HBASE-26811 (addendum)Secondary replica may be disabled for read incorrectly forever...
[hbase.git] / dev-support / hbase-vote.sh
1 #!/usr/bin/env bash
2 # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
3 # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
4 # distributed with this work for additional information
5 # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
6 # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
7 # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
8 # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
10 # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
13 # software distributed under the License is distributed on an
15 # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
16 # specific language governing permissions and limitations
17 # under the License.
19 set -e -o pipefail
21 usage() {
22 SCRIPT=$(basename "${BASH_SOURCE[@]}")
24 cat << __EOF
25 hbase-vote. A script for standard vote which verifies the following items
26 1. Checksum of sources and binaries
27 2. Signature of sources and binaries
28 3. Rat check
29 4. Built from source
30 5. Unit tests
32 Usage: ${SCRIPT} -s | --source <url> [-k | --key <signature>] [-f | --keys-file-url <url>] [-o | --output-dir </path/to/use>] [-P runSmallTests] [-D property[=value]]
33 ${SCRIPT} -h | --help
35 -h | --help Show this screen.
36 -s | --source '<url>' A URL pointing to the release candidate sources and binaries
37 e.g. https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/hbase/hbase-<version>RC0/
38 -k | --key '<signature>' A signature of the public key, e.g. 9AD2AE49
39 -f | --keys-file-url '<url>' the URL of the key file, default is
40 https://downloads.apache.org/hbase/KEYS
41 -o | --output-dir '</path>' directory which has the stdout and stderr of each verification target
42 -P | list of maven profiles to activate for test UT/IT, i.e. <-P runSmallTests> Defaults to runAllTests
43 -D | list of maven properties to set for the mvn invocations, i.e. <-D hadoop.profile=3.0 -D skipTests> Defaults to unset
44 __EOF
50 while ((${#})); do
51 case "${1}" in
52 -h | --help )
53 usage; exit 0 ;;
54 -s | --source )
55 SOURCE_URL="${2}"; shift 2 ;;
56 -k | --key )
57 SIGNING_KEY="${2}"; shift 2 ;;
58 -f | --keys-file-url )
59 KEY_FILE_URL="${2}"; shift 2 ;;
60 -o | --output-dir )
61 OUTPUT_DIR="${2}"; shift 2 ;;
62 -P )
63 MVN_PROFILES+=("-P ${2}"); shift 2 ;;
64 -D )
65 MVN_PROPERTIES+=("-D ${2}"); shift 2 ;;
66 * )
67 usage >&2; exit 1 ;;
68 esac
69 done
71 # Source url must be provided
72 if [ -z "${SOURCE_URL}" ]; then
73 usage;
74 exit 1
77 cat << __EOF
78 Although This tool helps verifying HBase RC build and unit tests,
79 operator may still consider to verify the following manually
80 1. Verify the compat-check-report.html
81 2. Any on cluster Integration test or performance test, e.g. LTT load 100M or
82 ITBLL 1B rows with serverKilling monkey
83 3. Other concerns if any
84 __EOF
86 [[ "${SOURCE_URL}" != */ ]] && SOURCE_URL="${SOURCE_URL}/"
87 HBASE_RC_VERSION=$(tr "/" "\n" <<< "${SOURCE_URL}" | tail -n2)
88 HBASE_VERSION=$(echo "${HBASE_RC_VERSION}" | sed -e 's/RC[0-9]//g' | sed -e 's/hbase-//g')
89 JAVA_VERSION=$(java -version 2>&1 | cut -f3 -d' ' | head -n1 | sed -e 's/"//g')
90 OUTPUT_DIR="${OUTPUT_DIR:-$(pwd)}"
92 if [ ! -d "${OUTPUT_DIR}" ]; then
93 echo "Output directory ${OUTPUT_DIR} does not exist, please create it before running this script."
