow = new ArrayList<>();
5728 boolean hasNext;
5729 do {
5730 hasNext = scanner.next(currRow);
5731 } while (hasNext);
5732 assertEquals(2, currRow.size());
5733 assertEquals("19998", Bytes.toString(currRow.get(0).getRowArray(),
5734 currRow.get(0).getRowOffset(), currRow.get(0).getRowLength()));
5735 assertEquals("19997", Bytes.toString(currRow.get(1).getRowArray(),
5736 currRow.get(1).getRowOffset(), currRow.get(1).getRowLength()));
5737 } finally {
5738 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
5739 this.region = null;
5743 @Test
5744 public void testReverseScanShouldNotScanMemstoreIfReadPtLesser() throws Exception {
5745 byte[] cf1 = Bytes.toBytes("CF1");
5746 byte[][] families = { cf1 };
5747 byte[] col = Bytes.toBytes("C");
5748 HBaseConfiguration conf = new HBaseConfiguration();
5749 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, conf, families);
5750 try {
5751 // setup with one storefile and one memstore, to create scanner and get an earlier readPt
5752 Put put = new Put(Bytes.toBytes("19996"));
5753 put.addColumn(cf1, col, Bytes.toBytes("val"));
5754 region.put(put);
5755 Put put2 = new Put(Bytes.toBytes("19995"));
5756 put2.addColumn(cf1, col, Bytes.toBytes("val"));
5757 region.put(put2);
5758 // create a reverse scan
5759 Scan scan = new Scan(Bytes.toBytes("19996"));
5760 scan.setReversed(true);
5761 RegionScannerImpl scanner = region.getScanner(scan);
5763 // flush the cache. This will reset the store scanner
5764 region.flushcache(true, true, FlushLifeCycleTracker.DUMMY);
5766 // create one memstore contains many rows will be skipped
5767 // to check MemStoreScanner.seekToPreviousRow
5768 for (int i = 10000; i < 20000; i++) {
5769 Put p = new Put(Bytes.toBytes("" + i));
5770 p.addColumn(cf1, col, Bytes.toBytes("" + i));
5771 region.put(p);
5773 List<Cell> currRow = new ArrayList<>();
5774 boolean hasNext;
5775 boolean assertDone = false;
5776 do {
5777 hasNext = scanner.next(currRow);
5778 // With HBASE-15871, after the scanner is reset the memstore scanner should not be
5779 // added here
5780 if (!assertDone) {
5781 StoreScanner current =
5782 (StoreScanner) (scanner.storeHeap).getCurrentForTesting();
5783 List<KeyValueScanner> scanners = current.getAllScannersForTesting();
5784 assertEquals("There should be only one scanner the store file scanner", 1,
5785 scanners.size());
5786 assertDone = true;
5788 } while (hasNext);
5789 assertEquals(2, currRow.size());
5790 assertEquals("19996", Bytes.toString(currRow.get(0).getRowArray(),
5791 currRow.get(0).getRowOffset(), currRow.get(0).getRowLength()));
5792 assertEquals("19995", Bytes.toString(currRow.get(1).getRowArray(),
5793 currRow.get(1).getRowOffset(), currRow.get(1).getRowLength()));
5794 } finally {
5795 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
5796 this.region = null;
5800 @Test
5801 public void testWriteRequestsCounter() throws IOException {
5802 byte[] fam = Bytes.toBytes("info");
5803 byte[][] families = { fam };
5804 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, families);
5806 Assert.assertEquals(0L, region.getWriteRequestsCount());
5808 Put put = new Put(row);
5809 put.addColumn(fam, fam, fam);
5811 Assert.assertEquals(0L, region.getWriteRequestsCount());
5812 region.put(put);
5813 Assert.assertEquals(1L, region.getWriteRequestsCount());
5814 region.put(put);
5815 Assert.assertEquals(2L, region.getWriteRequestsCount());
5816 region.put(put);
5817 Assert.assertEquals(3L, region.getWriteRequestsCount());
5819 region.delete(new Delete(row));
5820 Assert.assertEquals(4L, region.getWriteRequestsCount());
5822 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
5823 this.region = null;
5826 @Test
5827 public void testOpenRegionWrittenToWAL() throws Exception {
5828 final ServerName serverName = ServerName.valueOf(name.getMethodName(), 100, 42);
5829 final RegionServerServices rss = spy(TEST_UTIL.createMockRegionServerService(serverName));
5831 HTableDescriptor htd = new HTableDescriptor(TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName()));
