HBASE-24297 release scripts should be able to use a custom git repo
[hbase.git] / dev-support / create-release / release-util.sh
1 #!/usr/bin/env bash
4 # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
5 # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
6 # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
7 # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
8 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
9 # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
11 # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
13 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
14 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
15 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
16 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
17 # limitations under the License.
19 DRY_RUN=${DRY_RUN:-1} #default to dry run
20 GPG="gpg --pinentry-mode loopback --no-tty --batch"
21 # Maven Profiles for publishing snapshots and release to Maven Central and Dist
22 PUBLISH_PROFILES=("-P" "apache-release,release")
24 set -e
26 function error {
27 echo "Error: $*" >&2
28 exit 1
31 function read_config {
32 local PROMPT="$1"
33 local DEFAULT="$2"
34 local REPLY=
36 read -r -p "$PROMPT [$DEFAULT]: " REPLY
37 local RETVAL="${REPLY:-$DEFAULT}"
38 if [ -z "$RETVAL" ]; then
39 error "$PROMPT must be provided."
41 echo "$RETVAL"
44 function parse_version {
45 grep -e '<version>.*</version>' | \
46 head -n 2 | tail -n 1 | cut -d'>' -f2 | cut -d '<' -f1
49 function run_silent {
50 local BANNER="$1"
51 local LOG_FILE="$2"
52 shift 2
54 echo "========================"
55 echo "=== $BANNER"
56 echo "Command: $*"
57 echo "Log file: $LOG_FILE"
59 "$@" 1>"$LOG_FILE" 2>&1
61 local EC=$?
62 if [ $EC != 0 ]; then
63 echo "Command FAILED. Check full logs for details."
64 tail "$LOG_FILE"
65 exit $EC
67 echo "=== SUCCESS"
70 function fcreate_secure {
71 local FPATH="$1"
72 rm -f "$FPATH"
73 touch "$FPATH"
74 chmod 600 "$FPATH"
77 function check_for_tag {
78 curl -s --head --fail "$ASF_GITHUB_REPO/releases/tag/$1" > /dev/null
81 function wait_for_tag {
82 # Confirm the tag synchronizes to github. This can take a couple minutes,
83 # but usually it just takes a few seconds.
84 local max_propagation_time=300
85 local prop_delay=30
86 while ! check_for_tag "$1"; do
87 if (( max_propagation_time <= 0 )); then
88 echo "ERROR: Taking more than 5 minutes to propagate Release Tag $1 to github mirror." >&2
89 echo "Please wait and resume other create-release steps when $1 is available in github." >&2
90 exit 1
92 echo "Waiting up to $max_propagation_time seconds for tag to propagate to github mirror..."
93 sleep $prop_delay
94 max_propagation_time=$((max_propagation_time - prop_delay))
95 done
98 # API compare version.
99 function get_api_diff_version {
100 local version="$1"
101 local rev
102 local api_diff_tag
103 rev=$(echo "$version" | cut -d . -f 3)
104 if [ "$rev" != 0 ]; then
105 local short_version
106 short_version="$(echo "$version" | cut -d . -f 1-2)"
107 api_diff_tag="rel/${short_version}.$((rev - 1))"
108 else
109 local major minor
110 major="$(echo "$version" | cut -d . -f 1)"
111 minor="$(echo "$version" | cut -d . -f 2)"
112 if [ "$minor" != 0 ]; then
113 api_diff_tag="rel/${major}.$((minor - 1)).0"
114 else
115 api_diff_tag="rel/$((major - 1)).0.0"
118 api_diff_tag="$(read_config "api_diff_tag" "$api_diff_tag")"
119 echo "$api_diff_tag"
122 # Get all branches that begin with 'branch-', the hbase convention for
123 # release branches, sort them and then pop off the most recent.
