9 import Database
10 import System
13 data Flag
= Path
24 isFlag
:: String -> Bool
25 isFlag f
= f `
27 isPathFlag
:: Flag
-> Bool
28 isPathFlag f
= case f
32 add
:: [String] -> IO ()
33 add
[] = error $ "add: no arguments specified ('" ++ progName
++ " add help' for help)"
34 add argv
= if isHelp
$ head argv
35 then do putStrLn usageAdd
37 case parseFlags argv
38 Left msg
-> error $ "add: " ++ msg
39 Right flags
-> do checkFile flags
40 putStrLn (flagsToString flags
41 runSQL
(buildSQL flags
43 buildSQL
:: [Flag
] -> String
44 buildSQL flags
= buildSQL
' ("INSERT INTO " ++ tableName
++ " (") "VALUES(" flags
45 where buildSQL
' t1 t2
[] = ((init t1
) ++ ") ") ++ (init(t2
) ++ ");")
46 buildSQL
' t1 t2
) = buildSQL
' (t1
++",") (t2
++"'"++value++"',") fs
47 where (key
) = break (==' ') $ show f
48 value = filter (/= '\"') (tail val
50 checkFile
:: [Flag
] -> IO ()
51 checkFile fs
= case filter isPathFlag fs
53 ((Path p
) -> do exists
<- doesFileExist p
56 else do error $ "File does not exists: " ++ p
58 isDate
:: String -> Bool
59 isDate str
= and [and (map isDigit str
), (size
== 4) ||
== 6) ||
== 8)]
60 where size
= length str
62 isPages
:: String -> Bool
63 isPages str
= and (map isDigit (pf
++ pt
64 where (pf
') = break (=='-') str
65 pt
= if null pt
' then "0" else tail pt
67 flagsToString
:: [Flag
] -> String
68 flagsToString xs
= foldl' step
[] xs
69 where step ys x
= show x
++ "\n" ++ ys
71 parseFlags
:: [String] -> Either String [Flag
72 parseFlags argv
= parseFlags
' [] argv
73 where parseFlags
' _
:[]) = Left
"too few arguments"
74 parseFlags
' fs
[] = Right fs
79 Right f
-> parseFlags
' (f
) (dropWhile (not . isFlag
) (tail xs
81 getFlag
:: [String] -> Either String Flag
84 then Left
"too few argument"
86 "-f" -> Right
$ Path x1
87 "-t" -> Right
$ Title x1
88 "-j" -> Right
$ Journal x1
89 "-v" -> Right
$ Volume x1
90 "-i" -> Right
$ Issue x1
93 else Left
$ "Invalid date: " ++ x1
++ " ('" ++ progName
++ "\
94 \ add help' for help)"
97 else Left
$ "Invalid pages: " ++ x1
++ " ('" ++ progName
++ "\
98 \ add help' for help)"
99 "-k" -> Right
$ Keywords
$ getValues
$ tail x
100 "-a" -> Right
$ Authors
$ getValues
$ tail x
102 getValues
:: [String] -> String
103 getValues argv
= intercalate
"/" $ takeWhile (not . isFlag
) argv
105 opendb
:: IO Connection
107 conn
<- connectSqlite3 dbName
108 tables
<- getTables conn
109 if not (tableName `
elem` tables
111 run conn
("CREATE TABLE " ++ tableName
112 \ Path VARCHAR(1000),\
113 \ Title VARCHAR(1000),\
114 \ Authors VARCHAR(1000),\
115 \ Keywords VARCHAR(1000),\
116 \ Journal VARCHAR(1000),\
117 \ Volume VARCHAR(1000),\
118 \ Issue VARCHAR(1000),\
119 \ Date VARCHAR(1000),\
120 \ Pages VARCHAR(1000));") []
127 runSQL
:: String -> IO ()
136 usageAdd
= "usage: " ++ progName
++ " add <filters>\n\
140 \ -a <author1 [author2] ...>\n\
141 \ -k <keyword1 [keyword2] ...>\n\
144 \ -d <date> : <yyyy> OR <mmyyyy> OR <ddmmyyyy>\n\
145 \ -p <page-from>-<page-to>"