5832 htd.addFamily(new HColumnDescriptor(fam1));
5833 htd.addFamily(new HColumnDescriptor(fam2));
5835 HRegionInfo hri = new HRegionInfo(htd.getTableName(),
5838 // open the region w/o rss and wal and flush some files
5839 HRegion region =
5840 HBaseTestingUtility.createRegionAndWAL(hri, TEST_UTIL.getDataTestDir(), TEST_UTIL
5841 .getConfiguration(), htd);
5842 assertNotNull(region);
5844 // create a file in fam1 for the region before opening in OpenRegionHandler
5845 region.put(new Put(Bytes.toBytes("a")).addColumn(fam1, fam1, fam1));
5846 region.flush(true);
5847 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(region);
5849 ArgumentCaptor<WALEdit> editCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(WALEdit.class);
5851 // capture append() calls
5852 WAL wal = mockWAL();
5853 when(rss.getWAL((HRegionInfo) any())).thenReturn(wal);
5855 try {
5856 region = HRegion.openHRegion(hri, htd, rss.getWAL(hri),
5857 TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration(), rss, null);
5859 verify(wal, times(1)).append((HRegionInfo)any(), (WALKeyImpl)any()
5860 , editCaptor.capture(), anyBoolean());
5862 WALEdit edit = editCaptor.getValue();
5863 assertNotNull(edit);
5864 assertNotNull(edit.getCells());
5865 assertEquals(1, edit.getCells().size());
5866 RegionEventDescriptor desc = WALEdit.getRegionEventDescriptor(edit.getCells().get(0));
5867 assertNotNull(desc);
5869 LOG.info("RegionEventDescriptor from WAL: " + desc);
5871 assertEquals(RegionEventDescriptor.EventType.REGION_OPEN, desc.getEventType());
5872 assertTrue(Bytes.equals(desc.getTableName().toByteArray(), htd.getTableName().toBytes()));
5873 assertTrue(Bytes.equals(desc.getEncodedRegionName().toByteArray(),
5874 hri.getEncodedNameAsBytes()));
5875 assertTrue(desc.getLogSequenceNumber() > 0);
5876 assertEquals(serverName, ProtobufUtil.toServerName(desc.getServer()));
5877 assertEquals(2, desc.getStoresCount());
5879 StoreDescriptor store = desc.getStores(0);
5880 assertTrue(Bytes.equals(store.getFamilyName().toByteArray(), fam1));
5881 assertEquals(store.getStoreHomeDir(), Bytes.toString(fam1));
5882 assertEquals(1, store.getStoreFileCount()); // 1store file
5883 assertFalse(store.getStoreFile(0).contains("/")); // ensure path is relative
5885 store = desc.getStores(1);
5886 assertTrue(Bytes.equals(store.getFamilyName().toByteArray(), fam2));
5887 assertEquals(store.getStoreHomeDir(), Bytes.toString(fam2));
5888 assertEquals(0, store.getStoreFileCount()); // no store files
5890 } finally {
5891 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(region);
5895 // Helper for test testOpenRegionWrittenToWALForLogReplay
5896 static class HRegionWithSeqId extends HRegion {
5897 public HRegionWithSeqId(final Path tableDir, final WAL wal, final FileSystem fs,
5898 final Configuration confParam, final RegionInfo regionInfo,
5899 final TableDescriptor htd, final RegionServerServices rsServices) {
5900 super(tableDir, wal, fs, confParam, regionInfo, htd, rsServices);
5902 @Override
5903 protected long getNextSequenceId(WAL wal) throws IOException {
5904 return 42;
5908 @Test
5909 public void testFlushedFileWithNoTags() throws Exception {
5910 final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
5911 HTableDescriptor htd = new HTableDescriptor(tableName);
5912 htd.addFamily(new HColumnDescriptor(fam1));
5913 HRegionInfo info = new HRegionInfo(tableName, null, null, false);
5914 Path path = TEST_UTIL.getDataTestDir(getClass().getSimpleName());
5915 region = HBaseTestingUtility.createRegionAndWAL(info, path, TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration(), htd);
5916 Put put = new Put(Bytes.toBytes("a-b-0-0"));
5917 put.addColumn(fam1, qual1, Bytes.toBytes("c1-value"));
5918 region.put(put);
5919 region.flush(true);
5920 HStore store = region.getStore(fam1);
5921 Collection<HStoreFile> storefiles = store.getStorefiles();
5922 for (HStoreFile sf : storefiles) {
5923 assertFalse("Tags should not be present "
5924 ,sf.getReader().getHFileReader().getFileContext().isIncludesTags());
5929 * Utility method to setup a WAL mock.