124 function get_release_info {
125 PROJECT="$(read_config "PROJECT" "$PROJECT")"
126 export PROJECT
128 if [[ -z "${ASF_REPO}" ]]; then
129 ASF_REPO="https://gitbox.apache.org/repos/asf/${PROJECT}.git"
131 if [[ -z "${ASF_REPO_WEBUI}" ]]; then
132 ASF_REPO_WEBUI="https://gitbox.apache.org/repos/asf?p=${PROJECT}.git"
134 if [[ -z "${ASF_GITHUB_REPO}" ]]; then
135 ASF_GITHUB_REPO="https://github.com/apache/${PROJECT}"
137 if [ -z "$GIT_BRANCH" ]; then
138 # If no branch is specified, find out the latest branch from the repo.
139 GIT_BRANCH="$(git ls-remote --heads "$ASF_REPO" |
140 grep refs/heads/branch- |
141 awk '{print $2}' |
142 sort -r |
143 head -n 1 |
144 cut -d/ -f3)"
147 GIT_BRANCH="$(read_config "GIT_BRANCH" "$GIT_BRANCH")"
148 export GIT_BRANCH
150 # Find the current version for the branch.
151 local version
152 version="$(curl -s "$ASF_REPO_WEBUI;a=blob_plain;f=pom.xml;hb=refs/heads/$GIT_BRANCH" |
153 parse_version)"
154 echo "Current branch VERSION is $version."
156 NEXT_VERSION="$version"
158 SHORT_VERSION="$(echo "$version" | cut -d . -f 1-2)"
159 if [[ ! "$version" =~ .*-SNAPSHOT ]]; then
160 RELEASE_VERSION="$version"
161 else
165 local REV
166 REV="$(echo "${RELEASE_VERSION}" | cut -d . -f 3)"
168 # Find out what RC is being prepared.
169 # - If the current version is "x.y.0", then this is RC0 of the "x.y.0" release.
170 # - If not, need to check whether the previous version has been already released or not.
171 # - If it has, then we're building RC0 of the current version.
172 # - If it has not, we're building the next RC of the previous version.
173 local RC_COUNT
174 if [ "$REV" != 0 ]; then
175 local PREV_REL_REV=$((REV - 1))
177 if check_for_tag "$PREV_REL_TAG"; then
178 RC_COUNT=0
179 REV=$((REV + 1))
181 else
183 RC_COUNT="$(git ls-remote --tags "$ASF_REPO" "${RELEASE_VERSION}RC*" | wc -l)"
184 # This makes a 'number' of it.
187 else
188 REV=$((REV + 1))
190 RC_COUNT=0
197 RC_COUNT="$(read_config "RC_COUNT" "$RC_COUNT")"
199 RELEASE_TAG="$(read_config "RELEASE_TAG" "$RELEASE_TAG")"
201 # Check if the RC already exists, and if re-creating the RC, skip tag creation.
202 SKIP_TAG=0
203 if check_for_tag "$RELEASE_TAG"; then
204 read -r -p "$RELEASE_TAG already exists. Continue anyway [y/n]? " ANSWER
205 if [ "$ANSWER" != "y" ]; then
206 echo "Exiting."
207 exit 1
209 SKIP_TAG=1
215 if is_dry_run; then
216 echo "This is a dry run. If tag does not actually exist, please confirm the ref that will be built for testing."
217 GIT_REF="$(read_config "GIT_REF" "$GIT_REF")"
219 export GIT_REF
221 API_DIFF_TAG="$(get_api_diff_version "$RELEASE_VERSION")"
223 # Gather some user information.
224 ASF_USERNAME="$(read_config "ASF_USERNAME" "$LOGNAME")"
226 GIT_NAME="$(git config user.name || echo "")"
227 GIT_NAME="$(read_config "GIT_NAME" "$GIT_NAME")"
229 GIT_EMAIL="$ASF_USERNAME@apache.org"
230 GPG_KEY="$(read_config "GPG_KEY" "$GIT_EMAIL")"
233 cat <<EOF
234 ================
235 Release details:
239 RELEASE_TAG: $RELEASE_TAG $([[ "$GIT_REF" != "$RELEASE_TAG" ]] && printf "\n%s\n" "GIT_REF: $GIT_REF")
245 DRY_RUN: $(is_dry_run && echo "yes" || echo "NO, THIS BUILD WILL BE PUBLISHED!")
246 ================
249 read -r -p "Is this info correct [y/n]? " ANSWER
250 if [ "$ANSWER" != "y" ]; then
251 echo "Exiting."
