HBASE-22911 reduce concurrent PR builds.
[hbase.git] / dev-support / Jenkinsfile_GitHub
1 // Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
2 // or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
3 // distributed with this work for additional information
4 // regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
5 // to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
6 // "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
7 // with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
8 //
9 //   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
12 // software distributed under the License is distributed on an
14 // KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
15 // specific language governing permissions and limitations
16 // under the License.
18 pipeline {
20     agent {
21         label 'Hadoop'
22     }
24     options {
25         // N.B. this is per-branch, which means per PR
26         disableConcurrentBuilds()
27         buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: '15'))
28         timeout (time: 7, unit: 'HOURS')
29         timestamps()
30         checkoutToSubdirectory('src')
31     }
33     environment {
34         SOURCEDIR = 'src'
35         // will also need to change notification section below
36         PATCHDIR = 'out'
37         DOCKERFILE = "${SOURCEDIR}/dev-support/docker/Dockerfile"
38         YETUS='yetus'
39         // Branch or tag name.  Yetus release tags are 'rel/X.Y.Z'
40         YETUS_VERSION='rel/0.10.0'
41     }
43     parameters {
44         booleanParam(name: 'DEBUG',
45                defaultValue: false,
46                description: 'Print extra outputs for debugging the jenkins job and yetus')
47     }
49     stages {
50         stage ('install yetus') {
51             steps {
52                 dir("${WORKSPACE}/${YETUS}") {
53                     checkout([
54                         $class: 'GitSCM',
55                         branches: [[name: "${env.YETUS_VERSION}"]],
56                         userRemoteConfigs: [[ url: 'https://github.com/apache/yetus.git']]]
57                     )
58                 }
59             }
60         }
62         stage ('precommit-run') {
63             steps {
64                 withCredentials(
65                     [usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'apache-hbase-at-github.com',
66                                   passwordVariable: 'GITHUB_PASSWORD',
67                                   usernameVariable: 'GITHUB_USER'),
68                     usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'hbaseqa-at-asf-jira',
69                                         passwordVariable: 'JIRA_PASSWORD',
70                                         usernameVariable: 'JIRA_USER')]) {
71                         sh '''#!/usr/bin/env bash
72                         set -e
73                         TESTPATCHBIN="${WORKSPACE}/${YETUS}/precommit/src/main/shell/test-patch.sh"
74                         # this must be clean for every run
75                         if [[ -d "${WORKSPACE}/${PATCHDIR}" ]]; then
76                           rm -rf "${WORKSPACE}/${PATCHDIR}"
77                         fi
78                         mkdir -p "${WORKSPACE}/${PATCHDIR}"
80                         ## Checking on H* machine nonsense
81                         echo "JAVA_HOME: ${JAVA_HOME}"
82                         ls -l "${JAVA_HOME}" || true
83                         echo "MAVEN_HOME: ${MAVEN_HOME}"
84                         echo "maven version:"
85                         mvn --offline --version  || true
86                         echo "getting machine specs, find in ${BUILD_URL}/artifact/patchprocess/machine/"
87                         mkdir "${PATCHDIR}/machine"
88                         cat /proc/cpuinfo >"${PATCHDIR}/machine/cpuinfo" 2>&1 || true
89                         cat /proc/meminfo >"${PATCHDIR}/machine/meminfo" 2>&1 || true
90                         cat /proc/diskstats >"${PATCHDIR}/machine/diskstats" 2>&1 || true
91                         cat /sys/block/sda/stat >"${PATCHDIR}/machine/sys-block-sda-stat" 2>&1 || true
92                         df -h >"${PATCHDIR}/machine/df-h" 2>&1 || true
93                         ps -Awwf >"${PATCHDIR}/machine/ps-Awwf" 2>&1 || true
94                         ifconfig -a >"${PATCHDIR}/machine/ifconfig-a" 2>&1 || true
95                         lsblk -ta >"${PATCHDIR}/machine/lsblk-ta" 2>&1 || true
96                         lsblk -fa >"${PATCHDIR}/machine/lsblk-fa" 2>&1 || true
97                         cat /proc/loadavg >"${output}/loadavg" 2>&1 || true
98                         ulimit -a >"${PATCHDIR}/machine/ulimit-a" 2>&1 || true
99                         ## /H*
101                         # If CHANGE_URL is set (e.g., Github Branch Source plugin), process it.