5930 * Needs to do the bit where we close latch on the WALKeyImpl on append else test hangs.
5931 * @return
5932 * @throws IOException
5934 private WAL mockWAL() throws IOException {
5935 WAL wal = mock(WAL.class);
5936 Mockito.when(wal.append((HRegionInfo)Mockito.any(),
5937 (WALKeyImpl)Mockito.any(), (WALEdit)Mockito.any(), Mockito.anyBoolean())).
5938 thenAnswer(new Answer<Long>() {
5939 @Override
5940 public Long answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
5941 WALKeyImpl key = invocation.getArgument(1);
5942 MultiVersionConcurrencyControl.WriteEntry we = key.getMvcc().begin();
5943 key.setWriteEntry(we);
5944 return 1L;
5948 return wal;
5951 @Test
5952 public void testCloseRegionWrittenToWAL() throws Exception {
5954 Path rootDir = new Path(dir + name.getMethodName());
5955 FSUtils.setRootDir(TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration(), rootDir);
5957 final ServerName serverName = ServerName.valueOf("testCloseRegionWrittenToWAL", 100, 42);
5958 final RegionServerServices rss = spy(TEST_UTIL.createMockRegionServerService(serverName));
5960 HTableDescriptor htd = new HTableDescriptor(TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName()));
5961 htd.addFamily(new HColumnDescriptor(fam1));
5962 htd.addFamily(new HColumnDescriptor(fam2));
5964 final HRegionInfo hri = new HRegionInfo(htd.getTableName(),
5967 ArgumentCaptor<WALEdit> editCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(WALEdit.class);
5969 // capture append() calls
5970 WAL wal = mockWAL();
5971 when(rss.getWAL((HRegionInfo) any())).thenReturn(wal);
5974 // create and then open a region first so that it can be closed later
5975 region = HRegion.createHRegion(hri, rootDir, TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration(), htd, rss.getWAL(hri));
5976 region = HRegion.openHRegion(hri, htd, rss.getWAL(hri),
5977 TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration(), rss, null);
5979 // close the region
5980 region.close(false);
5982 // 2 times, one for region open, the other close region
5983 verify(wal, times(2)).append((HRegionInfo)any(), (WALKeyImpl)any(),
5984 editCaptor.capture(), anyBoolean());
5986 WALEdit edit = editCaptor.getAllValues().get(1);
5987 assertNotNull(edit);
5988 assertNotNull(edit.getCells());
5989 assertEquals(1, edit.getCells().size());
5990 RegionEventDescriptor desc = WALEdit.getRegionEventDescriptor(edit.getCells().get(0));
5991 assertNotNull(desc);
5993 LOG.info("RegionEventDescriptor from WAL: " + desc);
5995 assertEquals(RegionEventDescriptor.EventType.REGION_CLOSE, desc.getEventType());
5996 assertTrue(Bytes.equals(desc.getTableName().toByteArray(), htd.getTableName().toBytes()));
5997 assertTrue(Bytes.equals(desc.getEncodedRegionName().toByteArray(),
5998 hri.getEncodedNameAsBytes()));
5999 assertTrue(desc.getLogSequenceNumber() > 0);
6000 assertEquals(serverName, ProtobufUtil.toServerName(desc.getServer()));
6001 assertEquals(2, desc.getStoresCount());
6003 StoreDescriptor store = desc.getStores(0);
6004 assertTrue(Bytes.equals(store.getFamilyName().toByteArray(), fam1));
6005 assertEquals(store.getStoreHomeDir(), Bytes.toString(fam1));
6006 assertEquals(0, store.getStoreFileCount()); // no store files
6008 store = desc.getStores(1);
6009 assertTrue(Bytes.equals(store.getFamilyName().toByteArray(), fam2));
6010 assertEquals(store.getStoreHomeDir(), Bytes.toString(fam2));
6011 assertEquals(0, store.getStoreFileCount()); // no store files
6015 * Test RegionTooBusyException thrown when region is busy
6017 @Test
6018 public void testRegionTooBusy() throws IOException {
6019 byte[] family = Bytes.toBytes("family");
6020 long defaultBusyWaitDuration = CONF.getLong("hbase.busy.wait.duration",
6022 CONF.setLong("hbase.busy.wait.duration", 1000);
6023 region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, family);
6024 final AtomicBoolean stopped = new AtomicBoolean(true);