252 exit 1
255 if ! is_dry_run; then
256 if [ -z "$ASF_PASSWORD" ]; then
257 stty -echo && printf "ASF_PASSWORD: " && read -r ASF_PASSWORD && printf '\n' && stty echo
259 else
263 if [ -z "$GPG_PASSPHRASE" ]; then
264 stty -echo && printf "GPG_PASSPHRASE: " && read -r GPG_PASSPHRASE && printf '\n' && stty echo
265 GPG_TTY="$(tty)"
266 export GPG_TTY
269 export ASF_PASSWORD
273 function is_dry_run {
274 [[ "$DRY_RUN" = 1 ]]
277 function check_get_passwords {
278 for env in "$@"; do
279 if [ -z "${!env}" ]; then
280 echo "The environment variable $env is not set. Please enter the password or passphrase."
281 echo
282 # shellcheck disable=SC2229
283 stty -echo && printf "%s : " "$env" && read -r "$env" && printf '\n' && stty echo
285 # shellcheck disable=SC2163
286 export "$env"
287 done
290 function check_needed_vars {
291 local missing=0
292 for env in "$@"; do
293 if [ -z "${!env}" ]; then
294 echo "$env must be set to run this script"
295 (( missing++ ))
296 else
297 # shellcheck disable=SC2163
298 export "$env"
300 done
301 (( missing > 0 )) && exit_with_usage
302 return 0
305 function init_locale {
306 local locale_value
307 OS="$(uname -s)"
308 case "${OS}" in
309 Darwin*) locale_value="en_US.UTF-8";;
310 Linux*) locale_value="C.UTF-8";;
311 *) error "unknown OS";;
312 esac
313 export LC_ALL="$locale_value"
314 export LANG="$locale_value"
317 # Initializes JAVA_VERSION to the version of the JVM in use.
318 function init_java {
319 if [ -z "$JAVA_HOME" ]; then
320 error "JAVA_HOME is not set."
322 JAVA_VERSION=$("${JAVA_HOME}"/bin/javac -version 2>&1 | cut -d " " -f 2)
323 echo "java version: $JAVA_VERSION"
324 export JAVA_VERSION
327 function init_python {
328 if ! [ -x "$(command -v python2)" ]; then
329 error 'python2 needed by yetus. Install or add link? E.g: sudo ln -sf /usr/bin/python2.7 /usr/local/bin/python2'
331 echo "python version: $(python2 --version)"
334 # Set MVN
335 function init_mvn {
336 if [ -n "$MAVEN_HOME" ]; then
337 MVN=("${MAVEN_HOME}/bin/mvn")
338 elif [ "$(type -P mvn)" ]; then
339 MVN=(mvn)
340 else
341 error "MAVEN_HOME is not set nor is mvn on the current path."
343 # Add batch mode.
344 MVN=("${MVN[@]}" -B)
345 export MVN
346 echo -n "mvn version: "
347 "${MVN[@]}" --version
348 configure_maven
351 function init_yetus {
352 declare YETUS_VERSION
353 if [ -z "${YETUS_HOME}" ]; then
354 error "Missing Apache Yetus."
356 # Work around yetus bug by asking test-patch for the version instead of rdm.
357 YETUS_VERSION=$("${YETUS_HOME}/bin/test-patch" --version)
358 echo "Apache Yetus version ${YETUS_VERSION}"
361 function configure_maven {
362 # Add timestamps to mvn logs.
