HBASE-20332 shaded mapreduce module shouldn't include hadoop
[hbase.git] / hbase-shaded / hbase-shaded-with-hadoop-check-invariants / src / test / resources / ensure-jars-have-correct-contents.sh
1 #!/usr/bin/env bash
2 # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
3 # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
4 # distributed with this work for additional information
5 # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
6 # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
7 # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
8 # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
10 # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16 # limitations under the License.
18 set -e
19 function usage {
20 echo "Usage: ${0} [options] [/path/to/some/example.jar:/path/to/another/example/created.jar]"
21 echo ""
22 echo " accepts a single command line argument with a colon separated list of"
23 echo " paths to jars to check. Iterates through each such passed jar and checks"
24 echo " all the contained paths to make sure they follow the below constructed"
25 echo " safe list."
26 echo ""
27 echo " --allow-hadoop Include stuff from the Apache Hadoop project in the list"
28 echo " of allowed jar contents. default: false"
29 echo " --debug print more info to stderr"
30 exit 1
32 # if no args specified, show usage
33 if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
34 usage
37 # Get arguments
38 declare allow_hadoop
39 declare debug
40 while [ $# -gt 0 ]
42 case "$1" in
43 --allow-hadoop) shift; allow_hadoop="true";;
44 --debug) shift; debug="true";;
45 --) shift; break;;
46 -*) usage ;;
47 *) break;; # terminate while loop
48 esac
49 done
51 # should still have jars to check.
52 if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
53 usage
55 if [ -n "${debug}" ]; then
56 echo "[DEBUG] Checking on jars: $*" >&2
57 echo "jar command is: $(which jar)" >&2
58 echo "grep command is: $(which grep)" >&2
59 grep -V >&2 || true
62 IFS=: read -r -d '' -a artifact_list < <(printf '%s\0' "$1")
64 # we have to allow the directories that lead to the hbase dirs
65 allowed_expr="(^org/$|^org/apache/$|^org/apache/hadoop/$"
66 # We allow the following things to exist in our client artifacts:
67 # * classes in packages that start with org.apache.hadoop.hbase, which by
68 # convention should be in a path that looks like org/apache/hadoop/hbase
69 allowed_expr+="|^org/apache/hadoop/hbase"
70 # * classes in packages that start with org.apache.hbase
71 allowed_expr+="|^org/apache/hbase/"
72 # * whatever in the "META-INF" directory
73 allowed_expr+="|^META-INF/"
74 # * the folding tables from jcodings
75 allowed_expr+="|^tables/"
76 # * HBase's default configuration files, which have the form
77 # "_module_-default.xml"
78 allowed_expr+="|^hbase-default.xml$"
79 # public suffix list used by httpcomponents
80 allowed_expr+="|^mozilla/$"
81 allowed_expr+="|^mozilla/public-suffix-list.txt$"
82 # Comes from commons-configuration, not sure if relocatable.
83 allowed_expr+="|^digesterRules.xml$"
84 allowed_expr+="|^properties.dtd$"
85 allowed_expr+="|^PropertyList-1.0.dtd$"
88 if [ -n "${allow_hadoop}" ]; then
89 # * classes in packages that start with org.apache.hadoop, which by
90 # convention should be in a path that looks like org/apache/hadoop
91 allowed_expr+="|^org/apache/hadoop/"
92 # * Hadoop's default configuration files, which have the form
93 # "_module_-default.xml"
94 allowed_expr+="|^[^-]*-default.xml$"
95 # * Hadoop's versioning properties files, which have the form
96 # "_module_-version-info.properties"
97 allowed_expr+="|^[^-]*-version-info.properties$"
98 # * Hadoop's application classloader properties file.
99 allowed_expr+="|^org.apache.hadoop.application-classloader.properties$"
100 else
101 # We have some classes for integrating with the Hadoop Metrics2 system
102 # that have to be in a particular package space due to access rules.
103 allowed_expr+="|^org/apache/hadoop/metrics2"
107 allowed_expr+=")"
108 declare -i bad_artifacts=0
109 declare -a bad_contents
110 for artifact in "${artifact_list[@]}"; do
111 bad_contents=($(jar tf "${artifact}" | grep -v -E "${allowed_expr}" || true))
112 if [ ${#bad_contents[@]} -gt 0 ]; then
113 echo "[ERROR] Found artifact with unexpected contents: '${artifact}'"
114 echo " Please check the following and either correct the build or update"
115 echo " the allowed list with reasoning."
116 echo ""
117 for bad_line in "${bad_contents[@]}"; do
118 echo " ${bad_line}"
119 done
120 bad_artifacts=${bad_artifacts}+1
121 else
122 echo "[INFO] Artifact looks correct: '$(basename "${artifact}")'"
124 done
126 # if there was atleast one bad artifact, exit with failure
127 if [ "${bad_artifacts}" -gt 0 ]; then
128 exit 1