HBASE-26636 Update the ref guide upgrading section to mention that the master issue...
[hbase.git] / dev-support / flaky-tests / report-flakies.py
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 ##
3 # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
4 # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
5 # distributed with this work for additional information
6 # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
7 # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
8 # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
9 # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
11 # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
13 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
14 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
15 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
16 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
17 # limitations under the License.
19 # pylint: disable=invalid-name
20 # To disable 'invalid constant name' warnings.
21 # pylint: disable=import-error
22 # Testing environment may not have all dependencies.
24 """
25 This script uses Jenkins REST api to collect test result(s) of given build/builds and generates
26 flakyness data about unittests.
27 Print help: report-flakies.py -h
28 """
30 import argparse
31 import logging
32 import os
33 import time
34 from collections import OrderedDict
35 from jinja2 import Template
37 import requests
39 import findHangingTests
41 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
42 parser.add_argument(
43 '--urls', metavar='URL', action='append', required=True,
44 help='Urls to analyze, which can refer to simple projects, multi-configuration projects or '
45 'individual build run.')
46 parser.add_argument('--excluded-builds', metavar='n1,n2', action='append',
47 help='List of build numbers to exclude (or "None"). Not required, '
48 'but if specified, number of uses should be same as that of --urls '
49 'since the values are matched.')
50 parser.add_argument('--max-builds', metavar='n', action='append', type=int,
51 help='The maximum number of builds to use (if available on jenkins). Specify '
52 '0 to analyze all builds. Not required, but if specified, number of uses '
53 'should be same as that of --urls since the values are matched.')
54 parser.add_argument('--is-yetus', metavar='True/False', action='append', choices=['True', 'False'],
55 help='True, if build is yetus style i.e. look for maven output in artifacts; '
56 'False, if maven output is in <url>/consoleText itself.')
57 parser.add_argument(
58 "--mvn", action="store_true",
59 help="Writes two strings for including/excluding these flaky tests using maven flags. These "
60 "strings are written to files so they can be saved as artifacts and easily imported in "
61 "other projects. Also writes timeout and failing tests in separate files for "
62 "reference.")
63 parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", metavar='dir', action='store', required=False,
64 help="the output directory")
65 parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help="Prints more logs.", action="store_true")
66 args = parser.parse_args()
68 logging.basicConfig()
69 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
70 if args.verbose:
71 logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
73 output_dir = '.'
74 if args.output is not None:
75 output_dir = args.output
76 if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
77 os.makedirs(output_dir)
79 def get_bad_tests(build_url, is_yetus):
80 """
81 Given url of an executed build, analyzes its maven output, and returns
82 [list of all tests, list of timeout tests, list of failed tests].
83 Returns None if can't get maven output from the build or if there is any other error.
84 """
85 logger.info("Analyzing %s", build_url)
86 needed_fields="_class,building"
87 if is_yetus:
88 needed_fields+=",artifacts[fileName,relativePath]"
89 response = requests.get(build_url + "/api/json?tree=" + needed_fields).json()
90 if response["building"]:
91 logger.info("Skipping this build since it is in progress.")
92 return {}
93 console_url = None
94 if is_yetus:
95 for artifact in response["artifacts"]:
96 if artifact["fileName"] == "patch-unit-root.txt":
97 console_url = build_url + "/artifact/" + artifact["relativePath"]
98 break
99 if console_url is None:
100 logger.info("Can't find 'patch-unit-root.txt' artifact for Yetus build %s\n. Ignoring "
101 "this build.", build_url)
102 return
103 else:
104 console_url = build_url + "/consoleText"
105 build_result = findHangingTests.get_bad_tests(console_url)
106 if not build_result:
107 logger.info("Ignoring build %s", build_url)
108 return
109 return build_result
112 def expand_multi_config_projects(cli_args):
114 If any url is of type multi-configuration project (i.e. has key 'activeConfigurations'),
115 get urls for individual jobs.