363 MAVEN_OPTS="-Dorg.slf4j.simpleLogger.showDateTime=true -Dorg.slf4j.simpleLogger.dateTimeFormat=HH:mm:ss ${MAVEN_OPTS}"
364 # Suppress gobs of "Download from central:" messages
365 MAVEN_OPTS="-Dorg.slf4j.simpleLogger.log.org.apache.maven.cli.transfer.Slf4jMavenTransferListener=warn ${MAVEN_OPTS}"
366 MAVEN_LOCAL_REPO="${REPO:-$(pwd)/$(mktemp -d hbase-repo-XXXXX)}"
367 [[ -d "$MAVEN_LOCAL_REPO" ]] || mkdir -p "$MAVEN_LOCAL_REPO"
368 MAVEN_SETTINGS_FILE="${MAVEN_LOCAL_REPO}/tmp-settings.xml"
369 MVN=("${MVN[@]}" --settings "${MAVEN_SETTINGS_FILE}")
372 # reference passwords from env rather than storing in the settings.xml file.
373 cat <<'EOF' > "$MAVEN_SETTINGS_FILE"
374 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
375 <settings xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.0.0"
376 xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
377 xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/settings-1.0.0.xsd">
378 <localRepository>/${env.MAVEN_LOCAL_REPO}</localRepository>
379 <servers>
380 <server><id>apache.snapshots.https</id><username>${env.ASF_USERNAME}</username>
381 <password>${env.ASF_PASSWORD}</password></server>
382 <server><id>apache.releases.https</id><username>${env.ASF_USERNAME}</username>
383 <password>${env.ASF_PASSWORD}</password></server>
384 <server><id>gpg.passphrase</id>
385 <passphrase>${env.GPG_PASSPHRASE}</passphrase></server>
386 </servers>
387 <profiles>
388 <profile>
389 <activation>
390 <activeByDefault>true</activeByDefault>
391 </activation>
392 <properties>
393 <gpg.keyname>${env.GPG_KEY}</gpg.keyname>
394 </properties>
395 </profile>
396 </profiles>
397 </settings>
401 # clone of the repo, deleting anything that exists in the working directory named after the project.
402 # optionally with auth details for pushing.
403 function git_clone_overwrite {
404 local asf_repo
405 if [ -z "${PROJECT}" ] || [ "${PROJECT}" != "${PROJECT#/}" ]; then
406 error "Project name must be defined and not start with a '/'. PROJECT='${PROJECT}'"
408 rm -rf "${PROJECT}"
410 if [[ -z "${GIT_REPO}" ]]; then
411 asf_repo="gitbox.apache.org/repos/asf/${PROJECT}.git"
412 echo "[INFO] clone will be of the gitbox repo for ${PROJECT}."
413 if [ -n "${ASF_USERNAME}" ] && [ -n "${ASF_PASSWORD}" ]; then
414 # Ugly!
415 encoded_username=$(python -c "import urllib; print urllib.quote('''$ASF_USERNAME''')")
416 encoded_password=$(python -c "import urllib; print urllib.quote('''$ASF_PASSWORD''')")
417 GIT_REPO="https://$encoded_username:$encoded_password@${asf_repo}"
418 else
419 GIT_REPO="https://${asf_repo}"
421 else
422 echo "[INFO] clone will be of provided git repo."
424 # N.B. we use the shared flag because the clone is short lived and if a local repo repo was
425 # given this will let us refer to objects there directly instead of hardlinks or copying.
426 # The option is silently ignored for non-local repositories. see the note on git help clone
427 # for the --shared option for details.
428 git clone --shared -b "${GIT_BRANCH}" -- "${GIT_REPO}" "${PROJECT}"
429 # If this was a host local git repo then add in an alternates and remote that will
430 # work back on the host if the RM needs to do any post-processing steps, i.e. pushing the git tag
431 # for more info see 'git help remote' and 'git help repository-layout'.
432 if [ -n "$HOST_GIT_REPO" ]; then
433 echo "${HOST_GIT_REPO}/objects" >> "${PROJECT}/.git/objects/info/alternates"
434 (cd "${PROJECT}"; git remote add host "${HOST_GIT_REPO}")
438 # Writes report into cwd!