94 exit 1
97 # Maven profile must be provided
98 if [ ${#MVN_PROFILES[@]} -eq 0 ]; then
99 MVN_PROFILES=("-P runAllTests")
104 # default value for verification targets, 0 = failed
111 function download_and_import_keys() {
112 KEY_FILE_URL="${KEY_FILE_URL:-https://downloads.apache.org/hbase/KEYS}"
113 echo "Obtain and import the publisher key(s) from ${KEY_FILE_URL}"
114 # download the keys file into file KEYS
115 wget -O KEYS "${KEY_FILE_URL}"
116 gpg --import KEYS
117 if [ -n "${SIGNING_KEY}" ]; then
118 gpg --list-keys "${SIGNING_KEY}"
122 function download_release_candidate () {
123 # get all files from release candidate repo
124 wget -r -np -N -nH --cut-dirs 4 "${SOURCE_URL}"
127 function verify_signatures() {
128 rm -f "${OUTPUT_PATH_PREFIX}"_verify_signatures
129 for file in *.tar.gz; do
130 gpg --verify "${file}".asc "${file}" 2>&1 | tee -a "${OUTPUT_PATH_PREFIX}"_verify_signatures && SIGNATURE_PASSED=1 || SIGNATURE_PASSED=0
131 done
134 function verify_checksums() {
135 rm -f "${OUTPUT_PATH_PREFIX}"_verify_checksums
136 SHA_EXT=$(find . -name "*.sha*" | awk -F '.' '{ print $NF }' | head -n 1)
137 for file in *.tar.gz; do
138 gpg --print-md SHA512 "${file}" > "${file}"."${SHA_EXT}".tmp
139 diff "${file}"."${SHA_EXT}".tmp "${file}"."${SHA_EXT}" 2>&1 | tee -a "${OUTPUT_PATH_PREFIX}"_verify_checksums && CHECKSUM_PASSED=1 || CHECKSUM_PASSED=0
140 rm -f "${file}"."${SHA_EXT}".tmp
141 done
144 function unzip_from_source() {
145 tar -zxvf hbase-"${HBASE_VERSION}"-src.tar.gz
146 cd hbase-"${HBASE_VERSION}"
149 function rat_test() {
150 rm -f "${OUTPUT_PATH_PREFIX}"_rat_test
151 mvn clean apache-rat:check "${MVN_PROPERTIES[@]}" 2>&1 | tee "${OUTPUT_PATH_PREFIX}"_rat_test && RAT_CHECK_PASSED=1
154 function build_from_source() {
155 rm -f "${OUTPUT_PATH_PREFIX}"_build_from_source
156 # Hardcode skipTests for faster build. Testing is covered later.
157 mvn clean install "${MVN_PROPERTIES[@]}" -DskipTests 2>&1 | tee "${OUTPUT_PATH_PREFIX}"_build_from_source && BUILD_FROM_SOURCE_PASSED=1
160 function run_tests() {
161 rm -f "${OUTPUT_PATH_PREFIX}"_run_tests
162 mvn package "${MVN_PROFILES[@]}" "${MVN_PROPERTIES[@]}" -Dsurefire.rerunFailingTestsCount=3 2>&1 | tee "${OUTPUT_PATH_PREFIX}"_run_tests && UNIT_TEST_PASSED=1
165 function execute() {
166 ${1} || print_when_exit
169 function print_when_exit() {
170 cat << __EOF
171 * Signature: $( ((SIGNATURE_PASSED)) && echo "ok" || echo "failed" )
172 * Checksum : $( ((CHECKSUM_PASSED)) && echo "ok" || echo "failed" )
173 * Rat check (${JAVA_VERSION}): $( ((RAT_CHECK_PASSED)) && echo "ok" || echo "failed" )
174 - mvn clean apache-rat:check ${MVN_PROPERTIES[@]}
175 * Built from source (${JAVA_VERSION}): $( ((BUILD_FROM_SOURCE_PASSED)) && echo "ok" || echo "failed" )
176 - mvn clean install ${MVN_PROPERTIES[@]} -DskipTests
177 * Unit tests pass (${JAVA_VERSION}): $( ((UNIT_TEST_PASSED)) && echo "ok" || echo "failed" )
178 - mvn package ${MVN_PROFILES[@]} ${MVN_PROPERTIES[@]} -Dsurefire.rerunFailingTestsCount=3
179 __EOF
181 exit 0
183 exit 1
186 download_and_import_keys
187 download_release_candidate
188 pushd "${HBASE_RC_VERSION}"
190 execute verify_signatures
191 execute verify_checksums
192 execute unzip_from_source
193 execute rat_test
194 execute build_from_source
195 execute run_tests
197 popd
199 print_when_exit