117 job_urls = cli_args.urls
118 excluded_builds_arg = cli_args.excluded_builds
119 max_builds_arg = cli_args.max_builds
120 is_yetus_arg = cli_args.is_yetus
121 if excluded_builds_arg is not None and len(excluded_builds_arg) != len(job_urls):
122 raise Exception("Number of --excluded-builds arguments should be same as that of --urls "
123 "since values are matched.")
124 if max_builds_arg is not None and len(max_builds_arg) != len(job_urls):
125 raise Exception("Number of --max-builds arguments should be same as that of --urls "
126 "since values are matched.")
127 final_expanded_urls = []
128 for (i, job_url) in enumerate(job_urls):
129 max_builds = 10000 # Some high number
130 is_yetus = False
131 if is_yetus_arg is not None:
132 is_yetus = is_yetus_arg[i] == "True"
133 if max_builds_arg is not None and max_builds_arg[i] != 0:
134 max_builds = int(max_builds_arg[i])
135 excluded_builds = []
136 if excluded_builds_arg is not None and excluded_builds_arg[i] != "None":
137 excluded_builds = [int(x) for x in excluded_builds_arg[i].split(",")]
138 request = requests.get(job_url + "/api/json?tree=_class,activeConfigurations%5Burl%5D")
139 if request.status_code != 200:
140 raise Exception("Failed to get job information from jenkins for url '" + job_url +
141 "'. Jenkins returned HTTP status " + str(request.status_code))
142 response = request.json()
143 if response.has_key("activeConfigurations"):
144 for config in response["activeConfigurations"]:
145 final_expanded_urls.append({'url':config["url"], 'max_builds': max_builds,
146 'excludes': excluded_builds, 'is_yetus': is_yetus})
147 else:
148 final_expanded_urls.append({'url':job_url, 'max_builds': max_builds,
149 'excludes': excluded_builds, 'is_yetus': is_yetus})
150 return final_expanded_urls
153 # Set of timeout/failed tests across all given urls.
154 all_timeout_tests = set()
155 all_failed_tests = set()
156 all_hanging_tests = set()
157 # Contains { <url> : { <bad_test> : { 'all': [<build ids>], 'failed': [<build ids>],
158 # 'timeout': [<build ids>], 'hanging': [<builds ids>] } } }
159 url_to_bad_test_results = OrderedDict()
160 # Contains { <url> : [run_ids] }
161 # Used for common min/max build ids when generating sparklines.
162 url_to_build_ids = OrderedDict()
164 # Iterates over each url, gets test results and prints flaky tests.
165 expanded_urls = expand_multi_config_projects(args)
166 for url_max_build in expanded_urls:
167 url = url_max_build["url"]
168 excludes = url_max_build["excludes"]
169 json_response = requests.get(url + "/api/json?tree=id,builds%5Bnumber,url%5D").json()
170 if json_response.has_key("builds"):
171 builds = json_response["builds"]
172 logger.info("Analyzing job: %s", url)
173 else:
174 builds = [{'number': json_response["id"], 'url': url}]
175 logger.info("Analyzing build : %s", url)
176 build_id_to_results = {}
177 num_builds = 0
178 url_to_build_ids[url] = []
179 build_ids_without_tests_run = []
180 for build in builds:
181 build_id = build["number"]
182 if build_id in excludes:
183 continue
184 result = get_bad_tests(build["url"], url_max_build['is_yetus'])
185 if not result:
186 continue
187 if len(result[0]) > 0:
188 build_id_to_results[build_id] = result
189 else:
190 build_ids_without_tests_run.append(build_id)
191 num_builds += 1
192 url_to_build_ids[url].append(build_id)
193 if num_builds == url_max_build["max_builds"]:
194 break
195 url_to_build_ids[url].sort()
197 # Collect list of bad tests.
198 bad_tests = set()
199 for build in build_id_to_results:
200 [_, failed_tests, timeout_tests, hanging_tests] = build_id_to_results[build]
201 all_timeout_tests.update(timeout_tests)
202 all_failed_tests.update(failed_tests)
203 all_hanging_tests.update(hanging_tests)
204 # Note that timedout tests are already included in failed tests.
205 bad_tests.update(failed_tests.union(hanging_tests))
207 # For each bad test, get build ids where it ran, timed out, failed or hanged.