439 function generate_api_report {
440 local project="$1"
441 local previous_tag="$2"
442 local release_tag="$3"
443 local previous_version
444 # Generate api report.
445 "${project}"/dev-support/checkcompatibility.py --annotation \
446 org.apache.yetus.audience.InterfaceAudience.Public \
447 "$previous_tag" "$release_tag"
448 previous_version="$(echo "${previous_tag}" | sed -e 's/rel\///')"
449 cp "${project}/target/compat-check/report.html" "./api_compare_${previous_version}_to_${release_tag}.html"
452 # Look up the Jira name associated with project.
453 # Currently all the 'hbase-*' projects share the same HBASE jira name. This works because,
454 # by convention, the HBASE jira "Fix Version" field values have the sub-project name pre-pended,
455 # as in "hbase-operator-tools-1.0.0".
456 # TODO: For non-hbase-related projects, enhance this to use Jira API query instead of text lookup.
457 function get_jira_name {
458 local project="$1"
459 local jira_name
460 case "${project}" in
461 hbase*) jira_name="HBASE";;
462 *) jira_name="";;
463 esac
464 if [[ -z "$jira_name" ]]; then
465 error "Sorry, can't determine the Jira name for project $project"
467 echo "$jira_name"
470 # Update the CHANGES.md
471 # DOES NOT DO COMMITS! Caller should do that.
472 # requires yetus to have a defined home already.
473 # yetus requires python2 to be on the path.
474 function update_releasenotes {
475 local project_dir="$1"
476 local jira_fix_version="$2"
477 local jira_project
478 jira_project="$(get_jira_name "$(basename "$project_dir")")"
479 "${YETUS_HOME}/bin/releasedocmaker" -p "${jira_project}" --fileversions -v "${jira_fix_version}" \
480 -l --sortorder=newer --skip-credits
482 # First clear out the changes written by previous RCs.
483 if [ -f "${project_dir}/CHANGES.md" ]; then
484 sed -i -e \
485 "/^## Release ${jira_fix_version}/,/^## Release/ {//!d; /^## Release ${jira_fix_version}/d;}" \
486 "${project_dir}/CHANGES.md" || true
488 if [ -f "${project_dir}/RELEASENODES.md" ]; then
489 sed -i -e \
490 "/^# ${jira_project} ${jira_fix_version} Release Notes/,/^# ${jira_project}/{//!d; /^# ${jira_project} ${jira_fix_version} Release Notes/d;}" \
491 "${project_dir}/RELEASENOTES.md" || true
494 # The releasedocmaker call above generates RELEASENOTES.X.X.X.md and CHANGELOG.X.X.X.md.
495 if [ -f "${project_dir}/CHANGES.md" ]; then
496 # To insert into project's CHANGES.md...need to cut the top off the
497 # CHANGELOG.X.X.X.md file removing license and first line and then
498 # insert it after the license comment closing where we have a
499 # DO NOT REMOVE marker text!
500 sed -i -e '/## Release/,$!d' "CHANGELOG.${jira_fix_version}.md"
501 sed -i -e "/DO NOT REMOVE/r CHANGELOG.${jira_fix_version}.md" "${project_dir}/CHANGES.md"
502 else
503 mv "CHANGELOG.${jira_fix_version}.md" "${project_dir}/CHANGES.md"
505 if [ -f "${project_dir}/RELEASENOTES.md" ]; then
506 # Similar for RELEASENOTES but slightly different.
507 sed -i -e '/Release Notes/,$!d' "RELEASENOTES.${jira_fix_version}.md"
508 sed -i -e "/DO NOT REMOVE/r RELEASENOTES.${jira_fix_version}.md" \
509 "${project_dir}/RELEASENOTES.md"
510 else
511 mv "RELEASENOTES.${jira_fix_version}.md" "${project_dir}/RELEASENOTES.md"
515 # Make src release.