6025 Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() {
6026 @Override
6027 public void run() {
6028 try {
6029 region.lock.writeLock().lock();
6030 stopped.set(false);
6031 while (!stopped.get()) {
6032 Thread.sleep(100);
6034 } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
6035 } finally {
6036 region.lock.writeLock().unlock();
6040 t.start();
6041 Get get = new Get(row);
6042 try {
6043 while (stopped.get()) {
6044 Thread.sleep(100);
6046 region.get(get);
6047 fail("Should throw RegionTooBusyException");
6048 } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
6049 fail("test interrupted");
6050 } catch (RegionTooBusyException e) {
6051 // Good, expected
6052 } finally {
6053 stopped.set(true);
6054 try {
6055 t.join();
6056 } catch (Throwable e) {
6059 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(region);
6060 region = null;
6061 CONF.setLong("hbase.busy.wait.duration", defaultBusyWaitDuration);
6065 @Test
6066 public void testCellTTLs() throws IOException {
6067 IncrementingEnvironmentEdge edge = new IncrementingEnvironmentEdge();
6068 EnvironmentEdgeManager.injectEdge(edge);
6070 final byte[] row = Bytes.toBytes("testRow");
6071 final byte[] q1 = Bytes.toBytes("q1");
6072 final byte[] q2 = Bytes.toBytes("q2");
6073 final byte[] q3 = Bytes.toBytes("q3");
6074 final byte[] q4 = Bytes.toBytes("q4");
6076 HTableDescriptor htd = new HTableDescriptor(TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName()));
6077 HColumnDescriptor hcd = new HColumnDescriptor(fam1);
6078 hcd.setTimeToLive(10); // 10 seconds
6079 htd.addFamily(hcd);
6081 Configuration conf = new Configuration(TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration());
6084 HRegion region = HBaseTestingUtility.createRegionAndWAL(new HRegionInfo(htd.getTableName(),
6086 TEST_UTIL.getDataTestDir(), conf, htd);
6087 assertNotNull(region);
6088 try {
6089 long now = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime();
6090 // Add a cell that will expire in 5 seconds via cell TTL
6091 region.put(new Put(row).add(new KeyValue(row, fam1, q1, now,
6092 HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, new ArrayBackedTag[] {
6093 // TTL tags specify ts in milliseconds
6094 new ArrayBackedTag(TagType.TTL_TAG_TYPE, Bytes.toBytes(5000L)) } )));
6095 // Add a cell that will expire after 10 seconds via family setting
6096 region.put(new Put(row).addColumn(fam1, q2, now, HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY));
6097 // Add a cell that will expire in 15 seconds via cell TTL
6098 region.put(new Put(row).add(new KeyValue(row, fam1, q3, now + 10000 - 1,
6099 HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, new ArrayBackedTag[] {
6100 // TTL tags specify ts in milliseconds
6101 new ArrayBackedTag(TagType.TTL_TAG_TYPE, Bytes.toBytes(5000L)) } )));
6102 // Add a cell that will expire in 20 seconds via family setting
6103 region.put(new Put(row).addColumn(fam1, q4, now + 10000 - 1, HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY));
6105 // Flush so we are sure store scanning gets this right
6106 region.flush(true);
6108 // A query at time T+0 should return all cells
6109 Result r = region.get(new Get(row));
6110 assertNotNull(r.getValue(fam1, q1));
6111 assertNotNull(r.getValue(fam1, q2));
6112 assertNotNull(r.getValue(fam1, q3));
6113 assertNotNull(r.getValue(fam1, q4));
6115 // Increment time to T+5 seconds
6116 edge.incrementTime(5000);
6118 r = region.get(new Get(row));
6119 assertNull(r.getValue(fam1, q1));
6120 assertNotNull(r.getValue(fam1, q2));
6121 assertNotNull(r.getValue(fam1, q3));
6122 assertNotNull(r.getValue(fam1, q4));
6124 // Increment time to T+10 seconds
6125 edge.incrementTime(5000);
6127 r = region.get(new Get(row));
6128 assertNull(r.getValue(fam1, q1));
6129 assertNull(r.getValue(fam1, q2));
6130 assertNotNull(r.getValue(fam1, q3));
6131 assertNotNull(r.getValue(fam1, q4));
6133 // Increment time to T+15 seconds