102                         # Otherwise exit, because we don't want HBase to do a
103                         # full build.  We wouldn't normally do this check for smaller
104                         # projects. :)
105                         if [[ -z "${CHANGE_URL}" ]]; then
106                             echo "Full build skipped" > "${WORKSPACE}/${PATCHDIR}/report.html"
107                             exit 0
108                         fi
109                         # enable debug output for yetus
110                         if [[ "true" = "${DEBUG}" ]]; then
111                             YETUS_ARGS+=("--debug")
112                         fi
113                         YETUS_ARGS+=("--patch-dir=${WORKSPACE}/${PATCHDIR}")
114                         # where the source is located
115                         YETUS_ARGS+=("--basedir=${WORKSPACE}/${SOURCEDIR}")
116                         # our project defaults come from a personality file
117                         # which will get loaded automatically by setting the project name
118                         YETUS_ARGS+=("--project=hbase")
119                         # lots of different output formats
120                         YETUS_ARGS+=("--brief-report-file=${WORKSPACE}/${PATCHDIR}/brief.txt")
121                         YETUS_ARGS+=("--console-report-file=${WORKSPACE}/${PATCHDIR}/console.txt")
122                         YETUS_ARGS+=("--html-report-file=${WORKSPACE}/${PATCHDIR}/report.html")
123                         # enable writing back to Github
124                         YETUS_ARGS+=(--github-password="${GITHUB_PASSWORD}")
125                         YETUS_ARGS+=(--github-user=${GITHUB_USER})
126                         # enable writing back to ASF JIRA
127                         YETUS_ARGS+=(--jira-password="${JIRA_PASSWORD}")
128                         YETUS_ARGS+=(--jira-user="${JIRA_USER}")
129                         # auto-kill any surefire stragglers during unit test runs
130                         YETUS_ARGS+=("--reapermode=kill")
131                         YETUS_ARGS+=("--multijdktests=compile")
132                         # set relatively high limits for ASF machines
133                         # changing these to higher values may cause problems
134                         # with other jobs on systemd-enabled machines
135                         YETUS_ARGS+=("--proclimit=10000")
136                         YETUS_ARGS+=("--dockermemlimit=20g")
137                         # -1 findbugs issues that show up prior to the patch being applied
138                         YETUS_ARGS+=("--findbugs-strict-precheck")
139                         # rsync these files back into the archive dir
140                         YETUS_ARGS+=("--archive-list=rat.txt")
141                         # URL for user-side presentation in reports and such to our artifacts
142                         # (needs to match the archive bits below)
143                         YETUS_ARGS+=("--build-url-artifacts=artifact/out")
144                         # plugins to enable
145                         YETUS_ARGS+=("--plugins=all")
146                         # don't let these tests cause -1s because we aren't really paying that
147                         # much attention to them
148                         YETUS_ARGS+=("--tests-filter=ruby-lint,test4tests")
149                         # run in docker mode and specifically point to our
150                         # Dockerfile since we don't want to use the auto-pulled version.
151                         YETUS_ARGS+=("--docker")
152                         YETUS_ARGS+=("--dockerfile=${DOCKERFILE}")
153                         YETUS_ARGS+=("--mvn-custom-repos")
154                         YETUS_ARGS+=("--jenkins")
155                         YETUS_ARGS+=("--multijdkdirs=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64")
156                         YETUS_ARGS+=("--findbugs-home=/usr")
157                         YETUS_ARGS+=("--whitespace-eol-ignore-list=.*/generated/.*")
158                         YETUS_ARGS+=("--whitespace-tabs-ignore-list=.*/generated/.*")
159                         YETUS_ARGS+=("--personality=${SOURCEDIR}/dev-support/hbase-personality.sh")
160                         YETUS_ARGS+=("--quick-hadoopcheck")
161                         YETUS_ARGS+=("--skip-errorprone")
162                         # effectively treat dev-support as a custom maven module
163                         YETUS_ARGS+=("--skip-dir=dev-support")
164                         # help keep the ASF boxes clean
165                         YETUS_ARGS+=("--sentinel")
166                         "${TESTPATCHBIN}" "${YETUS_ARGS[@]}"
167                         '''
168                 }
169             }
170         }
172     }
174     post {
175         always {
176           script {
177             // Yetus output
178             archiveArtifacts "${env.PATCHDIR}/**"
179             // Publish the HTML report so that it can be looked at
180             // Has to be relative to WORKSPACE.
181             publishHTML (target: [
182                           allowMissing: true,
183                           keepAll: true,
184                           alwaysLinkToLastBuild: true,
185                           // Has to be relative to WORKSPACE
186                           reportDir: "${env.PATCHDIR}",
187                           reportFiles: 'report.html',
188                           reportName: 'Yetus Report'
189             ])
190             // Publish JUnit results
191             try {
192                 junit "${env.SOURCEDIR}/**/target/surefire-reports/*.xml"
193             } catch(e) {
194                 echo 'junit processing: ' + e.toString()
195             }
196           }
197         }
199         // Jenkins pipeline jobs fill slaves on PRs without this :(
200         cleanup() {
201             script {
202                 sh '''
203                     # See YETUS-764
204                     if [ -f "${WORKSPACE}/${PATCHDIR}/pidfile.txt" ]; then
205                       echo "test-patch process appears to still be running: killing"
206                       kill `cat "${WORKSPACE}/${PATCHDIR}/pidfile.txt"` || true
207                       sleep 10
208                     fi
209                     if [ -f "${WORKSPACE}/${PATCHDIR}/cidfile.txt" ]; then
210                       echo "test-patch container appears to still be running: killing"
211                       docker kill `cat "${WORKSPACE}/${PATCHDIR}/cidfile.txt"` || true
212                     fi
213                     # See HADOOP-13951
214                     chmod -R u+rxw "${WORKSPACE}"
215                     '''
216                 deleteDir()
217             }
218         }
219     }