516 # Takes as arguments first the project name -- e.g. hbase or hbase-operator-tools
517 # -- and then the version string. Expects to find checkout adjacent to this script
518 # named for 'project', the first arg passed.
519 # Expects the following three defines in the environment:
520 # - GPG needs to be defined, with the path to GPG: defaults 'gpg'.
521 # - The passphrase in the GPG_PASSPHRASE variable: no default (we don't make .asc file).
522 # - GIT_REF which is the tag to create the tgz from: defaults to 'master'.
523 # For example:
524 # $ GPG_PASSPHRASE="XYZ" GIT_REF="master" make_src_release hbase-operator-tools 1.0.0
525 make_src_release() {
526 # Tar up the src and sign and hash it.
527 local project="${1}"
528 local version="${2}"
529 local base_name="${project}-${version}"
530 rm -rf "${base_name}"-src*
531 tgz="${base_name}-src.tar.gz"
532 cd "${project}" || exit
533 git clean -d -f -x
534 git archive --format=tar.gz --output="../${tgz}" --prefix="${base_name}/" "${GIT_REF:-master}"
535 cd .. || exit
536 echo "$GPG_PASSPHRASE" | $GPG --passphrase-fd 0 --armour --output "${tgz}.asc" \
537 --detach-sig "${tgz}"
538 echo "$GPG_PASSPHRASE" | $GPG --passphrase-fd 0 --print-md SHA512 "${tgz}" > "${tgz}.sha512"
541 # Make binary release.
542 # Takes as arguments first the project name -- e.g. hbase or hbase-operator-tools
543 # -- and then the version string. Expects to find checkout adjacent to this script
544 # named for 'project', the first arg passed.
545 # Expects the following three defines in the environment:
546 # - GPG needs to be defined, with the path to GPG: defaults 'gpg'.
547 # - The passphrase in the GPG_PASSPHRASE variable: no default (we don't make .asc file).
548 # - GIT_REF which is the tag to create the tgz from: defaults to 'master'.
549 # - MVN Default is "mvn -B --settings $MAVEN_SETTINGS_FILE".
550 # For example:
551 # $ GPG_PASSPHRASE="XYZ" GIT_REF="master" make_src_release hbase-operator-tools 1.0.0
552 make_binary_release() {
553 local project="${1}"
554 local version="${2}"
555 local base_name="${project}-${version}"
556 rm -rf "${base_name}"-bin*
557 cd "$project" || exit
559 git clean -d -f -x
560 # Three invocations of maven. This seems to work. One to
561 # populate the repo, another to build the site, and then
562 # a third to assemble the binary artifact. Trying to do
563 # all in the one invocation fails; a problem in our
564 # assembly spec to in maven. TODO. Meantime, three invocations.
565 "${MVN[@]}" clean install -DskipTests
566 "${MVN[@]}" site -DskipTests
567 kick_gpg_agent
568 "${MVN[@]}" install assembly:single -DskipTests -Dcheckstyle.skip=true "${PUBLISH_PROFILES[@]}"
570 # Check there is a bin gz output. The build may not produce one: e.g. hbase-thirdparty.
571 local f_bin_prefix="./${PROJECT}-assembly/target/${base_name}"
572 if ls "${f_bin_prefix}"*-bin.tar.gz &>/dev/null; then
573 cp "${f_bin_prefix}"*-bin.tar.gz ..
574 cd .. || exit
575 for i in "${base_name}"*-bin.tar.gz; do
576 echo "$GPG_PASSPHRASE" | $GPG --passphrase-fd 0 --armour --output "$i.asc" --detach-sig "$i"
577 echo "$GPG_PASSPHRASE" | $GPG --passphrase-fd 0 --print-md SHA512 "${i}" > "$i.sha512"
578 done
579 else
580 cd .. || exit
581 echo "No ${f_bin_prefix}*-bin.tar.gz product; expected?"
585 # "Wake up" the gpg agent so it responds properly to maven-gpg-plugin, and doesn't cause timeout.