6134 edge.incrementTime(5000);
6136 r = region.get(new Get(row));
6137 assertNull(r.getValue(fam1, q1));
6138 assertNull(r.getValue(fam1, q2));
6139 assertNull(r.getValue(fam1, q3));
6140 assertNotNull(r.getValue(fam1, q4));
6142 // Increment time to T+20 seconds
6143 edge.incrementTime(10000);
6145 r = region.get(new Get(row));
6146 assertNull(r.getValue(fam1, q1));
6147 assertNull(r.getValue(fam1, q2));
6148 assertNull(r.getValue(fam1, q3));
6149 assertNull(r.getValue(fam1, q4));
6151 // Fun with disappearing increments
6153 // Start at 1
6154 region.put(new Put(row).addColumn(fam1, q1, Bytes.toBytes(1L)));
6155 r = region.get(new Get(row));
6156 byte[] val = r.getValue(fam1, q1);
6157 assertNotNull(val);
6158 assertEquals(1L, Bytes.toLong(val));
6160 // Increment with a TTL of 5 seconds
6161 Increment incr = new Increment(row).addColumn(fam1, q1, 1L);
6162 incr.setTTL(5000);
6163 region.increment(incr); // 2
6165 // New value should be 2
6166 r = region.get(new Get(row));
6167 val = r.getValue(fam1, q1);
6168 assertNotNull(val);
6169 assertEquals(2L, Bytes.toLong(val));
6171 // Increment time to T+25 seconds
6172 edge.incrementTime(5000);
6174 // Value should be back to 1
6175 r = region.get(new Get(row));
6176 val = r.getValue(fam1, q1);
6177 assertNotNull(val);
6178 assertEquals(1L, Bytes.toLong(val));
6180 // Increment time to T+30 seconds
6181 edge.incrementTime(5000);
6183 // Original value written at T+20 should be gone now via family TTL
6184 r = region.get(new Get(row));
6185 assertNull(r.getValue(fam1, q1));
6187 } finally {
6188 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(region);
6192 @Test
6193 public void testIncrementTimestampsAreMonotonic() throws IOException {
6194 HRegion region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, fam1);
6195 ManualEnvironmentEdge edge = new ManualEnvironmentEdge();
6196 EnvironmentEdgeManager.injectEdge(edge);
6198 edge.setValue(10);
6199 Increment inc = new Increment(row);
6200 inc.setDurability(Durability.SKIP_WAL);
6201 inc.addColumn(fam1, qual1, 1L);
6202 region.increment(inc);
6204 Result result = region.get(new Get(row));
6205 Cell c = result.getColumnLatestCell(fam1, qual1);
6206 assertNotNull(c);
6207 assertEquals(10L, c.getTimestamp());
6209 edge.setValue(1); // clock goes back
6210 region.increment(inc);
6211 result = region.get(new Get(row));
6212 c = result.getColumnLatestCell(fam1, qual1);
6213 assertEquals(11L, c.getTimestamp());
6214 assertEquals(2L, Bytes.toLong(c.getValueArray(), c.getValueOffset(), c.getValueLength()));
6217 @Test
6218 public void testAppendTimestampsAreMonotonic() throws IOException {
6219 HRegion region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, fam1);
6220 ManualEnvironmentEdge edge = new ManualEnvironmentEdge();
6221 EnvironmentEdgeManager.injectEdge(edge);
6223 edge.setValue(10);
6224 Append a = new Append(row);
6225 a.setDurability(Durability.SKIP_WAL);
6226 a.addColumn(fam1, qual1, qual1);
6227 region.append(a);
6229 Result result = region.get(new Get(row));
6230 Cell c = result.getColumnLatestCell(fam1, qual1);
6231 assertNotNull(c);
6232 assertEquals(10L, c.getTimestamp());
6234 edge.setValue(1); // clock goes back
6235 region.append(a);
6236 result = region.get(new Get(row));
6237 c = result.getColumnLatestCell(fam1, qual1);
6238 assertEquals(11L, c.getTimestamp());
6240 byte[] expected = new byte[qual1.length*2];
6241 System.arraycopy(qual1, 0, expected, 0, qual1.length);
6242 System.arraycopy(qual1, 0, expected, qual1.length, qual1.length);
6244 assertTrue(Bytes.equals(c.getValueArray(), c.getValueOffset(), c.getValueLength(),
6245 expected, 0, expected.length));
6248 @Test
6249 public void testCheckAndMutateTimestampsAreMonotonic() throws IOException {
6250 HRegion region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, fam1);
6251 ManualEnvironmentEdge edge = new ManualEnvironmentEdge();