208 test_to_build_ids = {key : {'all' : set(), 'timeout': set(), 'failed': set(),
209 'hanging' : set(), 'bad_count' : 0}
210 for key in bad_tests}
211 for build in build_id_to_results:
212 [all_tests, failed_tests, timeout_tests, hanging_tests] = build_id_to_results[build]
213 for bad_test in test_to_build_ids:
214 is_bad = False
215 if all_tests.issuperset([bad_test]):
216 test_to_build_ids[bad_test]["all"].add(build)
217 if timeout_tests.issuperset([bad_test]):
218 test_to_build_ids[bad_test]['timeout'].add(build)
219 is_bad = True
220 if failed_tests.issuperset([bad_test]):
221 test_to_build_ids[bad_test]['failed'].add(build)
222 is_bad = True
223 if hanging_tests.issuperset([bad_test]):
224 test_to_build_ids[bad_test]['hanging'].add(build)
225 is_bad = True
226 if is_bad:
227 test_to_build_ids[bad_test]['bad_count'] += 1
229 # Calculate flakyness % and successful builds for each test. Also sort build ids.
230 for bad_test in test_to_build_ids:
231 test_result = test_to_build_ids[bad_test]
232 test_result['flakyness'] = test_result['bad_count'] * 100.0 / len(test_result['all'])
233 test_result['success'] = (test_result['all'].difference(
234 test_result['failed'].union(test_result['hanging'])))
235 for key in ['all', 'timeout', 'failed', 'hanging', 'success']:
236 test_result[key] = sorted(test_result[key])
239 # Sort tests in descending order by flakyness.
240 sorted_test_to_build_ids = OrderedDict(
241 sorted(test_to_build_ids.iteritems(), key=lambda x: x[1]['flakyness'], reverse=True))
242 url_to_bad_test_results[url] = sorted_test_to_build_ids
244 if len(sorted_test_to_build_ids) > 0:
245 print "URL: {}".format(url)
246 print "{:>60} {:10} {:25} {}".format(
247 "Test Name", "Total Runs", "Bad Runs(failed/timeout/hanging)", "Flakyness")
248 for bad_test in sorted_test_to_build_ids:
249 test_status = sorted_test_to_build_ids[bad_test]
250 print "{:>60} {:10} {:7} ( {:4} / {:5} / {:5} ) {:2.0f}%".format(
251 bad_test, len(test_status['all']), test_status['bad_count'],
252 len(test_status['failed']), len(test_status['timeout']),
253 len(test_status['hanging']), test_status['flakyness'])
254 else:
255 print "No flaky tests founds."
256 if len(url_to_build_ids[url]) == len(build_ids_without_tests_run):
257 print "None of the analyzed builds have test result."
259 print "Builds analyzed: {}".format(url_to_build_ids[url])
260 print "Builds without any test runs: {}".format(build_ids_without_tests_run)
261 print ""
264 all_bad_tests = all_hanging_tests.union(all_failed_tests)
265 if args.mvn:
266 includes = ",".join(all_bad_tests)
267 with open(output_dir + "/includes", "w") as inc_file:
268 inc_file.write(includes)
270 excludes = ["**/{0}.java".format(bad_test) for bad_test in all_bad_tests]
271 with open(output_dir + "/excludes", "w") as exc_file:
272 exc_file.write(",".join(excludes))
274 with open(output_dir + "/timeout", "w") as timeout_file:
275 timeout_file.write(",".join(all_timeout_tests))
277 with open(output_dir + "/failed", "w") as failed_file:
278 failed_file.write(",".join(all_failed_tests))
280 dev_support_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
281 with open(os.path.join(dev_support_dir, "flaky-dashboard-template.html"), "r") as f:
282 template = Template(f.read())
284 with open(output_dir + "/dashboard.html", "w") as f:
285 datetime = time.strftime("%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S")
286 f.write(template.render(datetime=datetime, bad_tests_count=len(all_bad_tests),
287 results=url_to_bad_test_results, build_ids=url_to_build_ids))