586 # Specifically this is done between invocation of 'mvn site' and 'mvn assembly:single', because
587 # the 'site' build takes long enough that the gpg-agent does become unresponsive and the following
588 # 'assembly' build (where gpg signing occurs) experiences timeout, without this "kick".
589 function kick_gpg_agent {
590 # All that's needed is to run gpg on a random file
591 local i
592 i="$(mktemp)"
593 echo "This is a test file" > "$i"
594 echo "$GPG_PASSPHRASE" | $GPG --passphrase-fd 0 --armour --output "$i.asc" --detach-sig "$i"
595 rm "$i" "$i.asc"
598 # Do maven command to set version into local pom
599 function maven_set_version { #input: <version_to_set>
600 local this_version="$1"
601 echo "${MVN[@]}" versions:set -DnewVersion="$this_version"
602 "${MVN[@]}" versions:set -DnewVersion="$this_version" | grep -v "no value" # silence logs
605 # Do maven command to read version from local pom
606 function maven_get_version {
607 # shellcheck disable=SC2016
608 "${MVN[@]}" -q -N -Dexec.executable="echo" -Dexec.args='${project.version}' exec:exec
611 # Do maven deploy to snapshot or release artifact repository, with checks.
612 function maven_deploy { #inputs: <snapshot|release> <log_file_path>
613 # Invoke with cwd=$PROJECT
614 local deploy_type="$1"
615 local mvn_log_file="$2" #secondary log file used later to extract staged_repo_id
616 if [[ "$deploy_type" != "snapshot" && "$deploy_type" != "release" ]]; then
617 error "unrecognized deploy type, must be 'snapshot'|'release'"
619 if [[ -z "$mvn_log_file" ]] || ! touch "$mvn_log_file"; then
620 error "must provide writable maven log output filepath"
622 # shellcheck disable=SC2153
623 if [[ "$deploy_type" == "snapshot" ]] && ! [[ "$RELEASE_VERSION" =~ -SNAPSHOT$ ]]; then
624 error "Snapshots must have a version with suffix '-SNAPSHOT'; you gave version '$RELEASE_VERSION'"
625 elif [[ "$deploy_type" == "release" ]] && [[ "$RELEASE_VERSION" =~ SNAPSHOT ]]; then
626 error "Non-snapshot release version must not include the word 'SNAPSHOT'; you gave version '$RELEASE_VERSION'"
628 # Publish ${PROJECT} to Maven repo
629 # shellcheck disable=SC2154
630 echo "Publishing ${PROJECT} checkout at '$GIT_REF' ($git_hash)"
631 echo "Publish version is $RELEASE_VERSION"
632 # Coerce the requested version
633 maven_set_version "$RELEASE_VERSION"
634 # Prepare for signing
635 kick_gpg_agent
636 declare -a mvn_goals=(clean install)
637 if ! is_dry_run; then
638 mvn_goals=("${mvn_goals[@]}" deploy)
640 echo "${MVN[@]}" -DskipTests -Dcheckstyle.skip=true "${PUBLISH_PROFILES[@]}" \
641 "${mvn_goals[@]}"
642 echo "Logging to ${mvn_log_file}. This will take a while..."
643 rm -f "$mvn_log_file"
644 # The tortuous redirect in the next command allows mvn's stdout and stderr to go to mvn_log_file,
645 # while also sending stderr back to the caller.
646 # shellcheck disable=SC2094
647 if ! "${MVN[@]}" -DskipTests -Dcheckstyle.skip=true "${PUBLISH_PROFILES[@]}" \
648 "${mvn_goals[@]}" 1>> "$mvn_log_file" 2> >( tee -a "$mvn_log_file" >&2 ); then
649 error "Deploy build failed, for details see log at '$mvn_log_file'."
651 echo "BUILD SUCCESS."
652 return 0
655 # guess the host os
656 # * DARWIN
657 # * LINUX
658 function get_host_os() {
659 uname -s | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'