6252 EnvironmentEdgeManager.injectEdge(edge);
6254 edge.setValue(10);
6255 Put p = new Put(row);
6256 p.setDurability(Durability.SKIP_WAL);
6257 p.addColumn(fam1, qual1, qual1);
6258 region.put(p);
6260 Result result = region.get(new Get(row));
6261 Cell c = result.getColumnLatestCell(fam1, qual1);
6262 assertNotNull(c);
6263 assertEquals(10L, c.getTimestamp());
6265 edge.setValue(1); // clock goes back
6266 p = new Put(row);
6267 p.setDurability(Durability.SKIP_WAL);
6268 p.addColumn(fam1, qual1, qual2);
6269 region.checkAndMutate(row, fam1, qual1, CompareOperator.EQUAL, new BinaryComparator(qual1), p, false);
6270 result = region.get(new Get(row));
6271 c = result.getColumnLatestCell(fam1, qual1);
6272 assertEquals(10L, c.getTimestamp());
6274 assertTrue(Bytes.equals(c.getValueArray(), c.getValueOffset(), c.getValueLength(),
6275 qual2, 0, qual2.length));
6278 @Test
6279 public void testBatchMutateWithWrongRegionException() throws Exception {
6280 final byte[] a = Bytes.toBytes("a");
6281 final byte[] b = Bytes.toBytes("b");
6282 final byte[] c = Bytes.toBytes("c"); // exclusive
6284 int prevLockTimeout = CONF.getInt("hbase.rowlock.wait.duration", 30000);
6285 CONF.setInt("hbase.rowlock.wait.duration", 1000);
6286 final HRegion region = initHRegion(tableName, a, c, method, CONF, false, fam1);
6288 Mutation[] mutations = new Mutation[] {
6289 new Put(a)
6290 .add(CellBuilderFactory.create(CellBuilderType.SHALLOW_COPY)
6291 .setRow(a)
6292 .setFamily(fam1)
6293 .setTimestamp(HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP)
6294 .setType(Cell.Type.Put)
6295 .build()),
6296 // this is outside the region boundary
6297 new Put(c).add(CellBuilderFactory.create(CellBuilderType.SHALLOW_COPY)
6298 .setRow(c)
6299 .setFamily(fam1)
6300 .setTimestamp(HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP)
6301 .setType(Type.Put)
6302 .build()),
6303 new Put(b).add(CellBuilderFactory.create(CellBuilderType.SHALLOW_COPY)
6304 .setRow(b)
6305 .setFamily(fam1)
6306 .setTimestamp(HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP)
6307 .setType(Cell.Type.Put)
6308 .build())
6311 OperationStatus[] status = region.batchMutate(mutations);
6312 assertEquals(OperationStatusCode.SUCCESS, status[0].getOperationStatusCode());
6313 assertEquals(OperationStatusCode.SANITY_CHECK_FAILURE, status[1].getOperationStatusCode());
6314 assertEquals(OperationStatusCode.SUCCESS, status[2].getOperationStatusCode());
6317 // test with a row lock held for a long time
6318 final CountDownLatch obtainedRowLock = new CountDownLatch(1);
6319 ExecutorService exec = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2);
6320 Future<Void> f1 = exec.submit(new Callable<Void>() {
6321 @Override
6322 public Void call() throws Exception {
6323 LOG.info("Acquiring row lock");
6324 RowLock rl = region.getRowLock(b);
6325 obtainedRowLock.countDown();
6326 LOG.info("Waiting for 5 seconds before releasing lock");
6327 Threads.sleep(5000);
6328 LOG.info("Releasing row lock");
6329 rl.release();
6330 return null;
6333 obtainedRowLock.await(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
6335 Future<Void> f2 = exec.submit(new Callable<Void>() {
6336 @Override
6337 public Void call() throws Exception {
6338 Mutation[] mutations = new Mutation[] {
6339 new Put(a).add(CellBuilderFactory.create(CellBuilderType.SHALLOW_COPY)
6340 .setRow(a)
6341 .setFamily(fam1)
6342 .setTimestamp(HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP)
6343 .setType(Cell.Type.Put)
6344 .build()),
6345 new Put(b).add(CellBuilderFactory.create(CellBuilderType.SHALLOW_COPY)
6346 .setRow(b)
6347 .setFamily(fam1)
6348 .setTimestamp(HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP)
6349 .setType(Cell.Type.Put)
6350 .build()),
6353 // this will wait for the row lock, and it will eventually succeed
6354 OperationStatus[] status = region.batchMutate(mutations);
6355 assertEquals(OperationStatusCode.SUCCESS, status[0].getOperationStatusCode());
6356 assertEquals(OperationStatusCode.SUCCESS, status[1].getOperationStatusCode());
6357 return null;
6361 f1.get();
6362 f2.get();
6364 CONF.setInt("hbase.rowlock.wait.duration", prevLockTimeout);
6367 @Test
6368 public void testCheckAndRowMutateTimestampsAreMonotonic() throws IOException {
6369 HRegion region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, fam1);
6370 ManualEnvironmentEdge edge = new ManualEnvironmentEdge();
6371 EnvironmentEdgeManager.injectEdge(edge);
6373 edge.setValue(10);
6374 Put p = new Put(row);
6375 p.setDurability(Durability.SKIP_WAL);
6376 p.addColumn(fam1, qual1, qual1);
6377 region.put(p);
6379 Result result = region.get(new Get(row));
6380 Cell c = result.getColumnLatestCell(fam1, qual1);
6381 assertNotNull(c);
6382 assertEquals(10L, c.getTimestamp());
6384 edge.setValue(1); // clock goes back
6385 p = new Put(row);
6386 p.setDurability(Durability.SKIP_WAL);
6387 p.addColumn(fam1, qual1, qual2);
6388 RowMutations rm = new RowMutations(row);
6389 rm.add(p);
6390 assertTrue(region.checkAndRowMutate(row, fam1, qual1, CompareOperator.EQUAL,
6391 new BinaryComparator(qual1), rm, false));
6392 result = region.get(new Get(row));
6393 c = result.getColumnLatestCell(fam1, qual1);
6394 assertEquals(10L, c.getTimestamp());
6395 LOG.info("c value " +
6396 Bytes.toStringBinary(c.getValueArray(), c.getValueOffset(), c.getValueLength()));
6398 assertTrue(Bytes.equals(c.getValueArray(), c.getValueOffset(), c.getValueLength(),
6399 qual2, 0, qual2.length));
6402 HRegion initHRegion(TableName tableName, String callingMethod,
6403 byte[]... families) throws IOException {
6404 return initHRegion(tableName, callingMethod, HBaseConfiguration.create(),
6405 families);
6409 * HBASE-16429 Make sure no stuck if roll writer when ring buffer is filled with appends
6410 * @throws IOException if IO error occurred during test
6412 @Test
6413 public void testWritesWhileRollWriter() throws IOException {
6414 int testCount = 10;
6415 int numRows = 1024;
6416 int numFamilies = 2;
6417 int numQualifiers = 2;
6418 final byte[][] families = new byte[numFamilies][];
6419 for (int i = 0; i < numFamilies; i++) {
6420 families[i] = Bytes.toBytes("family" + i);
6422 final byte[][] qualifiers = new byte[numQualifiers][];
6423 for (int i = 0; i < numQualifiers; i++) {
6424 qualifiers[i] = Bytes.toBytes("qual" + i);
6427 CONF.setInt("hbase.regionserver.wal.disruptor.event.count", 2);
6428 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, families);
6429 try {
6430 List<Thread> threads = new ArrayList<>();
6431 for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
6432 final int count = i;
6433 Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() {
6435 @Override
6436 public void run() {
6437 byte[] row = Bytes.toBytes("row" + count);
6438 Put put = new Put(row);
6439 put.setDurability(Durability.SYNC_WAL);
6440 byte[] value = Bytes.toBytes(String.valueOf(count));
6441 for (byte[] family : families) {
6442 for (byte[] qualifier : qualifiers) {
6443 put.addColumn(family, qualifier, count, value);
6446 try {
6447 region.put(put);
6448 } catch (IOException e) {
6449 throw new RuntimeException(e);
6453 threads.add(t);
6455 for (Thread t : threads) {
6456 t.start();
6459 for (int i = 0; i < testCount; i++) {
6460 region.getWAL().rollWriter();
6461 Thread.yield();
6463 } finally {
6464 try {
6465 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
6466 CONF.setInt("hbase.regionserver.wal.disruptor.event.count", 16 * 1024);
6467 } catch (DroppedSnapshotException dse) {
6468 // We could get this on way out because we interrupt the background flusher and it could
6469 // fail anywhere causing a DSE over in the background flusher... only it is not properly
6470 // dealt with so could still be memory hanging out when we get to here -- memory we can't
6471 // flush because the accounting is 'off' since original DSE.
6473 this.region = null;
6477 @Test
6478 public void testMutateRow_WriteRequestCount() throws Exception {
6479 byte[] row1 = Bytes.toBytes("row1");
6480 byte[] fam1 = Bytes.toBytes("fam1");
6481 byte[] qf1 = Bytes.toBytes("qualifier");
6482 byte[] val1 = Bytes.toBytes("value1");
6484 RowMutations rm = new RowMutations(row1);
6485 Put put = new Put(row1);
6486 put.addColumn(fam1, qf1, val1);
6487 rm.add(put);
6489 this.region = initHRegion(tableName, method, CONF, fam1);
6490 try {
6491 long wrcBeforeMutate = this.region.writeRequestsCount.longValue();
6492 this.region.mutateRow(rm);
6493 long wrcAfterMutate = this.region.writeRequestsCount.longValue();
6494 Assert.assertEquals(wrcBeforeMutate + rm.getMutations().size(), wrcAfterMutate);
6495 } finally {
6496 HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL(this.region);
6497 this.region = null;
6502 * The same as HRegion class, the only difference is that instantiateHStore will
6503 * create a different HStore - HStoreForTesting. [HBASE-8518]
6505 public static class HRegionForTesting extends HRegion {
6507 public HRegionForTesting(final Path tableDir, final WAL wal, final FileSystem fs,
6508 final Configuration confParam, final RegionInfo regionInfo,
6509 final TableDescriptor htd, final RegionServerServices rsServices) {
6510 this(new HRegionFileSystem(confParam, fs, tableDir, regionInfo),
6511 wal, confParam, htd, rsServices);
6514 public HRegionForTesting(HRegionFileSystem fs, WAL wal,
6515 Configuration confParam, TableDescriptor htd,
6516 RegionServerServices rsServices) {
6517 super(fs, wal, confParam, htd, rsServices);
6521 * Create HStore instance.
6522 * @return If Mob is enabled, return HMobStore, otherwise return HStoreForTesting.
6524 @Override
6525 protected HStore instantiateHStore(final ColumnFamilyDescriptor family) throws IOException {
6526 if (family.isMobEnabled()) {
6527 if (HFile.getFormatVersion(this.conf) < HFile.MIN_FORMAT_VERSION_WITH_TAGS) {
6528 throw new IOException("A minimum HFile version of "
6530 + " is required for MOB feature. Consider setting " + HFile.FORMAT_VERSION_KEY
6531 + " accordingly.");
6533 return new HMobStore(this, family, this.conf);
6535 return new HStoreForTesting(this, family, this.conf);
6540 * HStoreForTesting is merely the same as HStore, the difference is in the doCompaction method
6541 * of HStoreForTesting there is a checkpoint "hbase.hstore.compaction.complete" which
6542 * doesn't let hstore compaction complete. In the former edition, this config is set in
6543 * HStore class inside compact method, though this is just for testing, otherwise it
6544 * doesn't do any help. In HBASE-8518, we try to get rid of all "hbase.hstore.compaction.complete"
6545 * config (except for testing code).
6547 public static class HStoreForTesting extends HStore {
6549 protected HStoreForTesting(final HRegion region,
6550 final ColumnFamilyDescriptor family,
6551 final Configuration confParam) throws IOException {
6552 super(region, family, confParam);
6555 @Override
6556 protected List<HStoreFile> doCompaction(CompactionRequestImpl cr,
6557 Collection<HStoreFile> filesToCompact, User user, long compactionStartTime,
6558 List<Path> newFiles) throws IOException {
6559 // let compaction incomplete.
6560 if (!this.conf.getBoolean("hbase.hstore.compaction.complete", true)) {
6561 LOG.warn("hbase.hstore.compaction.complete is set to false");
6562 List<HStoreFile> sfs = new ArrayList<>(newFiles.size());
6563 final boolean evictOnClose =
6564 cacheConf != null? cacheConf.shouldEvictOnClose(): true;
6565 for (Path newFile : newFiles) {
6566 // Create storefile around what we wrote with a reader on it.
6567 HStoreFile sf = createStoreFileAndReader(newFile);
6568 sf.closeStoreFile(evictOnClose);
6569 sfs.add(sf);
6571 return sfs;
6573 return super.doCompaction(cr, filesToCompact, user, compactionStartTime, newFiles);